CH 6 Hoist & Traveling Gear

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Chapter six: Hoisting & Travelling Gear

Hoisting and Traveling Gear

Hand Power Hoisting Mechanisms.
The motion is transmitted from the handle
I through three pairs of speed reducing
gears to a drum fitted on shaft IV.

Q = weight of load
A0  Qh Where,
Useful work: h = distance travelled
by load

Work done: s = distance moved by the effort K

A  Ks in corresponding to Q.
K = actual effort Applied by operator

A0  Qh A  Ks

A0 Qh Qv
Efficiency:  =  
A Ks Kc
Ko Ko
 
K o W
Effort applied by operator:
Qh Qv
K= =
s c
The lifting speed: v
Total efficiency:  =  pull . drum . 3
where  pull = pulley efficiency  0. 94
 drum = drum efficiency  0. 98
 gear = efficiency of one pair of gears  0. 99

The total transmission ratio of the mechanism i is:

moment of load M Q QR
i= = =
moment of force  M k Ka
Hoisting Mechanism with an Individual
Electric Drive
• At a constant lifting speed, (v =
• the power in hp developed by the
electric motor is:
The transmission ratio between the motor
and the drum is:
motor speed nmotor
i= =
drum speed ndrum

The speed of the rope on the drum is:

vdrum  v  i pull
Where, i pull = pulley transmission ratio ( i pull >1 for
gain in force)
Drum Speed [rpm]: ndrum = drum
Where, vdrum= speed of the rope on the drum
D = drum diameter [m]
Travelling Gear
Rail Travelling Mechanisms (Hand Trolleys).
Motion is transmitted from wheel I due to
the effort K through two pair of gears to the
travelling wheels, wheel III.

Travelling Mechanism of Crane Trolleys

Wheel load:
a) Q + Go
P max =

= weight of trolley

b) When the load is suspended asymmetrically

in trolleys with two hoists, the force exerted
on the wheels is approximately equal to:
G o Q b2
P max = A  + .
4 2 b

G o Q b1
P min = B  + .
4 2 b
Moment of Resistance
If the resistance to motion in a
horizontal direction is denoted by W-
the moment of resistance relative to the
axle of the wheel at steady motion is:
M = WR = (Q + G o )  1 + (Q + G o ) k
= (Q + G o ) (  1 + k )

 1 = coefficient of friction
k= perpendicular distance
 = coefficient of friction wheel and Axle
Coefficient of resistance to motion or friction force:
Q + Go d Q + Go
W= (  1 + k ) = (  1d + 2k )
R 2 D
W  1d + 2 k [Kgf/ton]
= =
Q + Go D
Where, D = diameter of traveling wheel
 = coefficient of friction

Additional resistance due to the friction on

the flanges of wheels:
W =  (Q + G o )tons . 
where,  = Constant for sliding and rolling bearing
The transmission ratio between the
driving and driven shafts is:
i= =
 M o  kRo
The total efficiency of the mechanism  is
given by:
 =  o . 2

gear tw

 o = efficiency of operating wheel
 gear
 tw = efficiency of traveling wheel
The travelling speed is:

60   K  c  Ro
Where, c = mean peripheral speed of operating wheel
(0.8 – 1.0 m/s)
K = effort applied by operator
M = Moment
Ro = wheel radius of crank handle [cm]
Crane Trolley with an Individual Electric
The motion transmission principle is
similar to that of hand operated crane
trolley except that the manual effort K
is replaced by an electromotor.

Travelling Mechanism of an Electrically

Driven Crane Trolley

At a steady motion
Wv the power developed by the
motor is: N = 75
Where, 
=  (Q + G o )tons  
The transmission ratio is:
motor speed nmot
i= =
travelling wheel speed ntw
The speed of the travelling wheel is n
where v = speed in [m/min]

D = wheel diameter in [m]

Travelling Mechanisms of Overhead Travelling
Hand Propelled Overhead Travelling

In an ordinary four-wheeled crane, the

maximum force acting on the wheels arises
when the loaded trolley is located in the
so-called dead section of the span.

