The Present Simple Tense: Zion Languages
The Present Simple Tense: Zion Languages
The Present Simple Tense: Zion Languages
Zion Languages
Pronouns and verbs
I live in Mexico.
He is a chef.
Uses of the Present Simple Tense
Usage #5: The present simple tense is used to My husband is 27 years old.
describe a present state, opinions, states,
feelings, and emotions. She hates art.
The verb to be, is used to express emotions, The verb ‘to be’ is one of the most irregular
location, nationality, age, identity/name and verbs, with 3 different forms in the present
simple tense, am (I), are (you, we, they), is
I am happy. (he/she/it).
You are at home.
He is Joshua. I am We are
She is 21 years old. You are You are
We are construction workers. He/She/it is They are
They are Mexican.
The verb “to be”
I’m happy.
You’re at home.
He’s Joshua.
They’re Mexican.
The verb “to be”
I am not = I’m not We are not = we’re I am not = I’m not We are not = we
not aren’t
Am I your teacher?
Are we English?
When is he coming?
What am I?
Why is it broken?
I have 3 friends.
We do the homework.
Normal verbs
The Present simple tense with normal verbs is
I buy We buy
really easy, you just need to put the pronoun
and the verb, usually in it´s infinitive form You buy You buy
unless its 3rd person singular, (he, she, it),
then you add an -s or an -es at the end. He/She/It buys They buy
Yes/no questions
Do I work in an office?
Do we eat pork?
See you next time!