Turbo Charger1
Turbo Charger1
Turbo Charger1
Air in
Exht. out
Exhaust in
• A turbocharger is an exhaust gas-driven compressor
used to increase the power output of an internal-
combustion engine by compressing air that is entering the
engine thus increasing the amount of available oxygen
From : http://auto.howstuffworks.com/turbo4.htm
• Since a turbo can spin to RPMs far beyond what is
needed, or of what it is safely capable of, the speed
must be controlled
• Waste gate assists in preventing knocking by monitoring how much
pressure is in the turbine.
• When too much pressure is in the turbine section, the waste gate
releases extra exhaust to slow down the speed of the turbine wheel.
• Intercoolers prevent knocking as well by keeping the temperature of
the compressed air low.
Turbo Maintenance
2. Pulse type