Lesson 3: What Are You Wearing?: English Plus 3 - pg.14
Lesson 3: What Are You Wearing?: English Plus 3 - pg.14
Lesson 3: What Are You Wearing?: English Plus 3 - pg.14
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English Plus 3 – pg.14
Listening part
Hugo (H) & Sammy (S)
decide expensive few weeks
H: Hi, Sammy
interesting shirt look smart wedding
S: Oh, hi, Hugo
H: Those are cool trousers
S: Really? I think they’re a bit baggy
H: They’re supposed to be like that. I bought a pair like that a few weeks
ago and they’re so comfortable. They look really good.
S: Maybe I’ll buy them, then. That’s an interesting
2 shirt you’re wearing.
H: It’s not really my style, but I’m going to a wedding
3 next week and Mum
wants me to wear something smart. 4 What do you think of this one?
S: That’s better. It’s expensive
5 though
H: You’re right, it is.
S: But your mum does want you to look 6 smart.
H: Mmm, true. Why don’t I try it on and then decide?
English Plus 3 – pg.14
/ʊ/ sound
English Plus 3 – pg.14
/uː/ sound
English Plus 3 – pg.14
/uː/ /ʊ/
blue /bluː/ good /ɡʊd/
boots /buːts/ hoodie /ˈhʊdi/
cool /kuːl/ look /lʊk/
shoes /ʃuːz/
suit /suːt/
English Plus 3 – pg.14