Farris ASME VIII Full Range Scope

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Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

2600 Series

Series 2600

2 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Design Standards

Standard Reference
General Characteristics
Design Standards ASME Section VIII, Division 1 & 2
End to End Dimensions API 526
Flanged Dimensions ASME B16.5, ASME B16.34
Visual Inspection MSS SP-55
Tests and Certificates
Pressure Testing ASME Section VIII, Div. 1 (TS-02)
Seat Leakage Testing API 527 (TS-02)
Hydrostatic Testing TS-07 (std)
Nameplate Marking MT-07

3 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Bill of Materials

4 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Pressure Retaining Parts

 Pressure retaining





5 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Trim

 Trim consists of:



6 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Superior Design

 Full range of service applications (air, steam, vapor and liquid

 Superior nozzle design – high capacity,
 Balanced bellows design
 Balanced piston design
 O-ring design
 Integral sleeve guide for positive alignment, corrosion resistance
and protection from foreign particles.
 Positive connection of parts – secure assembly.
 Convertibility of design.
 Steam jacketing available.
 Maximum interchangeability of parts affords easy maintenance and
lower costs.

7 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600

 Safety Relief Valve 2600 for vapor/gas service

 Relief Valve 2600L for liquid service

 Safety Valve 2600S for steam service

8 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Superior Nozzle Design
 The Farris full nozzle
pressure relief valve design
incorporates a nozzle shape
to provide:

A high stable flow coefficient.

Greater strength to resist
possible discharge piping

Wrenching provisions on raised
face nozzles where they will
not interfere with the flow
 The superior design allows
easy maintenance by
simplifying nozzle removal
and assembly.

9 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Balanced Bellows Design

 Used to prevent corrosion of the

guiding surfaces by isolating the
bonnet chamber.
 Used to make the valve suitable for
variable back pressure service by
negating the effect that variable
back pressure has on valve set
 The BalanSeal valve must be used
when the variation in back pressure
exceeds the allowable

10 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Balanced Piston Design

 Farris Engineering offers a

BalanSeal/piston design to
compensate for a broken or
ruptured bellows.

The effect of the back pressure is
nullified by the use of the piston.

The valve will continue to function
as a Farris bellows pressure relief
valve; however, the damaged
bellows should be replaced to avoid
further product loss.

11 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 O-ring Design

 O-ring seat design available for maximum seat

 Minimizes leakage and costly product loss on
troublesome applications such as:

Operation too close to set pressure

Light, hard to hold fluids

Entrained foreign particles and solids

Vibratory applications

Corrosive fluids

Nozzle icing conditions

Discharge piping strains

12 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 O-ring Design


D to K Orifice L to T Orifice
Range 0F Set Pressure Durometer Set Pressure Durometer
(psig) (Shore A) (psig) (Shore A)

-20 to 450 15 to 100 50 15 to 150 50

-20 to 450 101 to 650 75 150 to 450 75
Viton 4 -20 to 125
650 to 950
450 to 750
125 to 450 90 90
-20 to 450 950 to 1500 90 750 to 1500 90
0 to 350 15 to 100 50 15 to 150 50
0 to 350 101 to 650 70 150 to 450 70
Ethyle ne
0 to 125 70 70
P ropyle ne 650 to 950 450 to 750
125 to 350 80 80
0 to 350 950 to 1500 80 750 to 1500 80
0 to 200 15 to 100 50 15 to 100 50
0 to 200 101 to 650 70 100 to 450 70
Buna N 0 to 125 70 70
650 to 950 150 to 750
125 to 200 90 90
0 to 200 950 to 1500 90 750 to 1500 90
-150 to 450 15 to 100 50 15 to 100 50
-150 to 0 50 50
101 to 600 100 to 200
0 to 450 70 70
S ilicone -150 to 450 600 to 850 70 200 to 450 70
-150 to 125 70 70
850 to 1100 450 to 750
125 to 450 80 80
-150 to 450 1100 to 1500 80 750 to 1500 80
-20 to 550 15 to 200 65 15 to 150 65
-20 to 550 201 to 650 80 150 to 450 80
Ka lre z -20 to 200 80 80
650 to 950 450 to 750
200 to 550 90 90
-20 to 550 950 to 1500 90 750 to 1500 90
-45 to 300 50 to 750 70 50 to 750 70
Ne opre ne
-45 to 300 751 to 1500 80 751 to 1500 80

