Lecture 3 - Psychoneuroimmunology

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Chapter #3
The Psychology of Physical Health and Illness
Presentation Overview

 Discuss why psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is important to health psychology

 Highlight some important PNI research
 Explore the biological relationships between psychological states and health
 Explore fundamental biological mechanisms linking psychological states and health
Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)

 PNI:
 The study of the relationship between psychological states and the functioning of
the immune system
 Psychology + Nervous System + Immunity = PNI
 Immunocompetence:
 The extent to which one’s immune system is functioning properly to ward off
Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) in Health Psychology

 Links psychology and health

 Bridges communication between social scientists and health care practitioners
 Interdisciplinary research that examines and explains immune function in
terms of:
 Biologicalfactors
 Psychological factors
 Social factors
Measuring Immune System Function

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

 Some psychological state  Usually a measure of immunocompetence
 Naturally occurring or experimentally induced Can measure immunocompetence by counting cells
or measuring cells in action
Measuring Immunocompetence

Enumerative Assay Functional Tests of Immunity

 Cell counting  Observes cells in action
 Minimum number  In vitro – mitogen stimulates activity
 Balance among types  In vivo – measure antibody (AB) production
Natural Killer (NK) Cell Activity

 Measured by in vitro techniques

 NK cell cytotoxic activity assay: test in which the proliferation and effectiveness of NK cells is
measured after they have been exposed to diseased cells
 NK cell lysis: destroying tumour cells by exposing them to NK cells
In Vivo Tests of Immunocompetence

 1. Herpesvirus: suppression of the

immune system increases the
herpesviruses and the more
 Higher AB counts for herpesvirus-
specific antibodies indicate poorer
immune-system function
In Vivo Tests of Immunosuppression

 2. Introduction of an antigen into the body either by injection or nasal

 Count antigen specific antibodies in response to the injection
 More Ab indicates better immunocompetence
Methodological Issues in Measurement

 Several challenges in PNI research

 Short-term vs. long-term effects
 Acute stressors vs. Chronic stressors
 Many forms of immune-system function
 Statistical significance vs. Clinical significance
 Is statistical significance clinically important?
Stress Effects on Immune Functioning

 Stress: adverse condition in which the demands of a situation are perceived

to be greater than our ability to cope with them
 Lab research shows:
 Acute stressors immediately inhibit an effective immune system response
 Personality also affects stress response
 Stress has long-term effects on immunity
Linking Childhood Adversity with Poor Adult Health

 Growing evidence that early childhood experiences affect health across the
entire lifespan
 The Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP)
 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
 Process by which experience has permanent effects on the expression of
the genetic coding is biological imbedding
Biological Embedding of Childhood Adversity Model

 Adverse Childhood Experiences

 Adverse experiences of early childhood
impinge upon DNA and alters the immune
system by permanently changing cells
responsible for the regulation of
Stress and Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI)

 Common illnesses (e.g., cold, flu)

 Affected (worsened or started) by stress
 Several factors interact to predict one’s response to stress
 Generalized Anxiety Disorder
 Social support
 Positive life events
Stress and Autoimmune Disease

 Autoimmune Disease
 The development of antibodies that attack the body’s own tissue
 E.g., rheumatoid arthritis, insulin-dependent diabetes, multiple sclerosis
 Stress can increase risk of contracting
 Relaxation and meditation can lower pain in arthritis
Stress and Cancer

 Relationship between stress and cancer

 NK cells protect against cancer
 Psychological factors affect NK cell activity under stress
 Major life stress sometimes affects cancer
 Stress can worsen cancer but not predispose someone to developing cancer
Effect of Depression on
Immune Functioning
 Negative life events can elicit a negative mood that
threatens immune function
 E.g., caregiving stress
 Study: measuring immune function for three groups of
1. Wives with healthy husbands
2. Wives of husbands being treated for lung cancer
3. Wives of husbands who’ve died from lung cancer
 Results: the third group was the most depressed and also
had the poorest immune function
Negative Mood and Immune Function

 Negative mood and URTI

 Important to distinguish between state and trait
 Cohen et al study (1995)
 The purpose of this study was to sort out whether negative states of traits were more influence on the
development of URTI
 Results:
 Both state-negative and trait-negative affect were correlated with symptom reporting
 Only state negative affect was correlated with objectively confirmed symptoms
Negative Mood and Immune Function

 Depression and cancer

 Depression predicts cancer mortality
 Pessimism = related to lower survival
 Negative mood states are related to increased risk of contracting and dying of cancer
 Immunocompetence doesn’t provide the whole explanation

“Giving Up-Given Up” Complex

Mood and Immune Function

 Depression and heart health:

 Depression as possible risk factor for heart
disease and related mortality
 Higher risk of first heart attack
 Higher risk with major depression
 Associated with reduced responsiveness of the
immune system, reduced ability
to deal with inflammation
Mood and Immune Function

 Negative mood and HIV infection:

 Study of 1,700 HIV-positive women, depression associated with shorter time to
AIDS-related death (Cook et al., 2004)
 Depression associated with lower T-helper cell activity in HIV+ individuals when
T-helper cell counts are high
Proposed Biological Mechanisms

 Psychological states and traits affect our health and illness via:
1. Endocrine system: glucocorticoids
2. Sympathetic nervous system: reactivity hypothesis
3. Immune system: affected by cortisol and activation of HPA axis
4. Behaviour: (e.g., depression affects sleep)
Biological Mechanisms

 Hypothalamic-Pituitary Adrenal Axis

 Chronic activation when the stressor is strong
 Role of inflammation
 Cytokines: increase the body’s capacity to produce
 Extreme stress can result in excessive inflammation
Lecture Takeaways
 PNI provides empirical evidence for
the mind-body connection
 PNI at the cellular level
 Prominent health conditions
discovered in the PNI literature
 Biological fundamentals of PNI

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