Predictive Astrology Ppts - 1

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Predictive Astrology

Topic 1 : Basic Components of Prediction

1. Rashi [or Signs]

2. Lagna [or Ascendant]
3. Bhavas [or Houses]
4. Grahas [or Planets]
5. Nakshatras [or Constellations]
Rashi or Sign
• Our seers have observed unique
qualities of each Rashi and impact
on native when planets are posited
and transit in these Rashis.

• The Rashi Chakra begins from first

point of Aries/Mesha and ends with
end point of Meena.
Rashi or Sign
• The 12 Name of Signs are
English Name Sanskrit Name

1 Aries Mesha

2 Taurus Vrushabh
3 Gemini Mithuna
4 Cancer Kataka
5 Leo Simha
6 Virgo Kanya
7 Libra Tula
8 Scorpio Vrischika
9 Sagittarius Dhanu
10 Capricorn Makara
11 Aquarius Kumbha
12 Pisces Meena
Geo Centric View- Vedic
Helio Centric View Western

Meena Kumbh

Vrushbh Makara


Karka Karka

Vrischika Vrischika

Simha Simha

1. Not to scale.
2. The Geo centric view is only for conceptual understanding, the orbit of planets are not in circle.
In reality it is both circular and spiral that reflects both straight and apparent retrograde motion of the planets
Rashis in Zodiac and Horoscope Pisces/ Meena
Taurus /
° Aries/Mesha
2 12 Aqarius/
Gemini/ M ithuna 11 Kumha

Meena 1
Kumbh Cancer/Kataka 4 10
North Indian Style Libra/Tula
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
5 9
Vrushbh Makara 6 8
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika


Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Karka Vrishabha
Meena Mithuna
Aqarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
South Indian Style
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Simha Makara

Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ irgo/ Kanya

Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula V
1. Not to scale.
2. The Geo centric view is only for conceptual understanding, the orbit of planets are not in circle.
In reality it is both circular and spiral that reflects both straight and apparent retrograde motion of the planets
Rashis and Longitude Taurus /
30° - 60° 330° -360°
Aries/Mesha 12 Auqarius/ Kumha
2 00° - 30°
Gemini/ M ithuna3 11 300° -330°
60° -
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120°
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
6 8 -270°
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika
Kanya 210° -240°
150° -180°

ies/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Pisces/ Ar
00° - 30° Vrishabha
Meena Mithuna
30° - 60°
330° -360° 60° -

Auqarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
300° -330° 90° -
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Makara 120° -
270° -300° 150°

Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Virgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
240° -270° 180° 150° -180°
210° -240°
Lagna or Ascendant
What is a Lagna?
• The word Lagna means
“to connect” or “Join”.
• The karmic patter of life is indicated -
from the position of a Lagna in Disandant

a horoscope.
• In a horoscope, the entire cycle of
event can be analysed from the

point of Lagna. West East


Astronomy West East

• Astronomically, the point of lagna is


raising sign in the eastern horizon.

• Th point Lagna moves to the
of Rashis as the
subsequent earth Descendant Ascendant

• rotates.
The point of lagna resides at position
of Sun in a horoscope at the time of
• Note: The rate of movement of Lagna
is not even. It varies due to its oval
shape and location of observer.
Gahas or Planets  Sun - Surya
 Moon - Chandra
• There are 9 Grahas
 Mars - Mangal
• These are 7 planets in the
 Mercury – Budha
solar systems and 2 sensitive
points.  Jupiter - Guru
• Sun and Moon are Luminaries  Venus - Shukra
• Other planets have masses  Saturn - Shani
• but
Rahu they
have status
no of Northern Node -
masses considering their Rahu Dragon head
influence on destiny Southern Node -
Ketu Dragon Tail
Bhavas or Houses
• Considering Lagna as first house
of the Horoscope, we count 12 X Bhava/House

IX Bhava/House

VIII Bhava/House

• Each Bhava has some Karakatvas.

• Please note when the word Sign

I Bhava/House

VI Bhava/House

or Rashi is used it refers to Kala

III Bhava/House

Purusha Chart & by usage of word

House, we refer to Bhavas
Bhavas or Houses
• The 12 Bhavas are represented in North and South Indian

II Bhava XII Bhava

V Bhava VI Bhava VII Bhava VIII Bhava
9 7
XI Bhava
I Bhava
III Bhava 10 6

IV Bhava IX Bhava
IV Bhava 11 X Bhava
III Bhava X Bhava

VII Bhava IX Bhava

V Bhava 4
1 3
II Bhava XII Bhava XI Bhava
I Bhava
VI Bhava
VIII Bhava
Nakshatra or Constellations
• Nakshatras are luminaries located
millions of light years and they are fixed
milestones in the zodiac
• Movement of plants are measured in the
background of Nakshatras
• There are 27 Nakshatras in the zodiac.
• Each Nakshatra has specific quality
capable of influencing native.
• Nakshatra in which moon is moving at
any given time is termed Nakshatra as per
Topic 2 : The Rashis [Signs]
• The twelve Rashis Names [Hindu and Western]
• Ruler of each Sign
• Natural Characteristics of each Rashi or Sign
• Classification of signs based on :
 Odd/Even Signs
 Male/Female Signs
 Moveable/Fixed/DuaI Signs
 Fiery/Earthy/Airy/Watery Signs
 Diurnal/Nocturnal/Twilight Signs
 Shirshodaya/Prishtodaya/Ubayodaya Rasis
 Biped/Quadraped Signs
 Short/Medium/Long length Signs
 Brahmin/Kshatriya/Vaisya/Sudra Signs
Rulers of Rashi or Sign
Lord of Rashis or Rashiyadhipathi

• Each Rashi is owned by a Planet. The planet

owning the Rashi is called Lord of the Rashi
or Rashi Adhipathi.
• Each Rashi is allotted with Lordship based on
its distance from the Sun.

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Rashi Lord Rashi Lord Meena Vrishabha
Mars Venus
Jupiter Mithuna
Aries/Mesha Mars Libra/Tula Venus Mercury
Auqarius/ Cancer/
Taurus/Vrishabha Venus Scorpio/Vrischika Mars Kumha Kataka
Saturn Moon
Gemini/Mithuna Mercury Sagittarius/Dhanu Jupiter
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Cancer/Kataka Moon Capricorn/Makara Saturn Makara Sun
Leo/Simha Sun Aquarius/Kumbha Saturn
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
Virgo/Kanya Mercury Pisces/Meena Jupiter Dhanu Vruschika Venus Mercury
Jupiter Mars
Taurus / Pisces/ Meena
Female Aries/Mesha Female

Rashi or Sign Gemini/

M ithuna
12 Aqarius/ Kumha
• Classification of Rashis based on Gender- 1
Cancer/Kataka 4 1 Female
Female 7 0
Masculine or Male Rashis Leo/Simha
6 Male
• All odd signs [1,3,5,7,9,11 counted from Aries/Mesha] are Male
Virgo/ Kanya
considered masculine or male signs. Female Male
• It indicates are firmness, courageous, dominative. Female
Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Vrishabha Mithuna
Meena Female Male
Feminist or Female e
• All even signs [2,4,6,8,10,12 counted from Aries/Mesha] are Aqarius/
considered as feminist or feminine sign. Male Female
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
• They indicate affectionate and kindness. Makara Male
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Female
Male Female Male
Taurus / Pisces/ Meena
° Dual
Rashi or Sign Gemini/ M ithuna

Aquarius/ Kumha
• Rashis based on Mobility – Dual Capricorn/Makara
Movable Signs Cancer/Kataka 4 10 Movable
Movable 7
• Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn Libra/Tula
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
• They indicate tendency of movement and urgency. 5 Movable 9
Fixed 6 8 Dual
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
Fixed signs Fixed
• Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
• They Reflects fixity, permanence, abundancy. Meena Movable Vrishabha
Dual Fixed Mithuna

Dual Signs Auqarius/ Cancer/

Kumha Kataka
• Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces Fixed Movabl
• They represents dual qualities that promotes creativity, Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
intellectual thoughts, sensitivity, inconsistency Movabl
Note: These rashis are 1,4,7,10 [Kendras] to each other. for examples 1,4,7,10 from
Mesha are Movable Rashis and 1,4,7,10 from Taurus are Fixed Rashis. Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Libra/Tula rgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Dual
Dual Fixed
Taurus / Vrishabha Pisces/

Rashi or Sign Fix°

Movable 1 Aquarius/ Kumha
Gemini/ M ithuna3
2 11 Fixed
• Rashis based on Gunas or Nature- Dual
1 Movable
Cancer/Kataka 4 1
Movable Signs are Rajasik [Promotes Activity] Movable 7 0
• it prompts restlessness and activity. Leo/Simha
5 Movable 9
Fixed 8 Dual
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
Fixed signs are Tamasik [Promotes inertia] Dual Fixed
• It promotes mind low level thinkings resulting in lethargy,
lavishness and leisurely life. Pisces/ Ar ies/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Meena Vrishabha Mithuna
Dual Fixed Dual
Dual Signs are Sativik [promotes harmony] Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
• They prompts higher purpose and promotes good deeds. Fixed Movable

Capricorn/ Le o/Simha
Movable Fixed

Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ rgo/ Kanya

Note: These rashis are 1,4,7,10 [Kendras] to each other. for examples 1,4,7,10 from Vruschika Libra/Tula Vi
Dhanu Dual
Mesha are Dual Fixe Movable
Rajasik Rashis and 1,4,7,10 from Taurus are Tamasik Rashis. d
Taurus / Vrishabha Pisces/ Meena
Rashi or Sign Prit°hvi

12 11
Aquarius/ Kumha
Classification of Rashis based on Gemini/ M ithuna
Tatwas- Airy
1 Prithvi
Fiery Sign/Agni Tatwa Rashis Cancer/Kataka 4 10
Jala 7
• Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are Fiery Signs. Libra/Tula
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
• They represents aggression and assertiveness. 5 Airy 9
Agni 8
Earthy Sign/Prithvi Tatwa Rashis Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
• Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn are Earthy Signs. Jala

• These Rashis have character of world matters and activity of

survivals. Pisces/ Ar ies/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Meena Vrishabha Mithuna
Airy Signs/Vayu Twatwa Rasis Jala
Prithvi Airy
• Gemini, Libra, Aquarius are Airy Signs. Cancer/
•They promotes the thinking and application of thoughts. Kumha Kataka
Airy Jala
Watery sign/Jala Tatwa Rashis Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
• Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are watery signs. Makara
• They promote imagination and creativity. Scorpio/
Sagittarius/ rgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Vi
Jala Prithvi
Agni Airy
Note: These rashis are 1,5,9 [Trikona] to each other. for examples 1,5,9 from Mesha are Fiery
and 1,5,9 from Taurus are Earthy
Taurus / Pisces/ Meena
Rat ri Dina
2 1
Rashi or Sign Gemini/
M ithuna
3 Ratri
Aqarius/ Kumha

2 11 Dina

• Classification of Rashis based on Strength of Day and night- 1

Cancer/Kataka Ratri
4 1
7 0
Ratri/Nocturnal /Lunar Rashis – Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
5 Dina 9
8 Ratri
Dina 6
• Ratir/Lunar are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
Capricorn. Dina Dina

• They gain strength during night.

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Ratri Vrishabha
Meena Ratri Mithuna
Dina Ratri
Dina/Diurnal/Solar Sign –
Aqarius/ Cancer/
• Dina/Solar are Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces. Kumha Kataka
Dina Ratri
• They gain strength at Day. Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Makara Dina
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Dina
Dina Dina
Rashi or Sign Mesha Taurus / Vrishabha
Pisces/ Meena
The symbol of each Rashi indicates the classification. Taurus Aries/Mes ha
Vrishabh 2 1 Aqarius/ Kumha
Gemini/ Animal
• Classification of Rashis Based on Feets Gemini M ithuna
Human 2 11 Human
Mithuna Capricorn/Makara
Cancer/Kataka 4 Animal I Jalachari
Human/Biped Rashis- Cancer 1 -II Half
7 0 half Animal -
• Gemini, Virgo, Libra and 1st half of Sagittarius Kataka Leo/Simha

and Aquarius are called. 5 Human 9SagittIaI rHiuas/l

Leo 8 Human-
Animal 6
Df han
Simha Virgo/ Scorpio/VruIHscahlifk
Animal/Chatushpada/Quadruped Signs- Virgo Human Insect
• Aries, Taurus, Leo, 2nd half of Sagittarius and Kany
Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
a Vrishabha Mithuna
1st half of Capricorn. Meena Animal
Libra Jalachari Human
Aqarius/ Cancer/
Tula Kumha Kataka
Jalachari/Water inhabited Rashis Human Jal
Scorpio ac ari
• 2nd half of Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces are Vrischika
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
strong in 4th house. – Makara ri Animal
Sagittarr Animal Jalach
. Dhanu I Half a
Insect/Keet Rashi -II Half
Capricorn Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
• Scorpio is Keeta Rashi Makara nimDahl a- Vruschika
Insect Human Human
Aquarius II IHalf
HaH lfuman-
Taurus / Vrishabha Pisces/ Meena
Pris°todaya Ubhayodaya

Rashi or Sign Gemini/ M ithuna

Pristodaya 12 Aqarius/ Kumha
Classification of Rashis based on Sheershodaya
Rising- 1 Pristodaya
Cancer/Kataka 4 10
Pristodaya 7
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhan
• Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricorn are Pristodaya signs. Sheershodaya 8
9 Pristodaya
• These signs lift their posterior part first and are less auspicious in Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
Sheershodaya Sheershodaya
comparison to the Shirshodaya signs.

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus Gemini/

Shirshodaya Sign – /
Vrishabha M ithuna
Ubhayodaya Pristodaya Pristodaya Sheershodaya
• Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius are Shirshodaya
Aqarius/ Cancer/
signs. Kumha Kataka
Sheershodaya Pristodaya
• The special feature of these signs is that the head region of these
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
sign is lifted first. Makara
Pristodaya Sheershodaya
• These signs are known to give good results.
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
Sheershodaya Sheershodaya
Pristodaya Sheershodaya
Pisces sign is considered a Ubhyodaya sign
Taurus / Vrishabha Pisces/ Meena

Rashi or Sign Sou° th

Classification of Rashis based on 2 East Aqarius/ Kumha
Gemini/ Mithuna
3 2 11 West
Direction- West Capricorn/Makara
East Direction 1 South
Cancer/Kataka 4 1
• Aries, Leo and Sagittarius signs are signs of east direction North 7 0
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
5 West 9
East 8
South Direction 6 East
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
• Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn signs are signs of south direction. South North

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Vrishabha Mithuna
West Direction Meena East
South West
• Gemini, Libra and Aquarius signs are called signs of west Aqarius/ Cancer/
direction. Kumha Kataka
West North
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Makara East
North Direction South

• Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces sign represent the north direction. Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Libra/Tula Vi
rgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika
West South
East North
Rashi or Sign Taurus / Vrishabha
Pisces/ Meena
• Classification of Rashis based on Caste- 2 1 Aqarius/ Kumha
Gemini/ Mithuna3
Shudra 2 11 Shudra
• Kshatriya– 1 Vaishya
Cancer/Kataka 4 1
• Brahaman 7 0
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius signs are Kshatriya signs
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
5 Shudra
Kshatriya6 8 9 Kshatriya
• Vaishya Scorpio/Vruschika
Virgo/ Kanya Brahaman
• Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn signs are Vaishya signs Vaishya
Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Vrishabha Mithuna
Vaishya Shudra
• Shudra Meena
• Gemini, Libra and Aquarius signs are shudra signs. Aqarius/
Kumha Kataka
Shudra Braham
• Brahman Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Makara Kshatriya
• Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Brahman signs. Vaishya
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Shudra Vaishya
Kshatriya Brahaman
Classification of Rashis Taurus / Vrishabha
Vai°shya D
• Classification of Rashis based on Accession- 1 Brahaman
2 ha 1 Aqarius/ Kumha
• The slant of 23.4 degrees of the Earth’s axis causes a Gemini/ Mithuna
Shudra 3 Kshatriya
2 11 Shudra
variation in time taken for different signs to rise or ascend Capricorn/Makara
over the horizon (particularly at middle latitudes). Cancer/Kataka 4 1
• The signs requiring more time are rise are referred to as Brahaman 7 0
signs of long ascension and those requiring less time are Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
5 Shudra
called signs of short ascension. Kshatriya6 8 9 Kshatriya
• Long Accession- In the Northern Hemisphere, the signs of Virgo/ Kanya
long ascension are Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Vaishya

Sagittarius. Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus /

• The longest times taken to rise among these are Virgo Meena
Vaishya Shudra
and Libra. Aqarius/ Cancer/
• Short Accession- The signs of short ascension are Kumha Kataka
Shudra Braham
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. an
The shortest times taken to rise among these are Pisces Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Makara Kshatriya
and Aries. Vaishya
• The signs of short ascension are Capricorn, Aquarius, Sagittarius/
Dhanu Vruschika
Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
Shudra Vaishya
Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. The shortest times Kshatriya Brahama
taken to rise among these are Pisces and Aries.
Rashi or
Characteristics of Rashis - Aries
Taurus / Pisces/ Gemini/
Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus /
Vrishabha Meena Meena 00° - Vrishabha
30° - 60° 330° -360° Mithuna
Aries/Mesh 330° 30° 30° - 60°
2 a 00° - 12 Auqarius/ Kumha -360° 60° -
Gemini/ M ithuna3 30° 11 300° 90°
60° - Auqarius/ Cancer/
90° Kumha Kataka
1 o rn / M ak 300° 90° -
ic °
Cancer/Kataka 4 C apr 70° -300 -330° 120°
1 2 Capricorn/
90° - 120° Leo/Simha
0 Makara
120° -
Libra/Tula 150°
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu -300°
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240° Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
6 8 -270°
5 Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika 240° -270° 180° 150°
Kanya 210° -240° -210° -180°
150° -180°
Characteristics of Rashis - Aries
Rashi Qualities Physical Features Body Part
• Movable sign • Ambition • Emaciated Body • Head
• Fiery sign • Aspiration • Long Neck
• Odd Sign • Energy • Developed Bones
• Male Sign • Independence • Bushy Eyebrows
• East Direction • Dominance • Slender waist
• Prishtodaya • Desire to create
• Rajoguna • Active
• Rashi Lord – Mars • Dynamic
• Sun Exalts • Impulsive
• Nakshatras of Ketu, • Frank
Venus and Sun • Aggressive
• Saturn Debilitates • Walks quickly
Rashi or
Characteristics of Rashis or Sign -Taurus
Taurus / Pisces/ ies/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Vrishabha Meena 00° - 30° Vrishabh
30° - 60° 330° -360° a 30° - Mithuna
Aries/Mesha Ar
2 1 Auqarius/ 60° 60° -
00° - 30° Meena
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Kumha 90°
60° - 2 1 300° 330° -360°
90° 1
Auqarius/ Cancer/
1 Capricorn/Makara Kataka
270° -300°
Cancer/Kataka 4 1 300° -330° 90° -
90° - 120° 7 0 120°
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu Makara 120° -
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240° 270° -300° 150°
6 8 -270°
5 Sagittarius/
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika Scorpio/
Virgo/ Kanya
Kanya 210° -240° Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
240° -270° 180° -210° 150° -180°
150° -180° 210° -240°
Characteristics of Rashis – Taurus/Vrishabha
Rashi Promotes Physical Features Body Part
• Fixed sign • Conscious • Middle stature • Face
• Earthy sign • Feminist • Broad and • Neck
• Even Sign • Higher alert strong forehead
conditions. • Prominent
• Female Sign
• Stamina nose cheeks
• South Direction and lips.
Prishtodaya • Wealth
• Thick and stout
• Venus is lord of • Procreation neck
this energy
Rashi. • Dark hair
• Passionate
• Moon Exalts nature
• Having nakshatras • Materiality
of the Sun, the
Moon and Mars • Pleasures
of life
• Sacrificing
Rashi or
Characteristics of Rashis or Sign -Gemini

Taurus / Pisces/ ies/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Vrishabha Meena 00° - 30° Vrishabha
30° - 60° 330° -360° 30° - 60° Mithun
Aries/Mesha Ar
2 1 Auqarius/ a 60° -
Gemini/ 00° - 30° Meena
Kumha 90°
60° - 2 1 300° 330° -360°
90° 3 1
Auqarius/ Cancer/
1 Capricorn/Makara Kataka
270° -300°
Cancer/Kataka 4 1 300° -330° 90° -
90° - 120° 7 0 120°
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu Makara 120° -
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240° 270° -300° 150°
6 8 -270°
5 Sagittarius/
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika Scorpio/
Virgo/ Kanya
Kanya 210° -240° Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
240° -270° 180° -210° 150° -180°
150° -180° 210° -240°
Characteristics of Rashis – Gemini/Mithuna
Rashi Promotes Physical Features Body Part
• Dual sign • Dual Mind • Tall • Shoulders
• Airy sign • People with • Upright • Arms
• Odd Sign intuitively • Thin with long nose
• Male Sign • Witting • Long Arms
• West Direction • Brilliant
• Charming
• Ubhayodaya
• Having nakshatras • Intellectual
of the Mars, the pursuits
Rahu and Jupiter • Mathematic
• Mercury is Lord ians
• liable to fraud and
• Jack of all master
Rashi or
Characteristics of Rashis or Sign -Cancer