13 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Integral Sleeve Guide

 Provides:

Positive alignment

Corrosion resistance

Protection from foreign

14 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Positive Connection of Parts

 Secure assembly
 Threaded
 No accidental

15 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Design Convertibility

• Simple conversion to
include test levers

• Valve bonnet drilled and

tapped as standard

16 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Design Convertibility

Controheat (Bolt-on) Steam


17 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Design Convertibility

• Simple conversion to O-
ring design

O-ring seat seal

18 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Design Convertibility

 Simple conversion
to bellows design


Bellows Gasket
At a minimum

19 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Design Convertibility

 Simple conversion to Liquid Trim


Change Blowdown ring

Change Disc Holder

20 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Design Convertibility

 Simple conversion to
steam design

Add lever assembly

Add exposed spring bonnet

21 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Code Compliance

 Manufactured in conformance to Section

VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code for air, steam and liquid
 Capacities certified by the National
Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel

22 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Comprehensive Product Line

 Set pressures from 15 psig to 6000 psig

with orifice areas from 0.150 (D orifice)
to 28.94 (T orifice) sq. in. according to
API 526
 Super capacity valves with orifices from
31.50 (U orifice) to 176.70 (Z orifice) sq.
 Standard valves have flanged connections.
Special connections available by
23 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!
Series 2600 Comprehensive Product Line

24 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Comprehensive Product Line

25 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Maximum Selection of Materials

 Standard construction includes 316

stainless internals with carbon steel body
and bonnet and a chrome alloy spring.
 Optional materials include Monel ,®

Hastelloy C , and materials suitable for
NACE service.

26 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Maximum Selection of Materials

27 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Capacity Tables

28 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600 Numbering System

26 D A 1 2 L - 1 2 0 / S4
Series Actual Special Special
Construction Temperature & Materials Inlet Class Inlet Facing Cap Test Gag
# Orifice Construction Material

Orifice Orifice A A - Expanded API Special 0 Screw ed Cap 2 Without Gag 0


Material ANSI
Letter Area Conventional Construction Inlet Sizes: Gas/Vapor Raised Face 1 Bolted Cap 3 Gag 1
Tem p
D 0.150 B Flange B - Expanded API 2 Packed Lever 4
Range oF Body & Spring Large Female
E 0.225 Balanseal Construction Bonnet Sizes: Liquid Small Male 3 L Type Lever 5
F 0.371 C Carbon Chrome C - Expanded API Small Female 4 R Type Lever 6
1 -20 to 450 0 150
G 0.559 Conventional w ith O-ring Steel Alloy Sizes: Steam Large Tongue 5 Open Lever 7
H 0.873 D Carbon Chrome 300 Light D - Heat transfer Large Groove 6 Remotor (w ith
2 451 to 800 1 8
J 1.430 Balanseal w ith O-ring Steel Alloy Weight fluid service - Vapor Small Tongue 7 Packed Lever)
K 2.042 E 801 to Chrome High Temp E - Heat transfer Small Groove 8
3 2 300
L 3.170 Balanseal w ith Piston 1000 Moly Alloy fluid service - Liquid Ring Joint 9
M 4.000 F 1001 to F - Expanded API
4 * * 3 600
N 4.822 B a la ns e a l with P is to n & O-ring 1200 Sizes: HTF - Vapor
P 7.087 1201 to G - Expanded API
5 * * 4 900
Q 12.27 1500 Sizes: HTF - Liquid
R 17.78 Use "S3" Trim
1 -21 to -75 5 1500 L - Liquid Trim
T 28.94 Option
U 31.5 Use "S4" Trim S - Exposed spring
1 -76 to -450 6 2500
W 63.62 Option design
W2 104.0
* Consult Factory
X 113.1
Y 143.1
Z 176.7

29 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2600

“Ease of maintainability”
Lowest cost of Ownership

30 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Pilot Operated

Relief Valves (PORV)

3800 Series Pilot Operated

32 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Operating Advantages

 Bubble-tight closer to set pressure

Allow operators to run very close the the system’s

Allows maximum product throughput

Increased system profitability

Reduced fugitive emissions.
 Unaffected by back pressure

Set pressure is not affected by back pressure

The pilot control valve, isolated from downstream
pressure, controls the main valve’s opening and

