Normalization New 1

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Functional Dependencies
Data base anomalies
• Anomalies are problems that can occur in poorly planned, un-
normalised databases where all the data is stored in one table (a flat-
file database).
• Types:

• 1. Update
• 2. Insert
• 3 Delete anomalies
• Insertion Anomaly - The nature of a database may be such that it is not
possible to add a required piece of data unless another piece of
unavailable data is also added. E.g. A library database that cannot store
the details of a new member until that member has taken out a book.

• Deletion Anomaly - A record of data can legitimately be deleted from a

database, and the deletion can result in the deletion of the only
instance of other, required data, E.g. Deleting a book loan from a library
member can remove all details of the particular book from the database
such as the author, book title etc.
• Modification Anomaly - Incorrect data may have to be changed, which
could involve many records having to be changed, leading to the
possibility of some changes being made incorrectly.
Empno Projno Ename Pname No_hours
E1 P11 A Adv 11
E2 P10 B Billing 12
E6 P10 C Billing 15
E3 P12 D Seals 20

E5 P10 E Billing 10

1.Update P10—Billing to accounting

2. We can not insert new project without assigning employees
3.Deletion P12 – losing detail of employee D
Functional dependency
• Full functional dependency
• Partial functional dependency
• Transitive functional dependency
• Multi-valued functional dependency
• Join functional dependency
Functional dependency
•A B
• A-determinant
• B-determined

Part_name Cost
Hard disk 1500
Pen drive 700
Hard disk 1500
CD 10
Pen drive 700
Full functional dependency
• An attribute is FFD on a set of attributes if
• It is functionally dependent on S and
• Not functionally dependent on any proper subset of S.
Roll_n NAme Course_id course_title Grade

1 Raj CSE301 DBMS A

1 Raj CSE306 NW C

2 Ankur CSE301 DBMS B

2 Ankur CSE306 NW A


roll_num ,course_id Grade

Name and course_title are not fully functional dependent on composite key
Partial dependency
• The value of one attribute is dependent on another attribute of
relation which is a part of composite key.

• Name is partially dependent on roll number.

Transitive functional dependency
Dept_id Dept_name Hod_name

1 CSE Mr X

2 IT Mr Y

3 ECE Mr Z

4 ME Mr A

Dept_id Dept_name Hod_name

Multi-valued functional dependency
Name Ph_number
Ram 987217701
Sham 982271661
Ram 876622134
Rajesh 872213477
Raj 657932721
Ajay 873539262


Name Ph_number
Decomposition of tables
• Lossy decomposition
• Lossless decomposition
Consider following table

Model Price Make

N12 10000 CANON

P20 12000 NIKON

A73 15000 CANON

This can be further divided as following

Model Make price make

Now try to re-create original table

model price make

N12 10000 CANON

N12 15000 CANON

P20 12000 NIKON

A73 10000 CANON

A73 15000 CANON

Properties of Decomposition
• Following are the properties of Decomposition,
1. Lossless Decomposition
2. Dependency Preservation
3. Lack of Data Redundancy
Functional dependency diagram
What kind of dependencies can we observe among the attributes in Table R? Since the values of A
are unique (a1, a2, a3, etc.)??????
it follows from the FD definition that:

A → B, A → C, A → D, A → E

It also follows that A →BC (or any other subset of ABCDE).

This can be summarized as A →BCDE.
From our understanding of primary keys, A is a primary key.
Since the values of E are always the same (all e1), it follows that:

A → E, B → E, C → E, D → E

However, we cannot generally summarize the above with ABCD → E because, in general, A → E, B → E, AB → E.
Dependency Diagram
A dependency diagram, shown in Figure 11.6, illustrates the various dependencies that might exist in a non-
normalized table. A non-normalized table is one that has data redundancy in it.
This table has a composite primary key [Customer ID, Store ID].
The non-key attribute is [Purchase Location]. In this case,
[Purchase Location] only depends on [Store ID], which is only
part of the primary key. Therefore, this table does not satisfy
second normal form.

What we have done is to remove the partial functional

dependency that we initially had. Now, in the table
[TABLE_STORE], the column [Purchase Location] is fully
dependent on the primary key of that table, which is [Store ID].
By transitive functional dependency, we mean we have the
following relationships in the table: A is functionally dependent on
B, and B is functionally dependent on C. In this case, C is
transitively dependent on A via B.
In the table able, [Book ID] determines [Genre ID], and [Genre
ID] determines [Genre Type]. Therefore, [Book ID] determines
[Genre Type] via [Genre ID] and we have transitive functional
dependency, and this structure does not satisfy third normal

Now all non-key attributes are fully functional

dependent only on the primary key. In [TABLE_BOOK],
both [Genre ID] and [Price] are only dependent on
[Book ID]. In [TABLE_GENRE], [Genre Type] is only
dependent on [Genre ID].
Draw the dependency diagram for this table.
An agency called Instant Cover supplies part-time/temporary staff to hotels in Scotland. Figure 12.4 lists the
time spent by agency staff working at various hotels. The national insurance number (NIN) is unique for every
member of staff. Use Figure 12.4 to answer questions (a) and (b).

A. This table is susceptible to update anomalies. Provide examples of insertion, deletion and update
B. Normalize this table to third normal form. State any assumptions.
4th Normal Form
• It is in BCNF
• There is no multi value dependency in relation
Emp-id Language skill
101 English Teaching
101 Hindi Conversation
101 English Conversation
101 hindi Teaching
202 English Singing
202 Hindi Teaching

Multivalued dependencies exist

Emp-id  language
Emp-id  skill

Delete—if id 101 discontinues teaching skill … then two rows to be delete
Update– if id 101 change its skill teaching to singing … then number of changes to
be done.
This table could be divided in following two tables:

Emp-id Language
101 English
101 Hindi
202 English
202 hindi

Emp-id skills
101 Teaching
101 Conversation
202 Singing
202 Teaching
5th Normal Form
• A relation R is in Fifth Normal Form (5NF) if and only if the following conditions
are satisfied simultaneously: 
• 1.         R is already in 4NF.
• 2.         It cannot be further non-loss decomposed.
Consider Following data base:

Now this data base is decomposed into following two tables:

Now try to Re-Join these tables to re-create original table;;:::??????

Now try to find out anomalies it has now?

Over all picture of

E.F. Codd’s 12 Rules for RDBMS

Dr E.F.Codd, also known to the world as the ‘Father of Database Management

Systems’ had propounded 12 rules which are in-fact 13 in number.

The rules are numbered from zero to twelve.

According to him, a DBMS is fully relational if it abides by all his twelve rules.

Till now, only few databases abide by all the eleven rules.
To solve this, we normalize tables. We have broken the above table into 2 tables,
repeating columns we have moved into a separate table

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