Unit Four: Audit Responsibilities and Objectives
Unit Four: Audit Responsibilities and Objectives
Unit Four: Audit Responsibilities and Objectives
Internal matters, such as loss of key personnel, and
customer or supplier,
uninsured casualty loss
Auditor’s Responsibilities
Other matters, such as loan default, inability to pay dividends,
attempted debt restructuring.
Significant changes in the competitive market and the
competitiveness of the client’s products
If there is substantial doubt about ability of client to remain a
going concern, auditor should
Discuss the situation with management
Assess management's plan to overcome problems
Consider the effects on the financial statements
Consider the effects on the audit report and issue appropriate
audit opinion
Auditors responsibility for reviewing contingencies
Contingencies include:
Threat of expropriation/confiscation of assets in a
foreign country
Litigation, claims, and assessments
Purchase and sale commitments
Auditors responsibility for reviewing contingencies
sheet date.
The financial statement numbers should not be adjusted for these
Uninsured casualty loss that occurs after the balance sheet date
sheet date
Major decisions made during the subsequent period such as to
Inquire of management about:
In general for all transaction cycles, there are seven phases to be passed by auditor while
auditing financial statements: These are:
1. Audit planning: Involves
This is developing an overall strategy for performing the audit, including audit program