Web Based Crime Prediction
Web Based Crime Prediction
Web Based Crime Prediction
Literature review
Advantages of proposed System
Future Scope
The “Web Based Crime Prediction System” is a web based website for online complaining
and computerized management of crime records. Here in this website a person who wishes
to file a complaint or report an incident must register before log in and once the admin
authenticates the user he or she can login into the website and file a complaint .This
complaint will be received by police and police can send a message regarding status of the
complaint to the user who filed the complaint. Police can use this software to manage
different crimes and some of the works which is done in police station manually. Police gets
their login password from admin directly. Some of the modules like news, safety tips,
missing persons and most wanted criminals can be viewed through the website without
logging in. So this website helps police to find out the problems in the society without them
actually coming to the police station
Literature Review
Technologies Used:
This project consists of a website which is to be developed in netbeans
having Java DB as Backend Admin.
Admin: Java DB
Front end: Netbeans
Requirement Analysis
User can get status of report from anywhere with one click.
Validation of data will ensure only accurate, valid and complete data is
stored in the Admin
In the modern world, the use of computers and Mobile phones is becoming
rampant. More so, recent developments in the ICT Industries has
revolutionized and consequently brought about a paradigm shift in the way
activities are accomplished. As a result the, crime reporting system needs to
embrace these new technologies. This report has presented a simple,
convenient, cost-effective, but efficient online crime reporting system with a
user-friendly, sensitive and intelligible web interface. Whereby it can be
accessed at any time provided there is internet connection.