UNIT 3 MSD Design of Belt-1

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Mechanical System Design

Course Teacher: Dr. Shreekant Patil

Assistant Professor
School of Mechanical Engineering
Prof.Sachin Dhavane Mech Engg Dept.

Prof.Sachin Dhavane Mech Engg Dept.

Units III : Material Handling System
Material Handling Systems
Material Handling System
System Concept for Material Handling

Types of Loads for Material Handling

1. Bulk Loads

2. Unit Loads
Containerization :
Components of Material Handling System
Material Handling System
Material Handling Equipment's
Classification of Material Handling System
• The following types of conveyors are used for material handling purpose:

1. Flat Belt Conveyors

2. Troughed Belt Conveyors

3. Blanket Belt Conveyors

4. Woven Wire Belt Conveyors

5. Chain Conveyors

6. Apron Conveyors

7. Screw Conveyors

1. Load Resistance Due to Lifting of Load (Fm)

Fm = m m gh
m m = Material carried by conveyor per unit belt length
= Kg/m
v = belt speed, m/s
M = Mass Capacity of Conveyors kg/s
Conveyors 2. Frictional Resistance due to idlers (Fr)

 mi Z c   mi Z r 
Fcr = f c  m m + m b +  gl Frr = f c  m b +  gl r
 l   l 
m m = mass of Material carried by conveyor per unit belt length Kg/m
m b = mass of belt per unit length Kg/m
m i = mass of each idler Kg

Z C = No of carrying run idlers

Z r = No of return run idlers
Fc = Frictional factor
Conveyors 3. Frictional Resistance at pulley (Fp)

db Fp = ε F1
Fp = μ p Wr
D ε = Angle of lap (Snub) Factor for pulley

μ p = coef of friction at pulley bearings

WR = Resultant load N
d b = dia of pulley bearing, m
D = Dia of Pulley , m
Conveyors 4. Resistance at Loading Station (FL )

FL = M (v - v i )

M = Capacity of Conveyors or mass

of material carried by Conveyor Kg/s
v = belt speed m/s
v i = Component of incoming material
velocity along belt line m/s
Conveyors 5. Resistance at UnLoading Station (FL )

FU = (3.1 to 3.6) m m g B

m m = mass of Material carried by conveyor per unit belt length Kg/m

B = Belt width , m
Conveyors 6. Resistance at Cleaning Station (FCL )

FCL = K CL g B
Conveyors- Number of Idlers

l1 l2
tr = tc =
Zr +1 Zc +1

t r = pitch of return idlers , m

t C = pitch of Carrying Run idlers , m
Capacity of Conveyors (Q)
B = Belt of Belt , m
b = Width of Material Storage on belt or effective Belt width
= (0.9B - 0.05) m
v = Belt Speed m/s
Q = Capacity of Conveyors in
M = Capacity of Conveyors in
δ = Mass density of Bulk Material
Capacity of Conveyors (Q)

B = Belt of Belt , m
b = Width of Material Storage on belt or effective Belt width
= (0.9B - 0.05) m
v = Belt Speed m/s
Q = Capacity of Conveyors in
M = Capacity of Conveyors in
δ = Mass density of Bulk Material

Horizontal Belt Conveyors :

Volumetric Capacity of Horizontal Belt Conveyors :
Q =Cb v 2

Q = C (0.9B − 0.05) v 2

Horizontal Belt Conveyors :
Q = C (0.9B − 0.05) v x 3600

hr Mass Capacity of Horizontal Belt Conveyors :

M = δQ
C = Surcharge Factor
Capacity of Conveyors (Q)
B = Belt of Belt , m
b = Width of Material Storage on belt or effective Belt width
= (0.9B - 0.05) m
v = Belt Speed m/s
Q = Capacity of Conveyors in
M = Capacity of Conveyors in
s Inclined Belt Conveyors :
δ = Mass density of Bulk Material 3 Volumetric Capacity of Inclined Belt Conveyors :
Q =Kb v2

Q = K (0.9B − 0.05) v

Q = K (0.9B − 0.05) v x 3600


Horizontal Belt Conveyors :

Mass Capacity of Inclined Belt Conveyors :
M = δQ
K = Flowability Factor
Power Requirement of Conveyors :

Effective Tension in Tight And Slack Sides of Drive Pulley (FTight FSlack )
= e μθ
μ = Coef of Friction
θ = Angle of Lap

Input Power (Pi) :

Power Required on Drive Pulley : Po
(FTight − FSlack ) v Pi = 0
Po = KW η
1000 (Ftight − Fslack ) v
v = Belt Speed m/s = KW