Taurus / Pisces/ ies/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Vrishabha Meena 00° - 30° Vrishabha
30° - 60° 330° -360° 30° - 60° Mithuna
Aries/Mesha Ar
2 1 Auqarius/ 60° -
00° - 30° Meena
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Kumha 90°
60° - 2 1 300° 330° -360°
90° 1
Auqarius/ Cancer/
1 Kumha Kataka
270° -300° 90° -
Cancer/Kataka 4 1 300° -330°
90° - 120°
120° 7 0 Capricorn/
Libra/Tula Leo/Simha
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu Makara 120° -
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240° 270° -300° 150°
6 8 -270°
5 Sagittarius/
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika Scorpio/
Virgo/ Kanya
Kanya 210° -240° Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
240° -270° 180° -210° 150° -180°
150° -180° 210° -240°
Characteristics of Rashis – Cancer / Karkataka
Rashi Promotes Physical Features Body Part
• Moveable • Expansive • short stature • Chest
• Watery • Protective • Thick neck • Heart
• Even • sustenance energy • Thick waist
• Female • represents all finer • White complexion
• North Direction qualities of • Curvy
• Shirshodaya
• strength of water
• Having nakshatras
• Affection of
of Jupiter, Saturn
and Mercury mother
• Lord is Moon • never feel ease with
Rashi or
Characteristics of Rashis or Sign - Leo
Taurus / Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Vrishabha Meena 00° - 30° Vrishabha Mithuna
30° - 60° 330° -360° 30° - 60° 60° -
Aries/Mesha 330° -360°
2 1 Auqarius/ 90°
00° - 30°
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Kumha
60° - 2 1 300° Auqarius/ Cancer/
90° 1
-330° Kumha Kataka
Capricorn/Makara 300° -330° 90° -
1 120°
270° -300°
Cancer/Kataka 4 1
90° - 120° Capricorn/
7 0 Makara
120° -
Libra/Tula 270° -300° 150°
Leo/Simh Sagittarius/Dhanu
a - 150°
-210° 9 240° Sagittarius/
-270° Scorpio/
6 8 Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
Virgo/ Kanya
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika 240° -270° 180° -210° 150° -180°
210° -240°
Kanya 210° -240°
150° -180°
Characteristics of Rashis – Leo / Simha
Rashi Promotes Physical Features Body Part
• Fixed sign • Penance • Full • Solar plexus
• Fiery Sign • Creativity developed • Upper stomach
• Odd Sign • Generosity
• Broad
• Male Sign • Purification shoulders
• East Direction • Protection • Big round or
• Shirshodaya • Dynamism oval head
• Nakshatras of Ketu, • Sudden aggression •
Venus and the Sun Commanding
• Rashi lord - Sun
• Average
Rashi or
Characteristics of Rashis or Sign - Virgo
Taurus / Pisces/ Gemini/
Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus /
Vrishabha Meena 00° - 30° ishabha
30° - 60° 330° -360° 30° - 60° Mithuna
Aries/Mesha 330° -360°
2 1 Auqarius/ Vr 60° -
00° - 30°
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Kumha 90°
60° - 2 1 300°
90° 1
-330° Auqarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
1 Capricorn/Makara 90
300° -330° ° - 120°
270° -300°
Cancer/Kataka 4 1
90° - 120° 7 0 Capricorn/
Le o/Simha
12 0° -
Libra/Tula 270° -300°
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu 150°
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
-270° Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
6 8 Dhanu Libra/Tula Virgo/
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika 240° -270° 180° -210° Kanya
210° -240°
Kanya 210° -240° 150° -180°
150° -180°
Characteristics of Rashis – Virgo / Kanya
Rashi Promotes Physical Features Body Part
• Dual sign • Intense activity, • Slender body • Lower Stomach
• Earthy • Female power, • Middle height • Navel
• Even • Truthful • Dark hair and eyes • Back
• Female • Speak kindly • Curved
• South Direction • Well versed in eyebrows with
shastras much hairs,
• Shirshodaya
• Sweet speaker
• Having nakshatras • Intelligent
• Quick walk
of the Sun, the • Exhibit taste in art
Moon and Mars and literature • Appear
• Mercury is lord • Author younger than
actual age
• Thoughtful
• Drooped
• Economical and shoulders
Rashi or
Characteristics of Rashis or Sign - Libra
Taurus / Pisces/ Gemini/
ies/Mesha Taurus /
Vrishabha Meena Pisces/ Ar
00° - 30° Vrishabha Mithuna
30° - 60° 330° -360° Meena 60° -
Aries/Mesha 30° - 60°
1 Auqarius/ 330° -360° 90°
2 00° - 30°
Gemini/ Mithuna Kumha
60° - 3 2 1 300° -330° Auqarius/ Cancer/
90° Kumha Kataka
1 300° -330° 90° -
1 Capricorn/Makara
270° -300°
Cancer/Kataka 4 1 Capricorn/
90° - 120° Leo/Simha
7 0 Makara 120° -
Libra/Tula 270° -300° 150°
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150° -210° 9 240°
5 6 8 -270° Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Virgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tul
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika 240° -270° 210° -240° a 180° 150° -180°
Kanya 210° -240° -210°
150° -180°
Characteristics of Rashis – Libra / Tula
Rashi Promotes Physical Features Body Part
• Moveable sign • Justice • Long face • Private organs
• Airy • Harmony • Curly hair
• Odd • Love their home • Lean body
• Male • Susceptible to • Fine skin
• West Direction flattery • Glaring eyes
• Elegant
• Shirshodaya • Physical beauty
• Having nakshatras • Graceful
of the Mars, the • Refined
Rahu and Jupiter • Gentle
• Venus is lord
• Balanced
Rashi or
Characteristics of Rashis or Sign - Scorpio
Taurus / Pisces/
Vrishabha Meena Pisces/ ies/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
30° - 60° 330° -360° 00° - 30° Vrishabha
Aries/Mesha 30° - 60° Mithuna
2 1 Auqarius/ Ar
00° - 30° 60° -
Gemini/ M ithuna Kumha Meena
60° - 3 2 1 300° 90°
90° 1
330° -360°

Auqarius/ Cancer/
1 Capricorn/Makara Kataka
270° -300° Kumha
Cancer/Kataka 4 1 300° -330° 90° -
90° - 120° 7 0 120°
Libra/Tula Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
180° Makara 120° -
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240° 270° -300°
-270° 150°
6 8
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschik Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Kanya a 210° -240° Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
150° -180° 240° -270° 210° 180° -210° 150° -180°
Characteristics of Rashis – Scorpio / Vruschika
Rashi Promotes Physical Features Body Part
• Fixed sign • Disruptive • Medium size • Genitals
• Watery • Vindictive • Well- • Anus
• Even • Secrecy proportioned • Buttocks
• Female • Mysticism
• Broad limbs
• North Direction • Selfish
• Fear less eyes
• Shirshodaya • Jealous
• Broad face
• Having nakshatras • Frugal
• Short nose
of Jupiter, Saturn • Materialistic,
and Mercury
• Committed &
• Mars is lord
• Intelligent
Rashi or
Characteristics of Rashis or Sign - Sagittarius
Taurus / Pisces/ Meena Gemini/
Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus /
Vrishabha 330° -360° Mithuna
Meena 00° - 30° Vrishabha
30° - 60° - 90°
Aries/Mesha 330° -360° 30° - 60°
60° 1 Auqarius/ Kumha
2 00° - 30°
Gemini/ Mithun a
60° - 90° 3 2 1 300° -330° Auqarius/ Cancer/
1 Kumha Kataka
Capricorn/Makara 300° -330° 90° - 120°
270° -300°
Cancer/Kataka 4 1 Capricorn/
90° - 120° Leo/Simha
70 270° -300°
120° - 150°
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
180° -210°
9 240° -270°
120° - 150° 5
6 8 Sagittarius/
Dhanu Scorpio/
Vruschika Libra/TulaVirgo/ Kanya
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika 180° -210°150° -180°
240° -270° 210° -240°
150° -180° 210° -240°
Characteristics of Rashis – Sagittarius / Dhanu
Rashi Promotes Physical Features Body Part
• Dual sign • Creates challenges • Medium size • Thighs(legs)
• Fiery • confrontation, • Well-
• Odd • proportioned
Burning of
• Male
materiality • Broad limbs
• East Direction
• Spiritual • Fear less eyes
• Prishtodaya wanderings • Broad face
• Having nakshatras • Radiant • nose
of Ketu, Venus
• Powerful
and the Sun
• Jupiter is lord • Effective and well
• religious and
Rashi or
Characteristics of Rashis or Sign - Capricorn
Taurus / Vrishabha Pisces/ Meena ries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
30° - 60° 330° -360° Pisces/ A
00° - 30° Vrishabha
Aries/Mesha Mithuna
2 1 Auqarius/ Kumha 330° -360° 30° - 60° 60° - 90°
00° - 30°
Gemini/ Mithuna3 2 1 300° -330°
60° - 90° Auqarius/ Cancer/
1 Kataka
Capricorn/Makara 300° -330 ° 90° - 120°
270° -300°
Cancer/Kataka 4 1 Capricorn /
90° - 120° Leo/Simha
7 0 Makara 0° - 150°
Libra/Tula 270° -300 °
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu 12
180° -210°
120° - 150° 5
9 240° -270°
6 8 Dhanu
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika Kanya
240° -270° Scorpio/
150° -180° 210° -240° 150° -180°
Libra/TulaVi Vruschika
180° -210°
210° -240°
Characteristics of Rashis – Capricorn / Makara
Rashi Promotes Physical Features Body Part
• Earthy sign • Religious hypocrite • Emaciated body • Knees
• Movable • fond of wandering • Thin face akin
• Even • Shameless to that of a deer

• Female • Dark coarse hair

• Knack of adjusting
themselves to • Bright and
• South Direction
circumstances and elevated nose
• Prishtodaya environments • Lot of hair on
• Having nakshatras • Suffer from wind the head
of the Sun, the diseases. • Long hands
Moon and Mars
• Modest • Long legs
• Saturn is lord
• Liberal • Weak lower
• Gentlemanly in limbs
Rashi or
Characteristics of Rashis or Sign - Acqarius
Taurus / Pisces/ ies/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Vrishabha Meena Pisces/ Ar
00° - 30° Vrishabha
30° - 60° 330° -360° Meena Mithuna
Aries/Mesha 30° - 60°
1 330° -360° 60° -
2 00° - 30°
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Kumha 90°
60° - 2 1 300°
90° 1
-330° Auqarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
1 Capricorn/Makara
300° 90° -
270° -300°
Cancer/Kataka 4 1 -330° 120°
90° - 120° 7 0 Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Libra/Tula Makara 120° -
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu 270° -300°
180° 150°
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240° -270°

6 8 Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Virgo/ Kanya
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
Kanya 210° -240° 240° -270° 180° -210° 150° -180°
210° -240°
150° -180°
Characteristics of Rashis – Aquarius / Kumbha
Rashi Promotes Physical Features Body Part
• Airy • Divine plan and • Tall • Ankles
• Fixed material • Fair
propensities of life
• Odd • Attractive
• Intuitive and good
• Male judges of • Large body
• West Direction character
• Shirshodaya • Lack organising
• Having nakshatras
of the Mars, the • Devoted to
Rahu and Jupiter their
• Saturn is lord
• Suffer from colic
• They are subtle
endear to all they
come in contact
Rashi or
Characteristics of Rashis or Sign - Pisces
Taurus / Pisces/ ies/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Vrishabha Meena 00° - 30° Vrishabha
30° - 60° 330° -360° 30° - 60° Mithuna
Aries/Mesha Ar
2 1 Auqarius/ 60° -
00° - 30° Meena
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Kumha 90°
60° - 2 1 300° 330°
90° 1
-330° -360°

1 Capricorn/Makara Auqarius/ Cancer/

270° -300°
Cancer/Kataka 4 1 Kumha Kataka
90° - 120° 7 0 300° -330° 90° -
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240° -270° Makara 120° -
6 8 270° -300° 150°
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika
Kanya 210° -240° Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Virgo/ Kanya
150° -180° Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
240° -270° 180° -210° 150° -180°
210° -240°
Characteristics of Rashis – Pisces / Meena
Rashi Promotes Physical Features Body Part
• Watery • Sensitivity • Short and plump • Feet
• Dual • Intuitive openness
• Even Represents positive
and negative
• Female discharge of cosmic
• North Direction vibration
• Ubhayodaya • Learned
• Having nakshatras • Grateful
of Jupiter, Saturn
and Mercury
• Jupiter is Lord of
Topic 3 : The Lagna

1. Lagna / Ascendant / Rising Sign

2. Characteristics of people born in each lagna
3. Result of Lagna lord in twelve rasis
4. Moon sign as Lagna (Chandra Lagna)
Lagna or Ascendant
• Lagna indicates in brief the karmic
pattern of native's life in this birth.

• Strong Lagna and Lagna lord are

invariably accompanied with -
benefic yogas in the horoscope.

• Hence a strong Lagna and its lord is

a must for enjoying a healthy,
wealthy and successful life.
13⁰42’ Ven 16⁰36’

Types of Lagna- Udaya Lagna Mon

13⁰50’ Jup
2 Sun 0⁰01’
Mer 24⁰42’

• Lagna / Janma Lagna or Udaya Lagna 4 7 10

• Here the point of rising sing in eastern Mars 01⁰24’

9 Sat
8 20⁰18’
horizon is considered as the first Ket
Bhava/House of the horoscope. This
represents Body or self. Ven 16⁰36’
00⁰01’ Mer
• Horoscope
is analysed based Lagna 24⁰42’
Lagna 3⁰00’
as first house of the horoscope.
• Results of houses analysed Mars
other considering as
Lagna beginning. Sat
Ket 13⁰42’
13⁰42’ Ven 16⁰36’

Types of Lagna- Chandra Lagna Mars

01⁰245’ 4
2 Sun 0⁰01’
1 Mer 24⁰42’
• Chandra Lagna or Indu Lagna 12

• Here
the position of Moon 78 20⁰18’

is as first bhava/house Ket
of Horoscope.
Moon represents Ven 16⁰36’
Rah Mon 13⁰50’
of Moon as first house of the
00⁰01’ Mer
• horoscope.
Horoscope is analysed based position 10⁰42’

• It indicate how a person can Mars

think and act. 01⁰24’

Sat Ket 13⁰42’

13⁰42’ Ven 16⁰36’

Types of Lagna- Surya Lagna Mon

Jup 3⁰00’
2 Sun 0⁰01’
Mer 24⁰42’


• Surya Lagna 4 7 10

• Here the position of Sun is considered Mars 01⁰24’ 5

9 Sat
8 20⁰18’

as first bhava/house of Horoscope. Ket


Sun represents Soul.

• Horoscope
Ven 16⁰36’ Rah
is analysed based Sun
00⁰01’ Mer
position of Sun as first house of the 24⁰42’
Lagna 3⁰00’
• It indicates spiritual Mars
matters pertaining to individual.
Sat Ket 13⁰42’
13⁰42’ Ven 16⁰36’

Lagna Lord Mon

13⁰50’ Jup
2 Sun 0⁰01’
Mer 24⁰42’


• Lord of the Rashi in which 4 7 10

lagna is posited is Lagna Lord. Mars 01⁰24’ 5 9 Sat

8 20⁰18’
• The lord of the Lagna is Ket
favourable to native.
• Lagna lord should be well placed in a
Ven 16⁰36’ Rah
Sun Mon
13⁰42’ 13⁰50’
00⁰01’ Mer
horoscope for overall success in life. 24⁰42’
Lagna 3⁰00’
• If the Lagna is weak and not
supported by Lagna lord, the native Mars
has to face hardships in life.
Sat Ket 13⁰42’
Lagna Lord in various houses
Lagna lord in Lagna itself
• The Lagna lord is posited in the lagna itself, the native will have physical comforts, healthy body and
immunity against diseases.
• The native will be intelligent.
. Lagna lord in 2nd house
• If the lagna lord is posited in second house, the native will
have good conduct, religious minded.
• He will be gainful, honourable, with good qualities.
• Native will be business minded with great examination and
• Capable of achieving the planned goals.
Lagna lord in 3rd house
• When the lagna lord is placed in 3rd
house, the native will have valour like
• He will have courage to face any
challenges and situations.
• He will have all kinds of weath,
Lagna Lord in various houses
Lagna lord in 4th House
• When the lagna lord posited in 4th house, native is bestowed with paternal and maternal happiness. He will
have many brothers, virtuous and charming. He will be rich, own many vehicles and land and property.
• The fourth house connected to mind and psychological effects. Presence of lagna lord in 4th house makes
the native to seek sensual pleasures. It makes him lustful.
• The native makes efforts to keep up his body and improving his physical appearance.
• The result is inverse for the native born in Aries and Capricorn Lagna as the lagna lord is in debilitation.
Lagna lord in 5th House
When lagna lord is posited in 5th, the native gets average happiness through sons. The first born will not live,
the native becomes favorite to authorities and honourable.
For a native of Taurus and Cancer lagna, the 5th house is debilitation house for LL. It affects progeny.
The Jupiter posited 5th results in “karako bhavanashaya”. He adversely affect the houses where he
sits affecting progeny.
Lagna Lord in various houses
Lagna lord in 6th House
• When the lagna lord is posited in 6th house, the native is deprived of bodily pleasures. If lagna lord is under
influence of enemy, he has to face trouble from enemies. It is mainly due to 6th house indicates sicknesss.
• However there are certain exceptions to this rule applies to certain lagnas. For Taurus and Scorpio
lagna, Venus and Mars remains in their own house bestows the native with good health.
• For a Libra lagna native, the lagna lord exalted in 6th house. Here also, the native enjoys good health.
• In such cases, it is seen the native likes to involve in fitness activities, wrestling and Yoga.
Lagna lord in 7th House
When the lagna lord is posited in 7th house,
If he is a malefic, then loss of wife is indicated.
If he is benefic become aimless wanderer, may become king.
Lagna Lord in various houses
Lagna lord in 8th House
• When the lagna lord posited in 8th house, the native may easily master Siddha Vidya [Knowledge of Occult
• He may be prone to diseases, may have mind set of thief, furious, involving secret relationships & gambling.
• Exception is seen in the case of Aries and Libra lagna natives as 8th lord is also lagna lord, no harm is seen to
the native. However, if there is malefic influence on 8th house, the malefic effect is double that of normal.
• For a Sagittarius Lagna, the lagna lord Jupiter exalts in 8th house. Therefore evil effects is very minimal.
Lagna lord in 9th House
When the lagna lord is placed in 9th house, being house of Dharma sthana, the native involves in satwik deeds.
He will be endowed with wife, son & wealth and experience the poorva punya phala.
With high moral values, he becomes favorite among people.
However for a native born in Scorpio lagna, the 9th house is debilitation place for LL. Such placement results
in disreputation, opposition from public and unfortunes to the native.
Lagna Lord in various houses
Lagna lord in 10th House
• When the lagna lord posited in 10th house, the native is blessed with paternal happiness, favour from
Royalty, name and fame and wealth through self earning.
• For a Capricorn ascendant, the Saturn is 2nd Lord & exalted in 10th house. It is very auspicious.
• Similar result is seen for Aries ascendant as Mars gains directional strength and exaltation in 10th house.
• Above dictum is exception for Gemini lagna. The LL mercury debilitates in 10th House gives ordinary
or opposite results.
• For Virgo and Pisces Ascendant, experience good result as 10th house is own house for LL Mercury & Jupiter.
Lagna lord in 11th House
• When the lagna lord posited in 11th House, the native enjoys all gains, name & fame, good qualities.
• For a native born in Taurus and Cancer lagna, the 11th house is exaltation point for the LL. Therefore
natives experience very good result.
• For a native with Pisces lagna, the 11th lord Jupiter debilitated in Capricorn gives opposite results rather evil
Lagna Lord in various houses
Lagna lord in 12th House
• When the Lagna lord is posited in 12th house, the native enjoys the bodily pleasure.
• However, the if 12th house has no benefic planets or aspect of benefic planets, the native may spend the
wealth for unfruitful purposes. He may also head to anger.
• For an Aquarius Lagna, the position of Lagna lord Saturn in 12th house is his own house and it is beneficial.
• For a Libra native of Libra lagna, it is extremely bad. The native is deprived of wealth, happiness, health and
family. He may remain pessimism and develop eye disease. He may have longevity but result in sudden
death away from home.
Characteristics of native born in each lagna
Aries/Mesha Lagna
Mental traits —Independent thinking, courageous and sensitive.
Physical features— Medium built, reddish complexion, sharp sight, long face and neck, head broad at the
temples and narrow at chin, mark or scar on the head or temples, teeth well-set and round eyes.
General features
• Those born in Mesha are with scientific temperament. The are great planners, with enterprising capabilities
and with great ambitions.
• They dislike being guided by others or subordination; are intense when interested, vehement when excited.
• They are rather stubborn, but often frank. Quick tempered, they don’t like imposition and are liable to go to
• They love beauty, art and elegance. They have practical ideas.
• When Aries rashi is afflicted the native suffer from diseases pertaining to the head.
• Mental affliction is likely if Saturn and the Moon are in Aries.
Characteristics of native born in each lagna
Taurus/Vrushabha Lagna
Mental traits —Native is proud and ambitious ,vulnerable to adulation but affectionate and
loving, sometimes unreasonable, prejudiced and stubborn
Physical features—short stature and plump, lips thick and complexion dark, square build of the body.
beautiful, eyes and ears large, full forehead, hands plump and broad.
General features
• They expect attention of others. They act like a bull. They are self-reliant;
• They have their own principles and ways and a piercing intellect.
• They have a great deal of stamina, latent power and energy. They always put their ideas into practice.
• They possess abundant physical powers and mental stability.
• They are like pleasure, love beauty and music. The personality of the native is very attractive.
• They are pushy and don’t hesitate to exercise authority.
• When the matter of children is concerned, they may not be lucky
Characteristics of native born in each lagna
Gemeni/Mithuna Lagna
Mental traits —They will have a wavering mind. Fond of writing and reading they are ingenious and
quickwitted, vivacious and inconsistent, nervous and restless.
Physical features—They are tall and straight in stature and active in motion. Face well developed, there is a
depression near the chin, a thin face, sanguine complexion, unusual height if malefics are there, the eyes are
clear and the nose snub. They are weak but active.
General features
• They are very active and tend to become experts in mechanical sciences.
• They may suffer sudden nervous breakdowns. They must be cautious in moving with the opposite sex.
Their mind will be often conscious of their own depravity.
• They are very clever and possess inherent conversational and literary ability.
• They are liable to fraud and deception. If evil planets are in Gemini, trickery and deceit will characterise
their nature.
• They are best in occupations where there is much activity.
Topic 4: The Bhavas [Houses]
• The Twelve Houses from Lagna
• Significator (Karaka) for each bhava
• Significations (Karakatwa) of twelve bhavas
• Classification of Bhavas as :
Trika / Dusthanas
Bhavas or Houses
• Considering Lagna as first house
of the Horoscope, we count 12 X Bhava/House

IX Bhava/House

VIII Bhava/House

• Each Bhava has some Karakatvas.

