Message Switching: Presented by

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Presented By
Gawrav Baishya

• Introduction
• Message switching
• Characteristics
• Advantages and Disadvantages
• Application
• Conclusion

Message switching was a technique developed as an alternate to circuit

switching, before packet switching was introduced. In message
switching, end users communicate by sending and receiving messages
that included the entire data to be shared. Messages are the smallest
individual unit.
Message Switching

Store and forward – The intermediate nodes have the responsibility of

transferring the entire message to the next node. Hence, each node must have storage
capacity. A message will only be delivered if the next hop and the link connecting it are
both available, otherwise it’ll be stored indefinitely. A store-and-forward switch forwards
a message only if sufficient resources are available and the next hop is accepting data.
This is called the store-and-forward property.

Message delivery – This implies wrapping the entire information in a single

message and transferring it from the source to the destination node. Each message must
have a header that contains the message routing information, including the source and
As message switching is able to store the message for which communication channel is
not available, it helps in reducing the traffic congestion in network.
In message switching, the data channels are shared by the network devices.
• It makes the traffic management efficient by assigning priorities to the messages.

Message switching cannot be used for real time applications as storing of messages
causes delay.
• In message switching, message has to be stored for which every intermediate devices
in the network requires a large storing capacity.
The store-and-forward method was implemented in telegraph message
switching centers. Today, although many major networks and systems
are packet-switched or circuit switched networks, their delivery
processes can be based on message switching.

Thus, we can conclude that switching technique can be used for

transmission of data traffic

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