Fp = ε F1
At Initial Point i : At Initial Point 2 : ε = Angle of lap (Snub) Factor for pulley
Fi = Fslack F2 = F1 + FP1

At Initial Point 1 : At Initial Point 2 :

F1 = Fi + FCL F2 = F1 + ε p1 F1

At Point 3 :
F3 = F2 + Frr

 mi Z r 
Frr = f c  m b +  gl r At Point 4 : At Point 5 :
F4 = F3 + FP2
 l  F5 = F4 + FP3

 mri Z r  At Point 4 : At Point 5 :

Frr = f c  m b +  gl1 F4 = F3 + ε p2 F3 F5 = F4 + ε p3 F4
 l1 

 m ri Z r 

F3 = F2 + f c  m b + gl1
 l1 

At Point 6 : At Point 7 :
F6 = F5 + FL F7 = F6 + FCr

FL = M (v - v i )  mi Z c 
Fcr = f c  m m + m b +  gl
 l 
At Point 6 :
F6 = F5 + M(V - Vi )  mi Z c 
F7 = F6 + f c  m m + m b +  gl
 l 

At Final Point f :
At Point f :
Ftight = F7 + Fp4 FTIGHT = F7 + ε p4 F7
Types of Idlers
1. Roller type idlers with ball bearing

2. Roller type idlers with roller bearing

3.Rubber covered idlers

4. Impact idlers

5. Disc type

6. Spring type
1. Roller type idlers with ball bearing

2. Roller type idlers with roller bearing

4. Impact idlers

5. Disc type

6. Spring type
Belt take-up devices
• Maintain adequate tension in belt so as to :

1. Transmit the mechanical power from drive pulley to belt

without slip under all operating conditions

2. Limit the belt sag

- Types of Belt take-up devices;

1. Screw type

2. Vertical gravity type

3 Horizontal gravity type

4 Winch operated
1. Screw type
2. Vertical gravity type
3. Horizontal gravity type
4. Winch operated
Methods of feeding to flat belt
1. By Hooper

2. By preceding conveyor

3. By process Equipment

4. By Travelling Machine
1. By Hooper

2. By preceding conveyor

3. By process Equipment
Problem 1

The following data refers to a horizontal belt conveyors for carrying bulk material ,
➢ Capacity of Conveyors :250 Metric Tons/hr
➢ Belt Speed :1.5 m/s
➢ Width of the belt :1000 mm
➢ Belt mass per unit length :18.6 kg/m
➢ Mass of each Carrying Run Idler =30 kg
➢ Mass of each Return Run Idler =25 kg
➢ Pitch of Carrying Run Idler =1.0 m
➢ Pitch of Return Run Idler =2.0 m
➢ Friction factor for idlers=0.02
➢ Snub Factor for Snub pulley=0.03
➢ Snub factor for drive and tail Pulley=0.06
➢ Drive and tail Pulley diameters=500 mm
➢ Frictional Resistance due to belt cleaner, =(100 B) N
where B= Belt Width
➢ Angle of lap on drive Pulley =200 Degrees
➢ Coef. of Friction Between Belt and Drive Pulley=0.4
➢ Drive Efficiency =90%
➢ Motor Speed =1440
Assuming that the bulk Material is carried over a length of 300 meters and
neglecting resistance at the loading Station , Determine:
(i) The Reduction ratio of Gear Box
(ii) The Power Required to drive the belt.
1. Reduction Ratio of Gear Reducer (G) :

G= πDN
N v=
Where n = Speed of Electric Motor 60
N = Speed of Drive Pulley
V = 1.5 m/s
n = 1440 rpm
N = 57.3 rpm D = 500 mm = 0.5 m

G = 25.13 N = 57.3 rpm

2. No of Idlers :

l1 l2
tr = tc =
Zr +1 Zc +1

t r = 2.0 m t c = 1 m
l1 = 250 m l2 = 300 m

Z r = 124 Zc = 299
3. Belt Tensions Along Conveyor Belt :

At Initial Point i :
Fi = Fslack

At Initial Point 1 : ➢ Width of the belt :1000 mm

F1 = Fi + FCL
F1 = Fslack + 100B

F1 = (Fslack + 100 ) N
3. Belt Tensions Along Conveyor Belt :

At Initial Point 2 : Snub Factor for Snub pulley=0.03

F2 = F1 + FP1

At Initial Point 2 : At Initial Point 2 :

F2 = F1 + ε p1 F1 F2 = F1 + ε p1F1 = F1 (1 + ε p1 )