• Please note when the word Sign

I Bhava/House

VI Bhava/House

or Rashi is used it refers to Kala

III Bhava/House

Purusha Chart & by usage of word

House, we refer to Bhavas
Bhavas or Houses
• The 12 Bhavas are represented in North and South Indian

II Bhava XII Bhava

V Bhava VI Bhava VII Bhava VIII Bhava
9 7
I Bhava XI Bhava
III Bhava 10 6

IV Bhava IX Bhava
VI Bhava 11 X Bhava
III Bhava X Bhava

VII Bhava IX Bhava

V Bhava 4
1 3 Lagna
II Bhava XII Bhava XI Bhava
I Bhava
VI Bhava
VIII Bhava
Signification and Significators of Bhavas Notes

Bhava/House Name of Bhava What it Signifies Karaka II Bhava XII Bhava

9 7 XI Bhava
I Bhava 6
III Bhava10
I Bhava/House Tanu Bhava Physique/Body/Vitality Sun
X Bhava
VI Bhava 11
II Bhava/House Dhana bhava Primary Education Jupiter,
Wealth [Movable] V Bhava12
VII Bhava IX Bhava
Speech Mercury 1 3

VI Bhava
VIII Bhava

III Bhava/House Sahaja(Bhrathru) Coborn, Mars

Parakrama Courage/Action VII VIII
V Bhava VI Bhava
Bhava Bhava
Bhava Mercury
IV Bhava IX Bhava
IV Bhava/House Sukh bhava, Mother Moon
Bandhu / Matru Domestic-life/Luxury Venus
bhava Basic Education Mercury III Bhava X Bhava
Land and Property Mars
Lagna XII
II Bhava XI Bhava
I Bhava Bhava
Signification and Significators of Bhavas
II Bhava XII Bhava
Bhava/House Name of Bhava What it indicate Karaka
V Bhava/House Putra bhava Children, Progeny, Jupiter 9 7 XI Bhava
I Bhava 6
General III Bhava10
Creativity 8
Mercury X Bhava
Education VI Bhava 11

VI Bhava/House Gnati (Ari) Accidents Mars, Saturn, VII Bhava IX Bhava

V Bhava12 4
(Ripu) (Roga) Enemy/Litigations 1 3
bhava, Roga (disease)
Maternal uncle Mercury VI Bhava
VIII Bhava

VII Bhava/House Kalatra bhava Spouse, Partnership, Venus VII VIII

Business, Travels V Bhava VI Bhava
Bhava Bhava
VIII Bhava/House Aayu Bhava, Longevity, Occult Saturn
Randhra Science, Legacy, IV Bhava IX Bhava
Chronical diseases

III Bhava X Bhava

Lagna XII
II Bhava XI Bhava
I Bhava Bhava
Signification and Significators of Bhavas II Bhava XII Bhava
Bhava/House Name of What it indicate Karaka
Bhava 9
I Bhava
7 XI Bhava
III Bhava10
IX Bhava/House Dharma Religion, Spirituality, Long travel Jupiter
( Pitru) bhava [Piligrimage]Foreigner/Foreign
Higher Education 5
X Bhava
VI Bhava 11
Father Sun 2

X Bhava/House Karma bhava, Profession, livelihood, Saturn V Bhava12

VII Bhava IX Bhava
Actions Mercury 1 3
Authority/Government/Power Sun
VI Bhava
Overall prosperity in Jupiter VIII Bhava
V Bhava VI Bhava
XI Bhava/House Labha bhava Gains, Elder brother/sisters Jupiter Bhava Bhava
Fulfilment of desires
XII Bhava/House Vyaya bhava Expenditure[Vyaya] Saturn IV Bhava IX Bhava
Moksha Sthana Ketu III Bhava X Bhava
Foreign/Foreign land
Bed comfort/Intimacy Lagna XII
II Bhava XI Bhava
Venus I Bhava Bhava
© Bangalore III Chapter of ICAS
Classification of Bhavas
Bhavas are classified into
• Trikona
• Kendra
• Panaphara
• Apoklima
• Upachaya
• Apachaya,
• Trishadaya
• Trika/Dusthana Houses
• Chatustaya
• Bhadaka Sthana
Taurus / Pisces/
Vrishabha Meena
Classification of Bhavas – 30° - 60°
00° - 30°
330° -360°
Gemini/ M ithuna Aquarius/ Kumha
Trikona Bhavas 60° -
11 300°
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
• Trikona Bhavas are 1,5,9th from lagna. 90° - 120°

Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
• It is also called Lakshmi Sthana 120° -
-210° 9 240°
150° 6 8 9
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
• For example – for Aries Lagna, Leo and Sagittarius 150° -180° 210° -240°

are Trikona Bhavas.

Taurus / Gemini/
Pisces/ A ries/Mesha
• Similarly, for Leo Lagna, Aries and Meena 00° - 30° - 60° Mithuna
60° -
330° -360° Cancer/
Sagittarius is Trikona Bhava so on for all other Aquarius/
1 Kataka
300° 90° -

• cases.
Lords of Trikona bhavas are called Trikonadhipatis. -330° 120°
120° -
• Trikonadhipatis and planets in Trikona generally give -300°
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
benefic result. Dhanu
240° 9
Vruschika Libra/Tula Vi
-270° -240° 180° -210° 150° -180°
Taurus / Pisces/
Classification of Bhavas – Kendra Bhavas Vrishabha
30° - 60°
330° -360°
2 00° - 30° 12
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Aquarius/ Kumha
60° - 11 300°
90° -330°
• Kendra 4
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
-300° 10
90° - 120°
• Kendra Bhavas are 1,4,7,10 from Lagna. 7
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150° 9 240°
• It is also called Vishnu Sthana 5
8 -270°
Virgo/ Kanya 7 Scorpio/Vruschika
150° -180° 210° -240°
• For Aries Lagna, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn are Kendra
Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus Gemini/
Bhavas. Meena 00° - Vrishabha
330° 30° 30° - Mithuna
-360° 60° 60° -
• For Taurus Lagna, Leo, Scorpio Aquarius are Aquarius/
1 90°
Kumha Kataka
300° 90° -
Kendra Bhavas -330° 120°
Capricorn/ 4
• The lords of Kendra houses are called Kendradhipatis 270°1-
120° -
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
7 Virgo/ Kanya
240° -270° 180° 150°
-210° -180°
Kendradhipathya/Kendradipati Dosha
• Example
• If benefic planets which are lords of Kendra, • Gemini/Mithuna Lagna
they suffer from Kedradipatya Dosha. - Jupiter lord of 7th and 10th
• When a benefic planet Kedradipati it loose the ability
to deliver benefic results.
• It should not be concluded that the malefic results due
to Kendradhipathya Dosha.
• They will become neutral.
Kendradhipathya Dosha
• The malefics being lord of Kendra will not give inauspicious results.
• Lagna being lord of 1st house, lord of both Kendra and Trikona is always
supposed to give benefic results.

• Lagna lord owning another Kenda 4th, 7th or 10th shall not prove
• A malefic even if it owns a Kendra will not become auspicious,
though it will
not be inauspicious. We may consider it to be neutral.
• Weak Moon by virtue of lord of Kendra becomes neutral.
• The intensity of Kendradipatya Dosha will be in descending order- Venus,
Jupiter, Mercury, Moon.
Taurus / Pisces/
Vrishabha Meena
30°2- 60°
Phanapara Houses 2,5,8,11 Gemini/ M ithuna3
60° -
00° - 30°
330° -360°
Aquarius/ Kumha
11 300°
Lagna 11
• The immediate next houses of Kendra houses are Phanapara 1
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120°
houses. ie., 2,5,8,11 counted from Lagna 7
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
• These houses called as houses of Material or gain houses. 120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
5 6 8 -270°
Virgo/ Kanya
• When planets are clustered in these houses they are in an 150° -180°
a 210° -240°
accumulating, consolidating, sustaining phase and are able to
Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus Gemini/
establish security. Meena 00° - 30° /
330° Lagna 30° - Mithuna
-360° 60° 60° -
• The person will be stable, able to persevere, earn money and 90°
maintain a project. He or she could also be possessive, rigid, Kumha Kataka
300° 90° -
and conservative. -31310°
Makara 120° -
• The 8th house is the weakest and most malefic house in this 270°
group because it's also a moksha and dusthana house. The 11th Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
house is the strongest. Dhanu Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
Vrusch8ika 180° 150°
240° -270°
210° -210° -180°
Taurus / Pisces/ Meena
Vrishabha 330° -360°

Apoklima Houses 3,6,9,12 30° - 60°

Gemini/ M ithuna 2
60° - 3
00° - 30°
1212 Aquarius/ Kumha
90° 3 Lagna -330°
• The immediate next houses of Phanapara houses are Apoklima Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120° -300°
houses. ie., 3,6,9,12 counted from Lagna 7
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
• Planets placed on these houses are considered weak or not 120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
6 8
very powerful. Virgo/
150° 210° -240°
• These houses correspond in meaning to the dual signs. -1860°
Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus Gemini/
Meena 00° - 30° Vrishabha
• Among them, the 9th house is the best since it is also a dharma 330° Lagna 30° - Mithuna
-36102° 60° 60° -
house and planets placed here are strong and tend to bring Aquarius/
Cancer/ 3
good luck. Kumha Kataka
90° -
-330° 120°
• The 12 th house is considered the weakest one and planets Capricorn/
120° -
placed here have difficulty to express their energy in the 270°

material concrete level, but they can be good for the spiritual Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
advancement. 240°
Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
180° 150°
-240° -210° -1680°
Taurus / Pisces/ Meena
Vrishabha 330° -360°
30° - 60°

Upachaya Houses: 3,6,10,11 Gemini/ M ithuna3

60° -
00° - 30°
Aquarius/ Kumha
90° Lagna -330°
• Upachaya means "improvement“, increasing and growing. 3
1 Capricorn/Makar a
1 1
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
• They create a certain amount of tension that drives one to 90° - 120°
improve life’s situations. Libra/Tula
Leo/Simha 180° 10 Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
6 8 -270°
• The Upachaya houses are 3,6,10,11 counted from Lagna 5
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika
Kanya 210° -240°
• The third house is called a place for courage, confidence. 150° -180°

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus Gemini/

• The sixth house is called a place for enemies, perseverance and Meena 00° - 30° Vrishabha
330° Lagna 30° - Mithuna
work related issues. -360° 60° 60° -
Aquarius/ Cancer/ 3
• The tenth house is called a place for profession, career, Kumha Kataka
300° 90° -
promotions in career, challenges faced and how one overcome -31310° 120°
that effectively. Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Makara 120° -
270° 150°
• The eleventh house is called a place for friends, -31000°

benefits through income, the peak of a person's desires. Sagittarius/ Scorpio/

Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
240° -270° 180° 150° 6
-210° -180°
Taurus / Pisces/
Vrishabha Meena

Upachaya Houses: 3,6,10,11 30° - 60°

Gemini/ M ithuna3
60° -
00° - 30°
330° -360°
Aquarius/ Kumha
11 300°
90° 3
Lagna -330°
• If these Upachaya sthanas are posited with malefics, it is good Cancer/Kataka 4
10 270°
to the native. 90° - 120°
Libra/Tula 10
• In this world one should work for his finacial security and also Leo/Simha
120° - 150°
9 240°
6 8 -270°
should work to fulfil his desires - of course genuine desires. 5
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
150° 210° -240°
• For this purpose, all these upachaya stahanas should -1860°

give courage and bold action oriented approaches to the Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus Gemini/
00° - 30° Vrishabha
native. Meena
30° - Mithuna
Lagna 60° 60° -
• Only malefic planets can give this strength to the native and Aquarius/
Cancer/ 3
not benefics. Kumha
300° 90° -
-31310° 120°
• One has to fight the adversities of this life. Even a woman Capricorn/
120° -
needs some masculine nature to protect herself. 270°
• This type of requirements can be fulfilled only by a malefic Sagittarius/
Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
180° 150° 6
planet posited in these houses. 240° -270° 210°
-210° -180°
Apachaya Houses: Taurus /
30° -2 60°

330° -360°
other than Upachaya Gemini/ M ithuna3
60° -
00° - 30°

Aquarius/ Kumha
11 300°
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120°
• The group of houses other than upachaya houses, ie., Leo/Simha
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
1,2,4,7,8,9,12 counted from Lagna are said to be Apachaya 5
6 8 -270°9
Virgo/ Kanya 7 Scorpio/Vruschika
houses or houses of decrease. 150° -180° 8 210°

• Planets located in these houses lose their strength over a Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus
Meena 00° - 30° /

2 Mithuna
330° 1 30° -
period of time and malefic do not do well here. Lagna60° 60° -
12 90°
Aquarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
300° 90° -
-330° 120°4
120° -

S9agittariu S8corpio/ 7
Libra/Tula Virgo/
s/ Dhanu Vruschika 180° Kanya
240° -270° 210° -210° 150° -180°
Taurus / Pisces/ Meena
Vrishabha 330°

Dustanas: House- 6,8,12 30° - 60° 12

2 00° - 30° 12
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Aquarius/ Kumha
60° - 11 300°
Lagna -330°
• The Dustana houses are six, eight and twelve Capricorn/Makara
[6,8,12] Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120°
counted from Lagna. Libra/Tula
• These houses primarily deal with suffering, and mainly ill Leo/Simha
120° - 150°
9 240°
6 8 -270°
health. They are the most difficult of all, ruling disease, 5
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
150° 8 210°
death, loss and sorrow. -180°6 -240°

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus Gemini/

• The rulers of these houses will inflict this type of suffering. Meena
00° - 30° Vrishabha
30° - Mithuna
60° 60° -
Dustanas are difficult points because they are places of 90°
Aquarius/ Cancer/
transition. Kumha Kataka
90° -
-330° 120°

• Both the sixth and the eighth are on either side of the Capricorn/
120° -
seventh house, which is the point of sunset (endings), and -300°
Sagittarius/ 6
the twelfth is the end before the new dawn, the Dhanu
Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
Vruschika 180° 150°
240° -270°
ascendant. 210°
-210° -180°
Bhadaka Sthana Taurus /
30° - 60°
330° -360°
• Bhadakasthana for each type of Rashis are below: 2 00° - 30° 12
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Aquarius/ Kumha
60° - 11 300°
90° -330°
• For Chara Rashis [Movable Signs] Lagna/Ascendants --11th House.
• For Sthira Rashis [Fixed Signs] Lagna/Ascendants --9th House. Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120°
• For Dwiswabhava [Dual] Lagna/Ascendants -- 7th house Libra/Tula
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
• The lords of these, houses are termed as Badhakas/Bhadaka Planets 120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
6 8 -270°
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
Lagna Signs Bhadaka House Bhadaka Lord 150° -180° 210° -240°
Chara Aries Aquarius Saturn
(Movable) Cancer Taurus Venus Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Meena 00° - 30°
Libra Leo Sun 330° -360°
30° - 60°
Capricorn Scorpio Mars 60° -
Sthira (Fixed) Taurus Capricorn Saturn
Aquarius/ Cancer/
Leo Aries Mars Kumha Kataka
300° -330° 90° -
Scorpio Cancer Moon 120°
Aquarius Libra Venus Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Dwiswabhava Gemini Sagittarius Jupiter Makara
120° - 150°
270° -300°
(Dual) Virgo Pisces Jupiter
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Sagittarius Gemini Mercury rgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
240° -270° 150° -180°
210° -240° Vi 180°
Pisces Virgo Mercury -210°
Chatustaya Houses Taurus /
30° - 60°
330° -360°
• The 4th and 8th Houses are called Chaturasra Houses Gemini/ M ithuna3
2 00° - 30° 12
Aquarius/ Kumha
60° - 11 300°
Lagna -330°
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120°
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
6 8 -270°
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
150° -180° 210° -240°

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Meena 00° - 30° Vrishabha
330° -360° Lagna 30° - 60° Mithuna
60° -

Aquarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
300° -330° 90° -
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
120° - 150°
270° -300°

Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
rgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
240° -270° 150° -180°
210° -240° Vi 180°
Trishadaya Taurus /
30° - 60°
330° -360°
• Trishadayas are considered malfic. 3
Gemini/ M ithuna3
2 00° - 30° 12
Aquarius/ Kumha
60° - 11 300°
Lagna -330°
• The Lords of 3,6,11 counted from Lagna will give malefic 1 Capricorn/Makara
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
effects. 90° - 120°

Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
• The malefic quality of 11th Lord is greed as it is one of the 120° - 5 -210° 9 240°
150° 6 8
three kama or desire house. Virgo/ Kanya
6 150° -180°
210° -240°

• Please note 11th house is good where as 11th lord is malefic. Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Meena 00° - 30° Vrishabha
330° Lagna 30° - 60° Mithuna
• Trishadaya lords can signify difficulty, diseases, especially -360°
when they aspect vulnerable bhavas 11Aquarius
90° -
Kumha 120°
300° -330°
120° -
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
240° -270° 180° 150°
210° 6
-210° -180°
Principle of Negation Taurus /
30° - 60°
330° -360°
• Please remember lagna is first house meaning beginning Gemini/ M ithuna3
2 00° - 30° 12
Aquarius/ Kumha
60° - 11 300°
or origin. The twelfth house from it is ending or last one. 90°
Lagna -330°
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
• This means that 12th house always opposes or negates the 90° - 120°

purpose of the first house. Leo/Simha

120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
6 8 -270°
• This principle is known as principle of negation. Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
150° -180° 210° -240°

• This applies to all 12 Bhavas in a horoscope. Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Meena 00° - 30° Vrishabha
330° -360° Lagna 30° - 60° Mithuna
60° -

Aquarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
300° -330° 90° -
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
120° - 150°
270° -300°

Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
rgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
240° -270° 150° -180°
210° -240° Vi 180°
• The concept of bhavat-bhavam means that from the bhava in question, it is the future
bhava. Bhavat means future.

• So it is as if the bhava is born again in the future. Translated to English it can mean as
“from house to house”.

• Bhavat Bhawam is a concept which says that whichever house you are looking to grasp
results, look at that house and additionally look at the house which is exactly at same
number of house away.

• Like, if you are looking for the results of 2nd house then also look for 2nd from the 2nd
house. Now, which house is 2nd from 2nd house, well it is 3rd house (start counting
houses from 2nd house then 2nd house becomes 1st and 3rd house becomes 2nd from
2nd house).
• Bhavat Bhawam of 2nd house (Family, Wealth etc.) - look
for 2nd from the 2nd house, i.e. 3rd house.

• Bhavat Bhawam of 3rd house (Efforts,

Communication Skills etc.) - look for 3rd from the 3rd
house, i.e. 5th house.

• Bhavat Bhawam of 4th house (Home, Mother etc.) - look

for 4th from the 4th house, i.e. 7th house.

• Bhavat Bhawam of 5th house (Education, Children etc. ) -

look for 5th from the 5th house, i.e. 9th house.

• Bhavat Bhawam of 6th house (Debts, Diseases, Enemies

etc.) - look for 6th from the 6th house, i.e. 11th house.

• Bhavat Bhawam of 7th house (Marriage, Spouse

etc.) - look for 7th from the 7th house, i.e. 1st house.
Bhavat-Bhavam Taurus /
30° - 60°
330° -360°
• Bhavat Bhawam of 8th house (Occult, Secrets etc.) - look Gemini/ M ithuna3
2 00° - 30° 12
Aquarius/ Kumha
60° - 11 300°
for 8th from the 8th house, i.e. 3rd house. 90°
Lagna -330°
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
• Bhavat Bhawam of 9th house (Higher Knowledge, Religion 90° - 120°

etc.) - look for 9th from the 9th house, i.e. 5th house. Leo/Simha
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
6 8 -270°
• Bhavat Bhawam of 10th house (Father, Work Environment) Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
150° -180° 210° -240°
- look for 10th from the 10th house, i.e. 7th house.
Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Meena 00° - 30° Vrishabha
• Bhavat Bhawam of 11th house (Gain, Income etc.) - look for 330° -360° Lagna 30° - 60° Mithuna
60° -
11th from the 11th house, i.e. 9th house. 90°

Aquarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
• Bhavat Bhawam of 12th house (Foreign Lands, Spirituality 300° -330° 90° -
etc. ) - look for 12th from the 12th house, i.e. 11th house. Capricorn/
120° - 150°
270° -300°

Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
rgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
240° -270° 150° -180°
210° -240° Vi 180°
Maraka Sthana 2,7 Taurus /
30° - 60°
330° -360°
• The Maraka houses are two and seven. Maraka in Sanskrit means 2
00° - 30° 12
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Aquarius/ Kumha
"killer". 60° -
Lagna 11 300°
90° -330°

• These houses and the planets that rule them are considered the 1 Capricorn/Makara
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
killer houses or planets. 90° - 120°

• These planets and houses are prominent when death or injury Leo/Simha 180°
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
occurs. 6 8 -270°
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
• Death or injury does not occur every time these planets become 150° -180° 210° -240°

prominent through the dashas or transits.

