فرهنگ افغانستان

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*A Land With 5000 Years Of History*

Had Three Name Through History

Aryana 2000
BC 700
AC 1700
Afghanistan literally translates to the 'land of the Afghans' is a landlocked mountanious
country at the crossroads of Asia. Usually placed in Centeral Asia. It is bordered by
Iran in the west, Pakistan in the south and east, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and
Tajikistan in the north, and China to the east. 99% of afghan people are muslims.

Total Area 647,500km²

Total Population 30 Million

Land 40% Mountains 37% deserts

23% plain farms and water.

Hot summers and cold winters.

Lowest point 258M Amu river

Highest is 7492M Noshak

How this country came in to being?
Between 3000 and 1800 BC, waves of indo-speaking Aryans are thought to have
flooded into modern-day Afghanistan, setting up a nation that became known as
Ancient Eastern languages such as Avesta was spoken in Afghanistan around a similar
time-line with the rise of first ``humman civilization`` (Buddha) in word´s history.

BUDDHA Statues
master piece.
The Budda at
your right
side is 35
Meters and
Left is 53
Buddha civilization had three main saying...
1) Good Character 2) Good Interactions 3) Good Understanding
The first civic society was established in Afghanistan in the city of BALKH 2000 BC,
which is called the mother of cities.
Afghanistan´s society is basically a tribal one, different ethnich group such as
Pashtoon, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, Aimeq, Qazalbaq, Baloch give this country a very
attractive diverse culture. Each of the ethnic group has it´s own identity in customs,
food,dance, clothing, and interacting. Whatever the Afghans make is always very
attractive; even common grain bags to carry products are often embroidered to makethem
more beautiful. A camel caravan of nomads often looks like a circus parade. The Islamic
traditions of fine calligraphy and graphic arts are evoked in the fine filigreed flourishes
that decorate many buildings.
Poetry and poets are revered. Although the people of Afghanistan may have been
sorely stressed by centuries of warfare and a difficult environment, their arts have
prospered nonetheless.
The different ethnic groups of Afghanistan give a diverse beauty to it´s culture.
ATAN the national dance of Afghanistan very popular in Pashtons.
The colourful dresses oh my God... Drives me crazy..........

You will find no body in

world, who says afghan
food is good all say it is

The traditional and classical Art of Hazara

These are very popular

among American and
european female gender.
The Moderen Cultural Dress
Literature, Philosophy and peotry is a vital part of Afghanistan culture through it´s
history this land has given birth to some of the worlds most famous Philosophers, Poets,
and Spritualists. Afghanistan literature is divided in three main braches.
Literature three branches very well indicate Afghanistan culture.
1) Freedom and honor 2) Love 3) Spritualsim

*Maulana Jalal-ul-din Raumi*

Maulana is one of the most famous philosophers
and poets of 21 centrury, he was born in 9th
centurya in Balkh Afghanistan. His books are very
famous in Asia, America and Europe. His book
was bestseller last year. Maulana is called the
father of wisdom and the teacher of spritualism.
It is amazing today we talk about freedom, love,
and globalization, Maulana talked about this 500
hundred years before. We can just have a glance at
his philosophy and his idealogy throuh his one
poem. The Real love and romance can be seen in
the coming pictures and art.
Maulana Poem
*Turn me like a waterwheel turning a millstone.
Plenty of water, a Living River.
Keep me in one place and scatter the love.
Leaf moves in wind, straw drawn toward amber,
all parts of the world are in love,
but they do not tell their secrets: Cows grazing
on a sacramental table, ants whispering in Solomon´s ear.
Mountains mumbling an echo. Sky, calm.
If the sun were not in love, he would have no brightness,
the side of the hill no grass on it.
The ocean would come to rest somewhere.
Be a lover as they are, that you come to know
your Beloved. Be faithful that you may know
Faith. The other parts of the universe did not accept
the next responsibility of love as you can.
They were afraid they might make a mistake
with it, the inspired knowing
that springs from being in love*
*Sayed Jamaluldin Afghani* `` The Prodigy of east``
Sayed Jamal-ul-din was born in 1870s. He is famous
for his philosophical and political idealogies in west
and east. He was invited by France, Egyp, Germany,
USA, Russia, England and Turky to show them the
way against the Fascism in world. He give the world
the lesson of Universal brotherhood and peace. He
is also called the Interpretator of real Islam.

