Minggu 13-14
Minggu 13-14
Minggu 13-14
Short Answer Open- •Easy to construct •Difficult to score as •To measure to recall of
Ended •Adaptable to specific more than one answer facts and specific
subject content may be correct knowledge
Fill in The Blank •Can be more focused •Diffuclt to score when •To measure recall of
and easily scored more than one answer facts and specific
Written Tests
Selected- response Short-answer test Essay test
Characteristics Objective; Choose Objective; Ask to Ask to discuss one
among supply into from or more related
alternatives; memory; Assess ideas according to
Assess foundational certain criteria
foundational knowledge
Advantages Efficiency Relatively easy to Assess higher-level
write; Allow for abilities
Disadvantages Focus on verbatim Focus on verbatim Lack of
memorization memorization consistency of
Way to Measure Student Learning
Written test
- Selected-response tests
- Short- answer tests
- Essay tests
Performance tests
Kirkpatrick’s Four
Levels of Evalution
Figure 1
Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evalution
1- Reactions : Measures how students have reacted to the
training – Program evalution sheets
2- Learning : Measures what students have learned from the
training – Individual pre- and post test for comparisons
3- Behavior : Measures whether what was learned is being
applied in the life – Observations and feedback from others
4- Result : Measures whether the application of learning in
class is achieving result – difficult to measure
After Intruction (Summative)
* paper/pencil test
* Projects
* Portfolios
* Presentations
t s
m en
s s
ss e
t A
P re
n g
i g ni
Selected Response Items
Alternative Response
Multiple Choice
Alternative Response Items
• Stem contains a declarative statement
Sample Matching Items
(small sample set only – typically 7-10 items in set)
Write the letter for the term in Column B that matches
the description in Column A. Each term is used only
Column A Column B
___ A number divisble by itself and one A. Integer
E. Rational number
Alternate Matching Form
Read each example. The write the name of the literary technique beside
the example. A literary technique may be used more than once
____ The kitten studied the ball of clay carefully-taking stock of its shape and size-
triyng to decide whether it was going to attack him
____ The stump sat upright, looking down over the clear-cut valley with disdain
Advantages : compact easy form, easy to
construct, easy to score
Do not include too many blanks (at most two
Blanks for answer shoulf be equal in length
If answer is expressed in numerial units
- Extended response
Essay Items
Restricted Response Restricted Response
Limits the form and • Few boundaries
content of response • More extensive
Example • May want to limit
In a paragraph, leght (“use no more
describe two
than two pages”)
functions of the
digestive system. (6
points) Example
Helpful Hints for Essay Items
Nurture concise response, convey to students
celar expectations for rsponse
- structure questions “name two” “list tree”
“in a paragraph…”
Provide a value to each item
The assessment should consist of more than
measurement of a test
Can help with understanding why certain
the items.
To detect learning difficulties of the class as a
To identify the areas of weakness of students
in need of remediation
Three elements of item analysis
1 90 20 0.7
2 80 70 0.1
3 100 0 1
4 100 100 0
5 50 50 0
6 20 60 -04
Quick Reference
Use the following table as a guideline to
determine whether an item ( or its
corresponding instruction) should be
considered for revision.
Item Discrimination Item Difficulty
High Medium Low
D > = 30 % ok ok ok
Distracter analysis
For each identify item, list your observation
1 50 33 25 20
2 75 56 44 36
4 69 41 26 18
6 66 32 17 10
10 62 21 8 3
20 59 9.2 1.4 .3
50 56 1 .01 .0004
Adjustment for Guessing
Negative Marking…
- Elimination strategy reduces odds of
wrong answer penalty
- subtracting a percentage of the number
of wrong answer obtained from the final grade
- give a grade of 4 a correct answer and a
score of – 1 for a wrong on a 4 choice
Negative Marking…
- A score of less than zero is possible
-students hate negative marking
-negative marking is not practised in
descriptive examinations
- A poor substitute for a test that is too short
with too few answer options
Educational Measurement
and Evaluation
• Disadvantages
Meaning of a grade may very widely
Does not address strengths & weaknesses
K-2 student’s may feel threatened by them
Number of Percentage Grades
1,2,3 or 98%, 80%, 60%
Easy to use.
Meaning of grade may vary widely
Provide accurate, timely and helpful feedback.
Use a sufficient number of assessments.
Don’t lower grades due to misbehaviors or
Use professsional judgment.
Common criticisms of Grading
Harmful to a students psyche.
Do not motivate but may provide disincentive
Mastery may not be the purpose of the
Writing Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes Formula
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Characteristic of Good Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes Exercise
Write your Learning Outcomes
Theory Into Practice
5 Questions for Instructional Design
For example:
Students identifies, consults and evaluates
reference books appropriate to the topic in
order to locate background information and
Example 3
Bad Outcome
- Use Illiad and Texshare in order to access
materials not available at UT Arlington
Example 3
Good Outcome
- Utilize retrieval services in order to obtain
materials not owned by UT Arlington library.
Last example…I Promise
Bad Outcome
- Students will construct bibliographies and
in-text references using discipline
appropriate styles in order to contribute to
academic discourse in their discipline.
Last Example…I Promise
Good Outcome
- Construct bibliographies and in-text
references using discipline appropriate styles
in order to correctly attribute other’s work
and ideas.
Let’s Write a Learning Outcomes
We’re taking a friend camping for the first
time (not roughing it too much).
What do they need to know?
Let’s Write a Learning Outcome
We’ll concentrate on how to build a fire
Why do we want our friend to be able to
1. Content Validity: Refer to the extent a test measures your definition of the
2. Criterion-related validity: Relationship between scores on a test and an
independent measure of what the test is supposed to measure
Quick-fire questions
Minute paper
1) what did you learn today?
2) what questions do you have?
Directed paraphrasing (explain a concept to a
particular audience)
The “muddiest” point (what is it about the
topic that remains unclear to you?)
Authentic Assessment
The National Science Education Standards
draft (1994) states, “Authentic assessment
exerxuces require students to apply scientific
information and reasoning to situations like
those they will encounter in the world outside
the classroom as well situations that
approximate how scientists do their work. ”
Assessment Concerns
Validity – is the test assessing what’s intended?
- are test items based on stated objectives?
- are test items properly constructed?
Difficulty – are questions too hard? (e.g.,30% to
70% of students should answer a given item
Discriminability – are the performance on
individual test item positively correlated with
overall student performances? (e.g., only best
students do well on most difficult questions)
Criterion-Referenced Eval’s
Based on a predetermined set of criteria.
For instance,
-90% and up = A
-80% to 89.99% =B
-70% to 79.99 =C
-60% to 69.99% =D
-59.99% and below =F
Criterion-Referenced Eval’s
Sets minimum performance expectations.
Demonstrate what students can and cannot
do in relation to important content-area
standards (e.g, ILS)
Some times it’s hard to know just where to
set boundary conditions.
Lack of comparison data with other students
and/or schools.
Norm-referenced Evaluation
Based upon the assumption of a standard
normal (Gaussian) distribution with n>30.
Employs the z score:
-Allows for a cooperative classroom atmosphere
-No assumptions about form of distribution
-Small group statistics not a problem
-Difficult to know just where to set criteria