A7 Final
A7 Final
A7 Final
Project title
Presented by
• IIoT plays an important role in improving and simplifying the way to monitor, manage and control
industrial processes through integrated sensors, actuators, data management and analytics.
• IoT applications are more concerned with consumer usages such as smart appliances, smart homes and
wearables, whereas IIoT is most commonly designed for industrial purposes such as healthcare systems,
manufacturing, factory automation, supply chain management and utilities.
• In short, the IIoT concept focuses mainly on improving efficiency, safety and production.
• Moreover, various industrial domains can greatly benefit from IIoT by saving time and cost through
smart notification and alerts, predictive maintenance, improved safety and performance monitoring.
• RPL is a routing protocol for wireless networks with low power consumption and generally susceptible
to packet loss. It is a proactive protocol based on distance vectors and operates on IEEE 802.15.4.
Literature Survey
SI. Name of the Title Vol. No & Issue. No Month & Year International/National
No Journal/Conference
1. Methodologies and PSO-based approach for energy- Volume :21 2016 International
application journal efficient and energy-balanced Issue:22
routing and clustering in wireless
sensor networks
• They proposed PSO based routing and clustering algorithm to increase the life time of the network.
• PSO based routing algorithm concentrate on energy efficiency and energy balancing, whereas clustering algorithm take care of energy consumption of
sensor nodes.
• Parameters: Area: 500*500 sq.m
Sensor node range: 60m
Packet size: 2000 bits
2. 3rd International Enhanced Energy Efficient 20-23 Sept. 2018 International
Conference on Computer Routing in Wireless Sensor _
Science and Networks
• They followed Dijkstra algorithm which means finding the shortest path between the nodes.
• Simulation is done in MATLAB and this algorithm performs better network life time than earlier.
• Parameters: Area: 50*50 sq.m
Sensor node range: 20m
Packet size: 4000 bits
SI. Name of the Title Vol. No & Month & Year International/National
No Journal/Conference Issue. No
3. International Conference on Energy Efficient Content Based
Machine Learning, Big Routing with Cluster Based
Data, Cloud and Parallel Scheduling Mechanism _ 14-23 Feb. 2019 International
• This followed clustering mechanism with sleep scheduling technique. By using MATLAB they did simulation and improved to extend the network
lifetime and energy utilization.
• CBR(Cluster Based Routing Protocol) extends the network lifetime by decreasing energy depletion of nodes by sleep scheduling technique.
• Parameters: Area: 200*200 sq.m
Packet size: 127 bytes
Number of nodes: 100
• This paper aims to consider the concept of green IIoT concerning how a routing approach can achieve energy efficiency in resource-constrained
IoT networks. For this, they proposed a resource aware and reliable OF (RAROF), which constructs an optimum routing path by exploiting the
information regarding the duty cycle, link quality, energy condition, and resource availability of a node.
• They used Contiki and cooja simulator and they used multi queuing operation algorithm which sends packets from highest priority followed by
Problem Statement
RPL is considered to be a default routing standard. RPL has gained a significant maturity, but still, energy
optimization is one of the main issues which makes routing decisions mainly based on a single parameter
such as link quality and ignores the energy cost.
• RPL specification to enable the IIoT system more reliable and energy-efficient using STM32
• In order to increase the network life time by efficient resource utilization of nodes in an 6LoWPAN
Block Diagram
RPL: Collect, Distribute and P2P forwarding
6LoWPAN Routing
Trickle Timer Algorithm:
• In RPL, it is used to reduce the control traffic overhead by dividing the time into intervals.
• Inside RPL, there is a timer which uses Trickle timer algorithm to control the updating and
construction of DODAG.
• The DODAG contains the information for forwarding the packets that every node receives.
• The Trickle algorithm controls the amount of routing traffic in the form of DIO’s that enter the
• It also controls the amount of time that a node listen for new information and how often it sends out its
current information to its neighbor nodes.
For software simulation:
1. Creation of 6LoWPAN networks consists end nodes and a gateway using cooja simulator.
2. All the sensors nodes and Gateway will be enabled with RPL routing trickle timer algorithm.
3. Gateway will broadcast routing DIO message with rank valued 0.
4. The neighbour nodes will check the routing metrics based on DIO message and specific DAO will be
initiated with an upgrade in rank value.
