PCK3.6 Module10

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Objective Tests: Recognition Type
Module Introduction:
Objective tests are assessment procedures where the varied test items are often marked with total reliability by anybody, including
non-subject-specialists, and in some cases by computer. Although such items are often criticized on the grounds that they're only suitable
to be used at lower-cognitive level, this is often not necessarily the case. Indeed, it's perfectly possible (albeit more difficult) to construct
items to check at higher cognitive levels, and also to test in some non-cognitive areas.


LESSON TITLE Recognition Type: Identification Type Test and Multiple-Choice Type Test
SPECIFIC At the end of the session, the students are expected to:
LEARNING a. define identification type test and multiple-choice type test;
OUTCOMES: b. identify test items as to identification type test and multiple-choice type test; and
c. construct 5-item test for identification type test and 2-item test for each type of multiple-choice type test.
Discussion of Concept No. 1: What are identification type test and multiple-choice type test?
❖ Categories of Recognition Type Test
• Identification Type
This type of test requires the examinees to identify what is being defined in the statement or sentence and there are no
options to choose from. It is a type of an examination which can be scored objectively. It usually demands a short answer and
most often to test (remembering) key facts and terms.
An identification type of test in a form of completion test which is defined, described, explained or indicated by a picture,
diagram or a concrete object and the term referred to is supplied by the pupil or student.

Advantages: Disadvantages:
1. Easy to construct 1. Identification tests measure only rote memory.
2. Low probability of guessing the answer because it has to 2. They are usually restricted to short words; hence, items
be supplied by the examinees rather than select from the tend to measure the recall of specific facts, names,
given answers. places, and events and rarely measure more complex
3. They are good to test the lowest level of cognitive outcomes.
References: Calmorin, Laurita P., Ph.D. (2011). Assessment of Student Learning 1. Manila, Philippines: Rex Bookstore, Inc. and

• Multiple-Choice Test
In multiple choice type items, a problem is presented before the examinee with some possible solutions. The statement of
the problem may be presented in a question form or in an incomplete sentence form. The suggested solutions are presented
in words, numbers, symbols or phrases.
The statement in a multiple-choice type item is known as ‘stem’ of the item. The suggested solutions are called as
alternatives, or choices or options. The correct alternative is called as the answer and the other alternatives are known as
distracters or decoys or foils. In the test the examinees are directed to read the stem and to select the correct answer.
Multiple choice type items are the most widely used objective type test items and regarded as one of the best test forms in
testing outcomes. These items can measure almost all the important learning outcomes coming under knowledge,
understanding and application. It can also measure the abilities that can be tested by means of any other item—short answer,
true false, matching type or essay type. This test form is most valuable and widely used in standardized test due to its flexibility
and objectivity in terms of scoring. For teacher-made test it is applicable in testing the vocabulary, reading comprehension,
relationship, interpretations of graphs, formulae, tables, and in drawing of inferences from a set of data.

Uses of Multiple-Choice Type

Multiple choice items have a wide applicability in measuring student’s achievements. Except some special learning out-
comes like ability to organize, ability to present ideas all other learning outcomes can be measured by multiple choice items.
It is adaptable to all types of instructional objectives viz. Knowledge, understanding and application.

a. To measure knowledge of terminology:

Multiple choice type items can be used to measure the knowledge of terminology. A student is asked to select either accurate
definition of the term or the accurate term for a given definition.
b. To measure knowledge of specific facts:
Knowledge of specific facts can be measured with multiple choice type test items, like dates, name, places etc.
c. To measure knowledge of principles:
Multiple choice type tests are very much useful to measure the knowledge of principles.
d. To measure knowledge of methods and procedure:
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Methods and procedures related to laboratory experiment, teaching learning process, communication process; procedures
regarding the function of a government, bank or organization can be best measured by the multiple-choice type items.
e. To measure the ability to apply the knowledge of facts and principles in solving problems:
In order to know the understanding level of the students they must be asked to identify correct application of fact or principles.
Multiple choice type items can be used to measure this ability to apply.
f. To measure the ability to interpreted cause and effect relationship:
One way to measure the understanding level is to ask the students to show the cause and effect relationships. Here the
examinee is presented with some specific cause and effect relationships in the stem and some possible measures in the
alternatives. The student has to find out the correct reason.