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Meena 00° - 30° Vrishabha
• There must be other determining influences indicating such an 330° -360° Lagna 30° - 60° Mithuna
60° -
event. 90°

Aquarius/ Cancer/
• Planets occupying these houses, planets associated with them, and Kumha Kataka
300° -330° 90° -
the lords of these houses can become maracas. 120°
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
• Marakas indicate problems in health. Makara
120° - 150°
270° -300°

• For example, the lord of one maraka house occupying the other Sagittarius/
Vruschika Libra/Tula
rgo/ Kanya
150° -180°
maraka house can reduce one’s life span. 240° -270° 210° -240° Vi 180°
Why 2,7, are Maraka Sthana? Taurus /
30° - 60°
330° -360°
• 8th House represents Longevity. 7th house is 12th house Gemini/ M ithuna3
2 00° - 30° 12
Aquarius/ Kumha
60° - 11 300°
from 8th house. 90°
Lagna -330°
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
• 12th Bhava represents vyaya sthana. In this context, 12th 90° - 120°

house negates the longevity. That is why 7th house is Leo/Simha

120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
considered as Maraka house. 5
6 8 -270°
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
150° -180° 210° -240°
• By applying Bhavat bhava concept, the longevity can be
Pisces/ Gemini/
seen from 8th Bhava from 8th house. Meena
00° - 30°
Taurus /
330° -360° Lagna 30° - 60° Mithuna
60° -
• 8th to 8th Bhava falls at 3rd house from Lagna. 90°

Aquarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
• The 2nd house, being 12th house to 3rd house is vyaya 300° -330° 90° -
bhava of 3rd house. Therefore, it is considered Maraka. Capricorn/
120° - 150°
270° -300°

Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
rgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
240° -270° 150° -180°
210° -240° Vi 180°
Why 2,7, are Maraka Sthana? Taurus /
30° - 60°
330° -360°
• 8th House represents Longevity. 7th house is 12th house Gemini/ M ithuna3
2 00° - 30° 12
Aquarius/ Kumha
60° - 11 300°
from 8th house. 90°
Lagna -330°
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
• 12th Bhava represents vyaya sthana. In this context, 12th 90° - 120°

house negates the longevity. That is why 7th house is Leo/Simha

120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
considered as Maraka house. 5
6 8 -270°
Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
150° -180° 210° -240°
• By applying Bhavat bhava concept, the longevity can be
Pisces/ Gemini/
seen from 8th Bhava from 8th house. Meena
00° - 30°
Taurus /
330° -360° Lagna 30° - 60° Mithuna
60° -
• 8th to 8th Bhava falls at 3rd house from Lagna. 90°

Aquarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
• The 2nd house, being 12th house to 3rd house is vyaya 300° -330° 90° -
bhava of 3rd house. Therefore, it is considered Maraka. Capricorn/
120° - 150°
270° -300°

Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
rgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
240° -270° 150° -180°
210° -240° Vi 180°
Topic : 5 The Navagrahas (Nine Planets)

• The Nine planets as per Hindu Astrology • Friendship of Planets

• Natural Characteristics of nine planets > Permanent Friendship
• Significations (Karakatwa) of each Planet > Temporary Friendship
• Natural Benefic & Natural Malefic Planets > Compound Friendship (Panchada Maitri)
• Functional Benefic & Functional Malefic Planets • Key Planets for each sign
• Avasthas of Planets • Aspects of Planets (Graha Drishti)
• Dignities of Planets: • Relationship between Planets (Sambandha)
>Exaltation/Debilitation/Moolatrikona • Effects of Nine Planets in each Rasi (Sign)
• Ucchobhilashi / Neechobhilashi • Effects of Nine Planets in each Bhava (House)
Nine Planets as per Hindu Astrolgoy
• There are 9 Grahas [Planets] in Hindu Astrology. They are
• Sun - Surya
• Moon -
• Mars - Chandra
• Mercury
- Mangal/Kuja
• Jupiter
• Venus - Budha
• Saturn -
• Dragon Head - - Guru
Rahu -
• Dragon Tail - - Shukra
Ketu -
Nine Planets as
per Hindu
• Inferior Planets
•The planets that are posited
between earth and sun are called
inferior planets – Mercury, Venus
• Superior Planets
•The planets located beyond the
earth in solar system -Mars, Jupiter,

Interior Planets Superior Planets

Nine Planets as per Hindu Astrolgoy
Sun Soul of all Sun and Moon Royal Status
Moon Mind Mars Army Chief
Mars Strength Mercury Prince
Mercury Speech giver Jupiter and Venus Ministers
Jupite Knowledge and Saturn Servant
happiness Venus Semen (Potency) Rahu and Ketu Army
Saturn Grief

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Agni Varuna Subramanya Vishnu Indra Sachi Devi Brahma
Nine Planets and Incarnation of Vishunu
• Venus/Shukra- Parashu Rama
• There are 9 Grahas [Planets] and their
incarnation of Vishnu
• Sun/Surya -
• Saturn/Shani – Kurma

• Moon/Chandra -
• Rahu – Varaha

• Mars/Mangal/-Narasimha

• Ketu – Matsya

• Mercury/Budha- Budda
• Lagna - Kalki
• Jupiter/Guru -Vāmana
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Sun
• Sun is a royal planet and the king in astrology. Sun represents soul.
• It is considered to be malefic planet. The satvik tatwa of Sun makes it mild malefic.
• He represents the soul, will power, health, father, the Government, ruling class
• It's hot and angry, colour is red.
• Sun represents the eastern direction.
• The sun stays in each rasi for one month and takes one year to complete the round
of the zodiac. The movement of sun is approximately 1°/day
• Its motion is quite fixed and a lot of Indian festivals are as per the suns entry into the
various signs. For example on January 14 it enters Makara and this day is celebrated
as Makara Sankranti, On April 13th/14th it enters Mesha and this day is celebrated as
• Any planet moving closer to Sun becomes combust due to its fiery nature.
• The change in seasons is also linked to the suns entry into various signs and
• He is the Pitrukaraka or planet connected with father.
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Sun
Karakatva Body Part Relationship
• Politics • Bones • Father
• King
• Authority
• Soul
• Name and fame
• Stable mind
• Heat
• Government Service
• Courage
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Moon
• Moon is also a royal planet and is the queen in astrology. Moon is Samaagama
Planet. Moon is considered to be benefic especially if it is waxing moon.
• He represents the mind, emotions, travel, agriculture, water works, mechanical
engineer, sailors, shipping, women welfare, nursary, chemical, petroleum, nursing
homes, sensitivity, the mother, house and domestic comforts, milk, sea and all things
connected with the sea, hotel and food industry, textiles and apparels.
• Its cold and calm, Its color is white, direction north west, metal is silver and gem is
• The moon is the fastest moving of the 9 planets and takes approximately 2-1/2 days
to travel a sign. It moves approximately 13° in a day
• When the sun and moon are in the same rasi it is called Amavasya or new moon day
or the 1st day of the dark fortnight. The lunar days or Tithi changes with every 12
degree difference between the sun and the moon. When the sun and the moon are
in the exact opposite signs or 180 degrees apart, it is called Poornima or the full
moon day or the 1st day of the bright fortnight.
• He is the Matrukaraka or planet connected with mother.
• The sign in which your Moon is placed in the birth chart is called your Janma Rasi.
The star constellation in which your Moon is placed is called your Janma Nakshatra.
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Moon
Karakatva Karakatva Body Parts Relationship
• Mother • Flowers • Mind • Mother
• Travelling, • Female • Emotions
• Left eye • Cough/Cold • Body Fluids
• Water • Wells
• Left Eye
• Mind • Water pipes
• Sense of Taste
• Silver • Vegetation
• Breasts
• White cloth • Overseas travels
• Milk
• Pearls
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Mars
• Mars is the commander in astrology.
• Mars is considered to be malefic planet.
• Mars is impulsive and aggressive planet. It promotes tendency of aggressive nature.
• He represents, energy, courage, younger brothers & sisters, armed forces, the police forces,
stamina, administrators, men in high position, land, engineering, metals, real estate agents,
surgery, logic, geology, circus, hunting, chemist, jail, cooking, metal trade, sports, property
dealer, dentist, taming wild animals.
• Its metal is copper and gem is coral, color is red and direction south.
• Mars takes about 45 days to travel one sign.
• He is the Bhatrukaraka or planet connected with brother.
• He is also called Bhumiputra or Bhumikaraka connected land
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Mars
Karakatva Karakatva Body Parts Relationships
• Brothers & sisters • Commanding power • Muscles • Coborns
• Houses & lands • Surgery, • Head [Brothers and
• Fire • Engineering • Testicles
• Aggression and war • Military authority • Bone Marrow
• Impulsive • Police department • Blood Pressure
• Cuts and burns • Accidents • Bile
• Blood • Quarrels • Vigour
• Armed forces • Violence & murders
• Daringness
• Energy
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Mercury
• Mercury is the prince in astrology.
• Mercury is considered to be benefic planet unless it is afflicted.
• He represents and communications.
• Mercury present speech, business, law, counsellors, intelligence, maternal uncles,
short journeys, medical profession, trade, libraries, writers, stationery, teachers,
P&T department, computers and the web, astrology and knowledge of the shastras,
accountants, mathematics, journalism, printing and publishing, newspaper,
educationists Intellectuals, orators.
• Its metal is bronze, gem is emerald, color is green and direction north.
• Mercury takes about a month to travel a Rasi. It is always within 27 degree distance
from the sun from astrological point of view.
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Mercury
Karakatva Karakatva Body Part Relationships
• Humour • Accounts • Skin • Maternal Uncles
• Business • Correspondence • Sense of Smell [Mother’s brother]

• Nerves • Communication • Memory

• Intelligence • Orators • Intelligence
• Astrology • Versatile • Speech
• Mathematics • Printing& publishing • Consciousness
• Script writing • Author of books • Respiratory Canal
• Libraries • Language
• Teachers • Puranas
• Educationists • Devotee Of Vishnu
• Journalism • Science of sound
• Computer and
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Jupiter
• Jupiter is known as the “Devaguru” or the guru of the Gods.
• Jupiter is Expansive planet which promotes prosperity and best among natural
benefic planet.
• He represents higher knowledge, wealth, education, ministers, philosophers,
learners of veda and sastras, astrologers, intelligence, spirituality, priests, temples,
religious head, charitable institutions, banks, treasurers, income tax, auditors,
editors, professors, teachers, research & scientists, law-court, lawyers & judges,
children, saints.
• Its colour is yellow, metal gold, gem yellow sapphire and direction north – east.
• Jupiter takes about one year to travel a sign.
• He is the Putrakaraka or planet connected with children. Also called as Dhana
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Jupiter
Karakatva Karakatva Body Parts Relationship
• Wealth • Helping nature • Fat • Child
• Male children • Religion religious • Liver
• Education ceremonies
• Gall Bladder
• Judge
• Strong built bulky
• Spleen
body • Truth
• Astrology • Temples • Sense of Sounds

• Minister • Advocates • Ears

• Penance • Philosophers
• Charity • Bank officers
• Honourable • Professors of
• Fame & universities
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Venus
• Venus is the “Daityaguru” or the guru of the demons.
• Venus is considered to be natural benefic.
• He represents spouse, marriage, flowers, vehicles, sex life, kidneys and sex organ,
dance, music, arts, gems and jewelers, wines, bars, gambling places, acting, fashion,
cosmetics and beauty products, artists, garments, dramatists, navy, excise, painting,
dress makers, ministers, architectures, entertainment, drama, theatre, actors and
• It represent all luxury items. It promotes creativity.
• Its metal is silver, gem is diamond, direction is south-east and colour is white.
• Venus takes about a month to travel a sign and completes the round of the zodiac in
12 months.
• From astronomical point of view it is always within 48 degrees of the sun.
• He is the Kalatra karaka or planet connected with spouse.
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Venus
Karakatva Karakatva Body Part Body Part
• Marriage • Valuable cloth • Semen • Spouce
• Fine arts • Dramas • Sense of Taste
• Artists • Adultery • Sexual Organs
• Ministers • Captivating •
• Attractive eyes fashionable dresses Reproductive
• Selling and buying System
• interested in poetry
goods • Face
• Luxury
• Ancient literature • Beauty of
• Music and wealth Eyes
• Sensual pleasures • Cosmetics
• Dancing • Gambling
• Cinema
• Conveyances
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Saturn
• Saturn is the servant in astrology.
• Saturn is considered to be natural malefic and slow moving planet that gives great
• He represents hard work, sorrow, old men, servants and the lower level workers,
people in the iron and steel industry, municipality and drainage work. A well-placed
Saturn can bestow excellent power, prestige, name and fame and a badly placed
Saturn can devastate you. Its metal is iron, colour is blue, gem is blue sapphire, and
direction is west.
• He represented masses. He is Karmic planet.
• Saturn is the slowest moving of the 9 planets and takes approximately 2-1/2 years to
transit a sign and completes the round of the zodiac in 30 years.
• He is the Udyogakaraka/Karmakaraka/Kamaphaladata or planet connected with
• He is also karaka for Longivity – Ayushya Karaka
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Saturn
Karakatva Karakatva Karakatva Body Part
• Longevity • Travels in forests • Agriculture • Sense of Touch
• Obstruction • Destruction profession • Nerves
• Iron • Indigestion • Joints (Including
• Delay
• Servants • Learning a language • Debts Spine)
other than his • Punishmen • Legs
• Windy diseases
mother tongue ts & fines • Knees
• Paralysis (language)
• Imprisonm • Ankles
• Dental diseases • Untruthful, ent,
• Elephentiasis pleadings
• Travelling in foreign
• Tall and lean • Angry countries
constitution • Mental • Oil Relationship
• Slow adoption worry • Servants
• Low caste people
• Troubles • Cruel
• Failures
• Death • Bad disappointments
friends • loss of money
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Rahu
• Rahu is a moon’s north node without mass.
• Rahu is considered as natural malefic.
• Rahu represents foreigners, foreign countries, foreign travel, engineering and the
technical trades, smoke, old men, grandparents, theft, gambling, drinking,
nonconformists, earnings through unethical means, leather and animal skin,
Butchers, the underworld and the bad elements in the society.

• Rahu is materialistic planet. It amplify the characteristics of the Rashi where it

• Rahu has capability to spread and expansion in no time.

• Its colour is black, metal mixed-metal and gem is Gomedh.

• Rahu takes approximately 1-1/2 years to travel a sign and hence completes the
of the zodiac in 18 years.
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Rahu
Karakatva Karakatva Karakatva Body Part
• Outcaste • Grand father • Battles
• Evil nature • Kingdom • Illogical argument
• Secret • Snakes • Dreadful speech
• Un-married people • Thieves • Wounds
• Gambling • Black marketing • Caves
• Liar • Secret money • Smoke letting
• Intoxicating drinks • Pandemics chimney
• Burial grounds • Owl
• Contacts with
prostitutes • Victory in the 6th
• Imprisonment,
• Debauchery house Relationship
• Fame
• Widow • Speaking falsehoods
• Quarrelling nature
• Serpents • Fire accident
• Detective
• Loss of children
• Poison knowledge
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Ketu
• Ketu is Southern Node of Moon without mass.
• Ketu is considered to be natural malefic.
• Ketu represents grandparents, technical trades, spiritual inclinations, superstitions
and electronics.
• Its colour is brown and gem is cat’s eye.

• It amplify the characteristics of the Rashi where it posited.

• Ketu is spiritual planet. Therefore it is called Moksha Karaka

• Ketu is always in the opposite sign to Rahu, i.e., exactly 180 degrees away. Ketu also
takes approximately 1-1/2 years to travel a sign and hence completes the round of
the zodiac in 18 years.
Natural Characteristics and Karakatva of planets- Ketu
Karakatva Karakatva Karakatva Body Part
• Pilgrimage • Hunger • Electronics
• Dog • Skin diseases • Spiritualism
• Insurance including leprosy • Superstitious
• Dead bodies
• Death • Pessimism
• Hides and skins
• Tax
• White-ant hills
• Grief
• Ass
• Burial grounds
• Serpents
• Dips in holy rivers
and seas • Elephentiasis
• Religious • Mental diseases Relationship
ceremonies • Wounds
• Propagates dharma • Quarrels
and Moksha
canons • Imprisonment
Natural Benefic and Natural Malefic

• Sun - Surya - Natural Malefic

• Moon - Chandra - Natural Benefic
• Mars - Mangal/Kuja - Natural Malefic
• Mercury - Budha - Natural Benefic [If not afflicted]
• Jupiter - Guru - Natural Benefic
• Venus - Shukra - Natural Benefic
• Saturn - Shani - Natural Malefic
• Dragon Head -
Rahu North Node - Natural Malefic
• Dragon Tail -
Ketu South Node - Natural Malefic
Avastas of Planets

There are 5 types of Planetary Avasthas

• 1. Baalaadhi – Based on Maturity
• 2. Jagradadi – Based on Alertness
• 3. Deeptaadi – Based on Status
• 4. Lajjitaadi – Based on Mood (such as proud, shy etc.)
• 5. Shayanaadi – Based on Condition of activity
Odd Sign Avasthas Even Sign Grade
1. Bālādi Avastās Result
0° to 6° Infant [Bala] 24° to 30° ¼
6° to 12° Youthful [Kumara] 18° to 24° ½
12° to 18° Adolescent [Yuva] 12° to 18° Full
18° to 24° Old [Vriddha] 6° to 12° Very less
• Baalaadhi – maturity
24° to 30° Dead [Mrita] 0° to 6° Poor
• This state reflects the maturity of the planet and there are five kinds listed in the table.
• A planet in Bala avastha will have a child-like energy to it, and like a child will not be able to exhibit
the full potential of its strength. In fact, a planet in Bala avastha displays only about one-fourth of the
strength that would otherwise be predicted for it.
• 2. Kumara means youth in an adolescent stage and like a vigorous youth, a planet in kumara avastha
gives one-half of its results since, though strength is present, the wisdom needed to direct that
strength, which is derived from experience, is usually lacking.
• 3. Yuva, which also means young, indicates a young adult who has had sufficient experience to gain
some of life’s wisdom. A planet in Yuva avastha gives full results.
• 4. Vriddha means aged and indicates a planet which has entered its senior, retired years; it gives
minimal results.
• 5. Mrita means dead; relatively speaking, dead planets produce no results, though every planet
Odd Sign Avasthas Even Sign Grade
1. Bālādi Avastās 0° to 6° Infant [Bala] 24° to 30° ¼
6° to 12° Youthful [Kumara] 18° to 24° ½
12° to 18° Adolescent [Yuva] 12° to 18° Full
18° to 24° Old [Vriddha] 6° to 12° Very less
24° to 30° Dead [Mrita] 0° to 6° Poor
• Exceptions
• It is said that planets such as Sun and Mars give the best results in Balaavastha( infant) Jupiter and Venus in the
Yuva (Youth) and Moon and Saturn in Vriddha( old age).
• Mercury yields good results always.
• Please note planets posited below 1 degree and more than 29 degree in any house considered to be Bhava sandhi
and almost no results.
Odd Sign Avasthas Even Sign Grade
1. Bālādi Avastās 0° to 6° Infant [Bala] 24° to 30° ¼
6° to 12° Youthful [Kumara] 18° to 24° ½
12° to 18° Adolescent [Yuva] 12° to 18° Full
18° to 24° Old [Vriddha] 6° to 12° Very less
24° to 30° Dead [Mrita] 0° to 6° Poor

Rah Ven 16⁰36’ Rah

Sun Mon
13⁰42’ Ven 16⁰36’ 13⁰42’ 13⁰50’
00⁰01’ Mer
Mon 2 Sun 0⁰01’ 12 Jup
13⁰50’ Mer 24⁰42’ 11 Lagna 3⁰00’
Jup 3⁰00’ Lagna 10⁰42’
4 7 10 Mars
Mars 01⁰24’
9 Sat
6 8 20⁰18’ Sat Ket 13⁰42’
Ket 20⁰18’
2. Jāgratādi Avastās
• This condition shows the general alertness of the planet and there are three types.
• When a planet in own sign or exaltation is known as a Waker or Jagrit.
• In the waking state, the planet is fully aware of the physical, mental and emotional world and its working.
• A planet in dream state or Swapna avastha is highly emotional and lives in the reality that is projected by
circumstances and its mind.
• A planet in deep sleep or “shushupti” and is ignorant of what is happening in the outside world. It is natural that
planet is not useful for acquiring material possessions.

Condition of the Graha Avastha Meaning Results

Own sign or Exaltation Rasi Jagrit Waker Full
Friend or Neutral Rasi Swapna Dreamer Medium
Deep Sleep
Enemy Rasi or debilitation Sushupti Poor
3. Deeptādi Avastās
There are 9 Deeptadi Avasthas (Related to Attitude)
Avasthas Planet Position Result

Deeptha Exaltation Success in the undertaking

Deena Debilitation Sorrow
Swastha/Swakshretra Own House Comfortable, Fame
Muditha/Mitra Kshretra Friendly Sign Gain of wealth and happiness
Suptha Inimical Sign Sorrow and fear from enemies
Nipeedita Defeated in planetary war Loss of money
Mushita [Deprived] Heliocal setting Failure and loss of money
Pariheena [Neechabhilashi] Approaching debilitation Sign Failure and loss of money
Suveerya [Ucchabhilashi] Approaching exaltation Sign Access to conveyance and gold
Athiveerya Placed in vargas of benefic Political success and valuable contacts
4. Lajjitādi Avastās
• This avastha reflects the mood of the planet. The various conditions and the results are summarised below.

Graha Condition Meaning Results

Situated in 5th house with Rahu, Ketu or conjunct with Sun,
Saturn or Mars Lajita Shy, Ashamed God Aversion
Exalted or Mooltrikona Garvita Proud Happiness and gains
Enemy Rasi, conjunct with or aspected by Enemy, or Saturn Kshudhita Hungry Grief
In Water sign, aspected by enemy without benefic aspect Trashita Thirsty Losses, Wicked deeds
Friend’s Rasi, or conjunct with or aspected by Friend or Jupiter Mudita Delighted Gains
Conjunction with Sun and aspected by malefics and enemy Kshobhita Agitated Penury
5. Shayanādi Avastās
• This avastha relates to the condition of various activities.
• These are arrived at by carrying out calculations that involve taking into account the serial number of
planet, of the nakshatra it is in, the navamsha it is in, the ishta gathi of the person who we are doing the
calculations for.
• The various states are described below.

SlNo Avasta Result SlNo Avasta Result

1Shayana Resting, Lying down 7Sabha In the audience
2Upaveshana Sitting down 8Aagama Flowing
3Netrapani Leading 9Bhojana Eating
4Prakashana Illuminating 10Nrityalipsa Dancing
5Gamana Coming 11Kautuka Desiring
6Agamana Coming and going 12Nidra Sleeping
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic
• The planets deliver the result according to their significations.
• However, the signification gets modified according to its lordship from the Lagna.
• Due to this modification, a natural benefic may become functionally malefic and visa
• A Functional Benefic planet is a planet which modifies its signification according to
lordship it occupies from Lagna and gives good result to the native.
• We will identify Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic for each lagna based ont
their lordship in a horoscope.
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic
• There are set of principles laid down to determine whether a planet is functionally benefic or

• Lord of Lagna, 5th and 9th lords [Trikona Lords] are always auspicious for all Ascendants.
• Lord of the lagna lord is always benefic as he is lord of Trikona and Kendra.

• Benefic planets owning Kendra tend to loose their benefic qualities but they don’t behave exactly like a
malefic, unless they are associated with other malefic houses or their lords.

• Malefic planet owing Kendra houses tend to loose their malefic tendency but they don’t behave like a
complete auspicious planet unless they are associated with benefic houses or their lords

• The lord of 11th, 6th and 3rd houses are most malefic in decreasing order for any lagna.

• Lord of 2nd, 8th and 12th house acts as neutral.

