North Bengal International University Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Course No.: Eee 4341 Course Title: Power System Protection
North Bengal International University Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Course No.: Eee 4341 Course Title: Power System Protection
North Bengal International University Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Course No.: Eee 4341 Course Title: Power System Protection
• When the contacts are opened and the arc finally extinguishes at some current zero, the
generator voltage e is suddenly applied to the inductance and capacitance in series. This L–C
combination forms an oscillatory circuit and produces a transient of frequency :
• which appears across the capacitor C and hence across the contacts of the circuit breaker. This
transient voltage, as already noted, is known as re-striking voltage and may reach an
instantaneous peak value twice the peak phase-neutral voltage i.e. 2 Em. The system losses
cause the oscillations to decay fairly rapidly but the initial overshoot increases the possibility of
re-striking the arc.
• It is the rate of rise of re-striking voltage (R.R.R.V.) which decides whether the arc will re-
strike or not. If R.R.R.V. is greater than the rate of rise of dielectric strength between the
contacts, the arc will re-strike. However, the arc will fail to re-strike if R.R.R.V. is less than the
rate of increase of dielectric strength between the contacts of the breaker. The value of
R.R.R.V. depends upon :
• (a) recovery voltage
• (b) natural frequency of oscillations
• For a short-circuit occuring near the power station bus-bars, C being small, the natural
frequency, fn (= 1 /2 π√ LC) will be high. Consequently, R.R.R.V. will attain a large value.
Thus the worst condition for a circuit breaker would be that when the fault takes place near the
• Current chopping. It is the phenomenon of current interruption before the natural current zero
is reached.
• Current chopping mainly occurs in air-blast circuit breakers because they retain the same
extinguishing power irrespective of the magnitude of the current to be interrupted. When
breaking low currents (e.g., transformer magnetising current) with such breakers, the powerful
de-ionizing effect of air-blast causes the current to fall abruptly to zero well before the natural
current zero is reached. This phenomenon is known as current chopping and results in the
production of high voltage transient across the contacts of the circuit breaker as discussed
below :
• Consider again Fig. 19.17 (ii) repeated as Fig. 19.19 (i). Suppose the arc
• current is i when it is chopped down to zero value as shown by point a
• in Fig. 19.19 (ii).
• As the chop occurs at current i, therefore, the energy stored in inductance is L i2/2. This energy
will be transferred to the capacitance C, charging the latter to a prospective voltage e given by :
• The prospective voltage e is very high as compared to the dielectric strength gained by the gap
so that the breaker restrikes. As the de-ionising force is still in action, therefore, chop occurs
again but the arc current this time is smaller than the previous case. This induces a lower
prospective voltage to re-ignite the arc. In fact, several chops may occur until a low enough
current is interrupted which produces insufficient induced voltage to re-strike across the
breaker gap. Consequently, the final interruption of current takes place.
• Excessive voltage surges due to current chopping are prevented by shunting the contacts of the
breaker with a resistor (resistance switching) such that reignition is unlikely to occur.
• Capacitive current breaking. Another cause of excessive voltage surges in the circuit
breakers is the interruption of capacitive currents. Examples of such instances are opening of
an unloaded long transmission line, disconnecting a capacitor bank used for power factor
improvement etc. Consider the simple equivalent circuit of an unloaded transmission line
shown in Fig. 19.20. Such a line, although unloaded in the normal sense, will actually carry a
capacitive current I on account of appreciable amount of capacitance C between the line and
the earth.
When the line is opened, the capacitor will have a voltage of Vgm across it. This voltage will be the
cause of an arc. And also when the voltage of the capacitor will discharge, it will create a high transient
which is valued successive increment of 2 times Vgm.
While the above description relates to the worst possible conditions, it is obvious that if the gap
breakdown strength does not increase rapidly enough, successive re-strikes can build up a dangerous
voltage in the open circuit line. However, due to leakage and corona loss, the maximum voltage on the
line in such cases is limited to 5 Vgm.
• It has been discussed above that current chopping, capacitive current breaking etc. give rise to severe
voltage oscillations. These excessive voltage surges during circuit interruption can be prevented by
the use of shunt resistance R connected across the circuit breaker contacts as shown in the equivalent
circuit in Fig. 19.22. This is known as resistance switching.