Advantages: Disadvantages:
1. Multiple choice items are very much flexible. So that it can 1. It is limited to learning outcomes at the verbal level
be used to measure a variety of learning objectives— only. As it is a paper-pencil test it only measures what
knowledge, understanding and application areas. the Pupils know and understand about the problem
2. It is free from ambiguity and vagueness if carefully situation but do not measure how the pupil performs in
constructed. that problem situation.
3. Chance of guessing is low than the true-false items. 2. It is not effective to measure learning outcomes
4. It does not require homogeneous items like matching requiring the ability to recall, organize, or represent
exercises. ideas.
5. It is more reliable than the true-false items as the number 3. It is not completely free from guessing.
of alternatives are more. 4. Guessing factor is more in multiple choice type items
6. It is easy to construct quality tests with multiple items. than the supply type items.
7. It possesses objectivity in scoring.
References: Calmorin, Laurita P., Ph.D. (2011). Assessment of Student Learning 1. Manila, Philippines: Rex Bookstore, Inc. and

Discussion of Concept No. 2: What are the kinds of multiple-choice test?

❖ Kinds of Multiple-Choice Type Test
1. Stem-and-Options Variety
This is commonly used in classroom testing, board examinations civil service examinations, and many others. The stem
serves as the problem and followed by four plausible options in which examinees choose the best option or correct answer.
Example: 1. Which method of reliability below is the Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 applicable? 1. ____d_____
a. Test-Retest c. Parallel-forms
b. Split-half d. Internal consistency
2. Setting-and-Options Variety
The optional responses to this type of multiple-choice test is dependent upon a setting or foundation of some sort. A setting
can be a form of sentence, paragraph, graph, equation, picture or some forms of representation.
Below are examples of setting: sentence, graph and equation.
Melaur drinks milk everyday before going to school.
1. Melaur in the sentence is: 1. ____b_____
a. Verb b. Noun c. Pronoun d. Adverb
Sales in Peso

Mangoes Lanzones Banana Durian Apple
Figure 1. Joy's Daily Fruit Sales
2. How much is the lowest fruit sales? 1. ____a_____
a. Apple b. Banana c. Mangoes d. Lanzones
5 x 7 = 35
3. The equation is: 1. ____d_____
a. division b. addition c. subtraction d. multiplication
3. Group-Term Variety
This variety consists of group words or terms in which one does not belong to the group.
Example: 1. Which of the following does not belong to the group? 1. ____a_____
a. Quartile b. Mean c. Mode d. Median
4. Structured-response Variety
This variety makes use oof structured response which are commonly used in natural science classroom setting. For
instance, directly, and no way. This is to test how good the examinees in determining statements which are related to each

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Directions: Each item below consists of two right responses. They are separated by two bars / /. Mark letter d with an  if
the first sentence directly causes the second sentence. Mark letter i with an  if the second sentence indirectly causes the
second sentence. Mark letter n with an  if the second sentence has no way causes the second sentence.
1. The mango is green. / / It is sour. 1. d i n 
2. The fisherman catches fish. / / The fish jumps into water. 2. d i n 
3. Mother split the fish. / / The fish was cultured in the fishpond. 3. d i n 
5. Contained-response Variety
This variety is designed to identify errors in a word, phrase, or sentence in a paragraph.
Directions: Each sentence below consists of four underlined words or phrases labeled a, b, c, and d. Choose the word or
phrase that makes the sentence incorrect. Choose the letter e if the sentence has no error. Write the letter only of your answer
at the right column blank.
1. Rice and fish are staple food for Filipinos. No error 1. _________
a b c d e
2. Lenny and Lily are identical twins. No error 2. _________
a b e
Reference: Calmorin, Laurita P., Ph.D. (2011). Assessment of Student Learning 1. Manila, Philippines: Rex Bookstore, Inc.