• Lord of 2nd, 8th and 12th houses when simultaneously lords over 3rd, 6th and 12th, then they acts as
the most malefic planet for that Ascendant.
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic
Lagna 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neut. F.Mal Neut F.Ben F.Mal Neut. Neut. F.Ben Neut. F.Mal Neut.
Aries Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Venus Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup
Taurus Mer Moon Sun Mer Venus Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar
Gemini Mon Sun Mer Venus Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven
Cancer Sun Mer Venus Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer
Leo Mer Venus Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon
Virgo Ven Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun
Libra Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer
Scorpio Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven
Sagitta Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar
Capric. Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup
Aquari Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat
Pisces Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic- Aries
Lagna 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neut. F.Mal Neut F.Ben F.Mal Neut. Neut. F.Ben Neut. F.Mal Neut.
Aries Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Venus Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup

Taurus / Pisces/ Meena Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/ Lagna Lords Planet
Vrishabha Mithuna
Merc Venus Meena
Mars Venus Merc Functional 1 Mars*
2 Aries/Mesha Jup 12
Jup Benefic
Gemini/ M ithuna3 A1u1qarius/ 5 Sun*
Mars Auqarius/ Cancer/
KumhaSat Kumha Kataka 9 Jup*
Moon Capricorn/Makara Sat
1 Moon
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Neutral- 4 Moon
7 Sat Makara Benefic/Malefic
Libra/Tula Sat Sun
Kendra 7 Ven*
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
5 9 Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Virgo/ 10 Sat
6 Venus Dhanu Vruschika
Virgo/ Kanya 8 Mars
Jup Mars Venus Kanya
Neutral 2 Ven
Merc Jup Merc
8 Mars
12 Jup
Functional 3 Mercury
6 Mercury*
* Moola 11 Sat*
© Bangalore III Chapter of IC ASTrikona Sign
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic-Taurus
Lagna 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neut. F.Mal Neut F.Ben F.Mal Neut. Neut. F.Ben Neut. F.Mal Neut.
Taurus Mer Moon Sun Mer Venus Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar
Gemini/ Mithuna Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Lagna Lords Planet
Merc M ithuna
Mar°s Meena
1 Mars Venus Merc Functional 1 Ven
Cancer/Kataka 3 Taurus /
12Pisces/ Meena
4 Vrishabha Jup
Moon Venus
Cancer/ Benefic 5 Mer*
Kumha Kataka
Sat Moon
Leo/Simha 2 Auqarius/ Kumha
9 Sat
5 11 Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Sun 8 Makara Neutral- 4 Sun*
Sat Sat Sun
Scorpio/Vruschika Capricorn/Makara
Benefic/Malefic 7 Mar
Virgo/ Kanya
6 10 Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Virgo/ Kendra
Merc 7 Mars 9 Sat Dhanu Vruschika
Libra/Tula Jup Venus Kanya
Sagittarius/Dhanu Mars
Ven°us Merc
Neutral Lords Sat*
2 Mer
8 Jup*
12 Mar*
Functional 3 Moon
Malefic 6 Ven*

AS 11 Jup
Maple Trikona Sign
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic- Gemini
Lagna 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neut. F.Mal Neut F.Ben F.Mal Neut. Neut. F.Ben Neut. F.Mal Neut.
Gemini Mon Sun Mer Venus Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven
Lagna Lords Planet
Taurus / Vrishabha
Cancer/Kataka Pisces/
Moon Venus Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/ Functional 1 Mer
Meena Mithuna
Benefic 5 Ven*
2 Aries/Mesha
Mars Venus
4 Gemini / Mithuna 1 Jup Merc
5 M 9 Sat*
Sun Auqarius/ Cancer/
erc Mars
Kumha Kataka
Neutral- 4 Mer*
3 Moon
Virgo/ Kanya
6 Pisces/ Meena Benefic/Malefic
12 Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
7 Jup*
Merc 9 Jup Makara
Sat Sun 10 Jup
Libra/Tula Sagittari mha

Venus 7 J us/Dhanu Auqarius/ Ku

11 Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Virgo/ Neutral Lords 2 Moon
up Sat Libra/Tula
8 Dhanu Vruschika
Scorpio/Vruschika 10 Jup Mars Venus Kanya 8 Sat
Mars Capricorn/Makara Merc
Sat 12 Ven
Functional 3 Sun*
Malefic 6 Mar
Trikona 11 Mar*
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic- Cancer
Lagna 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neut. F.Mal Neut F.Ben F.Mal Neut. Neut. F.Ben Neut. F.Mal Neut.
Cancer Sun Mer Venus Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer

Leo/Simha Gemini/
Lagna Lords Planet
Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
120° - M ithuna
150° Vrishabha Functional 1 Moon
60° - 90° Meena
3 Mars Venus Mithuna
Virgo/ 5 Benefic
6 Cancer/Kataka T aurus / habhaJup Merc 5 Mar
Kanya 90° - 120° 2 30° -
150° -180° Vris 60° Auqarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka 9 Jup
Libra/Tula 4 Aries/Mesha Sat Moon
180° 7 1 00° - 30° Neutral- 4 Ven*
-210° 10 Leo/Simha
Sun Kendra 7 Sat
Scorpio/Vruschika Pisces/ Mee na Sat
210° -240° 8 270° -300°
10 Mar*
9 1112 330° -360° Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika
Sagittarius/Dhanu Auqarius/ Jup Mars Venus Kanya Neutral Lords 2 Sun*
240° -270° Kumha 300° Merc
-330° 8 Sat*
12 Mer
Functional 3 Mer*
6 Jup*
Trikona Sign 11 Ven
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic- Leo
Lagna 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neut. F.Mal Neut F.Ben F.Mal Neut. Neut. F.Ben Neut. F.Mal Neut.
Leo Mer Venus Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon
Cancer/Kataka Lagna Lords Planet
Kanya 90° - 120° Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
150° -180° Vrishabha Mithuna
Functional 1 Sun*
6 Leo/Si mha 4 G emini/ Mithuna
Mars Venus Merc Benefic 5 Jup*
Libra/Tula 3
120° Jup
180° -210° 7 - 150° 60° - 90°
9 Mar*
Auqarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
5 Sat Moon Neutral- 4 Mar
8 Taurus / Vrishabha
210° -240° 2 30° - 60° Capricorn/ Benefic/Malefic 7 Sat*
11 Leo/Simha
Makara Kendra
Sat Sun
Sagittarius/Dhanu Auqarius/ 10 Ven
Kumha Aries/Mesha
240° -270°9 300° 30° 1 00° - 30° Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Virgo/
10 -3 Libra/Tula Neutral Lords 2 Mer*
Dhanu Vruschika
12 Jup Mars Venus Kanya
270° -300°
Pisces/ Meena
Merc 8 Jup
330° -360°
12 Moon
Functional 3 Ven*
Malefic 6 Sat
Moola 11 Mer
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic- Virgo
Lagna 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neut. F.Mal Neut F.Ben F.Mal Neut. Neut. F.Ben Neut. F.Mal Neut.
Virgo Ven Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun
Libra/Tula Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/ Lagna Lords Planet
180° 120° - Vrishabha
-210° Meena Mithuna
150° Mars Venus Functional 1 Mer*
Scorpio/Vruschika 7 5 Cancer/Katak Merc
210° 8 Virgo/ a
Jup Benefic
-240° Kanya 4 90° -
Auqarius/ Cancer/
5 Sat
150° -180° 120° Kumha Kataka
6 Sat Moon 9 Ven
240° 9 3 M ithuna Capricorn/
12 60° - 90° Makara
Leo/Simha Neutral- 4 Jup*
Sat Sun Benefic/Malefic
Capricorn/Makara Pisces/ Meena Taurus / h Kendra 7 Jup
a Virgo/
270° 330° -360° 2 30° -
Vrishab S
10 11 1 60° a Vruschika 10 Mer
g Mars Venus Kanya
Auqarius/ Kumha Aries/Mesha it Merc
300° -330° 00° - 30° t
Neutral Lords 2 Ven*
8 Mar*
/ 12 Sun*
a Functional 3 Mar
n Malefic
u 6 Sat*
u kona Sign 11 Moon
p *aMptoeor loafTIrCi
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic- Libra
Lagna 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neut. F.Mal Neut F.Ben F.Mal Neut. Neut. F.Ben Neut. F.Mal Neut.
Libra Mars Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer

Virgo/ Kanya Pisces/ ies/Mesha

Lagna Lords Planet
Scorpio/Vruschika Taurus / Gemini/
210° -240° 150° -180° Ar Vrishabha
Meena Mithuna
Functional 1 Ven*
Mars Venus
Libra/Tula 6 Leo/Simha Jup Benefic
240° 180°
Merc 5 Sat*
5120° - 150° Auqarius/ Cancer/
-270° -210°
Kumha Kataka 9 Mer
7 Cancer/Kataka Sat Moon
Capricorn/Makar a
270° 1 4 90° - 120°
Neutral- 4 Sat
-300° 1 Makara Benefic/Malefic
0 Sat Sun Kendra 7 Mar*
Aries/Mesha Gemini/
Auqarius/ Kumha 3M ithun a
00° - 30° 60° - Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Virgo/ 10 M00n
300° -330° 11 12 2 90° Dhanu Vruschika
Jup Mars Venus Merc Neutral Lords 2 Mar
Pisces/ Taurus /
Meena Vrishabha
330° -360° 30° - 60° 8 Ven
12 Mer*
Functional 3 Jup*
6 Jup
na Sign 11 Sun*
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic- Scorpio
Lagna 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neut. F.Mal Neut F.Ben F.Mal Neut. Neut. F.Ben Neut. F.Mal Neut.
Scorpio Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven

Sagittarius/Dhanu Pisces/ Aries/Mesha

Lagna Lords Planet
Libra/Tula Taurus / Gemini/
240° -270° 180° Vrishabha Mithuna
Meena Functional 1 Mar
-210° Mars Venus Merc
Scorpio/Vruschika 7 Virgo/ Kan Benefic
Capricorn/Makara10 210° -240° 6 150° ya Jup 5 Jup
270° -180° Auqarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka 9 Moon
8 Sat Moon
Auqarius/ Kumha 5
Leo/Simha Neutral- 4 Sat*
300° 11 120° - Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
2 150° Makara Benefic/Malefic
Sun Kendra 7 Ven
Pisces/ M eena Taurus / a
330° -360°12 Vrishabha
Cancer/Katak S
4 90° - Scorpio/ Virgo/ 10 Sun*
1 30° - 60° 3
a Vruschika
120° g Mars Venus Kanya Neutral Lords 2 Jup*
Aries/Mesha Gemini/ i
t Merc
00° - 30° M ithuna t 8 Mer
60° - 90° a
i 12 Ven*
Functional 3 Sat
D Malefic
h 6 Mar*
n a Trikona 11 Mer*
J Sign
u o f
*M o ol
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic- Sagittarius
Lagna 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neut. F.Mal Neut F.Ben F.Mal Neut. Neut. F.Ben Neut. F.Mal Neut.
Sagitta Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar
Lagna Lords Planet
Capricorn/Makara Scorpio/Vruschika Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
210° -240°
270° -300° Libra/Tula
Vrishabha Functional 1 Jup*
8 Mars Venus Mithuna
180° -210° Benefic
10 us/Dhanu Jup Merc 5 Mar*
uqarius/ Kumha11 Sagittari
240° -270° Auqarius/ Cancer/
-330° Kumha Kataka 9 Sun*
9 Virgo/ Kanya Sat Moon
Pisces/ Meena 6 150° -180° Neutral- 4 Jup
330° 12 Capricorn/ Leo/Simha Benefic/Malefic
3 Makara
7 Mer
Sat Sun Kendra
/ Mithuna Leo/Simha
Gemini° - 90° 5 120° - 150° 10 Mer*
Aries/Mesha Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Virgo/
1 60 Libra/Tula
00° - 30° 2 4 Dhanu Vruschika
Jup Mars Venus Kanya Neutral Lords 2 Sat
Taurus / Merc
90° - 120°
Vrishabha 8 Moon
30° - 60°
12 Mar
Functional 3 Sat*
6 Ven
rikona Sign
11 Ven*
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic- Capricorn
Lagna 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neut. F.Mal Neut F.Ben F.Mal Neut. Neut. F.Ben Neut. F.Mal Neut.
Capric. Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha
Lagna Lords Planet
Auqarius/ Sagittarius/Dhanu Taurus / Gemini/
Kumha 300° 240° -270° Vrishabha Mithuna
-330° Meena
Mars Venus
Functional 1 Sat
9 Merc
P isces/ Meena 11 Jup Benefic
chika 5 Ven
330° -360° 12 270° -300° 210°
-240° Cancer/
10 Kumha Kataka 9 Mer*
Aries/Mesha Libra/Tula
Sat Moon
00° - 30° 1 7 180° Neutral- 4 Mar*
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
4 -210° Makara Benefic/Malefic
Sat Sun
Kendra 7 Moon
Taurus / Cancer/Kataka
90° - 120° 6 Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Virgo/
30° - 2 Kanya Libra/Tula 10 Ven*
60° 3 5 150° -180°
Dhanu Vruschika
Jup Mars Venus Kanya
Gemini/ Leo/Simha Merc Neutral Lords 2 Sat*
M ithuna 120° -
60° - 90° 150° 8 Sun*
12 Jup*
Functional 3 Jup
6 Mer
11 Mar
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic- Aquarius
Lagna 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neut. F.Mal Neut F.Ben F.Mal Neut. Neut. F.Ben Neut. F.Mal Neut.
Aquari Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Capricorn/Makara Pisces/ Aries/Mesha

Lagna Lords Planet
Pisces/ Taurus / Gemini/
Meena 270° -300° Vrishabha
330° -360° Meena
Mars Venus Mithuna
Functional 1 Sat*
Aries/Mesha 12 Auqarius/
10 Jup Benefic
1 Merc 5 Mer
00° - 30° Kumha 300° 9 Sagittarius/Dh anu
240° -270 Auqarius/
-330° ° Cancer/
Kumha Kataka 9 Ven*
11 Sat
Scorpio/Vruschika Moon
Taurus / Vrishabha2
30° - 8 210° -240° Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Neutral- 4 Ven
60° 5 Makara Benefic/Malefic
Sat Sun 7 Sun*
emini/ M ithuna
120° -
60° - 90° 7 180° Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
10 Mar
3 4 150°
6 -210° Dhanu Vruschika
Jup Mars Venus Kanya
Cancer/Kataka Virgo/
Merc Neutral Lords 2 Jup
90° - 120° Kanya
150° -180°
8 Mer*
12 Sat
Functional 3 Mar*
6 Moon
*Mooal kTo
rint AS 11 Jup*
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic- Pisces
Lagna 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neut. F.Mal Neut F.Ben F.Mal Neut. Neut. F.Ben Neut. F.Mal Neut.
Pisces Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat

Aries/Mesha Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/ Lagna Lords Planet

00° - 30° Auqarius/ Kumha Vrishabha
300° -330° Meena
Mars Venus Mithuna Functional 1 Jup
Taurus / Vrishabha2 1 Merc Benefic
11 Jup 5 Moon
30° - 60° Pisces/ Meena Capricorn/Mak ara
330° -360° 10 Auqarius/ Cancer/
270° -300°
Kumha Kataka 9 Mar
12 Sat Moon
Gemini/ Neutral- 4 Mer
M ithun Sagittarius/Dhanu Capricorn/
3 Leo/Simha
60° - 90°
a 9 240° -270° Makara Benefic/Malefic
6 Sat Sun Kendra 7 Mer*
Cancer/Kataka a
90° - 120° 4 Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschik Sagittarius/ 10 Jup*
5 Scorpio/
150° -180° 8 210° -240° Dhanu Vruschika
7 Jup Mars Venus Kanya Neutral Lords 2 Mar*
120° - Merc
150° Libra/Tula
180° -210° 8 Ven*
12 Sat*
Functional 3 Ven
6 Sun*
* Moola Trikona Sign
11 Sat
Summary - Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic
Lagna Functional Benefic Functional Malefic
Aries Mar, Sun Jup Mer, Sat
Taurus Ven, Mer, Sat Moon, Ven, Jup
Gemini Mer, Ven, Satu Sun, Mars
Cancer Moon,Mar, Jup Mer, Jup, Ven
Leo Sun, Jup, Mars Ven,Sat, Mer
Virgo Mer,Sat,Ven Mar, Sat, Moon
Libra Ven,Sat,Mer Jup, Sun
Scorpio Mars,Jup, Moon Sat,Mar,Mer
Sagitta Jup,Mar,Sun Sat, Ven
Capric. Sat,Ven, Mer Jup, Mer, Mars
Aquari Sat, Mer,Ven Mars, Moon, Jup
Pisces Jup, Moon,Mar Venus, Sun, Sat
Dignity of Planets
• Exaltation (Uchcha)
• Exaltation is the position of a planet in a particular sign enhances the planetary
influences on their peak level.
• This is most idealistic condition for a planet to deliver its best it is in perfect harmony
with the nature of the Sign.
• In this placement, the planet feels in high morale, energy, position, exhilaration and
• Exaltation is a state of potency, of agreeableness, honour, vanity, confidence and
• It is then in good dignity and this gives the planet, ability to make sure effect on the
house it sits and owns.
• However, this does not mean that the Planet is likely to act responsibly, in again
on Avastha in which it is. The high energy doesn't guarantee a great experience.
• Exalted planet when it is retrograde, combust or posited in inimical Navamsha can produce
evil result.[Jataka Parijata]
Dignity of Planets

• Debilitation (Neecha)
• Debilitation is exactly opposite sign (and degrees) is the sign of fall (debility), the planet
suffers loss of strength and a reduction of potency.
• This is where the inherent nature (natural signification) of a planet is not in harmony
with the nature of the Sign.
• It is observable that in the Kaalpurush Chakra (natural zodiac with Aries Lagna), the
Signs correspond with the significations of the House numbers. Thus, the reason of
debility of planets also correlates to some extent with that of natural house.
• It can be observed, that typically, a planet fails to give great results in this house of
debility of the Kaalpurush Kundali, and, often correspond with the Maranakaraka Sthana
of the planet.
Dignity of Planets

• Debilitation is the state of uneasiness for a Planet. It is the loss of composure for a planet and
brings awkwardness and agitation to the planets.
• In such a situation the effects are not always bad for a native, but this loss will have an impact for
sure, even if the Planet is a Dusthana lord.
• If the Planet's nature is incompatible with the energy of the sign it is in, the disharmony leads to
weaking of the Planet's sense of honour, so, it gives inadequacy of its natural gifts, its house ruler
ships as well as house it sits in.
• It is as if the planet is inept to deal with the responsibilities thrust upon it, as its skills do not
match with the requirements. Its like having to wear a wrong size of shoe.
• A debilitated planet gives unfavorable results pertaining to its lordship, as well as for the house
where it is posited
Dignity of Planets Mon 3⁰ Mer 15⁰
 
Sun 10⁰  Ven 27⁰
2 Saturn 20⁰

 12
• Depending on placement in a horoscope, planets attain 3 Diginities 11
Jup 5⁰  1
Jup 5⁰
• Exaltation, Debilitation, Moolatrikona Mars 28⁰ 4

 10
7 Mars 28⁰
Planet Own Signs Exaltation Debilation Moolatrikona 6
Sun 10⁰ 
Ven 27⁰ 
Sun Leo 10⁰ Aries 10⁰ Libra 0⁰-20⁰ Leo 
Mer 15⁰ Saturn 20⁰ 9
  8
Mon 3⁰
Moon Cancer 3⁰ Taurus 3⁰ Scorpio 4⁰-30⁰ Taurus
Mer 15⁰ Sun 10⁰ Mon 3⁰ 
Mars Aries, Scorpio 28⁰ Capricorn 28⁰ Cancer 0⁰-12⁰ Aries Saturn 20⁰ 
 
Ven 27⁰
Mercury Gemini, Virgo 15⁰ Virgo 15⁰ Pisces 16⁰-20⁰ Virgo

Jupiter Sagittarius, Pisces 5⁰ Cancer 5⁰ Capricorn 0⁰-10⁰ Sagittarius Jup 5⁰ 
Mars 28⁰

Venus Libra 27⁰ Pisces 27⁰ Virgo 0⁰-15⁰ Libra 

Jup 5⁰
Saturn Capricorn, 20⁰ Libra 20⁰ Aries 0⁰-20⁰ Aquarius 
Mars 28⁰

Sun 10⁰  Ven 27⁰
Dignity of Planets
• Moola Trikona 3
2 Mars 0⁰- 12
• MT sign is the one, which is considered to be the dominant
sign of the planet, giving its positive results Mon 4⁰- 4
10 Saturn 0
• The sing opposite to MT sign is the sign of detrimental 30⁰ 7

giving Sun 0 ⁰
Ven 0⁰- 9 Jup 0⁰-10
opposite result. -20⁰
5 6 15⁰ ⁰

• Normally a planet gives the results of the house where its 8

Planet Ownsign falls
Signs Moolatrikona Mer 16⁰-20⁰

Sun Leo 0⁰-20⁰ Leo Mars 0⁰- Mon 4⁰-

12⁰ 30⁰

Moon Cancer 4⁰-30⁰ Taurus

S aturn 0
Mars Aries, Scorpio 0⁰-12⁰ Aries -20⁰

Mercury Gemini, Virgo 16⁰-20⁰ Virgo Sun 0 ⁰

Jupiter Sagittarius, Pisces 0⁰-10⁰ Sagittarius
Jup 0⁰-10 Ven 0⁰-15⁰ Mer 16⁰-
Venus Libra 0⁰-15⁰ Libra ⁰ 20⁰

Saturn Capricorn, Aquarius 0⁰-20⁰ Aquarius

© Bangalore III Chapter of IC AS
Ucchabhilashi [Arohi] and Neechabhilashi [Avarohi]

• Ucchabhilashi
• The Uchhabhilashi [Arohi] means upwords and heights; Getting heights and strengths, so
good results to native.
• A planet becomes Uchhabilashi [Arohi], when planet starts moving from it's debilitation sign
and proceeds towrds to its exaltation sign.
• Ucchabhilashi Planets give good results and have a high ambitions. When a planet comes in
preceding it's sign of exaltation.

