Average Value, RMS Value, Fourier Analysis
Average Value, RMS Value, Fourier Analysis
Average Value, RMS Value, Fourier Analysis
Average value, RMS value, Fourier Analysis
Commonly used Power and Converter Equations
Exercise 1: Power and energy
Voltage and current, consistent with the passive sign convention, for a device are
shown in Fig. 1 a and b.
(a) Determine the instantaneous power p(t) absorbed by the device.
(b) Determine the energy absorbed by the device in one period.
(c) Determine the average power absorbed by the device.
Nonsinusoidal Source and Linear Load
Exercise 2: Nonsinusoidal Source and Linear Load
A nonsinusoidal periodic voltage has a Fourier series of v(t)= 10+20
cos(260t-250)+30cos(460t+200)V. This voltage is connected to a load
that is a 5- resistor and a 15-mH inductor connected in series as in Fig.
2. Determine the power absorbed by the load.
Exercise 3: Power Devices
Exercise 4: Non-isolated dc-dc converter
Design a buck converter that has an output of 18V from an input of 24V.
The output power is 15W. The output voltage ripple must be no more
than 100 mVp-p. The switching frequency is 50kHz. Design for
continuous inductor current. Assume ideal components.
1. Specify the duty ratio, inductor and capacitor values.
2. Sketch the inductor current iL, the capacitor current iC, the switch
current iSw and the diode current iD waveforms.
3. Sketch the inductor voltage vL, the switch voltage vSw and the diode
voltage vD waveforms.
Exercise 5: Non-isolated dc-dc converter
The buck-boost converter has the following parameters: Vs = 12V, D =
0.75, R=10, L=50H, C=200F, and switching frequency = 40kHz.
1. Determine the output voltage.
2. Determine the average, maximum and minimum inductor currents.
3. Determine the output voltage ripple.
4. Sketch voltage and current waveforms of switch and diode.
Exercise 6: Isolated dc-dc converter
A forward converter has the following parameters: Vs = 125V, Vo = 50V,
R=25 and switching frequency = 50kHz.
1. Determine the transformer turns ratio N1/N2 such that the duty ratio
is 0.3.
2. Determine the inductance Lx such that the minimum current in Lx is
40% of the average current.
3. Determine the capacitance required to limit output voltage ripple to
4. Sketch the switch voltage and current waveforms
Exercise 7: Isolated dc-dc converter
Design a forward converter to produce an output voltage of 30 V when
the input dc voltage is unregulated and varies from 120 to 150 V. The
output power varies from 20 to 40 W. The duty ratio of the switch is
varied to compensate for the fluctuations in the source to regulate the
output at 30 V. Specify the switching frequency and range of required
duty ratio of the switch, the turns ratios of the transformer, the value of
Lx, and the capacitance required to limit the output ripple to less than 0.2
percent. Your design must work for all operating conditions.