Discussion of Concept No. 3: How to construct identification type test and multiple-choice type test?
❖ Rules and Suggestions for Construction of Identification Type Test
1. Give the student a reasonable basis for the responses desired. Avoid indefinite statements and over mutilated statements.
While preparing statements for the true false items long, complex sentences should be avoided because it acts as an
extraneous factor which interferes in measuring knowledge or understanding. The items must be carefully constructed so that
the language is within the level of the examinees, hence, flowery statements should be avoided.
Indefinite statement:
Poor: President Noynoy Aquino was born in _____________.
Better: The birthplace of President Noynoy Aquino is __________.
Over mutilated statement:
Poor: The _______ is obtained by dividing the __________ by the ___________.
Better: The intelligence quotient is obtained by dividing the (1)_____ by the (2) _______.
2. Avoid giving the student unwarranted clues to the desired response.
a. Avoid lifting statements directly from the book.
b. Omit only words or phrases rather than trivial details.
c. Whenever possible, avoid “a” or “an immediately before a blank. These words may give a clue of whether a response
starts with a consonant or vowel.
d. Do not indicate the expected answer by varying the length of blanks or by using a dot for each letter in the correct word.
e. Guard against the possibility that one item or part of the test may suggest the correct response to another item.
f. Avoid giving grammatical clues to the answer expected.
Poor: The authors of the first performance test of intelligence were ___________.
Better: The first performance test of intelligence was prepared by ___________.
3. Arrange the test so as to facilitate scoring.
a. Allow one point for each blank correctly filled. Avoid fractional credits or unequal weighing of items in a test.
b. Select the items to which only one correct response is possible.
c. Arrange the items as far as possible so that the students’ responses are in a column at the right of the sentences.
d. Scoring is more rapid if the blanks are numbered and the student is directed to write his response in the appropriate
numbered blanks.
e. Prepare a key for scoring by writing on a copy of the test all acceptable answers.
Reference: https://www.slideshare.net/dessandrea/writing-identification-tests

❖ Rules and Suggestions for Construction of Multiple-Choice Type Test

1. Formulate the stem that clearly represents the definite problem.
In a multiple-choice item, a question or an incomplete statement should include the complete problem in it. It must indicate
what the student has to select from the alternatives.
Poor: Bhubaneswar is the:
(a) Pink City of India (b) Biggest City of India c) Temple City of India. (d) The largest Populated City in
Better: The temple city of India is:
(a) Jaipur (b) Delhi (c) Banaras (d) Bhubaneswar
In the first example it is not clear, what answer the test maker expects from the examinee. The alternatives are very much
lacking in homogeneity. But in the second example it is clearly indicated that the test maker wants to know which this temple
city of India is. The alternatives are also homogeneous in nature.
2. The item stem should be free from irrelevant material.
The item should include the complete problem as well as it should be free from irrelevant materials. The best item is that which
is short, easily read and clearly indicate the complete problem.

