Lec 4-Toxicity and Identification Test
Lec 4-Toxicity and Identification Test
Lec 4-Toxicity and Identification Test
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In “acute” systemic toxicity tests, the test material (extract) is tested for
systemic toxic effects as a result of a single, acute exposure.
Test Animals—
The irritation tests are in-vivo screening tests to evaluate the potential
of test materials – or their extracts – to cause irritation on the
exposed part of the body.
• Designed to evaluate local responses(inflammatory reactions) to
the extracts of materials under test following intracutaneous
injection into rabbits
• Test Animals—
Select healthy, thin-skinned albino rabbits with fur that
can be clipped closely and skin that is free from
mechanical irritation or trauma.
• Extracts of the test material are prepared in 4 different extraction
• a Saline solution,
• a 1:20 Ethanol/Saline solution,
• Polyethylene Glycol 400 and
• Cottonseed oil/sesame oil.
Select healthy, adult rabbits weighing not less than 2.5 kg, and with
paravertebral muscles that are sufficiently large in size to allow for
implantation of the test strips..
1. Intramuscular Implantation in Rabbits (4 strips /animal)
Prepare for implantation 8 strips of the Sample and 4 strips of USP High
Density Polyethylene RS.
Each strip should measure not less than 10 ´ 1 mm.
Strips of the specified minimum size are implanted
• Implant four strips of the Sample into the paravertebral muscle on one
side of the spine of each of two rabbits,
• Similarly implant two strips of USP High-Density Polyethylene RS in the
opposite muscle of each animal.
• Keep the animals for a period of not less than 120 hours,
• and sacrifice them at the end of the observation.
• Examine macroscopically the area of the tissue surrounding the center
portion of each implant strip.
• the Sample and Control implant sites for hemorrhage, necrosis,
discolorations, and infections, and record the observations.
• Measure encapsulation, if present, by recording the width of the
capsule (from the periphery of the space occupied by the implant
Control or Sample to the periphery of the capsule) rounded to the
nearest 0.1 mm.
2.Subcutaneous Implantation in Rats