Like any type of energy, the SI unit for heat is the Joule.
Another common unit is the calorie, which is approximately
the amount of heat energy needed to raise one gram one degree
Celsius. 1000 calories are in a Calorie, which is used to
measure the energy in foods (that the human body can make
use of). The British thermal unit (BTU) is approximately the
energy needed to raise one pound of water one degree
26 °C 26 °C
iron atom
zoomed in view
The water near the hot horseshoe is warmer than the water further
from the shoe. This warm water is lower in density than the cooler
water, since its molecules are moving faster and taking up more space.
With lower density, the warm water begins to float to the surface,
carrying its heat energy with it. As it rises to the surface it cools and
becomes denser. Then it begins to sink, warmer water from below
taking its place. These convection currents transfer heat from the
horseshoe to the air via the water, which is the convection medium.
Don’t forget that bodies radiate and absorb energy at the same time.
The same equation describes absorption, except we use the temp of
the surroundings. Pnet = 0 when a body is in thermal equilibrium.
Black Body
A black body is an ideal absorber. It absorbs any radiation that is
incident upon it (any light that hits it). It exists only in theory.
Suppose Schmedrick has Bucephalus is all shoed up and ready to
run. Schmed hops on the back of his trusty steed, and with a mighty
“Hi ho Bucephalus! Away!” he heads off into the sunset. Before
falling off, Schmedrick ponders the sunlight streaming through the
atmosphere from 93 million miles away. Not all of the light that
reaches Earth makes it to the surface. The atmosphere reflects
some of it back into space and absorbs some of it. (It scatters away
more of the blue light than the red, which is why sunsets look red.)
It is the same story for the light hitting Bucephalus: his coat absorbs
some of it (and warms him); and some is reflected (otherwise he
would be called Bucephalus the Invisible Horse).
All real-world objects interact this way with light. Only a black
body would absorb all light, including wavelengths we can’t see.
Thermal Conductivity, k
Heat transfer via conduction was described a few slides back. Thermal
conductivity, k, refers how easily heat can move through a material.
Metals have high thermal conductivity, meaning heat passes through
them readily. Wood is a fairly good insulated of heat, and styrofoam is
even better. These materials have low thermal conductivities. k is
very low for air as well. (Attic insulation and styrofoam cups trap air,
making them good insulators.) Heat from a boiler passes through all
sides of its metal enclosure. The rate at which heat is transferred is
given by:
H= k A ( T2 - T 1 )
A = area of side wall
T2 T1 L = thickness of wall
k = thermal conductivity of the metal
heat T2 - T1 = temperature difference
H is simply power, and its SI unit is the Watt.
SI Units for Thermal Conductivity
k A (T - T )
H= 2 1
k must have units that cancel out all the units on the right,
leaving only the units for H. The units are:
W or equivalently, W
m·K m · °C
There is more glass in the single pane window to
block the heat, but the air in between the panes of the
double pane window has thermal conductivity that is
about 35 times lower than that of the glass itself. So
much more heat would be transferred through the
single pane.
Triple pane vs. Double pane
If they are of the same total thickness and pane
thickness, which is better at minimizing heat
transfer, a double or triple pane window?
The double pane window has more air between the
outer panes, so its thermal conductivity is lower.
However, air is a mobile medium, and convection
currents can shuttle warm air from the warm side to
the cold side. On the warm side the air rises, moves
across the the cold side, and sinks, moving in a loop
heat and carrying its energy from the warm side to the
cold side. The middle pane in the triple pane window
reduces the energy transfers due to convection and is
the better window (but probably more expensive).
R Value
The R value of a material is its “thermal resistance” and refers to
how good an insulator is. Here’s how it’s defined:
R = L
As in previous equations:
L = the thickness of the material
k = thermal conductivity of the material
The first law does not prohibit the snow from suddenly rising, so long
as it the potential energy is regains comes from somewhere, such as
the thermal energy of the surrounding air. In other words, the 1st Law
allows a “reverse avalanche” if the surroundings become cooler.
Thermal energy is converted into potential energy, and energy is
conserved. The 2nd Law forbids this, however, since a reverse
avalanche would mean a decrease in entropy in the region around the
valley. There is more about entropy on upcoming slides.
H H H H 4 heads
Statistical Approach T H H H
Entropy is related to probability. Let’s H H T H 3 heads
look at the possible outcomes of flipping H H H T
four coins, of which there are sixteen
(2 4 = 16). The outcomes are grouped into T T H H
macrostates according to the number of T H T H
heads. Each macrostate is made up a T H H T
2 heads
microstates. For example, the 3-heads H T T H
macrostate is comprised of 4 microstates, H T H T
because there are 4 combinations that H H T T
yield 3 heads. One microstate in the 3-
heads macrostate is H H T H. The number
of microstates in a macrostate determines 1 head
how likely that state is to exist.
continued on next slide
T T T T 0 heads
Entropy (cont.)