5. The complete network will be followed with same procedure and DODAG based acyclic graph-based
network will be generated.
6. An ICMPv6 will be initiated to keep monitor the network.
For hardware:
1. STM boards will be programmed with Contiki OS for sensor node and gateway.
2. Sensors will be initiated and respective data will read from STM32 Microcontroller using GPIO port.
3. The data will be transferred/ received using RPL routing mechanism in real time.
System Requirements
Microcontrolle Contiki OS
STM 32 Cooja
Nucleo Board Simulator
6LoWPAN Stack
6LoWPAN Header Compression:
6LoWPAN MTU Size : 127 bytes
UDP header: - 8 bytes
IPv6 header: - 40 bytes.
MAC layer : - 25 bytes
PAYLOAD : - 54 bytes
6LoWPAN IPv6 Header compression:
Header Field IPv6 Header Length 6LoWPAN HC Length
Version 04 bits 00 bits
Traffic Class 08 bits 01 bits
Flow Label 20 bits 00 bits
Payload Length 16 bits 00 bits
Next Header 08 bits 02 bits
Hop Limit 08 bits 08 bits
Source Add. 128 bits 02 bits
Destination Add. 128 bits 02 bits
HC2 Encoding 00 bits 01 bits
--------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
Total 40 bytes 02 bytes
6LoWPAN as use case for Industrial IoT
Procedure to do simulation:
1) Power on the Instant Contiki in VMware work station.
Figure 7: Instant Contiki login screen Figure 8: Loading Cooja simulator in Contiki
3) Cooja simulator tool opens.
Figure 9: Creating new IoT simulation in Cooja Figure 10: Invoking motes in the Cooja simulator
5) Creating a new mote.
7) Browse Industrial IoT, compile and create 10 nodes.
8) Run the simulation.
9) Tunnel and run the program.
Using following command, we will tunnel and run the program in terminal.
Make tunslip6
We can read the sensors using the IPV6 addresses by opening the firefox browser. Open the browser and
input the following addresses in a new tab. http://[aaaa::212:7401:1:101]
This will print the neighbour’s and routes from the border router. coap://[aaaa::212:7402:2:202]
This will print the sensor readings like temperature, humidity and simulation result.
Figure 14: Tunnelling process
Simulation output:
Hardware description
• NUCLEO-L152RE Board
• X-NUCLEO-IDS01A* Expansion Board
Procedure to do hardware
1. Connect the STM32 microcontroller. One as boarder router to the laptop and another one as a node to
any power supply.
2. Give commands after connecting boarder router to the laptop. It gives us server connectivity of the
boarder router.
Figure 21: Connectivity of boarder router and displaying of IPV6 sever address of board router
3. Checking whether boarder router is working properly.
sudo ./tunslip6 -s /dev/ttyACM0 fd00::1/64 ping6 fd00::500:f8ff:c5c7:3a38
Figure 22: Boarder router IPv6 address Figure 23: Boarder router checking
4. Disconnection of boarder router
Hardware output:
cd Downloads/mjcoap-201018
java -cp lib/mjcoap.jar test.SimpleCoapClient GET coap://[fd00::b00:f6ff:7239:8dc6]:5683/.well-known/core
java -cp lib/mjcoap.jar test.SimpleCoapClient GET coap://[fd00::b00:f6ff:7239:8dc6]:5683/test/hello
Device upgrade
IP address assigning
This proposed system gives information about the 6LoWPAN concept of an edge router makes sure that
LoWPAN’s integrate easily with the majority of wired and wireless networks that will be used in future
deployments. There is no need to change the edge router for each new applications, the network is
concerned with networking. So, the integration problem can be considered solved at a packet transport
level. By utilizing RPL protocol we can observe that unnecessary wastage of packet loss will be reduced
and also whenever nodes are not in use, they will go to sleep mode. By these we can observe energy
efficiency and increase in life time of 6LoWPAN network.
Future scope
With 6LoWPAN, devices all utilize the same Internet Protocol (IP) standard, consistent from the home to
the factory floor. This has opened up new possibilities for smart applications. For example, the thermostat
can now “talk” to the lights, blinds, and vents; all controlled via a mobile device. This interoperability
allows for integration of different sensors or end devices, as they can be added, removed, or moved to a
different location. Furthermore, since it is IP-based, all these devices can talk to each other with no
interference issues.
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