Christian Living/ Values Education: Mr. Matthew Benedict P. Cortez

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7Mr. Matthew Benedict P. Cortez


Come, Holy Spirit, fill the
hearts of Your faithful,
and kindle in them the
fire of Your Love.
L: Send forth Your Spirit
and they shall be created.

R: and You shall renew the

face of the earth.
Let us pray:

O, God, Who has taught

the hearts of Your faithful
by the light of the Holy
grant that
by the gift of the same
Spirit, we may always be
truly wise and ever rejoice
in His Consolation,
through Christ, our Lord.
Seat of Wisdom

- pray for us.

LEARN: Identify the seven petitions in the Lord’s
Prayer; explain the necessity of prayer in one’s
personal and communal life;

LOVE: Trust in God’s Fatherhood, His power and

plan for all; sympathize with others;

LIVE: Share experiences of prayer and communion.

page 29
1. What is the story all about?

2. How would you relate your life to the story?

3. What have you learned from the story?

1. How do we establish communion in prayer?

2. How do you integrate prayer in your daily activities

and in your service to others?
Teaching About Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15
1. To whom is the prayer addressed?

2. Identify the petitions found in the prayer.

3. Which is easier, to forgive, or to ask for forgiveness?

4. Why does it have to be “Our Father”? Why not “My Father?

The Object of the Seven Petitions of
the Lord’s Prayer
The object of the first three petitions are the following:
1. The glory of the Father and sanctification of His
2. The coming of the Kingdom and the fulfillment of
His will.
The object of the four petitions are the following:
1. They ask that our lives be nourished.
2. They ask that we may be healed of sin and made
victorious in the struggle of good over evil.
Holy Be Your Name
The first petition ushers us into God’s plan. In
this petition, our gaze is directed at the One we
love – God Himself! The final fulfilment of His
name to be glorified is the hope we, too, aspire
Your Kingdom Come
The second petition expresses our anticipation of
the return of Christ in glory and the coming of
God’s kingdom is already here and now, present in
our world, and built by men and women of good
will. Through the acts of righteousness, peace, and
joy, let God’s kingdom already come.
Your Will Be Done, On Earth as it is in Heaven
The third petition expresses the desire of Christ
for us to love one another as He loved us. It is the
Father’s loving plan that all must return to His
kingdom. The will of God perfectly done by Jesus is
His prayer for us, too.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
The fourth petition is the acknowledgment of our
dependence in God who sustains our daily
nourishment. But more than the physical food, we
ask to be filled with spiritual sustenance, especially
to fulfill the hungers of our world that can be
remedied by the Beatitudes. The Word of God and
the Eucharist must fill up the needed “daily bread” of
God’s children.
And Forgive Us Our Trespasses, As
We Forgive Those Who Trespass
Against Us
The fifth petition strictly enjoins us to grant
forgiveness to those who have wronged us before we
can merit God’s forgiveness. We realize that it is not
always possible, but Jesus Himself instructs us to
pray for anything because with God, nothing is
impossible. In the depth of one’s heart, mercy must
reside like that of the Father’s, so that one may be
able to forgive.
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
The sixth petition is actually our pleading that the
Divine Spirit would give us strength and discernment
when we are faced with the evils of sin. The grace of
vigilance and final perseverance is what it
admonishes us to pray for. We have Jesus’ example –
He was tempted by the devil, yet He remained strong
and steadfast because of the Spirit who
strengthened Him in prayer.
But Deliver Us From Evil
The seventh petition is to implore the Lord to save us
from the grip of Satan, which we pray to be delivered
from. This has direct bearing to Jesus’ prayer in John
17:15, “My prayer… that you protect them from the
evil one.” The Church, Jesus’ Body on Earth, awaits the
joyful expectation for the final return of the Head. In a
posture of prayer and humility, we await for the
deliverance of the whole human family at the end of

Examine yourself before sleeping by considering

these questions: “What’s the most loving thing I
have done today? What is the least loving thing I
have done today?” Talk to the Father about their
Glory to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now and will be forever.

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