Potato MSC

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Chapter 4.

2.1.Potato (Solanum tuberosum L)

• The potato is the world’s third most important food crop after
wheat and rice.

• 309 million tonnes fresh weight of tubers was produced in 2007

from 18.5 million hectares of land.

• Half of the potato production in 2007 (159 million tonnes) is in

Asia, Africa, and Latin America (as a result of steady increases,
China and India).
•China (56 million tonnes) is now the number one
potato producer; the Russian Federation (37 million
tonnes) second ; India (22 million tonnes) is third,
and the USA (20 million tonnes) is fourth.

•In contrast, the order for kg/capita/year

consumption in 2003 was Russia (125), USA (63),
China (35), then India (17).
• As a major food staple the potato is contributing to the United
Nation’s Millennium Development Goals of providing food
security and eradicating poverty (food, income, employment)

• In recognition of these important roles, the UN named 2008 as

the International Year of the Potato.

 Potato a major carbohydrate (starch) supplier in the diets of

hundreds of million of people.

 It also provides significant amounts of protein, with a good

amino acid balance, vitamins C, B6 and B1,folate, the
minerals potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium and
the micronutrients iron and zinc.
The potato is high in dietary fiber, especially when eaten unpeeled
with its skin, and is rich in antioxidants comprising polyphenols,
vitamin C, and carotenoids.

Fresh potatoes are virtually free of fat and cholesterol. A guide to

potato composition (Table 1)
 But values are affected by both cultivar and growing conditions
Table 1. Chemical composition of potatoes on
a fresh-weight basis
Component content
Dry matter 15–28%
Starch 12.6–18.2%
Glucose 0.01–0.6%
Fructose 0.01–0.6%
Sucrose 0.13–0.68%
Dietary fiber 1–2%
Lipid (fat) 0.075–0.2%
Protein (fresh weight basis) 0.6–2.1%
Asparagines (free) 110–529 mg/100 g
Glutamine (free) 23–409 mg/100 g
Proline (free) 2–209 mg/100 g
Other amino acids (free) 0.2–117 mg/100 g
Polyphenols 123–441 mg/100 g
Carotenoids 0.05–2 mg/100
Table 1continued…
Tocopherols Up to 0.3 mg/100 g
Thiamin B1 0.02–0.2 mg/100 g
Riboflavin 0.01–0.07 mg/100 g
Vitamin B6 0.13–0.44 mg/100 g
Vitamin C 8–54 mg/100 g
Vitamin E 0.1 mg/100 g
Nitrogen (total) 0.2–0.4%
Potassium 280–564 mg/100 g
Phosphorus 30–60 mg/100 g
Calcium 5–18 mg/100 g
Magnesium 14–18 mg/100 g
Iron 0.4–1.6 mg/100 g
Zinc 0.3 mg/100 g
Glycoalkaloids < 20 mg/100 g
As a staple food and as a vegetable for table use, the
potato needs to be cooked because of the
indigestibility of its ungelatinized starch

Such cooking is frequently by baking, boiling,

steaming, roasting, deep-fat frying or microwave

Good appearance, texture and flavor are important

to the consumer and the subject of much research

When baked, boiled or mashed and eaten alone,

potatoes generally have a high glycemic index
Table 1: Potato production by region in 2006

 Area (hectares)
 Quantity (tonnes) Yield (tones/hectare)
Africa 1 499 687 16 420 729 10.95
Asia/Oceania 9 143 495 131 286 181 14.36
Europe 7 348 420 126 332 492 17.19
Latin America 951 974 15 627 530 16.42
North America 608 131 24 708 603 40.63
World 19 551 707 314 375 535 16.08
China 4 901 500 70 338 00014.35
Russia 2 962 420 38 572 640 13.02
India 1 400 000 23 910 000 17.08
USA 451 430 19 712 630 43.67
 Potatoes were grown on 19.6 million hectares of land in 2006, in 149
countries from latitudes 650N to 500S, and at altitudes from sea level
to 4000m.

 The four largest potato producers are China (70 million tones),
Russia (39 million tones), India (24 million tones) and the USA (20
million tones) with per capita consumption still much larger in Russia
than in the other countries.

