Criminal Procedure: 1 Sem AY 2021-2022 by Pros. Hyacinth T. Jadraque
Criminal Procedure: 1 Sem AY 2021-2022 by Pros. Hyacinth T. Jadraque
Criminal Procedure: 1 Sem AY 2021-2022 by Pros. Hyacinth T. Jadraque
Elements of jurisdiction:
1. Penalty attached – the jurisdiction of the court in criminal
cases is determined by the penalty imposable, and not by the
penalty ultimately imposed.
Prepared by: Pros. Hyacinth T. Jadraque
2. Nature of the offense charged;
2.1. crimes committed by public officers fall within the jurisdiction of the
1. Municipal Trial Court (MTC); Municipal Circuit Trial Court (MCTC); Municipal
Trial Court in Cities (MTCC) and Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC)
1. Regular Cases
1.1. Offenses committed by public officers and employees in
relation to their office, including those employed in government-
owned or controlled corporations, whether simple or complexed
with other crimes, where the penalty prescribed by law is
imprisonment exceeding six (6) years, or a fine exceeding
P4,000.00 when the offender’s position carries a salary scale
lower than grade 27.
1.2. All other offenses where the imposable penalty prescribed by
law is imprisonment exceeding six (6) years, irrespective of the
fine, regardless of other imposable accessory or other penalties,
including the civil liability arising from such offense or predicated
thereon irrespective of kind, nature, value or amount thereof.
Prepared by: Pros. Hyacinth T. Jadraque
1.3 Original jurisdiction in the issuance of writs of certiorari, prohibition,
mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus and injunction enforceable in any
part of their respective regions.
1.4 Appellate jurisdiction over all cases decided by the MTC within its
territorial jurisdiction.
2. Special Cases
2.1. Libel is punishable by prision correccional in its minimum and
maximum periods or fine or both. Libel committed by public officers in
relation to their office is within the exclusive original jurisdiction of RTC.
This would normally under the exclusive jurisdiction of the MTCs. However,
by law this was expressly placed under the jurisdiction of the RTCs.
2.2. Dangerous Drugs Cases – Sec. 90 Jurisdiction- the SC shall designate
special courts from among the existing RTCs in each judicial region to
exclusively try and hear cases involving of this Act.
2.3. Violations of the Intellectual Property Code regardless of the
imposable penalty.
Prepared by: Pros. Hyacinth T. Jadraque
C. Jurisdiction of Family Courts