Control Systems

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Control Systems

Engineering (CSE)
Detailed Syllabus
Control System fundamentals and Components:
Classification of control systems, Open and Closed loop systems. Mathematical modeling of mechanical systems and their conversion into electrical systems.
Block diagram reduction and Signal flow graphs .

Time response Analysis
Transfer function and Impulse response, types of input. Transient response of second order system for step input. Time domain specifications. Types of
systems, static error coefficients, error series, Routh - Hurwitz criterion for stability.
Root locus techniques: Analysis of typical systems using root locus techniques. Effect of location of roots on system response.
Detailed Syllabus(Contd…)
Frequency response Analysis: Bode plots, frequency domain
specifications. Gain margin and Phase Margin. Principle of argument,
Polar plot, Nyquist plot and Nyquist criterion for stability.
Compensation: Cascade and feedback compensation using Bode plots.
Phase lag, lead, lag-lead compensators. PID controller
Digital Control Systems:
Digital control, advantages and disadvantages, and digital control system
architecture. The discrete transfer function. Sampled data system. Transfer
function of sample data systems. Stability of Discrete data systems
Detailed Syllabus(Contd…)

State space representation:
Concept of state and state variables. State models of linear time
invariant systems, State transition matrix, Solution of state equations.
Design of digital control systems using state-space concepts.
Controllability and observability.
Learning Resources
Text Books:
1. Nagrath, I.J., and Gopal, M., “Control System Engineering,” New Age Publishers,
5/e, 2009.
2. Ogata, K., “Modern Control Engineering,” 5/e, PHI, 2010.
3. Benjamin C. Kuo, “Automatic Control Systems,” 7/e, PHI, 2010.
4. Nise, Norman S. Control Systems Engineering. 5th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley
& Sons, 2007
5. Richard C. Dorf & Robart H. Bishop, “Modern Control Systems,” 11/e, Pearson,
6. Gopal, Madan, “Digital Control Engineering,” 1/e, New Age Publishers, 2008.
Learning Resources (Cont..)
NPTEL Links:
Reminder: FT of a Pure Tone

Time domain Frequency

1 1
2 2

t  f

Why do we have the ½?
Why do we have two components?
What do we mean by negative
cos 2 f 0t 

frequency of the
Rotating Vector in a Complex Plane

e j  cos  j sin

  2 f 0 t
e j2 f t   cos 2 f t  j sin

2 f t 
Why to study
Control Systems Engineering?
Simplified description of a control

A Control system provides an output or response for a given

input or stimulus or Excitation
Control Systems are Everywhere!

Examples of control systems in your day-to-day life include

an air conditioner, a refrigerator, a bathroom toilet tank, an
automatic iron, and many processes within a car – such as
cruise control.
Control Systems are Everywhere!

Analysis and Design Objectives

• Control system responds to an input by
undergoing a transient response before reaching a
steady-state response

There are several major objectives of systems analysis and


1. producing the desired transient response

2. reducing steady-state error
3. achieving stability
4. robust design
Settling time of the unit-step response.

Automated Control Systems, 8/E by Benjamin C. Kuo and Farid

Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons. Inc. All rights reserved.
Settling time of the unit-step response.

Automated Control Systems, 8/E by Benjamin C. Kuo and Farid

Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons. Inc. All rights reserved.
Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
Routh Array
Routh Array (Contd..)
Routh Array (Contd..)
Interpretation of Routh Array
Stability Analysis – Example-1
Stability Analysis – Example-2
Special Case1 – Zero in the 1st Column
Special Case1 – Example
Special Case1 – Example (Contd...)
Special Case 2 – Entire Row is Zero
Special Case 2 – Example
Special Case 2 – Example (Contd..)
Auxiliary Polynomial
Auxiliary Equation-Example
Auxiliary Equation-Example (Contd..)
Auxiliary Equation-Example (Contd..)
Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical
Physical Systems
Electrical Systems
Electrical System Elements
Electrical System Elements
Nodal & Loop Analysis
Analysis of Electrical Systems
Nodal Analysis: Example
Loop (or) Mesh Analysis: Example
Mechanical Systems
Mass Vs Inertia
Linear Spring Vs Torsional Spring
Nodal Analysis for Mechanical Systems
Nodal Analysis Mechanical Systems:
Nodal Analysis Mechanical Systems:
Nodal Analysis Mechanical Systems:

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