 Potatoes can be grown wherever it is neither too hot (ideally average

daily temperatures below 21◦C) nor too cold (above 5◦C), and there is
adequate water from rain or irrigation.
Table 2: Potato consumption by region in 2005

 Population Consumption
 Total (tones) Per capita (kg)
Africa 905 937 000 12 850 000 14.18
Asia/Oceania 3 938 469 000 101 756 000 25.83
Europe 739 276 000 71 087 000 96.15
Latin America 561 344 000 13 280 000 23.65
North America 330 608 000 19 156 000 57.94
World 6 475 634 000 218 129 000 33.68
China 1 323 345 000 52 882 000 39.78
Russia 143 202 000 20 442 000 141.98
India 1 103 371 000 18 253 000 16.06
USA 298 213 000 16 399 000 54.39
 The growing season can be as short as 75 days in the lowland
subtropics, where 90–120 days is the norm, and as long as 180 days
in the high Andes.

 In the lowland temperate regions where planting is done in spring and

harvesting in autumn, crop duration is typically 120–150 days, and
yields are potentially high.

 Average fresh-weight yields vary tremendously by country from 2 to
45 t/ha with a global average of 16.1 t/ha in 2006.
 As potatoes cannot be grown year round in most parts of the world, it
is normal to have to store both seed tubers for planting the next crop
and ware tubers for consumption.

 Hence post-harvest infrastructure in terms of road transport and cold

storage facilities is also an important aspect of potato production
2.1.1.Origin and distrubution
Potato is South America
Wild forms are found along the Andes from Venezuela to northwest Argentina
and also in the lowlands of Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and
southeastern Brazil.

 The adaptive range among the different species is very great and includes the
high Andean regions from 3000m to the vegetation limit at 4500m

 where frosts are common, dry semi-desert conditions and scrub and cactus
deserts, cool temperate pine and rain forests, woodlands and coastal plains
Figure 1: A wild Solanum species (S. bukasovii) in its native habitat in
the Andean highlands.
2.1.2.Botany and Morphology
 Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) belongs to the family
 solanaceae, which also includes tomato, tobacco, pepper,
 eggplant, Petunia, black nightshade.

 Out of several hundred sp. of solanum, only potato

 S. tuberosum and a few others bear tubers

 The potato is a herbaceous dicotyledon, sometimes

 regarded as a perennial b/c of its ability to reproduce vegetatively, although
it is cultivated as an annual crop.

 The Tubers are modified, thickened underground stems,

 their size, shape and colour varying according to the cultivar.
2.1.2.Botany and Morphology can't…

 On the surface of the tubers are they eyes, from which the growth
buds arise.

 The attachment to stolon may be in a depression on the tuber, in

which case the tuber is said to have a recessed heel, or the heel may
be pointed, or not markedly either.

 The eyes are arranged spirally on the tuber.

 The number of eyes per tuber varies from few (<5), through
intermediate (5 - 20) to many (>20), and their distribution may be
predominantly apical, or every distributed.
 A herbaceous perennial plant, 0.5–1 m high, with small, attractive flowers.
 The fruits are green or purplish-green berries 1.3–2 cm in diameter, but are
absent in many cultivars.

 The berries are quite poisonous, and indeed the only edible part of a
potato plant is the potatoes.

 Most potato cultivars are sterile, incapable of producing true seeds.

 The potato plant is grown as an annual in areas where frost occurs.

 The potato itself is a tuber—an enlarged storage organ produced from an

underground stem
 There are two cultivated subspecies:
 _ sub sp. tuberosum, originally from the coast of southern Chile and now
cultivated worldwide, arose from a cross between subsp. andigena and an
unknown species;
 _ sub sp. andigena Hawkes, cultivated in the Andes of South America,

 has been introduced into Central America, Mexico, and Islands.

 It likely arose under cultivation as a natural Hybrid.

 This subspecies occurs in a vast range of forms, and with a diversity of flower
colors and tuber shapes, colors, and patterning vastly greater than those of the
conventional potato (subsp. tuberosum)
2.1.3. Nutritional Value

•The potato tuber is a subterranean swollen stem which evolved

to survive from season to season as a dormant storage organ.

• The form of energy storage is almost entirely starch.

