The Female Pelvis: Namasinga Joyce
The Female Pelvis: Namasinga Joyce
The Female Pelvis: Namasinga Joyce
• The pelvis is important to the midwife because
it provides passage through which the fetus
must pass in order to be born.
• It allows movement of the body especially
walking and running.
• Contains and protects the internal
reproductive organs such as the bladder,
uterus and vagina.
• Transmits the weights of the trunk \sitting
body onto the ischial tubelosities.
• Definition: It is a bonny ring which is basin
shaped through which the baby must pass
during the process of child birth (normal)
Size: varies with individuals, stage of
development, race/tribe and type of pelvis,
however, its believed to be the largest bonny
formation in the body
• Shape: it is similar to that of a bonny basin.
• Situation: It lies at the lower end of the vertebral
column. Superiorly it articulates with the fifth
lumbar vertebrae, and laterally it articulates with
the right and left femur at the acetabullum.
• Structure: it is made up of;
Ligaments and
Bones of the pelvis
• It has four bones;
The sacrum
The coccyx
The innominate bones.
• They are two bones forming the lateral and
anterior walls of the pelvis
• Shape: irregular in shape
• Situation: posteriorly, they articulate with the
alae of the sacrum to form the sacral iliac joints,
anteriorly the two pubic bones meet at the
cartilaginous joint; the symphysis pubis and
laterally they articulate with the femur at the
acetabullum to form the hip joint on either sides
• Each innominate bone is made up of 3
separate bones which fuse together
completely at around the 16th year of life.
• They include;
The ilium
The ischium and
The pubis
The Ilium bone
• This is the large flared out part of the pelvis and
it forms the superior portion of the innominate
• Its inner surface is smooth and concave and is
known as the iliac fossa
• The outer surface is rough for attachment of
muscles of the buttocks
• The upper boarder of the Ilium is known as the
iliac crest
• The terminal point/where the iliac crest ends
anteriorly is the anterior superior iliac spine
• About 2.5cm below the anterior superior iliac spine
is another projection of bone known as the
anterior inferior iliac spine
• The terminal posterior point of the iliac crest is the
posterior superior iliac spine
• About 2.5cm below it is another projection of bone
called the posterior inferior iliac spine which marks
the border of the great sciatic notch
• Below the iliac fossa is a distinct edge known as
the ileopectineal line which ends at a
roughened swelling anteriorly known as the
ileopectineal eminence where the Ilium fuses
with the pubis.
• Below the eminence but on the outside of the
innominate bone is a cup shaped depression
known as the acetabullum
• The ilium bone forms 2/5 of the acetabullum
The ischium
• This is the inferior part of the innominate bone
• Its upper part forms the lower 2/5 of the acetabullum
• The lower part forms a thick rounded body known as the
ischial tuberosity on which the body rests in a sitting up
• Posteriorly about 2.5cm superior to the ischial tuberosities
is an inward projection of a bone known as the ischial spine
• In labour, the station of the fetal head is estimated in
relation to the ischial spines
• The ischial spines also divide the sciatic notch into the
greater and lesser sciatic notches
The pubic bone
• Is the smallest of the three bones
• Forms the remaining 1/5 of the acetabullum
• It consists of the body, superior and inferior rami. The
superior pubic ramus meets with the Ilium at the
ileopectineal eminence.
• The two lower borders of the pubic rami unite to form the
pubic arch
• The space enclosed by the superior and inferior pubic rami is
the obturator foramen
• These pubic bones are fused anteriorly by a pad of cartilage
called the symphysis pubis
The sacrum
• It’s a wedge shaped bone which forms the
back of the pelvis and consists of five fused
• Situation: superiorly articulates with the fifth
lumbar vertebrae, inferiorly with the coccyx at
the Sacro coccygeal joint, and laterally with
the innominate bones at the sacral iliac joint