Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs
• Examples:
run into, ran away, gang up,
gear up, back up, back off,
see through, see about, send off,
settle down, settle for, show through,
show up, tag along, take on,
talk into, talk out of, talk back,
tone down, touch up, top off,
turn up, etc.
Types Of Phrasal Verbs:
2a) Verb + object + particle e.g. I’ll throw the rubbish away.
Take your shoes off.
2b) Verb + particle + object e.g. I’ll throw away the rubbish.
Take off your shoes.
Phrasal 1.Get up Rise from I don’t like to
bed get up early.
1. Identify the placement of verb, particle and
object in the following sentences.
Come into, run into, come up with, look back on, go into,