Travelling Mechanism of a
overhead Travelling Crane
The maximum force acting on a
travelling wheel of a four-wheeled crane
G L  Q + Go 
L P max -  - (L - e) = 0
2 2 2

G Q + Go L - e
P max = + ( )
4 2 L

G Q + Go e
Similarly, Pmin = + .
4 2 L
where G = weight of the crane
(without trolley) and
Go = weight of the trolley
• The resistance to motion:
W    Q  Go  G  tons 

Where,  1d + 2 k
The transmission ratio:
i= =  =  o  gear  t
 M o  KR o
Speed of the traveling mechanism: v= [m/min]
where c = mean peripheral speed of the operating wheel (0.8 to 1 m/s)
Ro = crank handle radius
M = moment of resistance to motion referred to the shaft of
the traveling crane [kg-cm]
Electrically Driven Overhead Travelling

Resistance to motion is: W =  (Q + G + G o )

Travelling Mechanisms of Cantilever and
Monorail Cranes

The maximum vertical

force acting on the
travelling wheels is:

max V Q + Go + G  V '
F ver = =
2 2

Where V = vertical thrust

Q = weight of the load
G = weight of crane (without trolley)
Go = weight of trolley
• The maximum force acting on the
horizontal rollers is:
max H 1 (Q + G o ) a + G e1Vé
F hor = =
2 2 h1

where H 1 = horizontal thrust

The resistance to motion W is:

Q + G o + V 'G d1 (Q + G o ) a + G e1  V ' e d
W= (  + kk) + (  2 + kk)
R 2 R2h1 2

where d 1 and d 2 are diameter

of the hinges
Operation of Hoisting Gear during
Transient Motion
Dynamic Load
If a body with a moment of inertia I
revolve with a variable angular speed, the
dynamic torque causing the change in speed
starting (acceleration) ;the stopping
(braking) . dw
M dyn = I
where , dw
= angular acceleration
According to d'Alambert's principle, the motor
torque is expressed by:
M = M st + M dy = M st + I
where, M st = moment of static
resistance referred to the motor shaft.

D,Alambert principle says that the resultant of the external forces

and the kinetic reaction acting on a body equals zero.
Using the moment of gyration: I = mr 2 =
Where, r = radius of gyration4g

D = diameter of gyration
g = 9.81 m/s2

The product is known as the moment of

gyration: 2
dw GD dw
M dyn = I = .
dt 4g dt
Considering only rotating links, the kinetic
energy of the equivalent system equals:
2 2 2 2 2
I rr w = Iw + w
I1 1 w
I2 2 w
In n
+ + .....+
2 2 2 2 2
= moment of inertia of the equivalent system referred to the
I rr motor shaft.
w , I = angular speed and moment of inertia of the motor armature,
clutch, and other components on the motor shaft.
w1 , w2 , w3 , , wn

I 1 , I 2 , I 3 , , I n = moment of inertias of the different parts

of the mechanism

(a) Hoisting (b)


Fig. 6.10 Diagrams of Mechanisms:

1-Electric Motor Armature, 2- Worm Drive,
(c) Slewing
3- Pulley System, 4-Turning Wheel,
5-Slewing Axis, 6-Boom, 7- Motor Shaft
Introducing the corresponding moments
of gyration,
n1 2 n 2 n 2
( GD2 )rr = GD2 + G1 D12 ( ) + G 2 D 22 ( 2 ) + ....+ G n D 2n ( n )
n n n

n n n
= i1 , = i 2 ,...., = in
n1 n2 nn
2 2 2
( GD 2 )rr = GD 2 + 1 2D1 + 2 2D 2 + .... + n 2D n
i1 i2 in

Since in  i2  i1 , the further the link is removed from the motor shaft,
the less it will contribute to the moment of gyration.

