Role Play: Jones Schilling Employee Coaching Workshop
Role Play: Jones Schilling Employee Coaching Workshop
Role Play: Jones Schilling Employee Coaching Workshop
Group 07
20PGHR16 | Megha Sharma 20PGHR25 | Priyanka Batra
20PGHR33 | Sachin Bhakt 20PGHR36 | Rishita sharma
20PGHR49 | Yashvardhan 20PGHR42 | Upamanyu shaha
CINDY - Yashvardhan
What she needs to improve
• Focus
What she has going for her • Going the extra step for work
• Leadership Potential • Reaction to criticism
• Detail Orientation • Disengagement from work
• Outside of the box thinking • Being a team player
• Time on social media
Q1 - What did the senior manager do? Q3- What did the senior manager achieve?
• Highlighted Sam’s strength
• Discussed the apprehension Senior Manager had for not promoting Sam
• Communicated the drawbacks Sam portrayed
Make Sam understand the importance of gaining more
Q2- Suggestions for a senior manager to improve? work exposure which is required for the next level
Communicate that although he is a star performer and
1.Cross-Functional Roles To Enhance Development. is valued at the organization but in order to get the
2.Empower Them With Exposure To Executive Responsibilities. promotion exceptional achievement is required like first
3.Holistic Coaching- gives employees a sense of their role in the team, it can give manage turnaround of a declining category, in order to
perspective on their place in the wider business, helping them feel more connected and
showing them how they matter.
truly portray his capabilities
4.Vision Coaching-This style encourages and empowers employees by giving them
clear direction and strategies for achieving objectives and encouraging focus.