Macrostate # of Microstates Probability T H H H
0 1 1 / 16 H T H H
1 4 1/4
2 6 3/8
3 4 1/4 H H H T
4 1 1 / 16
Macrostate 3 (the group w/ 3 heads) is the most T H T H
probable since it contains the most microstates (com- T H H T
binations). Macrostate 2 has 6 microstates, so its
probability is 6 / 16 = 3 / 8. This macrostate is the most
random, or disordered, since there are so many ways 2
heads can come up in 4 flips. Entropy is a measure of
disorder, and for this system it’s at a max when in T T T H
macrostate 2. Minimum entropy occurs when the coins T T H T
are in macrostate 0 or 4, since there is a high degree of T H T T
order in these states--only one microstate each. These H T T T
are the least likely microstates to occur. continued T T T T
Entropy (cont.)
Suppose our coin system is in macrostate 4 (all heads). This
represents maximum order, minimum entropy. Every so often one of
the coins is chosen at random and flipped. With each flip there is a
50-50 chance that the macrostate will change. With time (after
enough flips), it is doubtful that the system will still be in the
minimum entropy state. It is much more likely to be in macrostate 2,
the state with the most entropy.
The 2nd Law states that during any process the universe moves toward
more probably states--states with more entropy. It is possible to
decrease the entropy of our coin system by physically turning all tails
over so that there are all heads, but in doing this we must expend
energy. This energy expenditure increases the entropy of our
surroundings more than it decreases the entropy of the system. Thus
the entropy of the universe is increased.
continued on next slide
Entropy (cont.)
In our coin example we only dealt with four coins. In real life even a
quadrillion atoms or molecules might not be very much. (A single
bacterium contains about 100 billion atoms.) How much more likely
is it for a system to be in its highest entropy state than in its lowest?
It depends on how big the system is:
( )
= 4!
2 ! (4 – 2) !
(2 · 1) (2 · 1)
= 6, as we showed by
listing combinations
Entropy & Fluids
Suppose a beaker of very hot water is poured into an aquarium of cool
water. Conservation of energy would not be violated if all the hot
water remained right at the spot where it was poured. But the 2nd Law
demands that the thermal energy eventually become evenly
distributed. The cool water has molecules moving at a wide range of
speeds (red = fast; blue = slow). Since the water is cool, there are
more blues than reds. The hot water poured in has mostly red. The
aquarium has less disorder (entropy) when all the fast molecules are in
one spot than when they are mixed in. With time a much more likely
situation exists, with a much higher entropy. continued
Entropy & Fluids (cont.)
Imagine how many different ways you could take 100 blue balls and
paint 8 of them red. There are about 1.86 · 1011 ways to do this.
Many, many more of those ways look like the picture on the right
than on the left. The diffusion of perfume from an open bottle
throughout a room is also a consequence of the 2nd Law. Unlike
diffusion, though, the “hot” water molecules don’t necessarily have
to move so that they are spread out evenly. Convection currents will
allow some to move, but it is really the heat energy rather than the
molecules themselves that must distribute itself equally throughout
the aquarium.
Entropy Example 1
Stooges build a card house. Inevitably, Moe smacks Curly upside the
head, and Curly bumps the table, knockings down the cards. The
potential energy the cards had before falling is converted into thermal
energy, and the room is warmed up ever so slightly. The 2nd Law
prohibits the room from cooling a little so that the card house can
spontaneously rebuild itself, even though energy would be conserved.
As a card house the cards are very organized. They’re in a low entropy
state. In a jumble on the table, they are very unorganized and in a high
entropy state. Moreover, the air in the room has more entropy when
heated because thermal energy is just the random motions of molecules.
The hotter the air, the more random motion the
molecules have. The stooges could decrease
the entropy of the cards by rebuilding the house,
but in doing so they would expend energy,
which would heat up the room a little. The
cards’ entropy would decrease, but the air’s
would increase even more. Overall, entropy
Entropy Example 2
Moe kicks a football in quintessential Stooge fashion. While the ball
is flying through the air, its got kinetic as well as thermal energy.
When it lands on the ground the ball no longer has kinetic energy,
which goes into increasing the thermal energy of the air, ground, and
ball. Energy is conserved, but there is a net gain of entropy for the
universe. The kinetic energy the ball had was very organized: All the
molecules in the ball were pretty much moving in the same direction.
