High Availability For Power Systems: Client Presentation
High Availability For Power Systems: Client Presentation
High Availability For Power Systems: Client Presentation
High Availability for Power Systems
Increase IT productivity and agility
Manage scalability without complexity
Configuration Options
Storage Enclosure
Active / Passive
Mutual Takeover
Admin domain
aka (volume group)
Application data
PowerHA consumes
only one core therefore
1 IBM i and 1PowerHA
Total savings….$512,000
FlashCopy LPAR
Site A Site B
HA/DR with Metro Mirror (or Global Mirror, or Switchable LUNs or all of them combined)
Backup window elimination save automation with FlashCopy and BRMS
Global Copy
Mirror in GM
Mirror IASP
San Switch
Switch San Switch
Quorum Disk
Mirrored Volumes
Minimize cost with the • Object authority/ownership post fail over auto-sync
CBU for i
• Independent ASP Assignment; many to one FlashCopy operations
Simple, low cost
replication with • NEW - PowerHA Express Edition for i provides full system
Geographic Mirroring HyperSwap for continuously available storage
The Express Edition is all about partition restart based HA/DR solutions
– Non clustered (ie non IASP) configurations
– Switchable VIOS/LUN configurations or replicated partition configurations
– Restore primary partition or partitions to second partition or partitions via reboot (IPL)
Initial release (7.2) provides support for DS8000 with single partition/system HyperSwap
– Provides continuously available storage servers
– No downtime is associated with a HyperSwap switch (no IPL processing)
– Once configured, HyperSwap switch will occur automatically in the event of a storage
– HyperSwap switch can be triggered manually via the Change HyperSwap Status
(CHGHYSSTS) command
PowerHA SystemMirror for IBM i Express Edition Standard Edition Enterprise Edition
Offering Focus Data Center CEC HA (per core) Data Center App HA (per core) Multi Site HA/DR (per core)
Small Tier
$2,000 $2,500 $3,250
Blade & Entry Power
Medium Tier
Large Tier
$3,600 $4,500 $6,500
Enterprise Servers
© 2014 IBM Corporation
PowerHA – geomirroring – HA/DR clustering
Admin Domain
PowerHA geomirror cluster (typically with internal disk < 2 tbytes configurations)
Complete HA/DR coverage for all outage types (hardware, middleware, operator error)
Off line back-up followed by source side /target side tracking change resynchronization
Synchronous mode up to 40 KM, production and target always identical
Asynchronous mode unlimited distance, production and target ordered and consistent
IBM client placed into a network storage space which is placed into an IASP
Guest and host partition must be shut down before remote host and client can be restarted
Benefit: easy to set up (in production world wide today, Express Edition not required)
Limitation: no heart beating, can’t do concurrent OS upgrades
Unplanned failover requires an abnormal IPL of target
Hybrid deployment:
– PowerHA Clusters
– Single Node LPARs
Site 1 Site 2
L1 L2 N1 N2 N3 N4
1 2
Primary DS8K Secondary DS8K
Site 1 Site 2
Active Path S1 S2
Passive Path
Applications halts while cluster switches Applications continue to use the IASP
– Storage resumes after cluster switch – Storage switched via SLIC
Metro Mirror
Metro Mirror
Global Copy
Mirror in GM
Mirror IASP
*DS8000 support available with PowerHA Tools for IBM i 6.1 or earlier, included in PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1 **V7000 support included with PowerHA 7.1 TR6
© 2014 IBM Corporation
IBM Lab Services Offerings for PowerHA for IBM i
PowerHA Service Offering Description
IBM i High Availability Architecture An experienced IBM i consultant will conduct a planning and design
and Design Workshop workshop to review solutions and alternatives to meet HA/DR and
backup/recovery requirements. The consultant will provide an architecture
and implementation plan to meet these requirements.
PowerHA for IBM i Bandwidth Analysis An experienced IBM i consultant will review network bandwidth requirements
for implementing storage data replication. IBM will review I/O data patterns
and provide a bandwidth estimate to build into the business and project plan
for clients deploying PowerHA for IBM i.
IBM i Independent Auxiliary Storage Pool An experienced IBM i consultant will provide jumpstart services for migrating
(IASP) Workshop applications into an IASP. Training includes enabling applications for
IASPs, clustering techniques, plus managing PowerHA and HA/DR solution
options with IASPs.
PowerHA for IBM i Implementation Services An experienced IBM consultant will provide services to implement an HA/DR
solution for IBM Power Systems servers with IBM Storage. Depending on
specific business requirements, the end-to-end solution implementation may
include a combination of PowerHA for IBM i and/or PowerHA Tools for IBM i,
plus appropriate storage software such as Metro Mirror, Global Mirror and/or
For more information on PowerHA Tools for IBM i offerings and services,
contact: Mark Even even@us.ibm.com 507-253-1313
www.ibm.com/systems/services/labservices stgls@us.ibm.com
PowerHA Wiki
– www.ibm.com/developerworks/ibmi/ha/
Lab Services
– http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/services/labservices
– http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/power/support/powercare/
Redbooks at www.redbooks.ibm.com
– Implementing PowerHA for IBM i - SG24-7405-00 (Nov 2008)
– IBM i 6.1 Independent ASPs - SG24-7811-00
– PowerHA SystemMirror for IBM i Cookbook – SG24-7994-00 (Jan 2012)
– 'IBM i and IBM Storwize Family: A Practical Guide to Usage Scenarios'.
IBM System Storage Solutions for IBM i
– Course code: AS930
– Duration: 4.0 days
– www-304.ibm.com/jct03001c/services/learning/ites.wss/us/en?pageType=course_description&courseCode=AS930
High Availability Clusters (Power HA) and Independent Disk Pools for IBM i
– Course code: AS541
– Duration: 4.0 days
– www-304.ibm.com/jct03001c/services/learning/ites.wss/us/en?pageType=course_description&courseCode=AS541
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This document was developed for IBM offerings in the United States as of the date of publication. IBM may not make these offerings available in
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