• Potatoes are thus a major source of carbohydrate energy in the

diets of hundreds of millions of people and are even being
considered for human life support in space (Wheeler, 2009).
•A small but significant portion of potato starch is resistant to digestion by
enzymes in the stomach and small intestine and so reaches the large
intestine essentially intact(whole).
•Also some protein is resistant due to protease inhibitor.

•This resistant starch is considered to have similar physiological effects and

health benefits as fibre:

•The fibre provides bulk,

•offers protection
 against colon cancer,
 improves glucose tolerance and
 insulin sensitivity,
 lowers plasma cholesterol and
 triglyceride concentrations,
 increases satiety, and
 possibly even reduces fat storage
• Potatoes are commonly perceived(show) as a carbohydrate

• But, they are also a good source of high-quality protein.

• Although potatoes contain only about 2% protein on a

fresh-weight basis, the value increases to about 10% when
examined on a dry-weight basis, equal to that of most
cereals such as rice or wheat.

•Potatoes provide an excellent source of lysine, but low

contents of sulfur amino acids limit their nutritive value
(Friedman, 1996).
•Also significant amounts of vitamins C, B6 and B1, folate, the
minerals potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium, and the
micronutrients iron and zinc.

•Potassium is the most abundant of the minerals in potato.

•The concentration of iron and zinc in potato is low compared with

the concentration of these micronutrients in cereals and legumes.

•However, the bioavailability of iron in potato is greater than in

cereals and
• legumes due to the presence of high levels of ascorbic acid
(promoter of iron absorption) and
• low levels of phytic acid (inhibitor of iron absorption)
•Cooking reduces the concentration of vitamin C in

•However, the degree of the reduction depends on the

cultivar and on the way of cooking.

•The concentration of vitamin C in tubers boiled with

their skin is higher than those that had been baked or
cooked in a microwave oven.

•One hundred grams of cooked potatoes can contribute

25–50% of the daily recommendation of ascorbic acid
(100–120 mg/day).
•The amount of resistant starch in potatoes depends much on preparation

•Cooking and then cooling potatoes have been reported to significantly increase
resistant starch.

• For example, Englyst et al. (1992) showed that about 7% of cooked potato
starch is resistant starch, but that this percentage increases to about 13% upon

• Potatoes are high in dietary fiber, especially when eaten unpeeled with their
skins, and are rich in antioxidants comprising polyphenols, vitamin C,
carotenoids, and tocopherols.

• Cooking reduces the concentration of vitamin C in tubers.

• However, the degree of the reduction depends on the cultivar and on the way
of cooking.
• The concentration of carotenoids in potato tubers is related
to flesh color. Yellow-fleshed potatoes have high
concentrations of total carotenoids, varying up to 1,840
 μg/100 g on a fresh-weight basis with zeaxanthin being
the principal one.

• Cream-fleshed potatoes have low concentrations of total

carotenoids, with lutein, vioaxanthin, and beta-carotene
being the principal ones.

• Lutein and zeaxanthin, two of the carotenoids of higher

concentration in human serum, are localized in significant
quantities in the retina and play a part in protecting against
macular degeneration.
• The concentration of zeaxanthin in yellow-fleshed
potato tubers reaches 1,290 μg/100 g on a fresh-weight

• This particular characteristic of yellow-fleshed potatoes

is of great importance because dietary sources of
zeaxanthin are scarce.

• It seems that cooking has no negative effect on the lutein

and zeaxanthin concentrations of potatoes.

• One hundred grams of the cooked yellow-fleshed

varieties provide a significant amount of zeaxanthin
(above 500 μg) to the human diet.
•All potatoes contain chlorogenic acid as the
principal phenolic acid.

•Red and purple potatoes also contain anthocyanins.

Whole unpeeled potatoes with fully pigmented
flesh can have up to 40 mg/100 g FW total

•Red fleshed potatoes contain acylated glucosides of

pelargonidin, while purple potatoes contain in
addition, acylated glucosides of malvidin,
petunidin, peonidin, and delphinin.

•Potatoes are grown in 149 countries from latitudes

65◦N to 50◦S and at altitudes from sea level to 4,000 m.