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Poor: Jaipur situated in Rajasthan also the capital of Rajasthan is known as:
(a) Temple City of India. (b) Pink City of India. (c) Thickly populated city of India. (d) City situated at highest altitude
Better: Which city is known as Pink City of India:
(a) Chandigarh (b) Calcutta (c) Jaipur (d) Bangalore
But sometimes when our main thrust is to measure the problem-solving ability exceptionally, we use irrelevant materials.
Because it helps us to know whether the student is able to identify the relevant material to solve the given problem or not.
3. Avoid the use of questions or exact problems used during instruction.
The exact questions discussed during the class-room instruction should be avoided. The questions should be novel and unique.
4. Negative statements should only be used when it is required.
Items that are negatively stated sometimes put the examinee in confusion. It is easy to construct a negatively stated item by
picking text book statement and turning it into a negative statement. But sometimes it is desirable to phrase the stem question to
ask not for the correct answer, but for the incorrect answer.
5. There should not be any grammatical link between the stem and the alternatives.
Sometimes the grammatical link between the stem and alternatives give clue to answer the question:
Poor: The famous psychologist I. Pavlov is a
(a) American (b) Indian (c) Russian (d) African
Better: The famous psychologist I. Pavlov belongs to which country?
(a) American (b) Indian (c) Russian (d) African
6. All the distracters should be homogeneous in nature.
All the distracters should be so framed that each distracter seems to be correct answer. Students those who have not achieved
the desired learning out-come, the distracter should be more attractive for them. This distracting power of the distracters can
be judged, from the number of examinees elected it. If a distracter is not attempted by anybody it should be eliminated or
7. Avoid the verbal association between the stem and the correct answer:
Sometimes verbal association between the stem and the correct answer provide an irrelevant clue to answer the question.
Rather the item can be made effective by making the distracters verbally associated with the stem instead of the correct answer.
Poor: To get the data about the developmental works of your locality which agency you will consult.
(a) Panchayat office (b) Local block office (c) Tahasil office (d) Agriculture office.
Better: Which agency you will consult to get the data of developmental works of your locality
(a) Panchayat office (b) Block office (c) Tahasil office (d) Local Agricultural office
8. All the alternatives should be equal in length.
There is a tendency to express the correct answer in a greater length than other alternatives. This provides a clue to choose
the alternative as correct answer.
9. The correct answer should be clear, concise, correct and free of clues.
10. The responses ‘all of the above’ and ‘none of the above’ should only be used when it is appropriate.
Sometimes the responses like ‘all of the above’ or ‘none of the above’ are added as the final alternative. The response ‘all of
the above’ forces the student to consider all the alternatives and increase the difficulty of the items. But the case of this
response as the correct answer is appropriate, when all the preceding alternatives are entirely correct to the item. The
response ‘none of the above’ is used either as the correct answer or as a distracter. Sometime to avoid the distracters which
are more difficult than the correct answer the alternatives are added.
Misuse of the response: Which one of the following is not an example of are:
(a) Crow (b) Bat (c) Parrot (d) None of the above.
Better use of the response: Which word is misspelled.
(a) Permanent (b) Temperament (c) Cantonment (d) None of the above
11. When other item types are more effective then multiple choice type items should not be used.
When other items proved effective to measure learning outcomes at that time unnecessary favor should not be shown to
multiple choice items. There are also some learning outcomes which cannot be measured by multiple choice items in that
case other item types like—short answer, true false or matching type may be used.
12. Number of alternatives in each item need not to be same.
13. Statements borrowed from the textbook or reference book must be avoided.
Use unfamiliar phrasing to test the comprehension of the examinees.
14. All options must be plausible with each other to let the examinees attract to the distractors or incorrect responses.
This where examinees with high intellectual level can get the correct answer.
15. All options must be grammatically consistent.
If the stem is singular, the options must also be singular.
16. A uniform number of options must be used in all items.
References: Calmorin, Laurita P., Ph.D. (2011). Assessment of Student Learning 1. Manila, Philippines: Rex Bookstore, Inc. and

Formative: Illustration
Directions: Draw an emoji/emoticon that you have with the topic/lesson being discussed. Explain.
Synthesis: Synthesis: Writing an Outline
Directions: Create/write an outline on Objective Type of Test.
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10 8 6 4
Breadth of Provided a detailed Provided a semi-detailed Provided an almost Provided a somewhat
Information outline. outline. detailed outline. detailed outline.
Organization Topics and sub-topics are Topics and sub-topics are Most of the topics and Few of the topics and
of Information logical, well-balanced, logical, balanced, and sub-topics are logical, sub-topics are logical,
and appropriate. appropriate. balanced, and balanced, and
appropriate. appropriate.
Total -------------------------20 points
Directions: Construct a 5-item test for identification type test and 2-item test for each type of multiple-choice
type test.
ASSIGNMENT Directions: Describe a subjective type of test. Use an appropriate graphic organizer to present your answer.
RESOURCES ▪ Recognition Type - Calmorin, Laurita P., Ph.D. (2011). Assessment of Student Learning 1. Manila,
Philippines: Rex Bookstore, Inc.
▪ Objective Type Test (Recognition and Recall Type Items) -
▪ 2 Types of Written Tests: A Close View - https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/education/written-tests/2-
▪ Writing Identification Tests - https://www.slideshare.net/dessandrea/writing-identification-tests
▪ Types of Recall Type Test: Simple and Completion | Objective Test -

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