The 88 Official Constellations Cover The Celestial Sphere
The 88 Official Constellations Cover The Celestial Sphere
The 88 Official Constellations Cover The Celestial Sphere
The 88 official
cover the celestial
A constellation is a
region of the sky.
88 constellations
fill the entire sky.
The Local Sky
An object’s altitude (above horizon) and direction
(along horizon) specifies its location in your local
The Local Sky
Zenith: The point
directly overhead
Meridian: Line
passing through zenith
and connecting N and
S points on horizon
Celestial Coordinates
• Sun’s declination is
negative in fall and
winter and positive in
spring and summer
How do we define the day,
month, year, and planetary
time periods?
Length of a Day
• Sidereal day:
Earth rotates
once on its axis
in 23 hrs, 56 min,
and 4.07 sec.
Length of a Day
d (in parsecs) =
p (in arcseconds)
d (in light - years) = 3.26 ´
p (in arcseconds)
The Magnitude Scale
m = apparent magnitude , M = absolute magnitude
luminosity of Star 1
=(1001/ 5 ) M 1 - M 2
luminosity of Star 2
Length of a Year
• Sidereal year: Time for
Earth to complete one
orbit of Sun
• Tropical year: Time for
Earth to complete one
cycle of seasons
• Tropical year is about 20
minutes (1/26,000)
shorter than a sidereal
year because of Earth’s
Mean Solar Time
• Length of an apparent solar
day changes during the year
because Earth’s orbit is slightly
• Mean solar time is based on
the average length of a day.
• Noon is average time at which
Sun crosses meridian
• It is a local definition of time
The Analemma