( GD2 )rr   GD 2
where  = coefficient for accounting the effect of the
parts of the transmission mechanism ,1.1 - 1.25.
Denoting the rectilinear mass by ,
m '

weight by G' and velocity by v, the kinetic

energy is:

2 2
1 ( GD ) 
m v 2 = r , rect

2 4g  2
where GD  2
r , rect
= moment of gyration of the equivalent system
used instead of the rectilinear system.

Accounting for the losses in the mechanism,

m v 2 ( GD 2 )r ,rect   2
2 4g  2
G 2n
m = ,  =
g 60
365 G  v
( GD2 )r, rect = [Acceleration]
n 
Upon retardation, the kinetic energy of
the link in rectilinear motion is
transmitted to the motor shaft and is
partly absorbed in the drives.
m v2 ( GD 2 )r, rect   2
2 4g  2
365 G  v 2
( GD 2 )r, rect = 2
 [Retardation]
For the whole system, the moment of gyration
of the equivalent system is
( GD 2 )r = ( GD 2 )r, r + ( GD 2 )r, rect
The dynamic torque for acceleration or
retardation of the whole system with rotary
parts and parts with rectilinear motion, as
referred to the motor shaft, is

( GD2 )r dw ( GD2 )r dn 2n

M dyn = = . , where  =
4g dt 375 dt 60

The motor torque in starting M mot is used to

overcome both the static resistance and the
inertia forces, in travelling and hoisting
M mot  M st  M dyn
For hoisting mechanism, in braking,
M br  M st  M ' dyn
For travelling mechanism, during
braking, the moment of forces resisting
motion acts opposite to the direction of
rotation and helps in retarding, so that
M br  M '
dyn M '

M br = actual braking torque comprising the electric braking torque and
mechanical braking torque
M st = moment of static resistance referred to motor shaft
M ' st  71620 mot
nmot = motor speed [rpm]
N mot = motor power developed at steady motion [hp]
For hoisting gear: N mot =

For travelling gear: N Wv

mot =

 = total efficiency of mechanism

M st = moment created by load in hoisting mechanism or
moment created resisting forces in travelling mechanism

Retardation N br
M ' st  71620 kg-cm (Braking)
where nbr = braking shaft rpm
N br = static braking power
For hoisting gear:

N br =  hp

For travelling gear

N br = hp
Starting and Braking Time
Considering that sMconstant,
st independent
of the speed and M mot
M br
considering and as constant values we
obtain M dyn
and Mto be constant. Then from

the equation for , weMobtain that


dn is constant.
For starting: dn  n where t s = starting time
dt ts
For braking: dn n where tbr = braking time

dt t br
( GD2 )r dn ( GD2 )r n
M dyn =  = 
375 dt 375 t

For starting: ts =
( GD2 )r . n
375 M dyn

The braking time for hoisting gear is:

( GD2 )r . n
t br =
375 ( M br  M ' st )

and for travelling gear

 GD2 n 0.975 G  v 2

( GD )r . n M dyn +
t br = 375 t s n t s
375 ( M br  M ' st )
and the dynamic torque in retardation is:
 GD 2 n 0.975 G  v 2 
M ' dyn  +
375 t br n t br
where ts = 1.5 to 5 seconds for hosting machine
t br
ts =1 sec for mechanisms with lifting speedv <12 m/min
t br = 1.5sec for mechanisms with lifting speed v >12 m/min

Calculating the starting and braking times

 GD2 n 0.975 G  v 2
ts = +
375 ( M mot - M st ) n ( M mot - M st ) 

For hoisting gear:

GD n
0.975 G  v 2
t br = +
375 ( M br - M st ) n ( M br - M ' st )

For travelling gear:

 GD n
0.975 G  v2 
t br = +
375 ( M br  M st )
' n ( M br  M ' st )

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