Intellectual Revolutions: Submitted By: Sophia Nicole T. Rosales
Intellectual Revolutions: Submitted By: Sophia Nicole T. Rosales
Intellectual Revolutions: Submitted By: Sophia Nicole T. Rosales
Submitted By: Sophia Nicole T. Rosales
Copernican Freudian Meso- Middle East
This caused the paradigm shift of
This theory has started to revolutionize The revolutions in the Middle
how the earth and sun were placed
Psychiatry with Sigmund Freud. This It has contributed a lot ideas East were a product of the
in the heavens/universe. It is the
includes the “Freudian Theory of development and growth of
idea that rejected Ptolemaic model
Personality” that involves the human or discoveries for
(that the earth is the center of the individual nationalism,
solar system and proved the
development contributes to his/her Archaeology. The temples imperialism, for the efforts to
personality and also his and pyramids left a lot about
heliocentric model (that the sun is westernize and modernize
“psychoanalysis” that is the process
the center of the solar system
for achieving proper functioning if a of Architecture that leads us Middle Eastern societies, and to
having the earth revolving around push the declining power of the
human does not complete his/her to study more of it.
development stage. Ottoman Empire in the Arab
Ravago, John Rey. (2019, January 31). “Intellectual revolutions that defined society”.
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