Do Video Games Cause Violence
Do Video Games Cause Violence
Do Video Games Cause Violence
Cause Violence
By Aditya Naravane
Driving question
My driving question was: Do video games cause violence. I chose this because I, and many people I
know play video games and if they do cause violence, then I wanted to know. My end goal was to give
a definitive answer, or that it can’t be answered.
Difficulties Researching
It was very difficult researching this topic for a couple of reasons. First, because this is a controversial
project, it was hard to find unbiased sources. Second, many of the studies I found, were not from .edu
or .org sites, so I didn’t trust them as much. Lastly, many of the trustworthy studies I found were not
showing heavy evidence. I think Game Theory had a good explanation of this so i’ll show that.
In the end, my conclusion was that you cannot determine whether video games do not cause violence,
with a few exceptions and caveats. First, video games are thought to desensitize kids to violence: “We
now know that by the time the typical American child reaches the age of 18, he or she has seen 200,000
dramatized acts of violence and 40,000 dramatized murders. Kids become attracted to it and more
numb to its consequences”. Second, some cases of school shooters who were thought to have been
egged on might have had underlying conditions like antisocial personality disorder.
An interesting double standard
To me, one of the most important pieces of evidence that I found was a study from Remarks, not
because of the numbers, but because of what manner they take in their conclusion. They act like video
games are the only factor in children being violent and they talk about how the rating system needs to
be enforced/changed, but not once do they mention violent movies or other media. That could be just as
desensitizing as video games, but they do not think about it. This shows a double standard that people
have towards video games, and my issue with researching because of bias.
● “Remarks Announcing a Study on Youth Violence and Media Marketing.” Britannica Original Sources,
● Booth, Herb. “Study: No Link between Violence, Violent Video Games.” Study: No Link between Violence, Violent
Video Games - News Center - The University of Texas at Arlington, UTA, 7 Nov. 2019,
Supreme Court, Oct. 2010,
● Martin, Samantha. “No Evidence to Support Link between Violent Video Games and Behaviour.” University of York,
York, 16 Jan. 2018,
● Bushman, Brad J. Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Violent Media on Aggression in Children and Adults. Jama
Network, 3 Apr. 2006,
● Keim, Brandon. “What Science Knows About Videogames and Violence.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 28
Feb. 2013,
Thanks For listening, Questions?