MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus
• If it is semiconductor, draw Ec, Ev, Ei and Ef depending on the absolute or relative values of χ, Φ S,
band-gap. Absolute means relative to E VACC, and relative means relative to any other material in the
• If it is metal, draw its EFM depending on the absolute or relative values of Φ M.
• If it is oxide, draw its Ec and Ev, depending on the χ and band-gap of oxide.
• Do the same for all the materials from left to right.
– Remember do not join them, keep some gap between two materials.
– Now mark the energy level differences for two adjacent materials, like difference between E FM and EC, EFM and EV, if two adjacent materials are metal-
semiconductor. EC1 and EC2, EV1 and EV2 if two materials are semiconductor or one is semiconductor another is insulator or both are insulator.
– Label these offsets as ΔEC or ΔEV accordingly.
– Remember these offsets will never change even after joining the materials in equilibrium or under any applied bias. E C, EV, Ei will bend accordingly to
maintain these offsets.
– Till here it is just the pictorial view of question.
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 2
How to draw energy Band diagram in steps (Tips and tricks)
Step One: Draw the energy band diagram under equilibrium.
– First draw one flat straight horizontal line which is the fermi level. Fermi level is always flat and continuous in equilibrium
condition. Equilibrium means no external voltage difference is applied to anywhere.
– Now draw the dotted vertical lines at the junctions of two materials. For two materials there will be one junction, for three
materials there will be two junctions and so on. The number of materials is already known to you from question, and which
are drawn separately with gaps (without contact or junction) in step zero.
– Draw the EC, EV, Ei, for semiconductor and insulator away from the dotted line of junction.
– See the fermi levels in step zero. The electrons will move from higher fermi level material to lower fermi level material to
make a flat fermi level after joining. It does not depend what material is in between (insulator, metal or semiconductor).
Thus inflow of electrons make semiconductor more n-type (or less p-type) and outflow of electrons make it more p-type
(or less n-type). This will tell you where the bands will bend qualitatively. Exact bend bending can done using next step
– Now if one side of junction is metal then it is easy to mark ΔE C and ΔEV at the junction from metal side and join
– If both the materials are semiconductor (e.g. pn junction) or one is semiconductor and other is insulator (e.g. MOS
capacitor), then in that case note the direction of band bending in semiconductor due to electron flow as in step (d) above
(which becomes more p-type or more n-type), the band bending will be in same direction in other adjacent material to
keep the electric field in same direction and continuous, unless there is some fixed charge sheet at interface.
– Take care of doping density for depletion width across the semiconductor–semiconductor interface.
• Higher the doping density lesser the depletion width and hence smaller the
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 3
How to draw energy Band diagram in steps (Tips and tricks)
Step Two: Draw the energy band diagram under applied bias. Follow the below
– Assume one end to be tied to zero volts. Usually rightmost side, but you can assume left most as well or depending on
question. Let’s for our example we assume right most to be tied to zero volts.
• If V= +ve applied at left side then the left side band will move down.
• If V= -ve applied at left side then the left side band will move up.
• Note that right most side is at zero volts initially under equilibrium and also
under applied bias, so those bands will not move.
– Draw the horizontal dotted line which was the original fermi level.
– Now at the extreme right the fermi level will not change as applied bias is 0V there (it will be different if non-zero bias
applied at right side).
– Draw dotted vertical lines as junctions or interfaces.
– Move the left most material up or down depending on bias polarity applied and keep the ΔE C and ΔEV constant as in step
– Take care of relative band bending among different materials due to doping concentration and/or depletion width.
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 4
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 5
Other two junctions
Question: Draw the energy band diagram for these four cases of 𝜙m > 𝜙s, 𝜙m < 𝜙s, p-type and n-
1. Under equilibrium
2. Under forward bias
3. Under reverse bias
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 6
Energy band diagram (1)
metal-n-type semiconductor junction for 𝜙m > 𝜙s. (ohmic)
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 7
Energy band diagram (2)
metal-p-type semiconductor junction for 𝜙m < 𝜙s. (ohmic)
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 8
Energy band diagram (3)
metal-n-type semiconductor junction for 𝜙m < 𝜙s. (Rectifying)
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 9
Energy band diagram (4)
metal-p-type semiconductor junction for 𝜙m > 𝜙s. (Rectifying)
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 10
Tunneling Barrier
Example of metal-n-type semiconductor junction for 𝜙m > 𝜙s.
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 11
• Hetrojunctions
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 12
How to draw energy Band diagram in steps (Tips and tricks)
Step One: Draw the energy band diagram under equilibrium.
– First draw one flat straight horizontal line which is the fermi level. Fermi level is always flat and continuous in equilibrium
condition. Equilibrium means no external voltage difference is applied to anywhere.
– Now draw the dotted vertical lines at the junctions of two materials. For two materials there will be one junction, for three
materials there will be two junctions and so on. The number of materials is already known to you from question, and which
are drawn separately with gaps (without contact or junction) in step zero.
– Draw the EC, EV, Ei, for semiconductor and insulator away from the dotted line of junction.
– See the fermi levels in step zero. The electrons will move from higher fermi level material to lower fermi level material to
make a flat fermi level after joining. It does not depend what material is in between (insulator, metal or semiconductor).
Thus inflow of electrons make semiconductor more n-type (or less p-type) and outflow of electrons make it more p-type
(or less n-type). This will tell you where the bands will bend qualitatively. Exact bend bending can done using next step
– Now if one side of junction is metal then it is easy to mark ΔE C and ΔEV at the junction from metal side and join
– If both the materials are semiconductor (e.g. pn junction) or one is semiconductor and other is insulator (e.g. MOS
capacitor), then in that case note the direction of band bending in semiconductor due to electron flow as in step (d) above
(which becomes more p-type or more n-type), the band bending will be in same direction in other adjacent material to
keep the electric field in same direction and continuous, unless there is some fixed charge sheet at interface.
– Take care of doping density for depletion width across the semiconductor–semiconductor interface.
• Higher the doping density lesser the depletion width and hence smaller the
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 13
How to draw energy Band diagram in steps (Tips and tricks)
Step Two: Draw the energy band diagram under applied bias. Follow the below
– Assume one end to be tied to zero volts. Usually rightmost side, but you can assume left most as well or depending on
question. Let’s for our example we assume right most to be tied to zero volts.
• If V= +ve applied at left side then the left side band will move down.
• If V= -ve applied at left side then the left side band will move up.
• Note that right most side is at zero volts initially under equilibrium and also
under applied bias, so those bands will not move.
– Draw the horizontal dotted line which was the original fermi level.
– Now at the extreme right the fermi level will not change as applied bias is 0V there (it will be different if non-zero bias
applied at right side).
– Draw dotted vertical lines as junctions or interfaces.
– Move the left most material up or down depending on bias polarity applied and keep the ΔE C and ΔEV constant as in step
– Take care of relative band bending among different materials due to doping concentration and/or depletion width.
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 14
Hetro junctions are the junctions between two dis-similar semiconductors.
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 15
Hetro-Junctions Energy Band diagram
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 16
Hetro-Junctions Energy Band diagram
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 17
Hetro-Junctions Energy Band diagram
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 18
Hetro-Junctions Energy Band diagram
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 19
Two Dimensional Electron Gas
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 20
Example np Hetro Junction
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 21
Example pp Hetro Junction
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 22
BITS Pilani
Thank You
See you next class
MEL ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic Devices, Dr. Nilesh Goel, EEE Dept. BITS Pilani Dubai Campus