•Potatoes can be grown wherever it is neither too hot

(ideally average daily temperature below 21◦C) nor too
cold (above 5◦C), and there is adequate water from rain
or irrigation.

• The growing season can be as short as 75 days in the

lowland subtropics, where 90–120 days is the norm,
and as long as 180 days in the high Andes.
• In the lowland temperate regions where planting is
done in spring and harvesting in autumn, crop duration
is typically 120–150 days and yields are potentially
•However, these yields are not achieved in practice.

•Average fresh-weight yields vary tremendously by

country from 2 to 50 tonnes/ha with a global average of
16.7 tonnes/ha in 2007.

•Within large countries like China, with an average yield

of 12.7 tonnes/ha, the variation from region to region
can be nearly as great.
•As potatoes cannot be grown all of the year round in
most parts of the world, it is normal to have to store
both seed tubers for planting the next crop and ware
tubers for consumption.

•Hence, post-harvest infrastructure in terms of road

transport and cold storage facilities is also an important
aspect of successful potato production.
2.3.Cultivation of Potato
Propagation - two methods of propagation

Prop. by seed tubers and true seed

Propagation by seed tubers

•Potatoes are propagated vegetatively from tubers,

either whole or cut into pieces.
•Whole tubers (40 - 60g) with eyes (buds) are planted
the cut pieces should at least 3 eyes have eyes and
should be not less than 40- 50g
Propagation of potato

• Advantage of cutting tubers into pieces is that more

plant materials could be obtained. However, there is risk
or rotting.

• Anyhow, cut tubers should be cured under room

temperature 15OC for 3-4 days or 72 hours to heal the

• Disadvantage of cut pieces that the vigour of the future

plant may be reduced, also stem number will be lower.
Propagation of potato
Advantages of propagation by seed tubers

 a)Uniformity of product: a variety with desirable qualities can be retained in

cultivation indefinitely, provided its health can be maintained. (Trueness -to-type)

 b)The tuber provides a source of nourishment for the young plant until it
becomes established, and enables it to become established under adverse

 c)Establishment of plant is more rapid

 d)Less skill, and less handling and care are needed to produce a reasonable
crop than is the case with propagation by true seed.
DISADVANTAGES of propagation by seed tubers

 Transmission-diseases such as a viruses.

 If virus-infected tubers are used as a means of propagation,

 the disease will be carried on into the next and succeeding generations.

 Soil-borne disease could also be spread.

 (stringent phytosanitary safety measures), high cost

 Seed tubers are bulky and heavy, resulting in serious transport problem.

 Post-harvest losses
 Rigid planting time (no flexibility), influence of tuber aging
•It differs from propagation by seed tubers in that it is not a
clonal propagation, but the propagation of a mixed population
regularly renewed from true seed.

 Advantages

-Great saving in bulk and weight. Each seed normally weighs

0.5 - 0.6 mg, and 100 - 150g of seed gives sufficient seedlings to
plant a hectare of land.

-Seed can be stored much longer and handled more easily than
seed tubers (15 years).
•Soil and tuber-borne diseases are avoided, including virus disease. But spindle
tuber viroid can be spread by seeds.

•Flexibility in planting time (seeds can be used for planting any time without
fear of aging) Propagation using TPS is most attractive in the tropics and

•The difficulty of establishing a TPS crop, later maturation, and less uniformity
could be outweighed by three advantages:

•Seed costs are reduced due to the much smaller amounts

of planting material required.

•Planting time is flexible because the farmer does not have to consider the
physiological age and condition of seed tubers.

•Finally, tubers are free from tuber-borne diseases with the possible exception
of the few caused by true seed-borne viruses.
Tuber Aging
Two types of age: Chronological Aging
Physiological “
1. Chronological aging:
 refers to the tuber age from the time of either tuber
initiation or harvest.
2. Physiological aging:
 it is defined as the physiological status of the tuber as it
affects productivity.
 Tubers may have the same chronological age but their
physiological age may differ. similarly, tubers with the
same physiological age may have different chronological
 They require long growing season to produce maximum yields.

 They take longer time to mature (1 month more).

 The plants develop more slowly and have low vigour.

 The crop produced from true seed is not uniform, tubers may differ in

shape, colour and cooking quality, and the yield is usually lower than
that of healthy vegetative propagated crops.
 Tubers are also small.