• Neechabhilashi
• The Neechabhilashi [Avarohi] means, going downwords; normally losses streength as well
benefic results, becomes helpless to do any good results to the native.
• When planet moves from its exaltation sign to debilitation sign, called Avarohi.
• Neechabhilashi planets are weak to give results.
Planetary Friendship
• Chapter 3, Verse 55, of BPHS gives the rule for planetary friendship.
• Natural Friendship - From the Moola Trikona of any planet
• Lords of 4th, 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9th and 8th and the lord of exaltation
sign are friendly to that planet.
• Lords of other houses are enemies
• Lords who owns both enemy sign and friend sign are Neutral
Planet Friendly Inimical Neutral
Sun Moon, Jupiter, Mars Venus, Saturn Mercury
Moon Sun, Mercury - Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Mercury Venus, Saturn
Mercury Sun, Venus Moon Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Mercury, Venus Saturn
Venus Mercury, Saturn Sun, Moon Mars, Jupiter
Saturn Mercury, Venus Sun, Moon, Mars Jupiter
Planetary Friendship
Friend 2 12
Mars 0⁰-
3 11
Natural Friendship
Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
MT Sign Leo Taurus Aries Virgo Sagittarius Libra Aquarius Mon 4⁰- 4 10 Saturn 0
Cause of Friendship 30⁰ 7
2nd Lord Mer[Virgo] Mer[Gemini] Ven[Taurus] Ven[Lib] Sat[Capr.] Mar[Scor] Jup[Pisces]
Jup[Pisces] Sun 0 ⁰
4th Lord Mar[Scor] Sun[Leo] Moon[Can] Jup[Sag] Sat [Capr.] Ven[Taurus] -20⁰ Ven 0⁰- 9 Jup 0⁰-10

5th Lord Jup[Sag] Mer[Virgo] Sun[Leo] Sat [Capr.] Mars[Aries] Sat [Aqua] Mer[Gemini] 5 6 15⁰ 8

8th Lord Jup[Pisces] Jup[Sag] Mar[Scor] Mars[Aries] Moon[Can] Ven[Taurus] Mer[Virgo] Mer 16⁰-
9th Lord Mars[Aries] Sat Jup[Sag] Ven[Taurus] Sun[Leo] Mer[Gemini] Ven[Lib] 20⁰
12th Lord Moon[Can] Mars[Aries] Jup[Pisces] Sun[Leo] Mars[Aries] Mer[Virgo] Sat [Capr.]
Mon 4⁰-30⁰
Exaltn. Sign Lord Mars [Aries] Ven[Taurus] Sat Mer[Virgo] Moon[Can] Jup[Pisces] Ven[Lib] Mars 0⁰- 12⁰

Cause of Enimity
3rd Lord Ven[Lib] Moon Mer[Gemini] Mar[Scor] Sat[Capr.] Jup[Sag] Mars[Aries] Saturn 0 -20⁰
6th Lord Sat [Capr.] Ven[Lib] Mer[Virgo] Sat [Aqua] Ven[Taurus] Jup[Pisces] Moon[Can]
7th Lord Sat [Aqua] Mar[Scor] Ven[Lib] Jup[Pisces] Mer[Gemini] Mars[Aries] Sun[Leo]
Mer[Gemini] Mer[Gemini] Sun 0 ⁰ -20⁰
10th Lord Ven[Taurus] Sat [Aqua] Sat Moon[Can] Mar[Scor]
11th Lord Mer[Gemini] Jup[Pisces] Sat [Aqua] Moon[Can] Ven[Taurus] Sun[Leo] Jup[Sag]
Jup 0⁰-10 ⁰ Ven 0⁰-15⁰ Mer 16⁰-20⁰
Friendship of Planets

* Lords of 2,4,5,8,9 and 12 from moola Trikona sign of a planet are friends [Mitra]
** Lords of 3,6,7,10,11 from moola Trikona sign of a planet are enemies [Shatru]
***A planet owning 2 Rashis where one lordship is friend and another lordship is enemy - Neutral
Planet Own Sign Moola Trikona Friend * Enemy* Ne
Sign *
Venus, u
Sun Leo Leo 0⁰-20⁰ Moon,Mars, Jup Satur
Moon Cancer Taurus 3⁰-30⁰ Sun,
Mars Aries, Scorpio Aries 0⁰-12⁰ Mer
Mercury Gemini, Virgo Virgo 15⁰-20⁰
n Sagittarius, Sagi
Venus Pisces
Taurus, Libra
Planetary Friendship Rah
13⁰42’ Ven 16⁰36’
Mon 2 Sun 00⁰01’ 12
13⁰50’ Jup Mer 24⁰42’ 11
3⁰00’ Lagna
• Temporal Friendship 3

• A planet which is posited in 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 10th , 11th & 4 10
12th houses from a planet is its temporary friend and 7

planets in other houses its enemy. Mars 01⁰24’

9 Sat
6 8 20⁰18’
• In other words, planets posited in 1st 5th, 6th, 7th,8th, 9th
houses from a planet is its enemy. Ven 16⁰36’ Rah Mon
Sun 00⁰01’ 13⁰42’ 13⁰50’
Mer 24⁰42’ Jup
• This rule comes in to play to a planetary position in a 10⁰42’

horoscope. The nature of friendship of a planet in a

horoscope is dynamic depending on its position and Mars
position of other planets. 01⁰24’

Sat Ket 13⁰42’

Planetary Friendship
• Panchada Maitri
• A combination of the both permanent and Temporary friendship is called Panchada Maitri.
• If two planets are friends in both the types, they are called fast friends.
• If they are enemies in both types, they are called bitter enemies.
• If they are friend in one & enemy in the other they are neutrals.
• Planets posited in Friendly houses gives good results.
• Planets posited in Enemy houses gives results less than its potentiality
• Temp. Natural Effect Effect of Friendship
• Friend + Friend = Great Friend Fully Benefic
• Friend + Neutral = Friend Beneficial
• Friend + Enemy = Neutral Good Results in Friendly Dasha
• Enemy + Neutral = Enemy Obstructive Harmful
• Enemy + Enemy = Bitter Enemy Malefic and Harmful results
• Enemy + Friend = Neutral Good Results in Friendly Dasha
Planetary Friendship-Panchada Maitri at Glance

Planet Own Sign Moola Trikona Friend * Enemy** Neutral*** Temp

Sign Moon,Mars, Jup Venus, Saturn Mercury
Sun Leo Leo 0⁰-20⁰

Moon Cancer Taurus 3⁰-30⁰ Sun, Mer

Mars Aries, Scorpio Aries 0⁰-12⁰ Sun, Moon,
Mercury Gemini, Virgo Virgo 15⁰-20⁰ Jup Sun, Ve
Jupiter Sagittarius, Sagittarius 0
Satur Libra
Compound relationship- Panchanda Maitri
Permanent Friend + Temporary Enemy =Best Friend

Permanent Friend + Temporary Enemy =Neutral

Permanent Enemy + Temporary Enemy =Bitter Enemy

Permanent Enemy + Temporary Friend =Neutral

Permanent Neutral + Temporary Friend =Friend

Permanent Neutral + Temporary Enemy =Enemy

Planetary aspect or Graha Dristi

• Normal Aspect –
• All Planets have aspect on House/Planet posited in 7th House from its position in horoscope
• Normally planets from their position aspect the house 180⁰ apart.
• Special Aspect-
• Superior planets – Planets beyond earth in the solar system [Mars, Jupiter, Saturn] apart from
aspect on 7th House, have special aspects as below:
• Mars – 4th house, 8th House
• Jupiter – 5th House, 9th House
• Saturn – 3rd House, 10th house
• Rahu & Ketu -5th House, 9th House
• When planets aspect each other they transmit their own energy & influence on the aspected
planet, thus modifying the characteristics of the later.
Planetary aspect or Graha Dristi Rah
13⁰42’ Ven 16⁰36’
Mon Sun 00⁰01’
• Normal Aspect – 13⁰50’
Mer 24⁰42’
Jup 3⁰00’ Lagna
• All Planets have aspect on House/Planet posited in 7th House 3

from its position in horoscope 1

4 7 10
• Normally planets from their position aspect the house 180⁰
apart. Mars 01⁰24’ 5 9 Sat
8 20⁰18’

Ven 16⁰36’ Rah Mon

Sun 00⁰01’ 13⁰42’ 13⁰50’
Mer 24⁰42’ Jup


Sat 20⁰18’ Ket 13⁰42’

Planetary aspect or Graha Dristi Rah
• Special Aspect- Mon
Ven 16⁰36’
Sun 00⁰01’
2 12
13⁰50’ Mer 24⁰42’ 11
• Superior planets – Planets beyond earth in the solar system Jup 3⁰00’ Lagna
[Mars, Jupiter, Saturn] apart from aspect on 7th House, have 3

special aspects as below: 1

4 7 10
• Mars – 4th house, 8th House
Mars 01⁰24’
• Jupiter – 5 House, 9 House
th th
9 Sat
8 20⁰18’
• Saturn – 3rd House, 10th house Ket
• Rahu & Ketu -5th House, 9th House Aspect of Jupiter Aspect of Saturn
Ven 16⁰36’ Ven 16⁰36’ Ven 16⁰36’
Rah Mon Rah Mon Rah Mon
Sun 00⁰01’ Sun 00⁰01’ Sun 00⁰01’
13⁰42’ 13⁰50’ 13⁰42’ 13⁰50’ 13⁰42’ 13⁰50’
Mer 24⁰42’ Mer 24⁰42’ Mer 24⁰42’
Lagna Jup Lagna Jup Jup
10⁰42’ 3⁰00’ 10⁰42’ 3⁰00’ 3⁰00’

Aspect of Mars Mars Mars Mars

01⁰24’ 01⁰24’ 01⁰24’

Sat Ket 13⁰42’ Sat Ket Ket

20⁰18’ 20⁰18’ 13⁰42’ 13⁰42’
Planetary aspect or Graha Dristi

The intensity of the influence depends as under:

• When the two planets aspects mutually each other, the related Influence is full.
• When one planet aspects the other, but does not get aspected in return, the influence is not
intense or the relationship is only half.
• When the aspecting & the aspected planet have more or less the same longitude, their
influence is the max1mum.
Planetary relationship- Graha Sambandha

Planets gets relationship in following ways.

• Association
• Conjunction
• Depositor/ Controller
• Mutual Exchange [Parivarthana]
• Nakshtra
• Through Navamsha
• Aspect
PAC for P1
Planetary relationship- Graha Sambandha
Planets gets relationship or Sambadha in following ways.
• Association
• When two or more planets are posited in a sign/ house in birth/ Navamsha chart, irrespective
of their distances within the sign, they are called to be in association.
• Conjunction
• The two planets are said to be in conjunction, when they are posited in a sign/ house. The
intensity of result of conjunction is more if they are located very close to each other.
• Depositor/ Controller
• A planet is related to its depositor.
• The two planets would be related if the dispositor of one is in relation with the depositor of
the other. The strength/ weakness of a depositor are equally important as the strength of the
planet itself.
• A strong depositor will be able to offset the weakness of the planet concerned or vice-versa.
• Therefore it is also called the controller of the planet.
Planetary relationship- Graha Sambandha

• Mutual Exchange [Parivarthana]

• One of the most intricate relationship develops between two planets when they are
posited in each other's sign.
• Either planet is tenant of the other and so under full scrutiny of the other, Hence the
characteristics of the concerned planets, signs & houses get suitably enriched.

• Nakshtra
• A planet occupying the Nakshtra of a planet is strongly related to it e.g. if Moon is in
Nakshtra of Venus, it is related to Venus.
• Again if two or more planets posited under the same Nakshtra lord irrespective of their
position of sign/ house are said to be in relation and act in a similar way.
Planetary relationship- Graha Sambandha

• Through Navamsha
• A planet placed in a sign in the birth chart shall be related to any planet that occupies the
same sign in the Navamsha chart or vice versa.

• Aspect
• Discussed under Chapter - Planetary Aspects.
Sun in Aries
 Aries is exaltation sign of Sun and he is 5th lord from this sign. The native likes frequent wandering.
Due to Sun’s exaltation, native will have excessive heat and energetic.
 They should have good appearance, strong body with strong bones.
 Mars is lord of Aries. Both Mars and Sun treat each other as friends. It is perfect combination for
Royal and Commanding nature. The native will have pleasant personality, Royal look, Commanding
appearance. He may also have irritable and impulsive nature of Mars,the lord of sign.
 In Kalapurusha chart, Aries represents body part of head. Presence of Sun here makes the
combination of Soul and head. With the influence of Martian aggressiveness, the combination
endows the native with great leadership abilities. The native obviously likes to have tendency to
rule and crave for commanding position. You can see many politicians influential personalities.
 The native is intelligent, active, owns of lands. He will become head of village or town, involved in
social and welfare activities, and has prominent personality. He will be famous in Arts, fond of war,
fierce, fond of roaming, dutiful, do valorous deeds etc. He will be well conversant with shastras and
will comment upon them.
 Again, Sun representing soul, present in this sign makes the native able doctors, poison curing
physicals, healers.
Topic : 6 The Nakshatras (Constellations)

• The 27 Nakshatras
• 28th Nakshatra (Abhijit)
• Nakshatra mapping in each sign
• Birth Nakshatra
• Characteristics of people born in each Nakshatra
Nakshatra or Constellations
• Nakshatras are fixed milestones in
the zodiac.

• Movement of plants are measured

in the background of Nakshatras

• There are 27 Nakshatras in the


• Nakshatra in which moon is

moving at any given time
is termed “Nakshatra” as
per Panchanga.
© Bangalore III Chapter of ICAS
Nakshatra or Constellations
• In astrology, Nakshatras are very powerful. It must be noted that Dasha
sequence starts with the Nakshatra at the time of birth.
• The Dieties and Lord of Nakshatra has greater influence on planet
posited in nakshatra
• There are 27 Nakshatras in the zodiac.
Nakshatra Lord Nakshatra Lord Nakshatra Lord
(1) Ashwini Ketu (10) Magha Ketu (19) Moola Ketu
(2) Bharani Venus (11) Purva Phalguni Venus (20) Purvashada Venus
(3) Krittika Sun (12) Uttara Phalguni Sun (21) Uttarashada Sun
(4) Rohini Moon (13) Hasta Moon (22) Shravana Moon
(5) Mrigashira Mars (14) Chitra Mars (23) Dhanista Mars
(6) Ardra Rahu (15) Swathi Rahu (24) Shatabisha Rahu
(7) Punarvasu Jupiter (16) Vishakha Jupiter (25) Purva Bhadra Jupiter
(8) Pushya Saturn (17) Anuradha Saturn (26) Uttara Bhadra Saturn
(9) Ashlesha Mercury (18) Jyestha Mercury (27) Revati Mercury
© Bangalore III Chapter of ICAS
Nakshatra or Constellation- Abhijit Nakshatra
• Yajur Veda and Atharvana Veda both mention Abhijit as a Nakshatra after Uttara Ashadha
and before Shravana.

• This is 28th Nakshatra overlapping Uttarashada and Sravana Nakshatra.

• Abhijit Nakshatra starts from the last pada (quarter) of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra and it
extends up to 1/15th part of Sravana Nakshatra.

• It lies between 276 degrees 40 minutes to 280 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds in Zodiac

• The major portion of Abhijit Nakshatra lies in Makara Rashi and Meena Navamsha.

• Its deity is Lord Brahma.

• Abhijit considered to be one of the most auspicious Nakshatras, but it's not reckoned in all
Nakshatra or Constellations
• Each Nakshatra has range of 13⁰20’ [360⁰/27]
• Each Nakshatra has 4 equal padas of 3⁰20 minutes.
The range of each Pada of Nakshatra is -
Pada Range
1st Pada 0⁰00’ - 3⁰20’
2nd Pada 3⁰20’ - 6⁰40’
3rd Pada 6⁰40’ - 10⁰00’
• 4th Pada 10⁰00’ - 13⁰20’
Each Nakshatra is ruled by planet asper Vimshothari Dasha. The nakshatras in Trikona are
ruled by same Lordship.

• For example, the Ashwini Nakshatra in Mesha Rashi, Magha Nakshatra in Simha Rashi, Moola
Nakshatra in Dhanu Rashi are ruled by Ketu Nakshatra. The same sequence of lordship of
Nakshatras in Trikona continues in the order of Vimshotari Dasha.
• Each Nakshatra is governed by a Deity which has greater influence on Nakshtra.
Nakshatra or Constellations
• Each Rashi comprises of 9 Nakshtra padas of 3⁰20’ each.
• The range of each Pada of Nakshatra in a Rashi is -
Pada Range
1st Pada 0⁰00’ -
2nd Pada 3⁰20’
3rd Pada 3⁰20’ -
4th Pada
6⁰40’ - 10⁰00’
5 Pada
10⁰00’ - 13⁰20’
6 Pada
13⁰20’ - 16⁰40’
7 Pada
16⁰40’ - 20⁰00’
8 Pada
20⁰00’ - 23⁰20’
23⁰20’ - 26⁰40’
26⁰40’ - 30⁰00’
Mapping of Nakshatras Taurus /
30° - 60°
330° -360°
2 12 Auqarius/
a 00° -
Gemini/ M ithuna3 30° Kumh11 300°
60° - -330°
Rashi – Aries/Mesha Capricorn/Makara
Cancer/Kataka 4 -300°
90° - 120° 10
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150° -210° 9 240°
5 6 8 -270°
0⁰ Aries/Mesha 30⁰ Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika
Kanya 210° -240°
150° -180°

Bharani Pisces/ Aries/Mes Taurus / Gemini/

Nakshatra> Ashwini Krittika Meena ha 00° - Vrishabha Mithuna
Krittika 330° -360° 30° 30° - 60° 60° -
> 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 90°

Pāda>>>>> Auqarius/ Cancer/

Longitude>> 00⁰00’ -13⁰20’ 13⁰20’-26 ⁰40’ 26⁰40’-30⁰00’ Kumha
300° -330° 90° -
> 120°
Nakshatra Ketu Venus Sun Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Lord>> Makara 120° -
270° -300° 150°

Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Virgo/ Kanya
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula
240° -270° 180° 150° -180°
210° -240°
Mapping of Nakshatras Taurus /
30° - 60°
330° -360°
2 12 Auqarius/
00° - 30°
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Kumh11 300°
60° - -330°
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
2nd Rashi Taurus / Vrishabha 90° - 120°

Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150° -210° 9 240°
5 6 8 -270°
0⁰ Taurus /Vrishabha 30⁰ Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika
Kanya 210° -240°
150° -180°

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Nakshatra> Krittika Rohini Mrigashira Meena 00° - Vrishabh
330° 30° a 30° - M ithuna
> 2 3 4 1 Kritti
2 a 3 4 1 2 -360° 60° 60° -
k 90°
Pāda>>>>> Kumha Kataka
Longitude>> 00⁰00’-10⁰00’ 10⁰00’-23⁰20’ 23⁰20’-30⁰00’ 300° 90° -
> -330° 120°
Nakshatra Sun Moon Mars Makara
120° -
Lord>> 270°

Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
240° -270° 180° 150°
-210° -180°
Mapping of Nakshatras Taurus /
30° - 60°
330° -360°
2 12 Auqarius/
Gemini/ 00° - 30°
Kumh11 300°
60° - -330°
3rd Rashi - Gemini/Mithuna Capricorn/Makara
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120°
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150° -210° 9 240°
5 6 8 -270°
0⁰ Gemini / Mithuna 30⁰ Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika
Kanya 210° -240°
150° -180°

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Nakshatra> Mrigashira Ardra Punarvasu Meena 00° - Vrishabha
Krittika 330° 30° 30° - 60° Mithun
> 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 -360° a 60° -
Auqarius/ Cancer/
Pāda>>>>> Kumha Kataka
Longitude> 00⁰00’-06⁰40’ 06⁰40’-20⁰00’ 20⁰00’-30⁰00’ 300° 90° -
-330° 120°
Nakshatra Rahu Jupiter Makara
120° -
270° 150°
Lord>>Mars -300°
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
240° -270° 180° 150°
-210° -180°
Taurus / Pisces/
Mapping of Nakshatras
Vrishabha Meena
30° - 60° 330° -360°
2 00° - 30° 12 Auqarius/ Kumha
emini/ M ithuna3 11 300°
60° - -330°
Capricorn/Makara 4th
Rashi – Cancer / Kataka
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 -300°
90° -
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
6 8 -270°
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika 0⁰ Caner/Kataka 30⁰
Kanya 210° -240°
150° -180°

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Meena 00° - Vrishabha
330° 30° 30° - 60° M ithuna Punarvasu Pushya Ashlesha <<<Nakshatr
-360° 60° -
90° 1 1 2 3 Kritti
4 a 1 2 3 4 a
Auqarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
k <<<Pāda
300° 90° -
-330° 120° 00⁰00’-03⁰20’ 03⁰20’-16⁰40’ 16⁰40’-30⁰00’ <<Longitude
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
120° - Jupiter Saturn Mercury <<Nakshatra
-300° Lord
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
240° -270° 180° 150° -180°
-240° -210°
Taurus / Pisces/
Mapping of Nakshatras
Vrishabha Meena
30° - 60° 330° -360°
2 00° - 30° 12 Auqarius/ Kumha
emini/ M ithuna3 11 300°
60° - -330°
90° Rashi – Leo / Simha
Capricorn/Makara 5th
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120°
Leo/Simh Sagittarius/Dhanu
a - 150°
-210° 9 240°
6 8 -270°
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika 0⁰ Leo/Simha 30⁰
Kanya 210° -240°
150° -180°

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Meena 00° - Vrishabha U.Phalguni
330° 30° 30° - 60° M ithuna Magha Purva Phalguni <<<Nakshatr
-360° 60° -
90° 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 a
Auqarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka <<<Pāda
300° 90° -
120° 00⁰00’ -13⁰20’ 13⁰20’-26 ⁰40’
26⁰40’-30⁰00’ <<Longitude
120° - Ketu Venus Sun <<Nakshatra
-300° Lord
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
240° -270° 180° 150° -180°
-240° -210°
Taurus / Pisces/
Mapping of Nakshatras
Vrishabha Meena
30° - 60° 330° -360°
2 00° - 30° 12 Auqarius/ Kumha
emini/ M ithuna3 11 300°
60° - -330° Rashi – Virgo / Kanya
90° 6th
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120°
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
6 8 -270°
5 0⁰ Virgo / Kanya 30⁰
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika
Kanya 210° -240°
150° -180°

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Meena 00° - Vrishabha
330° 30° 30° - 60° M ithuna
U.Phalguni Hasta Chitra <<<Nakshatr
-360° 60° -
90° 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 a
Auqarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka <<<Pāda
300° 90° -
120° 00⁰00’-10⁰00’ 10⁰00’-23⁰20’
Capricorn/ 23⁰20’-30⁰00’ <<Longitude
Makara Moon
120° - Sun Mars <<Nakshatra
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
240° -270° 180° 150° -180°
-240° -210°
Taurus / Pisces/ Meena
Mapping of Nakshatras
Vrishabha 330° -360°
30° - 60°
Aries/Mesha 12 Auqarius/ Kumha
2 00° - 30°
emini/ M ithuna 11 300° -330°
60° - 3
90° 7th
Rashi – Libra / Tula
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120°
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150° -210° 9 240°
5 6 8 -270°
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika 0⁰ Libra/Tula 30⁰
Kanya 210° -240°
150° -180°

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Meena 00° - Vrishabha
330° 30° 30° - 60° M ithuna Chitra Swathi Vishakha <<<Nakshatr
-360° 60° -
90° 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 a
Auqarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka <<<Pāda
300° 90° -
-330° 120° 00⁰00’-06⁰40’ 06⁰40’-20⁰00’ 20⁰00’-30⁰00’ <<Longitude
120° -
Mars Rahu Jupiter <<Nakshatra
-300° Lord
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
240° -270° 180° 150° -180°
-240° -210°
Taurus /
Mapping of Nakshatras
30° - 60° 330° -360°
2 12 Auqarius/
00° - 30°
emini/ M ithuna 11
Kumha 300°
60° - 3
Rashi –Scorpio / Vruschika
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120°
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150° -210° 9 240°
6 8 -270°
Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschik 0⁰ Scorpio/Vruschika 30⁰
Kanya a 210° -240°
150° -180°

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Meena 00° - Vrishabha
330° 30° 30° - 60° M ithuna Vishakha Anuradha Jyestha <<<Nakshatr
-360° 60° -
90° 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 a
Auqarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka <<<Pāda
300° 90° -
-330° 120° 00⁰00’-03⁰20’ 03⁰20’-16⁰40’ 16⁰40’-30⁰00’ <<Longitude
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
120° - Jupiter Saturn Mercury <<Nakshatra
-300° Lord
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
240° -270° 180° 150° -180°
-240° -210°
Taurus / Pisces/

Mapping of Nakshatras Vrishabha

30° - 60°
330° -360°
12 Auqarius/
2 00° - 30°
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Kumh11 300°
60° - -330°
9th Rashi –Sagittarius / Dhanu Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120° -300°
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
6 8 -270°
0⁰ Sagittarius/ Dhanu 30⁰ Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika
Kanya 210° -240°
150° -180°

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Nakshatra> Moola Purvashada U. Ashada Meena 00° - Vrishabha
330° 30° 30° - 60° M ithuna
> 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 -360° 60° -
Auqarius/ Cancer/
Pāda>>>>> Kumha Kataka
Longitude>> 00⁰00’ -13⁰20’ 13⁰20’-26 ⁰40’ 26⁰40’-30⁰00’ 300° 90° -
> -330°

Nakshatra Ketu Venus Sun Makara

120° -
Lord>> -300°
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
240° 180° 150°
-270° -210° -180°
Mapping of Nakshatras Taurus /
30° - 60°
330° -360°
2 12 Auqarius/
00° - 30°
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Kumh11 300°
60° - -330°
Rashi –Capricorn / Makara
Cancer/Kataka 4 10a 270°
10th 90° - 120°
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150° -210° 9 240°
5 6 8 -270°
0⁰ Capricorn /Makara 30⁰ Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika
Kanya 210° -240°
150° -180°