33 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Superior Design

 Convertible Design  Main Valve Soft

 Convertible Nozzle Seat
 Fewer Internal  Less Weight, Lower
Components Profile
 One Piece Body  Convertible to NACE
 Full 316 Stainless Service
Steel Trim  Convertible to
Cryogenic Service
 Full Bore Option

34 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Main Valve Convertible Design

 Unique convertible design minimizes the number

of parts and maximizes their interchangeability,
reducing parts inventories and overall costs.
 Convertible nozzles are threaded for easy removal
and replacement without need for factory service.
Expensive down time usually required for main
valve nozzle replacement is a thing of the past.
Replacement nozzles are easily installed with
common tools while the valve is in line.

35 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Convertible Nozzle

API Nozzle Full-Port Nozzle

36 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Fewer Internal Components

 No lift stops are needed in the unique

Farris Engineering design.
 The main valve opens fully at set pressure
in accordance with its design.
 The orifice area is controlled by the
nozzle only with no unnecessary parts
needed to solely restrict lift.
 Operator setting and re-assembly errors
are eliminated.

37 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Fewer Internal Components

38 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series One Piece Body

 Integrally cast flanges assure the highest material

integrity and eliminate potential problems caused
by welding.

39 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Full 316 SS Trim

 316 stainless steel trim is standard, including

nozzle, piston, retainer, and guide for long and
versatile service life.

40 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Soft Seat

 Valves can be easily maintained and repaired by

replacing a main valve soft seat. This
eliminates costly machining and lapping
procedures required in metal seated valves.

41 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Less Weight – Lower Profile

Typically lower profile and

lighter in weight for the same
size spring loaded valve

42 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Full Bore Option

 The full bore option provides maximum capacity

per inlet size.
Capacity @
Orifice Flow Area 100 psig
#3 Full Port 6.605 in 2 12,903 scfm
"N" API 4.822 in 2 9,468 scfm

• Full Port 3 x 4 valve body

is smaller and lighter
than an API 4x6
• greater flow capacity
• reduces inlet piping

43 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Superior Design

 Non Flowing  Field Test Capable

 Full 316 Stainless  Remote Sensing
Steel Construction Capable
 Adjustable  Convertible to
Blowdown NACE Service
 Viton Seats and  Snap-Acting Control
Seals  Modulating Control
 Set Pressures and  Steam Service
Blowdown Set at Control
Pilot Control Valve
44 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!
3800 Series Non-Flowing

 Minimizes the flow of line media through

the pilot control for reduced fugitive
emissions and extended valve life.

Reduces the possibility of hydrate formation

Reduces the possibility of solids in the fluid
affecting the pilot’s performance

45 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Full 316 SS Construction

 Resists corrosion and extends the life and

versatility of the pilot control.

46 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Superior Blowdown

 Snap Acting Control

Adjustable blowdown (vapor only)

Allows setting blowdown between 3% and 7%
of set pressure so that product line loss is
minimized and fugitive emissions reduced.
 Modulating Control

Fixed blowdown

Blowdown 3-7% for vapor/gas service

47 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Viton™ Seats & Seals

 These corrosion-resistant seals and seats

enhance valve life.
 Also available in:


Ethylene Propylene


Buna N


48 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Easy Maintenance

 Allows for in-line service

 Settings and blowdown adjustments are
completed quickly and easily without
main valve intrusion
 Subsequent reduction in product loss and
fugitive emissions add to system

49 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Available Options

 Dual Pilot Controls  Pressure Spike

 Auxiliary Filter Snubber
 Manual  Remote
Depressurizing Depressurizing
 Special Materials
 Field Test  All or Any
Connection Combination
 Automatic Reverse  Larger Sizes
Flow Preventer  Dual Outlet
 Remote Sensing

50 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Dual Pilot Controls

51 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Dual Pilot Controls

52 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Auxiliary Filter

53 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Auxiliary Filter

54 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Manual Depressurizing

55 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Field Test Capable

 The use of a field test connection allows

cycling the pilot valve without interrupting
system protection or removing the valve
from the line.
 Field testing verifies system integrity in
accordance with the requirements of the
ASME Code.