 To overcome variability = Hybrid seeds.

 •Raise seedling in nursery densely.

 Harvest tubers, and plant them in field (done in china for hybrid TPS)

• More horticultural expertise and labour is required intra raising seedlings

and transplanting them.

• Seedlings are slower to emerge and vulnerable to adverse conditions

(direct seeding difficult)

• An alternative to direct seeding is transplanting, much as tomatoes or

other vegetables are grown.

• But care should be exercised to avoid premature tuberization and

consequent stunted growth
Land preparation

•Cultivation to a depth of 25 cm is required with organic material and

fertilizers incorporated in the soil before planting.

•Earthing or ridging up is desirable when the stems are 10 - 15 cm in height,

to ensure that the tubers can develop in loose soil. If irrigation is applied,
earthing up is necessary to prevent the tubers being exposed to light =

•Seeds-sown in trays = sand, shading = germination 10 days. 20-25 days later

ready for transplanting. select most vigorous ones. production of seedling
tuber from TPS Grow seedlings = 10 x 10cm = until tuber maturity.


•Irrigation applied during dry weather may have a

beneficial effect on tuber formation by preventing
excessive rises is soil temperature which are likely to
stimulate respiration in tubers.

Weeds management
Generally speaking, any plant can be considered a weed
when it is growing where it is not wanted and harming
desirable crops.
Weed is a very important factor that affects crop
production and results low yield and poor product quality.
There are numerous reasons for weeds control because weeds harm
desirable crops by:
 1) Competing with root and tuber crops for water, nutrients, light and space, especially
during the young plant growing phase.
 2) Harboring insects, mites, diseases and rodents which attack desirable crops.

 3) Interfering with crop management and harvesting operation.

4) Releasing toxins into soil which may affect the growth and development
of the crops.

Methods of weed control in root and tuber crops

Weed control is an important work in field management, especially during
the first several weeks after planting.
There are two effective ways of weed control.
1) Cultural practices of weed control methods. This includes mulching
and cultivation.
Mulching refers to cover the soil surface with organic or inorganic material
such as dry grass, cotton seed, plant residues and black plastic film etc.
The suitable thickness of mulching is 5-10 cm.
Hand weeding: is physical removal or pulling of weeds by hand.
This method is widely followed when labor is cheaper and
Inter-tillage by hand hoeing: under this method surface soil is
dug to a shallow depth (5-10 cm), weeds are uprooted, collected
and destroyed. The main tools used for hoeing are hoes, fork,
pick etc.

Cultivating should follow the principles below:

a. It should be done thoroughly and to be sure that all the weeds are
b. It should be done often enough so that weeds never get a good start.
c. It should be done when the soil is wet since this practice will not
form clods.
2) Chemical methods.

Chemical method refers to that weeds are controlled or killed

with the help of chemicals i.e. herbicides.
Weed control by chemicals is one of the effective labor saving
Herbicide application
a) Selecting the right type of herbicide
Selecting the right type of herbicide depends on two factors:
 One is the effectiveness of killing weeds, and
 The other one is that it should safe to crops.
The recommended herbicide used for selected crops are as
Potato: alachlor, dinoseb and metribuzin each at 1-2 kg/ha.

• Potatoes require large quantities of mineral nutrients, particularly nitrogen and

potassium, for maximum growth.

• The kind and amount of fertilizers required for maximum yield vary depending on
 soil type
 soil fertility
 climate
 crop rotation
 variety
 length of growing season and
 moisture supply.

• The NPK ratio is important (1 - 2 - 1, 1 - 2 - 2, 2 - 3 - 3 & 1 - 1 - 1).

• 30,000 kg/ha organic material

•  before planting 400 kg/ha complete fertilizer (NPK)
•Phosphorus application to potatoes has some effect on
dry matter. At the early stage of growth, the need for
phosphorous is critical.