Uttarashada Shravana Dhanista Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Nakshatra> Meena 00° - Vrishabha
330° 30° 30° - 60° M ithuna
> 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 -360° 60° -
Auqarius/ Cancer/
Pāda>>>>> Kumha Kataka
Longitude>> 00⁰00’-10⁰00’ 10⁰00’-23⁰20’ 23⁰20’-30⁰00’ 300° 90° -
> -330° 120°

Nakshatra Lord>> Sun Moon Mars Capricorn/

120° -
270° 150°
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
240° -270° 180° 150°
-210° -180°
Taurus / Pisces/

Mapping of Nakshatras Vrishabha

30° - 60°
330° -360°
12 Auqarius/
00° - 30°
Gemini/ M ithuna3 Kumh
60° - 11 300°
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
Rashi –Aquarius / Kumbha 90° - 120°
11th 7
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150° -210° 9 240°
6 8 -270°
0⁰ Aquarius/Kumbha 30⁰ Virgo/ Kanya Scorpio/Vruschika
150° -180° 210° -240°

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/

Nakshatra> Dhanista Shatabisha Purva Bhadra Meena 00° - Vrishabha
330° 30° 30° - 60° M ithuna
> 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 -360° 60° -
Aqarius Cancer/
Pāda>>>>> / Kataka
Longitude> 00⁰00’-06⁰40’ 06⁰40’-20⁰00’ 20⁰00’-30⁰00’ 300°
Kumbh 90° -
> -330°
a 120°

Nakshatra Rahu Jupiter Capricorn/

120° -
270° 150°
Lord>>Mars -300°
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/ Kanya
240° -270° 180° 150°
-210° -180°
Taurus / Pisces/
Mapping of Nakshatras Vrishabha
30° - 60°
330° -360°
2 00° - 30° Auqarius/ Kumh
Gemini/ M ithuna3 11 300°
60° - -330°
Cancer/Kataka 4 10 270°
90° - 120°
Rashi –Pices / Meena 7
Leo/Simha Sagittarius/Dhanu
120° - 150°
-210° 9 240°
6 8 -270°
0⁰ Pisces/Meena 30⁰ Virgo/ Scorpio/Vruschika
Kanya 210° -240°
150° -180°

Pisces/ Aries/Mesha
Aries/Mesha Taurus //
Taurus Gemini/
Nakshatra> P. Uttara Bhadra Revati Meena
Meena 00°
00°-- 30° Vrishabha
330° 30° 30° - 60° M
M ithuna
1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 330°
30° -
60° --
> -360° 60°
Aqarius/ Cancer/
Pāda>>>>> 00⁰00’-03⁰20’ 03⁰20’-16⁰40’ 16⁰40’-30⁰00’
90° --
Longitude> -330°
-330° 120°
> Jupiter Saturn Mercury Capricorn/
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Nakshatra 270°
120° --
Lord>> -300°
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/
Dhanu Vruschika Libra/Tula Virgo/Kanya
Libra/Tula Virgo/
Vruschika 150°
240° -270° 210° 180°
180° Kanya
240° -270° 210°
-210° -180°
150° -180°
of Nakshatras
Span in Rashi Longitude in Lord
(1) Ashwini – Pada 1,2,3,4 00⁰00’-13⁰20’ 00⁰00’-13⁰20’ Ketu
Aries (2) Bharani – Pada 1,2,3,4 13⁰20’-26 ⁰40’ 13⁰20’-26 ⁰40’ Venus
(3) Krittika – Pada 1 26⁰40’-30⁰00’
26⁰40’-40⁰00’ Sun
(3)Krittika – Pada 2,3,4 00⁰00’-10⁰00’

Taurus (4) Rohini – Pada 1,2,3,4 10⁰00’-23⁰20’ 40⁰00’- 53⁰20’ Moon

(5) Mrigashira – Pada 1,2 23⁰20’-30⁰00’

First 120⁰

(5) Mrigashira – Pada 3,4 00⁰00’-06⁰40’
Gemini (6) Ardra – Pada 1,2,3,4 06⁰40’-20⁰00’ 66⁰40’-80⁰00’ Rahu
(7) Punarvasu – Pada 1,2,3 20⁰00’-30⁰00’
(7)Punarvasu – Pada 4 00⁰00’-03⁰20’ Jupiter

Cancer (8) Pushya – Pada 1,2,3,4 03⁰20’-16⁰40’ 93⁰20’-106⁰40’ Saturn

(9) Ashlesha – Pada 1,2,3,4 16⁰40’-30⁰00’ 106⁰40’-120⁰00’ Mercury
© Bangalore III C apter of ICAS
Mapping of Nakshatras
Rashi Nakshatra Span in Rashi Longitude in Lord
(10) Magha – Pada 1,2,3,4 00⁰00’-13⁰20’ 120⁰00’-133⁰20’ Ketu
Leo (11) Purva Phalguni – Pada 1,2,3,4 13⁰20’-26 ⁰40’ 133⁰20’-146 ⁰40’ Venus
(12) Uttara Phalguni – Pada 1 26⁰40’-30⁰00’
146⁰40’- 160⁰00’ Sun
(12) Uttara Phalguni – Pada 2,3,4 00⁰00’-10⁰00’
Virgo (13) Hasta – Pada 1,2,3,4 10⁰00’-23⁰20’ 160⁰00’- 173⁰20’ Moon
Second 120⁰

(14) Chitra – Pada 1,2 23⁰20’-30⁰00’

(14) Chitra – Pada 3,4 00⁰00’-06⁰40’ Mars

Libra (15) Swathi – Pada 1,2,3,4 06⁰40’-20⁰00’ 186⁰40’-200⁰00’ Rahu

(16) Vishakha – Pada 1,2,3 20⁰00’-30⁰00’
00⁰00’-03⁰20’ Jupiter
(16) Vishakha – Pada 4
Scorpio (17) Anuradha – Pada 1,2,3,4 03⁰20’-16⁰40’ 213⁰20’-226⁰40’ Saturn
(18) Jyestha – Pada 1,2,3,4 16⁰40’-30⁰00’ 226⁰40’-240⁰00’ Mercury
of Nakshatras
Span in Rashi Longitude in Lord

(19) Moola – Pada 1,2,3,4 00⁰00’-13⁰20’ 240⁰00’-253⁰20’ Ketu

Sagittarius (20) Purvashada – Pada 1,2,3,4 13⁰20’-26 ⁰40’ 253⁰20’-266 ⁰40’ Venus
(21) Uttarashada – Pada 1 26⁰40’-30⁰00’
266⁰40’- 280⁰00’ Sun
(21) Uttarashada – Pada 2,3,4 00⁰00’-10⁰00’

Capricorn (22) Shravana – Pada 1,2,3,4 10⁰00’-23⁰20’ 280⁰00’- 293⁰20’ Moon

Third 120⁰

(23) Dhanista – Pada 1,2 23⁰20’-30⁰00’

(23) Dhanista – Pada 3,4 00⁰00’-06⁰40’
Aquarius (24) Shatabisha – Pada 1,2,3,4 06⁰40’-20⁰00’ 306⁰40’-320⁰00’ Rahu
(25) Purva Bhadra – Pada 1,2,3 20⁰00’-30⁰00’
00⁰00’-03⁰20’ Jupiter
(25) Purva Bhadra – Pada 4
Pisces (26) Uttara Bhadra – Pada 1,2,3,4 03⁰20’-16⁰40’ 333⁰20’-346⁰40’ Saturn
(27) Revati – Pada 1,2,3,4 h 16⁰40’-30⁰00’ 346⁰40’-360⁰00’ Mercury
© Bangalore III C apter of ICAS
• Terminologies and Usage –
• Generally the terminology of Nakshatra used in our daily life is in Panchanga and Janma
• Nakshatra of a given day –
• It is Nakshatra in which moon is travelling on any day
• Let us take example of today. We need to figure out in which Nakshatra Moon is travelling. That is
the Nakshatra of today.
• Janma Nakshatra –
• In any natal horoscope, the nakshatra in which Moon is posited is called Janma Rashi.
• Let us take example of a person born on 18.10.2020. on that day, moon is Vishakha Nakshatra.
Vishakha Nakshatra will become Janma Nakshtra for that native.
• Usage in Horoscope-
• Position of planets-
• We measure position of planet where it is posited in a horoscope.
• For Example if the Sun is posited in 24 degree of Mesha/Aries – Sun is in the Kritika
• Similarly if Sun is posited in 243 degree in Zodiac, Sun is in Moola Nakshatra.
• Nakshatra Ganda or Gandatha Point –
• Each rashi is overlapped or linked with Nakshatra that is extended from previous Rashi and also
next Rashi.
• However, there is no link between the Rashis through Nakshtras at 120 degree of Zodiac.

• It is happens between end point of Cancer and Beginning of Leo, end point of Scorpio and
beginning of Sagittarius and end point of Pisces and Beginning of Aries.

• These points are called Nakshatra Ganada.

• Nakshatra Ganda are sensitive points as the planets move from Jala Tatwa Rashis to Agni Tatwa
Rashis. They experience difficulty while shifting from Jala Tatwa rashis to Agnitatwa Rashis.
Mapping of Nakshatras
Planet Longitude Nakshatra Pada
Sun – Surya In Cancer 20°15’
Moon – Chandra In 173°20’
Mars- Mangal In 53°10’
Mercury-Budha In 123°20’
Jupiter-Guru In Libra 17°16’
Venus – Shukra In 315°11’
Saturn – Shani In 253°20’04”
Rahu In Gemin 7°30’
Ketu Leo 27°20’
Mapping of Nakshatras Planet Nakshatra Pada
Ven 3⁰00’ RAHU MOO
Sun – Surya
S Sun 8⁰12’ 11⁰18’ N
2⁰3 Mer 9⁰12’ 9⁰12’
Moon – Chandra
24⁰06’ 5
6 Lagn 2RAH
a 11⁰18’ Mars- Mangal
Lag 9⁰22’ 9⁰22
’4 Ven 3⁰00’ Mercury-Budha
7 1 Sun 8⁰12’
10 Mer Jupiter-Guru
Venus – Shukra
Ket 11⁰18’
12 2⁰36
9 11 MARS’
Saturn – Shani
25⁰3 Ket 11⁰18’
0’ 25⁰30 Rahu
’ ’
Mapping of Nakshatras Planet Nakshatra Pada
Ven 3⁰00’ RAHU MOO
Sun – Surya
S Sun 8⁰12’ 11⁰18’ N
2⁰3 Mer 9⁰12’ 9⁰12’
Moon – Chandra
24⁰06’ 5
6 Lagn 2RAH
a 11⁰18’ Mars- Mangal
Lag 9⁰22’ 9⁰22
’4 Ven 3⁰00’ Mercury-Budha
7 1 Sun 8⁰12’
10 Mer Jupiter-Guru
Venus – Shukra
Ket 11⁰18’
12 2⁰36
9 11 MARS’
Saturn – Shani
25⁰3 Ket 11⁰18’
0’ 25⁰30 Rahu
’ ’
Chapter 7 - Yogas (Astrological Combinations )

• Solar Yogas :
• What is a yoga? > Vesi Yoga
• Yogas from Lagna : > Vosi Yoga
>Panchamahapurusha Yoga > Ubhayachari Yoga
> Lagnadhi Yoga > Budha-Aditya Yoga
>Mahabhagya Yoga • Lunar Yogas :
>Sarala Yoga >Sunapha Yoga
>Jaya Yoga >Anapha Yoga
>Vimala Yoga >Durdhara Yoga
> Subha/Paapa Kartari Yoga
>Kemadruma Yoga & Bhanga
>Gaja Kesari Yoga
>Chandradhi Yoga
>Chandra Mangala Yoga
>Shakata Yoga
• Yoga is formed by certain planetary combinations in a chart.
• A Yoga is formed in a horoscope by certain planetary combination, gives
specified result to the native.
• Yogas can be formed by position of planets in certain rashis or bhavas.
• Yogas formed in the horoscope may give result depending strength of the
planet causing yoga and its association.
• The presence of Rahu and Ketu may weaken the results of Yoga and the
native may not experience the full result of Yoga indicated in the horoscope.
• Under certain conditions, the results of the yoga may gets cancelled.
Yogas from Lagna
Panchamaha Purusha Yoga
🢧 Pancha Mahapursha means combination of five great personality ie., planets.
🢧 A group of five planets, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn forms these
🢧 These planets have signification on Panchendriyas.
• Mars represents the sense of sight
• Mercury represents the sense of smell
• Jupiter represent the sense of hearing
• Venus represents the sense of taste
• Saturn represents the sense of touch.
🢧 Hence these five planets are considered for conferring the Panch
Mahapurush Yoga.
🢧 T h e Kendra houses are considered as pillars of strength for any horoscope.
Therefore when these planets posited in Kendra endows the native with certain
results in life.
🢧 To form a Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga, 2 requirement should be fulfilled.
1. If Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn are exalted or placed in their own house.
2. and if that house is a Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) from the ascendant (Lagna)
🢧 I t is important to note that luminaries are out of perview oft his Yoga
Panchamaha Purusha Yoga
🢧 O n e should understand that results of the Panchamaha Purusha Yogas
experienced by the native only when the planets concerned are strong.
🢧 I f the planet causing the Yoga if is debilitated or association of aspect of a
debilitated planet, the yoga do not operate.
🢧 I n such cases, the yoga is visible in horoscope, but the native may not
experience the result of Panchamaha Purusha Yoga.
Panchamaha Purusha Yoga
🢧 P a n c h a Maha Purusha
yogas are :
🢧🢧 Ruchika
Bhadra Yoga --formed
Yoga - formed by Jupiter
🢧 Hamsa
Malavya Yoga – formed by
🢧 Sasa Yoga - formed by Saturn
Ruchika Yoga
Formation of Yoga
🢧 Ruchika Yoga is formed by Mars when
-in its own house or Exaltation Sign.
-and that house should be Kendra from the Lagna
[Both the conditions should be satisfied]
🢧 Going by this dictum, Ruchika Yoga can be formed only when Mars is posited in its own house Aries,
Scorpio or its exaltation sign Capricorn and lagna should fall in Kendra to these Signs.
[this is dealt in detail in next slide]

Results of Yoga
🢧 The native born in Ruchika Yoga is good looking, a prominent face, and darkish complexion due
to influence of Mars.

🢧 His personality reflects the qualities of Mars in a refined manner and he will be bold &
courageous, fuII of strength & vigor, of royal bearing, ever intent on combat, pursues adventurous
activities, commander of an army or leader of a group and annihilator of his enemies.

🢧 Mars is a malefic planet with Tamsik nature. These qualities give him a distinct character, name &
Ruchika Yoga
Ruchika yoga formed under position of Mars and Langa in following
Position of Mars Lagna
Signs [Own House] Aries [Mesha]
Cancer [Kataka]
Libra [Tula]
Capricorn [Makara]
Position of Mars Lagna
Scorpio [Own House] Scorpio [Vrischika]
Aquarius [Kumbha]
Taurus [Vrushabha]
Leo [Simha]

Position of Mars Lagna

Capricorn [Exaltation] Capricorn [Makara]
Aries [Mesha]
Cancer [Kataka]
Libra [Tula]
© ore III Chapter of ICAS
Ruchika Yoga
Cancellation of Yoga
🢧 Results of Ruchika yoga gets cancelled or reduced considerably if;
🢧 Saturn and Mars are having mutual aspect.
🢧 The Moon and Mars are in 6-8 position from each other.
🢧 The Mars & Mercury are in 6-8 position from each other.
🢧 Mars in conjunct with Rahu.
🢧 The combustion or Paapa Kartari of Mars.
🢧 When Mars transits over sravan or 2nd & 3rd padas of Anuradha
Ruchika Yoga

Presence of Mars in Ascendant forms Ruchika Yoga.

Bhadra Yoga
Formation of Bhadra Yoga
🢧 T h e Bhadra yoga is formed when Mercury is posited
-in its own house or Exaltation Sign.
-and that house should be Kendra from the Lagna
- [Both the conditions should be satisfied]
🢧 Going by this dictum, Bhadra Yoga can be formed only when Mercury posited in Virgo and
Gemini sign only and lagna should be Kendra to these signs.
Results of Bhadra Yoga
🢧 T h e native born in this yoga, will be physically strong, healthy, tall & attractive, have a
prominent chest, looks like a lion & walks like an elephant.
🢧 I t confers learning of various sorts, virtues, deep thinking, aptness in acquiring
knowledge & intelligence, eloquence, skill in fine arts, cleverness & discriminative power
in negotiations & conversations. These are qualities reflected by Mercury.
🢧 T h e refined qualities of Mercury like learning, intelligence, generosity & virtues are
results of this Yoga.
🢧 T h e native with his own effort acquires status and wealth and enjoy their consequent
Bhadra Yoga
Cancer/Kataka Taurus /
Bhadra yoga formed under position of Mercury and Langa in Vrishabha

following Signs 2 Aries/Mesha

4 Gemini/
5 M ithuna
3 Pisces/ Meena
Virgo/ Kanya
Position of Mercury Lagna 6 12
Mercury 9 Lagna
Gemini [Own House] Gemini [Mithun] Lagna
Libra/Tula Sagittarius/Dhanu
Virgo [Kanya] 7 1 1
A uqarius/
8 Lagna 10Kumha
Sagittarius[Dhanu] Scorpio/Vruschika Capricorn/Makara

Pisces [Meena]
Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Position of Mercury Lagna Vrishabha
Meena Mithuna
Virgo Virgo [Kanya] Lagna Mercur
[OwnHouse/Exaltation] y
Auqarius/ Cancer/
Kumha Kataka
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Pisces [Meena] Makara

Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Virgo/

Libra/Tula Kanya
Gemini [Mithun] Dhanu Vruschika
Bhadra Yoga

Mercury – posited in Kendra from Lagna in his own sign endows the native with
Bhadra Yoga
Hamsa Yoga
Formation of Hamsa Yoga
This yoga is formed when Jupiter is posited
-in its own house or Exaltation Sign.
-and that house should be Kendra from the Lagna
[Both the conditions should be satisfied]
🢧 Hamsa Yoga can be formed only when
Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius, Pisces, Cancer.
Results of Hamsa Yoga
🢧 W e all know Jupiter represents
knowledge, wisdom & happiness.
🢧 Jupiter also represents of goodness/ purity, knowledge/ wisdom, magnanimity,
virtues, religious faith/ customs, Mantra shastra, eloquence, happiness through
wealth,wife, & children.
🢧 Hamsa yoga bestows the native with bold nature, courageous, virtuous like a king
or his close minister and has a thirst for knowledge & scriptures.
🢧 Native will experience long life, lot of grace & dignity, riches, beautiful wife, good
children, friends, and all types of material comforts.
Hamsa Yoga Capricorn/Makara Scorpio/V ruschika
Hamsa yoga formed under position of Jupiter and Langa in following Signs
Position of Mars Lagna 10 Jupiter 8
Auqarius/ Kumha 11 Sagittarius/Dhanu 7
240° -270°
Sagittarius[Dhanu] Gemini [Mithun] Lagna
Virgo/ Kanya
[Own House] Virgo [Kanya] Pisces/ Meena 9
Lagna 12 Lagna
Sagittarius[Dhanu] 3
Pisces [Meena] Aries/Mesha M ithuna Leo/Simha
1 5
2 Lagna 4
Position of Mars Lagna Taurus / Vrishabha Cancer/Kataka

Pisces [Meena] Virgo [Kanya]

[Own House] Sagittarius[Dhanu] Pisces/ Aries/Mesha Taurus / Gemini/
Pisces [Meena] Meena Mithuna
Jupiter Lagna
Gemini [Mithun]
Position of Mars Lagna
Auqarius/ Cancer/
Cancer [Exaltation] Capricorn [Makara] Kumha Kataka
Capricorn/ Leo/Simha
Aries [Mesha] Makara
Sagittarius/ Scorpio/ Virgo/
Cancer [Kataka] Dhanu Vruschika
Libra/Tula Kanya
Lagna Lagna
Libra [Tula] ore III Chapter of ICAS Jupiter
Hamsa Yoga
Cancellation of Hamsa Yoga
🢧 T h e effect of Hamsa yoga become void or considerably reduced in resuIts if:
🢧 When Sakata yoga gets formed [we will study later] -Moon is in 6-8 position
from Jupiter
🢧 There is malefic Kaal Sarpa yoga in a horoscope.
🢧 T h e Jupiter is in close conjunction with Venus irrespective of Planetary war
🢧 There is mutual aspect with Rahu in close in terms of degrees.
🢧 Jupiter in close conjunction with Mercury is within 3 degrees
🢧 I f jupiter is in is mutual aspect with Mars.
🢧 A s per Chandrakala nadi, when Jupiter gets 10th aspect of Saturn.
🢧 When Jupiter is combust.
🢧 A n eclipse [Grahan] occur in the house where by Jupiter is placed, even if
Jupiter is not in Samagam.
Hamsa Yoga

• Presence of Jupiter in Kendra forms Hamsa Yoga for this native

Malavya Yoga Position of Venus Lagna
Formation Malavya Yoga Taurus [Vrishabha] Taurus [Vrishabha]

🢧 Malavya Yoga is formed when Venus is [Own House] Leo [Dhanu]

Scorpio [Vrischika]
Aquarius [Kumbha]
-in its own house or Exaltation Sign.
Position of Venus Lagna
-and that house should be Kendra from the
Lirba [Tula] Libra [Tula]
[Own House] Capricorn [Makara]
[Both the conditions should be satisfied.]
Aries [Mesha]
🢧 Going with this dictum, Malavya Yoga Cancer [Kataka]
can be formed only when Venus is
posited in Taurus, Libra and Pisces and Position of Venus Lagna
Pisces [Meena] Pisces [Meena]
Lagna should be kendra to these signs
[Exaltation Sign] Gemini [Mithun]
Virgo [Kanya]
Malavya Yoga
Results of Malavya Yoga
🢧 Native born under this yoga bestowed with a beautiful body, graceful appearance,
deep sensual voice, and a bright complexion like full Moon.
🢧 A s this yoga is caused by Venus, yoga confers learning & wealth through own efforts
with inclination towards material/ physical comforts.
🢧 Native will be powerful, lucky and strong with females, but with little
political influence.
🢧 T h e venus karakatvas strongly felt by native. He will acquire conveyance, properties
and pleasures. He is clever, learned and well versed in scriptures.
🢧 T h e native is resolute and immensely rich with material comforts gain precedence
over spiritual advancement.
🢧 I f the native is females, has extra attraction for costly & beautiful apparels and
Malavya Yoga
• Malavya Yoga
🢧 Th e results of Malavya Yoga weakened or nullified if-
🢧 Ketu Conjuncts Venus in the horoscope
🢧 Mars forming in Ruchika Yoga in horoscope and in Mutual Aspect
with Venus.
🢧 Venus is in conjunct with Mars.
🢧 Venus is in conjuct with Saturn and saturn forming Sasa Yoga
🢧 Rahu in close conjunction or in direct aspect with Venus. It
makes the native to perversion.
Malavya Yoga

• Malavya Yoga is formed by position of Venus in his own house Libra which kendra
from Lagna
Sasa Yoga
Formation of Sasa
Sasa Yoga is formed when Saturn when it is posited in
-in its own house or Exaltation Sign.
-and that house should be Kendra from the Lagna
[Both the conditions should be met]
Results of Sasa Yoga
🢧 W e should observe that most Saturn qualities are reflected in a native forming
Sasa Yoga.
🢧 T h e native born with Sasa yoga is brave but harsh, slender & thin, medium
🢧 H e will have dark complexion, roving eyes, competent, learned, keen to find fault
of others, but devoted to mother.
🢧 H e loves working hard for long hours, in agriculture or factories and roams
around in jungles/ hills. He is famous, king, minister, powerful, a natural leader of
masses, workers or nomads. He may employ unscrupulous means to gain other's
🢧 W h e n Saturn is exalted, he may have many servants and be head of a town/ state
🢧 Wh e n Saturn is free from affliction from other planets, the native experience
good results of this yoga.
🢧 T h e Native experiences both physical enjoyment but physical sufferings.
Sasa Yoga Position of Saturn Lagna
Sasa yoga formed under position of Saturn Capricorn Capricorn [Makara]
and Langa in following Signs
[Own House] Aries [Mesha]
Position of Saturn Lagna Cancer [Kataka]
Aquarius Aquarius [Kumbha] Libra [Tula]
[Own House] Taurus [Vrishabha]
Leo [Dhanu] Position of Saturn Lagna

Scorpio [Vrischika] Libra Libra [Tula]

[Exaltation] Capricorn [Makara]
Aries [Mesha]
Cancellation of Sasa Yoga Cancer [Kataka]

🢧 T h e Sasa yoga loses its results if:

🢧 Saturn is associated or is in mutual aspect
with Sun.
🢧 Saturn is in combustion, or association with
5th lord.
🢧 Saturn is posited in Libra with Exalted Venus.
Sasa Yoga

• The native has exalted Saturn in 4 th house, conferring Sasa yoga.