The thermal energy, on the other hand, is not organized at all, since
it is a consequence of random molecular
motions. The 2nd Law guarantees that
the ball won’t suddenly absorb heat
from its surroundings and come flying
back at Curly’s head, since this would
mean a decrease in the total entropy of
the universe.
Most Probable = Least Useful
Kinetic energy, with many molecules moving in the same direction,
represents an “organized form of energy.” Chemical potential energy,
such as that contained in oil, is organized as well, since oil is comprised
of long hydrocarbons with very specific arrangements of atoms.
Gravitational potential energy is organized too, as in the card house.
All of these energies can be used to do useful work, such as lifting
objects, generating electricity, etc. Thermal energy is always
disordered unless there is a separation of temperatures. If hot water is
separated from cold water, heat can flow and work can be done.
An object or fluid with uniform temperature has uniformly distributed
thermal energy and can’t do any useful work. Unfortunately, this high
entropy state is the most probable. Many scientists believe that the
ultimate fate of the universe is a “heat death” in which the whole
universe is at one uniform temp. This would represent maximum
entropy. No life could exist, since life requires energy uptake and
expenditure. This can’t happen if the universe has only thermal energy.
Change in Entropy Equation
Because most systems are many up of so many particles, calculating
entropy via probabilities would be very difficult. Fortunately, we are
normally concerned only with changes in entropy. If we have a
system in which energy is not changing forms, the change in entropy
is defined as:
S =
S = change in entropy
Q = change in internal energy (heat flow)
T = absolute temperature
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics says that during any process:
Q = m C T
Q = thermal energy
m = mass
C = specific heat
T = change in temp
(1.9 kg) (448 J / kg · ºC) (275 ºC - T) = (2.5 kg) (4186 J / kg · ºC) (T - 25 ºC)
Q = m Lf or Q = m Lv
Q = thermal energy
m = mass
L = heat of fusion or vaporization
L is the energy per unit mass needed to change the state
of a substance from solid to liquid or from liquid to gas.
Ex: Lf (the latent heat of fusion) for gold is 6440 J / kg.
Gold melts at 1063 ºC. 5 grams of solid gold at this
temp will not become liquid until additional heat is
added. The amount of heat needed is:
(6440 J / kg) (0.005 kg) = 32 J. The liquid gold will still be
at 1063 ºC.
Latent Heat / Specific Heat Example
Superman vaporizes a 1800 kg ice monster with
his heat ray vision. The ice monster was at
-20 ºC. After being vaporized he is steam at
135 ºC. How much energy did Superman expend?
Substance Specific Heat (in J / kg · ºC)
ice 2090
liquid water 4186
steam 1970
For water : Lf = 3.33 ·105 J / kg; Lv = 2.26 ·106 J / kg
Q = (1800 kg) (2090 J / kg · ºC) (20 ºC) heating ice to melting pt.
+ (1800 kg) (3.33 ·105 J / kg) ice to water, const. temp of 0 ºC
+(1800 kg) (4186 J / kg · ºC) (100 ºC) heating water to boiling pt.
+ (1800 kg) (2.26 ·106 J / kg) water to steam, const. temp of 100 ºC
+ (1800 kg) (1970 J / kg · ºC) (35 ºC) heating steam to 135 ºC
= 5.62 ·109 J total energy expended by Superman
Latent Heat & Entropy
Schmedrick is enjoying a cool glass of soy milk while relaxing on a
cot on a winter morning in his backyard. Suddenly his dog, Rover,
barks at a squirrel and startles Schmed, who drops his drink. A 10 g
ice cube at 0 ºC falls to the ground and melts. The temp outside is
10 ºC. Calculate the change in entropy of the universe due to the
melting of the ice only. answer:
For the cubie: Q = m Lf = (0.01 kg) (3.33 ·105 J / kg) = + 3330 J.
This is the energy absorbed by the ice from the surroundings.
Sice = Qice / Tice = +3330 J / 273 K = +12.198 J / K.
For the surroundings: Q = -3330 J, since the surroundings lost as
much thermal energy as the cubie gained. The temperature of the
backyard does not decrease significantly, though, with such a small
energy loss. Ssurr = Qsurr / Tsurr = -3330 J / 283 K = -11.767 J / K.
For the universe: Suniv = Ssurr + Sice = 12.198 J / K - 11.767 J / K
= +0.431 J / K. Thus, the 2nd Law is satisfied.
Internal Energy, Work, & Heat
The internal energy, Eint, of a substance or object can be changed
in two ways:
1. by letting heat flow in or out of the substance, Q
2. by the substance doing work or having work done on it, W
In summary: Eint = Q - W, which is one way to state the 1st Law.