•Potassium removal by potato is high, but its response to

K application is lower than that to N and P application. =
luxury consumption

•Potassium sulphate, recommended better than potassium

chloride, for quality, specific gravity.
Fungal Diseases of Tubers

Wart (Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc):

persistent soil-borne blemish-forming disease of tubers

Powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea (Wallr.) Lagerh):

persistent soilborne, disfiguring, blemish-forming disease of

Dry rot (Fusarium coeruleum (Lib.) ex Sacc.), F. sulphureum


F. sambucinum (Fuckel), and F. avenaceum Sacc. (Corda ex.

Fr.): tuber-borne disease, important cause of spoilage of
tubers in storage in warmer climates
Bacterial Diseases of Foliage, Stem, and Tubers

Bacterial wilt or brown rot (Ralstonia

solanacearum Smith): the most serious disease of
potato after late blight in the developing world.

Blackleg (stem) and soft rot (tuber in storage) is

common in temperate climates whereas P.
chrysanthemi predominates in warmer areas and P.
carotovorum subsp.
carotovorum is well adapted to both climatic regions.
Bacterial ring rot (Clavibater michiganensis
subsp. sepedonicus (Spieck and Kotth.) Davis et
al.): a recurring seed-tuber-transmitted disease
problem in temperate regions, despite many
countries treating it as a quarantine disease and
having a zero-tolerance policy for the import of
seed potatoes.
Viral Diseases

PLRV (Potato leafroll virus): the most damaging and

widespread of the viruses, aphid transmitted in a persistent

PVY (Potato virus Y): next in importance, aphid

transmitted in a nonpersistent manner and hence harder to
control with aphicides

PVA (Potato virus A): worldwide distribution

PVX (Potato virus X): worldwide distribution
PVM (Potato virus M): can be a devastating virus in the
seed and ware potato production areas of Central and
Eastern Europe
PVS (Potato virus S): worldwide distribution
TRV (Tobacco rattle virus): locally important in cooler
climates, transmitted by Trichodorid nematodes,
causes spraing symptoms in tubers, a particular
problem for processors

PMTV (Potato mop-top virus): locally important in

light sandy soils, transmitted by Spongospora
subterranea, causes spraing symptoms in tubers, a
particular problem for processors

PSTVd (Potato tuber-spindle viroid): a true seed-

transmitted disease which is treated as a quarantine
disease in countries where it is not endemic
•Pests and Diseases of potato
Late Blight
This disease is caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans,
and is one of the most important potato diseases.
Eg. Irish famine.
The fungus spreads rapidly, and the entire plant may
become infected in the soil but usually are inoculated
with the fungus during harvest.

Tubers not covered with soil are infected.

 Slow - progress disease more attack of tubers.
•The fungus overwinters in diseased tubers.

•Diseased tubers produce diseased sprouts and plants.

•Cultivars differ in susceptible in optimum condition is for production

of sporangia is 21OC and 100% RH.

•The disease often occurs when a dry hot weather is followed by a wet
weather symptom, dark brown patches on the leaflets, usually near the

•Dry weather does not favour it.

•Control = spraying fungicides - Maneb, Zineb, Manlozeb before
symptoms appear

• Burning infected residue

• Holeta Ridomil M2 63.52 kg

Early mowing of the haulm Late mowing of the hauln Early blight
(Alternaria solani)

• The first symptoms of early blight are small concentric rings of dead
tissue, or brown spots showing concentric ridges on the foliage.

• The fungus may persist in the soil in remains of infected potato
plants or of other Solanaceous.
The fungal hyphae, olive to brown in colour ramify through
the cells and intercellular spaces of affected leaves, and
produce reproductive branches which grow out through the
stomata. Control = Fungicides, Mareb, Zineb, Mamcozeb.
• This is commonly caused by streptomyces scabies.

• The pathogen is widely distributed in soil, particularly in

soils with an alkaline reaction.

• Symptoms-small brown spot, sometimes shallow, sometimes

deep into the tuber (5mm) only young, actively growing
tubers are infected, and these only under dry conditions,
particularly at high soil temperatures, Opt. soil temp for scab
= 23OC.
• Means of avoidance: high soil moisture, at or above field capacity 5.0.4 bar = regular


Many insect pests damage the potato. Pest damage to potatoes in the field and in
storage is a major constraint to potato production. Potato tuber moth

• Colorado beetle and lady beetle defoliate the plant

• Aphids remove sap, may inject toxic saliva, act as virus vectors, and reduce tuber

• Wireworms eat tubers and decrease the value of the crop.

