Introduction To Transportation Engineeri

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2nd Semester, A.Y. 2015-2016

Transportation is …

1. All about moving goods and people

from one place to another.

2. Safe, efficient, reliable, and sustainable

movement of
persons and goods over time
and space.
Transportation Engineering
- is the application of technology and scientific principles
to the planning, functional design, operation, and
management of facilities for any mode of transportation in
order to provide for the safe, rapid, comfortable, convenient,
economical, and environmentally compatible movement of
people and goods.

Traffic Engineering
- is that phase of transportation engineering which deals
with the planning, geometric design and traffic operations of
roads, streets, and highways, their networks, terminals,
abutting lands, and relationships with other modes of
Transportation Engineering …
- Focuses on the infrastructure of transportation
- Design runways, build bridges, layout roads and plan docking facilities
- Look at traffic patterns, determine when new transport facilities are
needed and come up with better ways
- Application of technology and scientific principles to the planning,
functional design, operation, and
- Management of facilities
Traffic Engineering …
- The principal objective of traffic engineering is to provide a safe system
for road traffic including pedestrians and bicycles.
- Provision of efficient management & operations of road transport
Other objectives can be:
- Sustainability
- Environmental Impacts
- Comfort & convenience of the user
- Economy
Modes of Transportation
1. By Land
a) Railways
- Surface
- Underground
- Elevated
- Light rail transit (LRT)
b) Road Transport
2. By Air
- Air Transport
3. By Water
- Water Transport
3. By Pipes
- Pipeline Transport
History of Transportation Engineering
1. Humans had migrated by their feet
2. Use domesticated animals to carry goods
3. Built machines and devices, like sleds and travois, to help them
carry more.
4. Establishing trading routes
5. Well-used paths became more and more permanent.
6. These paths became the first roads
7. Maintain the roads and look at ways in which they could be
made easier to travel
8. The first transportation engineers.
Four critical dimensions of change
in Transportation System

1. Change in values of the public

2. Changes in the technology
3. Change in operational policy
4. Change in the demand
Components of the Traffic Systems

1. Vehicular Traffic - Cars, Buses, Trucks, Taxis...

2. Road Conditions - Motorway, Highway, Urban Arterial,
Rural roads ...
3. Driver Characteristics - Young, Drunk, Experienced,
Learner’s License ...
4. Environmental Conditions - Rainy, Sunny, Foggy,
Night-time conditions ...
5. Control Devices - Signalised/Unsignalised ...
The characteristics of
Transportation System

1. Multi-disciplinary
2. Multi-sector
3. Multi-problem
4. Multi-objective
5. Multi-modal

NOVEMBER 11, 2015

Elements of a Transportation System

1. Infrastructure: which includes Road, canal, rail,

air Transfer points Supporting elements
(signs, signals, safety)
2. Vehicles: which includes Planes, trains, autos,
buses, ships, trucks
3. Operators/Content : which includes Drivers,
pilots, freight, passengers
Role of Transportation in Society
1. Economic role of transportation
Transportation contributes two kinds of utilities
(place and time utility)

Major conclusion about the economic role of

transportation systems

a. adequate transportation infrastructure is necessary for high

level of economic activity to exist.

b. most transportation is not undertaken by its own sake (though

some take it for pleasure), but is what referred to as Secondary
Goods/secondary service.
Role of Transportation in Society

2. Social role of transportation

- Growth of Urban Centers
- Size and Pattern of Settlement
- Formation of settlements
3. Environmental role of transportation
- Safety
- Air Pollution
- Noise pollution
- Energy consumption
4. Other impacts
- Aesthetics
- Social life and social pattern

NOVEMBER 13, 2015

Major disciplines of Transportation
1. Transportation Planning - involves the development of a transport model
2. Geometric Design - deals with physical proportioning of other
transportation facilities
= Cross-sectional features,
= Horizontal alignment,
= Vertical alignment and
= Intersections
3. Pavement Design - deals with the structural design of roads, both
(bituminous and concrete)
= Drainage design
= Functional design
= Structural design .
4. Traffic Engineering - covers a broad range of engineering applications with a
focus on …
= The safety of the public,
= The efficient use of transportation resources, and
= The mobility of people and goods.
Additional Disciplines of Transportation

1. Public Transportation
- study of the transportation system that meets the travel need
of several people by sharing a vehicle.
= characteristics of various modes
= planning
= management and operations
= policies for promoting public transportation

2. Financial and economic analysis

- tries to quantify the economic benefit which includes saving in
travel time, fuel consumption, etc.
Additional Disciplines of Transportation

3. Environmental Impact assessment

- attempts in quantifying the environmental impacts and tries to
evolve strategies for the mitigation and reduction of the impact
due to both construction and operation.
4. Accident Analysis and Reduction
- looks at the causes of accidents, from the perspective of
human, road, and vehicle and formulate plans for the reduction.
5. Intelligent Transport System
- offers better mobility, efficiency, and safety with the help of
the state-of-the-art technology
Factors in Transportation

1. Economic Factors
2. Geographical Factor
3. Political Policies
4. Military
5. Technological Factor
6. Urbanization
7. Competition


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