Antiepileptic Drugs: Department of Pharmacology Zhang Yan-Mei
Antiepileptic Drugs: Department of Pharmacology Zhang Yan-Mei
Antiepileptic Drugs: Department of Pharmacology Zhang Yan-Mei
Department of Pharmacology
Zhang Yan-mei
Nature of Epilepsy
• Epilepsy affects about 0.5% of the population.
• The characteristic event is the seizure, which is
often associated with convulsion, but may occur in
many other forms.
• The seizure is caused by an abnormal high-
frequency discharge of a group of neurons,
starting locally and spreading to a varying extent
to affect other parts of the brain.
Nature of Epilepsy
• Seizures may be partial or generalised
depending on the location and spread of the
abnormal neuronal discharge. The attack
may involve mainly motor, sensory or
behavioural phenomena. Unconsciousness
occurs when the reticular formation is
Types of Epilepsy
• Two major categories, namely partial and
generalised seizures; there is some overlap and
many varieties of each.
Partial seizures
– The discharge begins locally, and often
remains localised. Produce relatively
simple symptoms without loss of
Types of Epilepsy
Generalised seizures
– Involve the whole brain, including the reticular system,
thus producing abnormal electrical activity throughout
both hemispheres. Immediate loss of consciousness.
Nature of Epilepsy
• Two common forms of generalised
epilepsy are the tonic-clonic fit (grand
mal) and the absence seizure (petit
mal). Status epilepticus is a life-
threatening condition in which seizure
activity is uninterrupted.
Nature of Epilepsy
• The neurochemical basis of the abnormal
discharge is not well understood. It may be
associated with enhanced excitatory amino
acid transmission, impaired inhibitory
transmission, or abnormal electrical
properties of the affected cells. The
glutamate content in areas surrounding an
epileptic focus is often raised.
Nature of Epilepsy
• Repeated epileptic discharge can cause
neuronal death (excitotoxicity).