IP Adress

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IP Address

What is IP Address?
 Internet Protocol(IP) technology was developed in the 1970s to support some of the first research
computer networks.

 An IP address is a 32-bit sequence of 1s and0s.

 It is a way to identify machines on a network.

 A unique identifier with a numerical label.

32 Bits

 Today, IP has become a worldwide standard for home and business networking as well. Our network
routers, web browsers, instant messaging software, email programs all rely on IP or other network
protocols layered on top of IP.

IP Usage
• Used to connect to another computer

• Allows transfer of files and e-mail

IP Structure
• IP addresses consist of four sections
• Each section is 8 bits long
• Each section can range from 0 to 255
• For example,
• 5 classes of IP address A,B,C,D and E
• Class A reserved for government
• Class B reserved for medium companies
• Class C reserved for small companies
• Class D reserved for multicasting
• Class E reserved for future use
Services provided by IP
Parts of IP Address
Network part
Local or Host Part
Different layers of IP/TCP Address
Application layer: Application layer is responsible for node-to-node
communication and control-user interface specifications. This layer performs
the functions of top three layers of the OSI model: Application, Presentation
and Session layer. Some of the protocols present in this layer are HTTP, FTP,
Telnet etc.
 Transport layer: Data is transmitted in form of datagrams using the
Transmission Control Protocol(TCP). TCP is responsible for breaking up
data at the client side and then resembling it on the server side.
 Network layer: Network layer connection is established using Internet
Protocol(IP) at the network layer. Every machine connected to the Internet
is assigned an address is called IP Address by which protocol easily identify
source and destination machine.
 Data link layer: Actual data transmission occur in bits at the data
link layer using the destination address provided by network

Types of IP Addresses
 Static IP Address
 A static IP Address is simply an address that does not change
 Manually input by network administration
 Manageable for small networks
 Dynamic IP Address
 AS the name Suggests, dynamic IP addresses changes over time which are assigned by the
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP) server when they connect
 Dynamic IP Addresses are most common type of internet protocol addresses
 Dynamic IP Addresses are only active for a certain amount of time, after which they expire
 Private IP Address
 In Internet networking a private network uses private IP address
 These addresses are commonly used for local area network(LANs) in residential
office, and enterprises environments
 Both the IPV4 and the IPV6 specifications define private IP address ranges.

 Public IP Address
 A Public IP address is an IP address that can be accessed directly over the internet and is
assigned to network router by internet service provider(ISP).
 All servers and sites on the Internet use public IP addresses(for example: google.com-
 These are Public(global) addresses that are used on the Internet.

IP Versions
There are two versions of IP that currently coexist in the global Internet. They are
as follow:
I. IP Version 4 (IPV4)
II. IP Version 6 (IPV6)
IP Version 4 (IPV4)
 IPV4 addresses are 32 bits long
 It is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol (IP).
 IPV4 uses a 32-bit address space which provides 4,294,967,296(2^32) unique addresses
 IPV4 was the first version deployed for production on SATNET in 1982 and on the ARPANET
in January 1983.
 It is still used to route most Internet traffic today, despite the ongoing deployment of a
successor or protocol, IPV6.
 IPV4 was developed by DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is a research
and development agency of the United States Department of Defense
 An IPV4 address is typically written in decimal digits, formatted as four 8-bit fields that are
separated by periods.
 Each 8-bit field represents a byte of the IPV4 address. This form of representing the bytes of
IPV4 referred as the dotted-decimal format.
 The bytes of the IPV4 address are further classified into two parts: the network
part and the host part.

network part host part

Advantages of IPV4
 Topology Support: Unlike IPV6 protocol where it is been complicated to be implemented in most topology
drawings, a IPV4 protocol can be easily supported by most of the topology drawings. This is because it
contains simple prefixes which can be easily fit inside them.

 System Support: The IPV4 routing present inside the IPV4 protocol can be handled easily by all the systems.

 Device Connectivity: The primary function of IPV4 is to connect different types of devices all across the large
network. Along with the connection, identify verification can be done for each device. And also all these can be
done without the usage of NAT.

 Data Delivery: IPV4 takes great measures to deliver data packets to its host. This is because the versions of
IPV4 gets hired by the TCP. Hence, data can be guaranteed of delivery and avoidance of duplicate.

Disadvantages of IPV4
 Configuration: IPV4 needs configuration either manually or automatically. Configuring IPV4 manually has to
be done through Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP). Configuration of DHCP is complex.
 Security: There is problem of security of communications. IPV4 has never been designed for security.
Originally designed as an isolated military work.
• IP  addresses. Almost 50% of all addresses are reserved for the United States.
 Geographical limitations: Since the Internet was created in the USA, this country is also involved in the distribution of

IP Version 6 (IPV6)
 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPV) is the most recent version of the Internet Protocol(IP).

 IPV6 was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF) to deal with the long-anticipated problem of IPV4
address depletion.

 IPV6 is intended to replace IPV4.

 It is 128-bits long alphanumeric address represented in 8 groups of 16 bits each.

 IPV6 uses 128-bits(2128) addresses, allowing 3.4

 Each group is written as four hexadecimal digits(sometimes called hextets or more formally hexadentate) and the groups
are separated by colons(:).

 An example of this representation is


= 2001:db8:ff00:42:8329
 There are three different parts in IPV6; the first 48-bits are called site prefix, the next 16-bits are subnet ID and last 64-bits are
called interface ID, which can be configured automatically or manually.

Fig- Decomposition of an IPV6 address into its

binary form

Advantages of IPV6
1. Larger address space
2. Support more security
3.IPV6 has more unique addresses
4. Networks are easier and cheaper to manage
5. More people can connect with network

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