• He also had exalted Yogkaraka Mars conferring Ruchika yoga in 7th house.
• Saturn made him a popular mass leader. He has been five times chief Minister of Tamilnadu during dasha of Jupiter,
Saturn and Mercury.
Cancellation of Mahapurusha Yoga

🢧Effects of Mahapurusha Yoga gets cancelled -

🢧 I f the lord of exalted sign of a yoga producing planet is conjoined or
aspected by its debilitation lord, the effect of yoga producing planet gets
🢧 I f the planet forming is conjoined by Ketu, its effects are nuIIified.
The circumstances of cancellation of each yoga is tabulated below:
🢧 Yoga- Planet Lord of exaltation Sign Lord of Debilitation Sign Yoga for Cancellation
🢧 Ruchika-Mars Capricorn-Saturn Aries-Mars Sat+ Mar or Mars aspects sat

🢧 Bhadra- Mercury Virgo- Mercury Pisces-Jupiter Mer+ Jup or Jup aspects Mer

🢧 Hamsa – Jupiter Cancer-Moon Scorpio-Mars Mon+ Mar or Mars aspecting Mon

🢧 Malvya –Venus Pisces Jupiter Capricorn –Sat Jup + sat or Sat aspecting Jup

🢧 Sasa – Saturn Libra-Venus Virgo-Mercury Ven + Mer or Mer aspecting Ven

Mahabhagya Yoga
🢧 This is another rare Rajyoga, which manifest through out life regardless of dasha sequence.
🢧 The "Mahabhagya" means great fortune.
🢧 The lagna, Sun and Moon represent the body, soul and mind respectively.
🢧 Thus they are the three critical pivotal points, around which the life of any native revolves. Odd signs
masculine signs, while even signs are female signs.
🢧 Odd/masculine signs are strong in day time, and even/ female signs are strong.
Often we find a mixture of masculine and feminine qualities in any chart.
Formation of Yoga : The formation of this yoga has different criteria for male and female natives.
• For Male natives:
🢧 The birth should be of daytime (from sunrise to sunset).
🢧 The Lagna, Sun & Moon should be posited in odd signs.
• For Female natives:
🢧 The birth should be of nighttime (from sunset to sunrise).
🢧 The Langna, Sun & Moon should be posited in even signs
Mahabhagya Yoga
Results of Mahabhagya Yoga
For Male:
• Male born with this Yoga will have good character, he will have a pleasant personality inspiring others.
• He will be liberal in his outlook, generous,. He attains the stature of ruler or equal.
•He will be long lived.
For Female:
• Female born with
this yoga will be
blessed with long
lived children and
• He will have good
conduct, blessed
with wealth.
Vipareet Raja Yoga
🢧Vipareet means extreme. It is of extreme as it is caused by exchange of
🢧 To form this yoga mere exchange of lords of Dustanadhipatis is enough. There is
no requirement of Parivartana.

🢧Vipareet Raj Yogas are of 3 types

🢧 Harsha Yoga - formed when 6th or 8th or and 12th Lord is placed in the 6th house
🢧 Sarala Yoga - formed when 6th or 8th or 12th Lord is placed in the 8th house
🢧 Vimala Yoga – formed when 6th or 8th or 12 lord is placed in the 12th house
Harsha Yoga
Formation of Harsha Yoga 6 4
7 3
🢧 formed when 6th or 8th or Lord is placed in
and 12th the 6th house 8 2

Result of Harsha Yoga 9 10 12
🢧 Raj yoga Harsha yoga is also likely to earn 8L L

a lot of money through inheritance.

🢧 This rashi then overturns the negative consequences
of the loss of a relative or family member by
indicating the positive monetary advantages of the
same. Lagna
🢧 A good and strong Harsha yoga is thus beneficial for
6L 8L

Harsha Yoga
🢧 formed when 6th or 8th or and 12th Lord is placed in the 6th

🢧 Here placement of 6th lord in 6th house forms Harsha Yoga

🢧Placement of 8th house in 6th house forms Sarala Yoga
Sarala Yoga
Formation of Sarala Yoga 6 4
🢧 Sarala Yoga is formed when 6th or 8ht or 12th Lord is
placed in the 8th house 8 2

Result of Sarala Yoga 9 10 12
6L 8L

🢧 T h e native with this yoga will be long lived, resolute,


without fear, will have children & riches, will achieve

success, and will be pure & widely celebrated. 6L 8L

Sarala Yoga
🢧 Sarala Yoga is formed when 6th or 12th Lord is placed in the 8th house
or 8th

The native had 8th lord Jupiter (R) in 8th house and 12th lord Moon in 12th house,
producing Sarala & Vimal Yoga.
Vimala Yoga 6L 8L

6 4
Formation of Vimala Yoga 7 3

🢧 Vimal yoga: is formed when 6th or 8th or 5

12 lord is placed in the 12th house 8 2
Results of Vimala Yoga
🢧 T h e native with this yoga, will spend little and 9 10 12
save more.
He will be good to every body, will be happy,
content, have respectable profession/ conduct
and will be well known
6L 8L

Vimala Yoga
🢧 Vimal yoga: is formed when 6th or 8th or 12 lord is placed in the 12th

The native had 8th lord Jupiter (R) in 8th house and 12th lord Moon in 12th house,
producing Sarala & Vimal Yoga.
Jaya Yoga
Formation of Jaya Yoga
🢧 Jaya yoga is formed when 6th Lord is debilitated, and 10th Lord is exalted.
Results of Jaya Yoga
🢧 Native Succeeds in all his undertakings.
🢧 Then native will be happy, victorious over his enemies, successful in all his
ventures and long lived.
🢧 I f the Yoga is really powerful, the person will hardly meet with failures or
🢧 T h e 6th house is a Dusthana and when the lord is debilitated, then all the
significations of the sixth house,viz., debts, disease and enemies will become
ineffective. It reduces obstructive forces in the way of the person’s prosperity.
🢧 T h e lord of the 10th or house of effort, occupation and deeds will have to be in
deep exaltation.
Shuba Kartari Yoga
Kartari means Scissor. Any planet or house is surrounded between benefic
Formation of Shubha Kartari Yoga
Subha Kartari Yoga is the beneficial effects of one or multiple planets on both
sides of a house of the horoscope.
The main beneficial planets are Jupiter, Moon, Venus and Mercury which have
highly auspicious effects.
Results of Shubha Kartari Yoga
This Yoga provides best results to that particular house, and it becomes the
house for happiness, creativity and overall prosperity.
Shuba Kartari Yoga
Formation of Shubha Kartari Yoga
Subha Kartari Yoga is the beneficial effects of one or multiple planets on both
sides of a house of the horoscope.
Pāpa Kartari Yoga
Any planet or house has to be hemmed (surrounded) between negative or
malefic planets, it is called Pāpa Kartari Yoga
Formation of Shubha Kartari Yoga
If any house has Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu on the left side and right
side of that house, gives a Paap Kartari Yoga. These planets are natural malefic.
The same condition applies with planets.
If any planet has Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu on its right and left houses
shows the existence of Paap Kartari Yoga.
Results of Pāpa Kartari Yoga
Paap Kartari yoga deduct the auspiciousness of hemmed house and involved
planets but it does not affect the entire horoscope, only involved house and
planet suffers.
Pāpa Kartari Yoga
Formation of Shubha Kartari Yoga
If any house has Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu on the left
side and right side of that house, gives a Paap Kartari Yoga.
These planets are natural malefic. The same condition applies to
Lunar Yogas
Sunapha Yoga
Formation of Sunapha Yoga
🢧 This Yoga is caused by a presence of planet in 2nd house from Moon.
🢧 Presence of any planet except Sun in 2nd house from moon forms Sunapha Yoga.
Results of Sunapha Yoga
🢧 It makes native highly respected in the life. He will have name and fame like
🢧 The native will be intellectual, rich, well reputed and hard working.
6 4
7 3

8 2 Moon

1 <Planet>
10 12 Except
Sunapha Yoga

Example: P V Narasimha Rao, former Prime Minister presence of Saturn next to moon forms Sunapha Yoga.
Anapha Yoga
Formation of Anapha Yoga
🢧 Anapha Yoga is caused by presence of planet in immediate preceding house where moon is
🢧 Presence of any planet except Sun in 12th house from moon results Anapha
Yoga. Results of Anapha Yoga
🢧 This Yoga makes the person very charming and active. The native with Yoga
will be happy, famous. <Planet>
6 4
7 Moon 3 <Planet>
8 2 Moon

10 12
Anapha Yoga
🢧 Anapha Yoga is caused by presence of planet in immediate preceding house where moon is
🢧 Presence of any planet except Sun in 12th house from moon results Sunapha Yoga.
Durdhara Yoga
Formation of Durdhara Yoga
🢧 Durdhara Yoga is caused by presence of planet in either side of houses where moon is
🢧 Presence of any planet in 2nd and 12th house from moon results Durdhara
Yoga. Results of Durdhara Yoga
🢧 The native having this yoga will enjoy all pleasure, charitable, intelligent
and become like king.
<Planet> <Planet>
🢧 He will attain Exceptposition. Except
Sun Sun
6 4
7 3 <Planet>
Moon Except
5 Moon
8 2
9 1 Sun
10 12
hapter of CAS
© Bangalore III C I
Durdhara Yoga
🢧 Anapha Yoga is caused by presence of planet in either side of houses where moon is posited.
🢧 Presence of any planet in 2nd and 12th house from moon results Sunapha Yoga.
🢧 The native having this yoga will enjoy all pleasure, charitable, intelligent and become like
🢧 He will have attain highest position.
Gajakesari Yoga

🢧 This is one of the most powerful & dignified Raj (royal) and Dhan (wealth) Yoga,
which would not allow a native to suffer or profligate.
🢧 I n regard to efficacy to prevent evils, this yoga has been found to work with
amazing results.
🢧 T h e term "Gajkesari" is a twin Sanskrit word meaning an elephant & a lion, both
nature's most impressive creatures and giants among animals.
Gajakesari Yoga
Formation 4
🢧 This yoga is said to confer when Jupiter occupies a Kendra (1, 4, 7 or 7 Jupiter 3

10th) position in relation to the Moon.

Results Jupiter 8 2 Moon
11 Jupiter
🢧 This yoga is supposed to confer on the native the vigour of a lion,
yet 9 Jupiter 1
10 12
the solemnity of an elephant.
🢧 It might also mean the capability to ride a lion and an
elephant, suggestive of excessive strength and a very high
status. Moon
🢧 Sage Parashar consider that this yoga forms if Jupiter is in a
Kendra Jupiter
from the Moon or the lagna.
🢧 An added stipulation is that such a Jupiter should be aspected by or Jupiter
associated with benefics and be not combust or debilitated or
placed in 6th house. Jupiter
🢧 To this one may add that Jupiter should not be retrograde or
aspected by a malefic.
Gajakesari Yoga
🢧 This yoga is said to confer when Jupiter occupies a Kendra (1, 4, 7
10th) position in relation to the Moon.

• Native had Retrograde Jupiter (as 9-12th lord) in lagna and 4th lord Moon in 10th house
conferring a weak Gajkesari yoga, in the best of Kendra houses.
• Jupiter was in the Kendra from both lagna and Moon.
No Planet No Planet

Kemdruma Yoga 6 4
Formation of Kemdruma Yoga 7 Moon 3

🢧 Kemadruma Yoga is formed when there are

no planets in the houses on either side of 8 2
Moon. 11

🢧 This makes the strength of Moon

9 1
weak. Results of Kemdruma Yoga 12

🢧 The native with this Yoga will become poor

or suffer from miseries.
🢧 Kemadruma Bhanga-
🢧 Presence of a planet in Kendra from Lagna or Moon
cancels the Kemadruma Yoga. No Planet
🢧 When the strong Jupiter in a horoscope aspects

No Planet

© Bangalore III Chapter of IC AS

Kemdruma Yoga

The native has Kemdruma Yoga.

However, the Kemdruma Yoga cancelled by presence of Mercury and Mars in Kendra.
Chandradhi /Adhi Yoga
Formation of Yoga
🢧 Chandradhi Yoga is formed. By benefics posited in 6th, Benefic
7th, 8th from the position of Moon.
🢧 The results of this yoga may vary depending on Moon Benefic
placement of benefics in 6th, 7th and 8th from the moon.
Again, the results of the yoga are based on how strong
the planet is.
🢧 Presence of benefics in all the three houses from
the moon ie., in 6th, 7th, 8th gives very good result.
🢧 Presence of benefics in any of 2 houses from the
ie., 6th & 7th / 6th & 8/ 7th & 8th gives medium results. Benefic Moon

🢧 Presence of benefics in any one of the house from

the moon ie., 6th or 7th or 8th gives ordinary result. Benefic

Results of Chandradhi Yoga

🢧 This yoga confers the native with highest position, Benefic

wealth and success. This Yoga makes a person excel in

situations with
competition ease.
and makes him tackle the most difficult
Chandradhi /Adhi Yoga
Formation of Yoga
🢧 Chandradhi Yoga is formed. By benefics posited in 6th, 7th, 8th from the position of
Chandra Mangala /Shashi Mangala Yoga
Formation of Yoga
🢧 Chandra Mangala Yoga formed by union of Moon and Mars in same Rashi or in Mutual
Aspect. Results of this Yoga
🢧 This Yoga makes the native very rich.
🢧 The impulsive planet Mars influence the Moon and substantially. The native will earn through
force or unscrupulous means. He may ill treat this mother and relatives.
🢧 Depending on position of planets in horoscope, the intensity of effect of this yoga may vary.

Conjunction Mutual Aspect Conjunction Mutual Aspect


Mars Moon Moon

Chandra Mangala /Shashi Mangala Yoga
Formation of Yoga
🢧 Chandra Mangala Yoga formed by union
of Moon and Mars in same Rashi or in
Mutual Aspect.
Chandra Mangala /Shashi Mangala Yoga
Formation of Yoga
🢧 Chandra Mangala Yoga formed by union
of Moon and Mars in same Rashi or in
Mutual Aspect.
Sakata Yoga
Formation of Sakata Yoga
🢧 Sakata Yoga is formed in a horoscope where Moon is posited in 6,8,12th from the position
of Jupiter or visa versa.
Results of Sakata Yoga.
🢧 This yoga is not auspicious. The native will face ups and downs in life.
🢧 He will have distraction, confusion in mind resulting in stress. It makes native very
From Moon From Jupiter From Moon From Jupiter
Jupiter Moon Jupiter
Jupiter Jupiter Moon

Moon Jupiter

Jupiter Moon Moon
Sakata Yoga
Formation of Sakata Yoga
🢧 Sakata Yoga is formed in a horoscope
where Moon is posited in 6,8,12th from the
position of Jupiter or visa versa.
Sakata Yoga
Formation of Sakata Yoga
🢧 Sakata Yoga is formed in a horoscope where Moon is posited in
6,8,12th from the position of Jupiter or visa versa.
Amala Yoga
Formation of Amala Yoga
🢧 Amala yoga is formed by presence of benefic in 10th house from Lagna or Moon.
🢧 If the malefic is present along with the benefic, the result of this yoga may
vary. Results of Amala Yoga
🢧 The native born in with this yoga honoured king, charitiable, helpful, pious,

From Moon From Lagna From Moon From Lagna

Venus Lagna

Venus Lagna

Moon Mercury
Amala Yoga
Formation of Amala Yoga –From Lagna
🢧 Amala yoga is formed by presence of benefic in 10th
house from Lagna or Moon.
Amala Yoga
Formation of Amala Yoga –From Moon
🢧 Amala yoga is formed by presence of benefic in 10th
house from Lagna or Moon.
Solar Yogas
Vesi Yoga
Formation of Vesi Yoga Planet here
Except Rahu,

Ketu, Moon
Vesi yoga is formed by presence of a
planet in 2nd House to Sun except Rahu, Sun
Ketu and Moon.
🢧 Results of Vesi Yoga
🢧 It makes the native lucky and rich. The
native will be honoured, happy, virtuous,
balanced, kind and dignified.

Planet here
Except Rahu ,
Ketu, Moon

Vesi Yoga
Formation of Vesi Yoga
🢧 Vesi yoga is formed by presence of a planet in 2nd House to
Sun except Rahu, Ketu and Moon.
Vosi Yoga
Formation of Vosi Yoga
🢧 VOsi yoga is formed by presence of a planet in 12th
House from the Sun except Rahu, Ketu and Moon. Sun
Results of Vosi Yoga Planet here
• If a Vosi yoga is formed by the Planet Venus in the 12th Except Rahu,
Ketu, Moon
house from the planet Sun, its native will be virtuous,
spontaneousness, diplomatic, charming, caring, respectful,
gracious enough to impress others.
• Jupiter, if causes this yoga, its native will be strong,
intelligent and would possess wisdom.
• If this yoga is caused by Mercury, its native will come across
as an obedient, beautiful and someone who is blessed with
a melodious tone of speech Sun

Planet here
Except Rahu ,
Ketu, Moon
Vosi Yoga
Formation of Vosi Yoga
🢧 Vosi yoga is formed by presence of a
planet in 12th House from the Sun except
Rahu, Ketu and Moon.

Planet here
Except Rahu,
Ketu, Moon

Ubhayachari Yoga
Formation of Ubhayachari Yoga Planet here
Except Rahu,

Ketu, Moon
Ubhayachari yoga is formed by presence of a planet
both in 12th House and 2nd house from the Sun except Sun
Rahu, Ketu and Moon.
🢧 It is presence of both Vesi and Vosi Yoga. Planet here
Except Rahu,
Ketu, Moon
Results of Ubhayachari Yoga
🢧 Natives ruled by Ubhayachari yoga enjoy either being
king (i.e topmost authority) or are awarded positions
equivalent to the king.
🢧 They are blessed with excellent oratory skills. Planet here
Except Rahu ,
🢧 They are extremely fortunate and enthusiastic and Ketu, Moon

enjoy utmost comforts. Sun

🢧 However, if this yoga is confronted by malefic, it
triggers Planet here
Except Rahu,
contrary repercussions. Ketu, Moon
Ubhayachari Yoga
Formation of Ubhayachari Yoga
🢧 Ubhayachari yoga is formed by presence of a planet both in 12th
House and 2nd house from the Sun except Rahu, Ketu and Moon.
🢧 It is presence of both Vesi and Vosi Yoga.
Budh-aditya Yoga
Formation of Budhaditya Yoga
🢧 Bhudhaditya Yoga is formed when Sun
is conjuct with Mercury.
Results of Budhaditya Yoga Mer
🢧 A native of this raja yoga does witness a
sudden rise in career, state of happiness and
🢧 They do enjoy spectacular social
status. They are well-known,
praiseworthy and prosperous.
🢧 This yoga attracts status, authority,
power and respect.
🢧 One is always buzzes with the essential Mer
energy to fulfil commitments.
Budh-aditya Yoga
Formation of Budhaditya Yoga
🢧 Bhudhaditya Yoga is formed when Sun is conjuct with
Yogas Ruchika By Mars

In Own or Exaltation sign

Panchamaha Purusha

But Kendra from Lagna

Planet in 2nd House
Sunapha Bhadra By Mercury
except Sun
Planet in 12th House
Anapha Hamsa By Jupiter
except Sun

Planet in 2nd and 12th House Durdhara Malavya By Venus

No Planet in 2nd and 12th
Kemadruma From Sasa By Saturn

Jupiter in Kendra from

Gaja Kesari Presence of
Moon Amala in 10th from the Lagna
Benefics in 6th , 8th , 12th Presence of
Chandradhi Lagnadhi 6th , 7th, 8th from Lagna
House from Moon Benefic
Moon & Mars From Lagna, Sun & Moon in odd
Chandra Mangala Male born at Day
in the Same Rashi
Lagna Sign
Moon in 6th , 8th, 12th from Maha Bhagya
Sakata Female born at Lagna, Sun & Moon in even
Jupiter or Visa versa
Night Sign
Benefic in 10th from Moon Amala 6th , 8th , 12th Lord in
6th House
Vipreet 6th , 8th , 12th Lord in
Raja Yoga Sarala
8th House
Planets in 2nd House
Vesi 6th , 8th , 12th Lord in
from Sun Vimala
Rahu, Ketu

Planets in 12th House 12th House

& Moon

Vosi From Sun


from Sun Debilitated 6th Lord and

Jaya Status of lords
Planets in bot 2nd and Exalted 10th Lord
12th House from Sun Benefics in Rashis on both
Mercury & Sun in Shubha Kartari
Budh Adiya the side
the same Rashi Kartari Yoga
Malefics in Rashis on both
Papa Kartari
the side

©Vishwanath Holla for ICAS

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