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Deep Learning For Intelligent Wireless Networks: A Comprehensive Survey

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Deep Learning for Intelligent

Wireless Networks: A
Comprehensive Survey
Published by:
Qian Mao
Fei Hu
Qi Hao,
Member, IEEE

Presented by:
Ms. Neha Choudhary
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Objective
4. Wireless platform implementation
5. Future research trends
6. Conclusion
7. References
•Deep learning (DL) is a powerful method to add
intelligence to wireless networks with large-scale
topology and complex radio conditions.
• DL uses many neural network .
•DL can analyze extremely complex wireless networks.
•A comprehensive survey of the applications of DL
algorithms for different layers.
•The use of DL to enhance other network functions,
such as network security, sensing data compression, etc
•In Deep Learning process, first, computers need to learn
from experiences and build up certain training model.
•DL is a subclass of machine learning.
•The application of DL should consider four aspects:
(1) How to represent the state of the environment in
suitable numerical formats.
(2) How to represent/interpret the recognition results.
(3) How to compute/update the reward value.
(4) The structure of the DL system
•DL systems are tied with Reinforcement Learning (RL)
models , which comprises three parts:
• 1) An environment
• 2) An agent
•3) An interpreter

Fig. 1. Schematic Diagram of Reinforcement Learning.

•Compared to machine learning technique, DL provides
higher prediction accuracy .
•In DL no need to pre-process input data.
• Similarities between DL and human brain:
1.Tolerance of incomplete or even erroneous input raw
2.Capability of handling large amount of input
3.Capability of making control decisions
Ref Author Title Outcome Gap
1 G. Hinton et “Deep neural networks for It provides an The biggest
al. acoustic modeling in speech overview of this disadvantage of DNNS
recognition,” progress and compared with GMMS
represents the is that it is much harder
shared views of to make good use of
four research large cluster machines to
groups . train them on massive
data sets.
2 Shuying Liu Very deep convolutional neural CNN can be Normalization and
,Weihong network based image classification used to fit small strong dropout setting
Deng using small training sample size datasets with are the only way to
simple and arouse the power of
proper deep model on small
modifications dataset. More methods
and don't need to will require future work.
specific small
3 Michael Geometric Deep Learning: Going Different Requiring different ways
Bronstein beyond Euclidean data examples of to achieve efficient
, Joan Bruna geometric deep- computations.
•DL originated from Machine Learning (ML). A brief
introduction towards DL principles is presented.
•From Machine Learning to Deep Learning
•Deep Learning Framework
•Deep Learning for Graph-Structured Data
•DL applications for Physical Layer function control.
a) DL for Interference Alignment
b) DL for Jamming Resistance
c) DL for Modulation Classification
d) DL for Physical Coding
•DL for Spectrum Allocation
•DL for Traffic Prediction
•DL for Link Evaluation
Modern routing protocols developed for wireless
networks are basically categorized into four types:
• Routing-table-based proactive protocols
•On-demand reactive protocols
•Geographical protocols
•ML/DL-based routing protocols
•Vehicle Network Scheduling
Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) & Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) of
communications in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET)
• Sensor Data Reduction
Implanted Medical Devices (IMDs) are usu- ally constrained
by power consumption.
•Hardware Resource Allocation
Operating system supports some application layer tasks for the
network communications.
•Network Security
Traffic inference and intrusion detection are crucial issues for
cyber security
Following methods have been used in wireless testbeds.
1)MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox
3)Caffe (Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature
4)Theano (Keras)
7)Customized models
• 10 challenging issues and point out the future research
A. DL for Transport Layer Optimizations.
B. Using DL to Facilitate Big Data Transmissions.
C. DL-Based Network Swarming.
D. Pairing DL With Software-Defined Network (SDN).
E. Distributed DL Implementation in Wireless Nodes.
F.DL-Based Cross-Layer Design.
G.DL-Based Application Layer Enhancement.
H.DL-Based Dew-Fog-Cloud Computing Security.
I. From DL to DRL: Applications for Cognitive Radio Network
J. Efficient DL/DRL Implementations in Practical Wireless
G. (Challenge 7) DL-Based Application Layer
H. (Challenge 8) DL-Based Dew-Fog-Cloud Computing
I. (Challenge 9) From DL to DRL: Applications for
Cognitive Radio Network Control
J. (Challenge 10) Efficient DL/DRL Implementations in
Practical Wireless Platforms
This paper has comprehensively reviewed the
methodologies of applying DL schemes for wireless
network performance enhancement.
(1)DL/DRL is very useful for intelligent wireless network
management due to its human-brain-like pattern
recognition capability. With the hardware performance
improvement of today’s wireless products, its adoption
becomes easier.
(2)It plays critical roles in multiple protocol layers. We have
summarized its applications in physical, MAC and
routing layers. It makes the network more intelligently
realize the change of the entire topology and link
conditions, and helps to generate more appropriate
protocol parameter controls.
(3) It can be integrated with today’s various wireless
networking schemes, including CRNs, SDNs, etc., to
achieve either centralized or distributed resource
allocation and traffic balancing functions. This article
also lists ten important research issues that need to be
solved in the near future in this field. They cover some
promising wireless applications. This paper will help
readers to understand the state-of-the-art of DL-enhanced
wireless networking protocols and find some interesting
and challenging research topics to pursue in this critical
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