The Endocrine Glands & Their Hormones

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The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

Basic principles in hormone actions:

Many effects of one hormone are

antagonized by another hormone

This helps maintain HOMEOSTASIS

The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

Pineal Gland

-Main hormone secreted


-Role Melatonin

--Mammals : Regulate
reproductive activity in
response to environmental
light cycles
e.g. Some mammals mate in
summer (lot of light), while
others mate in winter (low
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

Thyroid Gland

-Produces 3 main hormones

-Triiodothyronine (T3)
-Thyroxine (T4)
Regulate body metabolism and are
important in bone growth and maturation
of the brain
-Congenital lack of thyroid hormones:
Acts by reducing calcium levels
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

Parathyroid Gland
-Parathyroid Hormone

Raises Blood Calcium

(antagonize Calcitonin)

This hormone acts on bone, kidney

and the gut
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

Thymus Gland
-Thymosin : Stimulates the
production of Lymphocytes

-Thymostatin : Inhibits the

production of Lymphocytes

Thymus : Important for the neonatal

production of antibodies

Thymus : Gland being at the center

of endocrine, neural, and immune
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

-Granular cells in the heart muscle
secrete Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF)

..ANF : Regulates blood pressure,

blood volume, and excretion
of water, sodium and

..ANF : Also a neuropeptide in

the brain
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

Gastrointestinal Hormones
-The mucosa of the GI tract secretes a
dozen PEPTIDE hormones
3 most important:
1. Secretin : Secreted in the small intestine
Stimulates the secretion of
pancreatic bicarbonate and has
other functions on digestion
2. Gastrin: Secreted in the walls of stomach
Stimulate hydrochloric acid secretion
stimulate pancreatic enzyme secretion
3. Cholecystokinin : Secreted in the small intestine
Stimulate gall bladder contraction
Stimulate pancreatic enzyme secretion
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

Endocrine cells in the pancreas secrete
2 major types of hormones

1. Insulin : Secreted in response to

increase in blood glucose levels ;
So insulin LOWERS glucose levels by
INCREASING glucose UPTAKE in cells
where it is stored as glycogen.
2. Glucagon : Increases blood glucose
levels by stimulating the conversion
of glycogen to glucose in the liver.
A parte : Insulin & Diabetes

Insulin & Diabetes

Diabetes : Hyperglycemia, ie.
Elevated Blood Sugar
2 Types : The distinction is based upon
whether the blood sugar problem is
caused by insulin deficiency (Type 1)
or insulin resistance (Type 2)
Type 1- Insulin Deficiency : There is not
enough insulin produced by the pancreas
so the patient must inject insulin on a daily
Type 2 - Insulin Resistance : There is plenty of
insulin but the cells of the body are resistant
to its action so, increase in blood sugar
This form is controlled by a strict diet
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

Adrenal Glands

2 parts : Medulla & Cortex

Adrenal Cortex : 3 categories of steroid

1. Mineralocorticoids
2. Glucocorticoids
3. Sex Steroids

Adrenal Medulla
1. Adrenaline
2. Noradrenaline
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

Adrenal Cortex
Androgen Influence sexual differentiation
and bodily changes during puberty
Stress Hormone, converts stored
proteins to carbohydrate during stress.
Antiinflammatory and
Immunosuppressive functions.

If there is a sodium deprivation,

Aldosterone is secreted and acts
to increase reabsorption of
sodium ions (NA+) in the kidneys
salivary glands, and sweat glands.
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

Adrenal Medulla

Adrenaline : Released following

stress due to environmental
extremes; Increases heart
rate and blood glucose levels
so, increases the amount of work
the muscles can do (FLIGHT)
Noradrenaline : As Adrenaline, act as a NT
in the brain
Periphery; increase blood pressure
and constrict blood vessels
(noradrenaline, stress, and heart disease…)
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

Gonads ; Testes
The male gonads : produces Androgens

Primary androgen = TESTOSTERONE

Other androgen : Dihydrotestosterone

Testosterone : Important for masculinization

Control of sperm production
Development of male sexual
Activation of sexual and
aggressive behaviors
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

Gonads ; Ovaries
2 major classes of hormones

Primary ESTROGEN : Estradiol

others : Estriol
Synthetic estrogens : Birth control pills
Estrogens : -Development of sexual
characteristics at puberty
-Influence metabolic rate
-Influence sexual and
maternal behavior
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

Gonads ; Ovaries

PROGESTIN : Progesterone

-Stimulates breast and uterine

enlargement at puberty & during
menstrual cycle
-Maintains pregnancy (inhibits menstrual
cycle during pregnancy)