56 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Field Test Capable

57 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Field Test Capable

58 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Reverse Flow Preventer

59 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Reverse Flow Preventer

60 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Remote Sensing Capable

 The pilot sensing line can be installed

directly into the pressure vessel when the
main valve is placed in the most
ergonomic location.
 The relief valve, while remote from the
vessel, operates on actual system
pressure regardless of inlet piping losses
and can solve the problem of excessive
inlet pressure losses.

61 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Remote Sensing Capable

62 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Remote Depressurizing

63 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Remote Depressurizing

64 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Dual Outlets

65 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series Special Connections

66 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

3800 Series ASME Code Certification

 Manufactured in conformance to Section VIII of

the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for
air, steam and liquid service for D through T
 Manufactured in conformance to Section VIII of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for air
and steam service for Full Port orifices (A
through 8)
 Capacities certified by the National Board of
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.

67 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Threaded Valve Series

Series 2700

69 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2700 Bill of Materials

70 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2700 Superior Design

 A single design handles air, steam, vapor

and liquid services.
 Maximum interchangeability of parts
affords easy maintenance and lower
 Fixed blowdown design simplifies testing
and repair.
 A built-in lift stop ensures stable
 Balanced design in “C” and “D” orifices
nullifies the effects of back pressure on
set point.

Back pressure cannot exceed 50% of set

71 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2700 ASME Code Certification

 Manufactured in conformance to
Section VIII of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code for air,
steam and liquid service.
 Capacities certified by the
National Board of Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Inspectors.

72 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2700 Optional O-Ring Seat Design

 O-ring seat design

available for maximum
seat tightness.
 Teflon available at

higher pressures to
provide the same zero
bubbles per minute
leakage as elastomer O-
ring seats.

73 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2700 Comprehensive Product Line

 Set pressures from 15 psig to 6500 psig

with orifice areas from 0.068 to 0.573
sq. in.
 Standard valves have MNPT inlet X FNPT
outlet. Optional female thread,
flanged, socket weld, welding nipple,
and sanitary connections available.

74 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2700 Maximum Selection of Materials

 Standard construction includes 316

stainless steel body, trim and spring
with carbon steel bonnet.
 Optional materials include Monel ,®

Hastelloy C , and materials suitable for
NACE service.

75 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

Series 2700 Numbering System

76 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

1800/2800 Series

77 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

1800/2800 ASME Code Certification

1890 Series 2850 Series

 Manufactured in  Manufactured in
conformance to conformance to
Section VIII of the Section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code Pressure Vessel Code
for air, steam and for air and steam
liquid service. service.
 Capacities certified  Capacities certified
by the National Board by the National Board
of Boiler and Pressure of Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Inspectors. Vessel Inspectors.

78 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

1800/2800 Product Line

1890 Series 2850 Series

 Set pressures from  Set pressures from
15 psig to 800 psig 15 psig to 300 psig
with an orifice area with orifice areas
of 0.11 sq. in. from 0.24 to 0.961
 Standard valves sq. in.
have MNPT inlet X  Standard valves
FNPT outlet. have MNPT inlet X
Inlet sizes: 1/2" FNPT
3/4" 1" outlet.
1 1/2"
Outlet sizes: 1" 1" 1 1/2" 2"

79 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

1896M/2856 Series Brass/Bronze

80 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

1896M/2856 ASME Code Certification

1896M Series 2856 Series

 Manufactured in  Manufactured in
conformance to conformance to
Section VIII of the Section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code Pressure Vessel Code
for air, steam and for air and steam
liquid service service.
(1896ML).  Capacities certified by
 Capacities certified by the National Board of
the National Board of Boiler and Pressure
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
Vessel Inspectors.
81 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!
1896M/2856 Product Line

1896M Series 2856 Series

 Set pressures from  Set pressures from
15 psig to 800 psig 15 psig to 300 psig
with an orifice area with orifice areas
of 0.11 sq. in. from 0.24 to 1.539
 Standard valves sq. in.
have MNPT inlet X  Standard valves
FNPT outlet. have MNPT inlet X
Inlet Sizes: 1/2” 3/4” 3/4” FNPT
1” outlet.
1.5” 2”
Outlet Sizes: 3/4” 3/4” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2.5” 3”

82 Understanding what the customer wants…making it happen!

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