Progress in Concrete Technology
Progress in Concrete Technology
Progress in Concrete Technology
Fiber Reinforced
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (FRC)
BC horse Hair
1900 asbestos fibers, Hatscheck process
1920 Griffith, theoretical vs. apparent strength
1950 Composite materials
1960 FRC
1970 New initiative for asbestos cement replacement
1970 SFRC, GFRC, PPFRC, Shotcrete
1990 micromechanics, hybrid systems, wood based
fiber systems manufacturing techniques, secondary
reinforcement, HSC ductility issues, shrinkage crack
New products.
Areas of Application of FRC
Thin sheets
roof tiles
prefabricated shapes
curtain walls
Slabs on grade
precast elements
Composite decks
Vaults, safes.
Impact resisting structures
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (FRC)
The most important contribution of fiberreinforcement
in concrete is not to strength but to the flexural
toughness of the material. When flexural strength is the
main consideration, fiber reinforcement of concrete
is not a substitute for conventional reinforcement.
The greatest advantage of fiber reinforcement of
concrete is the improvement in flexural toughness (total
energy absorbed in breaking a specimen in flexure).
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (FRC)
Fiber-reinforced concrete is generally made with
a high cement content and low water/cement
When well compacted and cured, concretes
containing steel fibers seem to possess excellent
durability as long as fibers remain protected by
cement paste.
Ordinary glass fiber cannot be used in portland
cement mortars and concretes because of
chemical attack by the alkaline cement paste.
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (FRC)
Mix Proportions:
High cement content
W/R admixtures (superplasticizers)
small MSA
Fibers (1-2% by volume)
Workability: tougher
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (FRC)