• Referring to Fig. 19.22, when a fault occurs, the contacts of the circuit breaker are opened and an arc
is struck between the contacts. Since the contacts are shunted by resistance R, a part of arc current
• flows through this resistance. This results in the decrease of arc current and an increase in the rate of
de-ionisation of the arc path. Consequently, the arc resistance is increased. The increased arc
resistance leads to a further increase in current through shunt resistance. This process continues until
the arc current becomes so small that it fails to maintain the arc. Now, the arc is extinguished and
circuit current is interrupted.
• The shunt resistor also helps in limiting the oscillatory growth of re-striking voltage. It can be proved
mathematically that natural frequency of oscillations of the circuit shown in Fig. 19.22 is
• given by :
Fig. 19.22
• A circuit breaker may be called upon to operate under all conditions. However, major duties are
imposed on the circuit breaker when there is a fault on the system in which it is connected.
Under fault conditions, a circuit breaker is required to perform the following three duties :
• (i) It must be capable of opening the faulty circuit and breaking the fault current.
• (ii) It must be capable of being closed on to a fault.
• (iii) It must be capable of carrying fault current for a short time while another circuit breaker
(in series) is clearing the fault.
• Corresponding to the above mentioned duties, the circuit breakers have three ratings viz.
• (i) breaking capacity (ii) making capacity and (iii) short-time capacity.
• (i) Breaking capacity. It is current (r.m.s.) that a circuit breaker is capable of breaking at given
recovery voltage and under specified conditions (e.g., power factor, rate of rise of restriking
• The breaking capacity is always stated at the r.m.s. value of fault current at the instant of
contact separation. When a fault occurs, there is considerable asymmetry in the fault current
due to the presence of a d.c. component. The d.c. component dies away rapidly, a typical
decrement factor being 0·8 per cycle. Referring to Fig. 19.24, the contacts are separated at DD
´. At this instant, the fault current has
• x = maximum value of a.c. component
• y = d.c. component
• ∴ Symmetrical breaking current = r.m.s. value of a.c. component
• Asymmetrical breaking current = r.m.s. value of total current
• It is a common practice to express the breaking capacity in MVA by taking into account the
rated breaking current and rated service voltage. Thus, if I is the rated breaking current in
amperes and V is the rated service line voltage in volts, then for a 3-phase circuit,
• Breaking capacity = √3 × V × I × 10^−6 MVA
• (ii) Making capacity. There is always a possibility of closing or making the circuit under short
circuit conditions. The capacity of a breaker to “make” current depends upon its ability to
withstand and close successfully against the effects of electromagnetic forces. These forces are
proportional to the square of maximum instantaneous current on closing. Therefore, making
capacity is stated in terms of a peak value of current instead of r.m.s. value.
• The peak value of current (including d.c. component) during the first cycle of current wave
after the closure of circuit breaker is known as making capacity.
• It may be noted that the definition is concerned with the first cycle of current wave on closing
the circuit breaker. This is because the maximum value of fault current possibly occurs in the
first cycle only when maximum asymmetry occurs in any phase of the breaker. In other words,
the making current is equal to the maximum value of asymmetrical current.
• To find this value, we must multiply symmetrical breaking current by √2 to convert this from
r.m.s. to peak, and then by 1·8 to include the “doubling effect” of maximum asymmetry. The
total multiplication factor becomes√ 2 × 1·8 = 2·55.
• ∴ Making capacity =2·55 × Symmetrical breaking capacity
• (iii) Short-time rating. It is the period for which the circuit breaker is able to carry fault
current while remaining closed.
• Sometimes a fault on the system is of very temporary nature and persists for 1 or 2 seconds
after which the fault is automatically cleared. In the interest of continuity of supply, the breaker
should not trip in such situations. This means that circuit breakers should be able to carry high
current safely for some specified period while remaining closed i.e., they should have proven
short-time rating. However, if the fault persists for a duration longer than the specified time
limit, the circuit breaker will trip, disconnecting the faulty section.
• The short-time rating of a circuit breaker depends upon its ability to withstand (a) the
electromagnetic force effects and (b) the temperature rise. The oil circuit breakers have a
specified limit of 3 seconds when the ratio of symmetrical breaking current to the rated normal
current does not exceed 40. However, if this ratio is more than 40, then the specified limit is 1
• Normal current rating. It is the r.m.s. value of current which the circuit breaker is capable of
carrying continuously at its rated frequency under specified conditions. The only limitation in
this case is the temperature rise of current-carrying parts.