Other hormone released at the end of

pregnancy : Relaxin
Acts to prepare the birth canal.
Estrogen and Progesterone act in synergy.
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

-Hormones secreted by the fertilized egg
(Used in pregnancy tests)

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

Act by keeping progesterone high at the
beginning of a pregnancy

Human Placental Lactogen (HPL)

Stimulates the mammary glands to begin
to secrete milk
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

Also called
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

-Attached to the HYPOTHALAMUS

-Secretion of the pituitary hormones

is regulated by hypothalamus

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone


ADENOhypophysis NEUROhypophysis
-3 parts

--> Anterior Lobe

-pars distalis

--> Intermediate Lobe

-pars intermedia

--> Posterior Lobe

-pars nervosa
(“neural” cells)
direct extension
of the
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone


-Neuroscretory Cells
-Paraventricular nucleus (PVN)
-Supraoptic nucleus (SON)

-Hormones secreted

Attaches the
hypothalamus to the
pituitary. Also called
the Infundibulum

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone




2 main functions
Attaches the
hypothalamus to the --> promotes uterine contractions
pituitary. Also called --> stimulates milk ejection from
the Infundibulum mammary glands during

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone



--> Antidiuretic hormone

AXONS --> Raises blood pressure
--> promotes water reabsorption
by kidneys
--> centrally : may promote
Attaches the
hypothalamus to the
pituitary. Also called
the Infundibulum - Binding proteins for both
oxytocin & vasopressin

--> Neurophysins
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone


AXONS Mechanism for release of hormones

True endocrine gland because

Attaches the release hormone in the bloodstream
hypothalamus to the (hypophysal portal system)
pituitary. Also called
the Infundibulum

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

1. Neurosecretory cells of the

hypothalamus release their hormones
at the median eminence
Median eminence
2. Hormones circulate in bloodstream

3. Carried to the adenohypophysis

4. Stimulates secretion of other

hormones from the adenophysis

5. These hormones are then released

in the bloodstream to reach
their target cells.
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones

1. Growth Hormone (GH)

(also called ‘somatotropin’)
…’tropic’=stimulating effect
GH = promotes growth in almost
all body cells
Attaches the
hypothalamus to the A lot of attention for degenerative
pituitary. Also called disease…..
the Infundibulum -Alzheimer
Adenohypophysis etc.
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones

2. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

AXONS Role : Stimulates synthesis and

release of glucocorticoid
Attaches the
hypothalamus to the ‘Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
pituitary. Also called axis’
the Infundibulum
1970’s : Role of memory
….little problems…..
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones

3. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone


AXONS Role : Stimulates the synthesis and

release of thyroxine (T4)
and triiodochyronine (T3)
Attaches the from the thyroid.
hypothalamus to the
pituitary. Also called
the Infundibulum

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones
3 last hormones=
….gonadotropic hormones

4. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

Role : In both sexes, promotes the
development of reproductive
cells (gametes) and
Attaches the
hypothalamus to the promotes secretion of
pituitary. Also called gonadal hormones
the Infundibulum
Males : stimulates sperm production
Females : stimulates growth of
Adenohypophysis primary follicle of ovary
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones
3 last hormones=
….gonadotropic hormones

5. Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Role :

Attaches the Female : Stimulates ovulation and

hypothalamus to the formation of progesterone-
pituitary. Also called secreting cells
the Infundibulum
Males : Stimulates cells that secrete
androgens (e.g. testosterone)
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones
3 last hormones=
….gonadotropic hormones

6. Prolactin (PRL)
Role : Initiates milk synthesis in
mammary glands
Attaches the
hypothalamus to the Other functions related to
pituitary. Also called growth & parental behavior
the Infundibulum
Interaction with serotonin also
(important in depression)
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

Non traditional hormone from the


--> beta-endorphin

AXONS Derivative from POMC

POMC : synthesized in the pars

Attaches the distalis and pars intermedia
hypothalamus to the
pituitary. Also called Broken down into ACTH, MSH &
the Infundibulum beta-endorphins by enzymes

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

Beta-Endorphin : Role to play in --> Analgesia

--> Learning and Memory
--> Psychiatric diseases
--> Feeding, Thermoregulation,
--> Blood pressure
--> also called the ‘drug of the jogger’…..
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

Pars Intermedia :

Not present in adult humans but

present in fetal humans and mammals

AXONS Synthesize the hormone called

Melanocyte stimulating hormones
which acts in amphibian to change
Attaches the skin color….
hypothalamus to the
pituitary. Also called
the Infundibulum Our friend Watson :
Sex & Sunshine
Pars Intermedia

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