F1 = (Fslack + 100 ) N
At Point 2 :
F2 = (1.03 Fslack + 103) N
3. Belt Tensions Along Conveyor Belt : At Point 2 :
F2 = (1.03 Fslack + 103) N

 m ri Z r 
F3 = F2 + f c  m b + gl1
At Point 3 :
F3 = F2 + Frr
 l1 
➢ Mass of each Return Run Idler =25 kg ➢ Friction factor for idlers=0.02
➢ Belt mass per unit length :18.6 kg/m
Z r = 124

F3 = (1.03 FSlack + 1623.55) N

3. Belt Tensions Along Conveyor Belt :
At Point 5 :
At Point 4 :
F5 = F4 + FP3
F4 = F3 + FP2

At Point 4 : At Point 5 :
F4 = F3 + ε p2 F3 F5 = F4 + ε p3 F4

Snub Factor for Snub pulley=0.03 Snub factor for drive and tail Pulley=0.06

At Point 5 :
F3 = (1.03 FSlack + 1623.55) N
F5 = F4 (1 + ε p3 )

F4 = F3 (1 + ε p2 )
F5 = (1.124554 Fslack + 1772.6)N
F4 = (1.0609 Fslack + 1672.25) N
3. Belt Tensions Along Conveyor Belt : ➢ Belt Speed :1.5 m/s
At Point 6 :
➢ Capacity of Conveyors
F6 = F5 + FL 250 Metric Tons/Hr

At Point 6 :
F6 = F5 + M(V - Vi ) 250 x 103
M= kg/s

F6 = (1.124554 Fslack + 1772.6)N

3. Belt Tensions Along Conveyor Belt :

At Point 7 :
F7 = F6 + FCr

 mi Z c 
F7 = F6 + f c  m m + m b +  gl
 l 
M = 69.44 Kg/s mm = = 46.3 Kg/m
Belt mass per unit length :18.6 kg/m
F7 = (1.124554 Fslack + 7352.53)N
Mass of each Carrying Run Idler =30 kg

Zc = 299
Friction factor for idlers=0.02

F6 = (1.124554 Fslack + 1772.6)N

3. Belt Tensions Along Conveyor Belt :

At Final Point f :
Ftight = F7 + Fp4

At Point f :
FTIGHT = F7 + ε p4 F7

At Point f :
FTIGHT = (1.192 Fslack + 7793.68) N
4.Ratio of effective Belt Tensions
Angle of lap on drive Pulley =200 Degrees
=e μθ
Coef. of Friction Between Belt and Drive Pulley=0.4
200x π
θ= = 3.49 Rad
Where 180
μ = Coef of Friction
θ = Angle of Lap = 4.04

5.Effective belt tension on drive pulley

F 𝑇𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = FSlack 4.04 At Point f :

FTIGHT = (1.192 Fslack + 7793.68) N

Fslack = 2736.55N Ftight = 11055.64 N

6.Power Requirement

Power Required on Drive Pulley : Po

(FTight − FSlack ) v
Po = KW
v = Belt Speed m/s

P0 = 12.4786 KW

7. Input Power (Pi):

P0 η = Drive Efficiency =90%
Pi =
η η = 0.90
(Ftight − Fslack ) v P𝑜 = 12.47 KW
= KW

Pi = 13.86 KW
2. A triple pay belt conveyor is required to transport 2 ton of iron ore per hour through a
distance of 1000 m and a height of 300 m. The permissible belt speed is 90 m/min. if the
mass density of iron ore is 2.5 ton per cubic meter, determine:
(i) the belt width;
(ii) the diameter of drive pulley;
(iii) the reduction ratio of gear reducer, if electric motor speed is 1440 r.p.m.
Use following data:
Flow ability factor ‘k’:

a. Standard belt widths : 400, 450, 500, 600, 650, 750, 800, 900, 1000, 1200, 1400,
1600, 1800, 2000 mm
b. Material factor for plies for Capron belt: K1 = 2.0.
c. Belt tension and arc of contact factor: K2 = 80.
3. A triple pay belt conveyor is required to transport 1.5 ton of iron ore per hour through a
distance of 800 m and a height of 300 m. The permissible belt speed is 75 m/min. if the mass
density of iron ore is 2.5 ton per cubic meter, determine:
(i) the belt width;
(ii) the diameter of drive pulley;
(iii) the reduction ratio of gear reducer, if electric motor speed is 1440 r.p.m.
Use following data:
Flow ability factor ‘k’:

a. Standard belt widths : 400, 450, 500, 600, 650, 750, 800, 900, 1000, 1200, 1400,
1600, 1800, 2000 mm
b. Material factor for plies for Capron belt: K1 = 2.0.
c. Belt tension and arc of contact factor: K2 = 80.

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