Furcation Involvement and Their Management: Chapter 62
Furcation Involvement and Their Management: Chapter 62
Furcation Involvement and Their Management: Chapter 62
affecting the base of the root trunk of a tooth where two or more roots meet.”.
• Glossary of periodontal terms defines Furcation as "the area of a multi-rooted tooth where
the roots diverge". The mandibular first molars - most common sites and maxillary premolars
- least common.
Dental caries and pulpal necrosis may also affect a tooth with furcation
Root complex
• The portion of a tooth that is located apical of the cementoenamel junction
• the portion that normally is covered with a root cementum
• It is divided into two parts: root trunk and the root cone
Root Trunk length
The length of the trunk is the distance from
the CEJ to the opening between the roots and
is variable from one surface to another .
3 mm
A. Facilitate maintenance
Factors to be considered before choose on a
method of therapy
5. Root amputation/hemisection
6. Osseous grafting
8. (Regenerative therapy )
• To allow easier hygiene into the furcation area for the patient.
• Potential complications
• Hypersensitivity
• Pulpal irritation
Root separation involves the sectioning the root complex and the maintenance of all root
RSR is frequently used in cases of deep II and degree III furcation involved molars
Teeth with long root with adequate divergence, short root trunk.
In patient with good oral hygiene and low activity for caries ,
• It is the splitting of two –rooted tooth into two separate portion. This process has been
called bicuspidazation or separation because it changes the molar into two separate
roots. Hemisection is most likely to be performed on mandibular molars with buccal
and lingual class II, III or IV furcation involvement
• After sectioning of the teeth, one or both roots can be retained. This decision is based
on the extent and pattern of the bony loss, root trunk and root length, ability to
eliminate the osseous defect, and endontic and restorative consideration
Hemisection (tri- section) in the Maxilla- maintenance of All Roots with
F3 furcation involvement
Maxillary molars
• Distobuccal root
1. The shortest of the three roots
2. The root trunk is comparatively long
3. It has a small quantity of bone support
Regeneration of furcation
• Gottlow et al. (1986) was the first publisher that use GTR