• Insecticides: Chlorinated hydrocarbon, organo-phosphorus carbonates,

agaricides, and soil fumigants

• Red ants = cat tubers (In Ethiopia)


• Their damages are not usually recognized and are attributed

to other causes.

Cyst nematodes
Root knot nematodes
Growth period maturity and harvesting

• Tubers may be harvested 90 - 120 days after planting,

depending on the cultivar and environmental conditions.

• Completely mature potatoes are more desirable for processing

than less mature potatoes. Potatoes increase in their specific
gravity and yield on complete maturation.
•Delayed harvesting of potatoes tends to increase
the specific gravity and yield of tubers mature
tubers usually result in higher-quality processed
products as well as in higher yield of product per ha.

•Immature tubers are low in specific gravity and

They are subject to skinning and bruising.

•Potato tubers are harvested before maturity due to

favourable market prices at that time and also to
avoid the danger of freezing temp is the temperate
French Fry Processing:Contents

French fry

A dish of French fries

Whether it's straight cut fries, crinkle cut fries, curly fries,
or potato wedges,
Heat and Control's french fry and formed potato products
frying systems are the workhorses of the industry.
Our fryers, heat exchangers, oil filtration, pumping and
control systems can produce up to 50,000 pounds per hour
of finished product.
French fry processing
Potatoes arriving at a french fry processing plant are the end product
of several integrated production systems, all aimed at producing high
quality potato tubers.
Once the appropriate cultivar has been chosen, disease-free seed stock
is produced and multiplied.
The seed tubers are then planted on a commercial farm to produce the
crop destined for processing.
At each level of production, the tubers must be stored under the proper
conditions to ensure the processing
plant receives high-quality potatoes.
Potato Cultivars
Commercial french fries in North America are produced from
mainly two potato cultivars, Russet Burbank and Shepody.
Both have high specific gravity (a measure of dry matter),
low sugar content and are
oblong to long in shape.
Oven baked fries
The French term 'frite' denotes deep frying,unlike
the English 'fried', which may also refer to sautéing
or pan-frying, so 'French fried' may simply mean
Thomas Jefferson at a White House dinner in 1802
served "potatoes served in the French manner".
In the early 20th century, the term "French fried"
was being used for foods such as onion rings or
chicken, apart from potatoes.

Great Britain:Chips
Fish and chips.

The first chips fried in Britain were apparently on the site of

Oldham's Tommyfield Market in 1860.
In Scotland, chips were first sold in Dundee, "...in the 1870s,
that glory of British gastronomy – the chip – was first sold by
Belgian immigrant Edward De Gernier in the city’s
Traditional "chips" in the United Kingdom and Ireland are
usually cut much thicker, typically between 9.5–13 mm (⅜ -
½ inches) square in cross-section and cooked twice (although
double frying is less commonly practiced today), making
them more crunchy on the outside and fluffier on the inside.

•The time of harvest can be adjusted to suit market prices.

•This is a very important part of potato production.

•If vine still green = The per diem brursy, low sp. low yield.

•Keeping the vines until they themselves dry may st help in

spreading diseases to tubers, such as late blight.

•On the other hard, (disadvantage) removing vines before they

themselves dry will reduce yield (especially specific gravity).
• Therefore, vine killing should be considered as a supplement to
natural maturation, not as a substitute for it.

• Yields of potato may vary depending on environmental
conditions, variety, cultural practices etc.
• However yields of 50-80 ton/ha are common under favourable
environmental conditions.
In Ethiopia, the average national yield is about 8 tons per ha.
Agronomic data for potato:
Growth parameters
 Days to sprout emergence
Days to flowering (tuber initiation)
 Plant height
 Stem number
 Leaf number
 Leaf area
 Leaf area index
 Biomass yield

Agronomic parameters :

Yield components

Mean tuber weight

Mean tuber number per plant

Tuber size categories

Small (<40 g); medium (40-75 g); large (> 75 g)

Sometimes: very small (< 25 g); small (25-40 g) etc

Sometimes very large: large 75 – 150 g; very large (>150 g)

Harvest index

Percent tuber dry matter


Marketable tuber yield

Unmarketable tuber yield

Total tuber yield

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