*Sir Alama Iqbal* `` The Thinker``

Alama iqbal was born in 1887 in Sialikot Pakistan.
He had P.HD in philosophy and law from German
and Britan universities. Westrens call him the
father of east philosophy. Iqbal claims i had two
afghan teacher who taught me what i know!!!
Iqbal was the intellectual thinker and the way to
compromise between west and east was given by
*Abu-Ali-Sina* (986-1037IC)
Afhanistan had great scintests such as Abu-Ali-Sina.
He knew medicine, astronomy, mathematics and
wisdom. Sina is very famous for his great Attributes
in medicine and philosophy.


*Alberuni* (973-1048IC)

Abu Rehan-al-Biruni Astronomy, Mathematics,

Determined earth's circumference. He also invented
Scientifi methods for measurment.
Something Nobel God Gifted
Afghanistan has significant amounts of natural resources, although it is a poor country,
highly dependent on farming and livestock production/animal husbandry. Two-thirds
of the population lives on less than US$2 a day.
The country's natural resources include copper, zinc and iron ore in central areas;
precious and semi-precious stones such as lapis, emerald and azure in the north-east and
east; and (unproved) oil and gas reserves in the north. However, "its significant mineral
resources remain largely untapped because of the Afghan War of the 1980s and
subsequent fighting“.
The government had a central budget of only $350 million in 2003 and an estimated
$550 million in 2004. The country's foreign exchange reserves totals about $500 million.
Revenue is mostly generated through customs, as income and corporate tax bases
are negligible.
Afghanistan´s only 10% land is cultivated. 83% of it´s people are involved in agriculture.
Afhanistan imoports a huge amount of goods from food to complex machines. Afghanis
tan exports carpets, wool, fruits and handicrafts. The Silk road added a huge importance
to Afghanistan geography.
The Famous Silk Road
Around 1960 Afghanistan was towards the path of ,development, and prosperity. The
development cound be seen in following picture.
Afghanistan is Godblessed by a wonderful nature and one of the world
highest mountain peak called the roof of world. Lets have a look at some
of the landescape pictures.
Afghanistan is also called.........

Be Attentive!!! Look at coming question

marks and find the answer.


Afghanistan exists at a unique nexus-point where numerous Eurasian civilizations have

interacted and often fought and was an important site of early historical activity.
Through the ages, the region today known as Afghanistan has been invaded by a host
of peoples but rarely have these groups managed to exert control over the region.
Why is Afghanistan always attacked but never captured ?
The nature of it´s soil and it´s people is in three words Freedom, respect, and Culture.
those who through history have tried to capture Afghanistan but got
defeated themselves. Simply the hunters were hunted

500 BC

120 AD

225 AD




Afghans gave sacrifise of 2 million men, women and children in the war against russia.
Afhans defeated the bloody threat and made world safe, the easteren european and
centeral asian countries got their freedom. The Berlin wall broke down.
What Afghans got?
The war against Russia was for sure war for freedom, some of the Western and
Arabiancountries who were supporting Afghan Mujahedin groups they changed the
freedom war in to religious war. We do respect the precious and sacred emotions and
feeling of all those who took direct or indirect part in Jihad, they are the most
appreciated ones. of Afghanistan´ Jihad. After withdraw of russian soldiers from
Afghanistan, some of the neighbouring , arabian and westeren countries did not thought
to rebuild afghanistan they persuade the extremist groups for their own intrests.
Afghans were very proud after the defeat of russian forces, they thought that now the
era of prosperity, development and progress will initiate, but unfortunately the internal
war started and it was worse than russian war. Each of Mujahiden group was fighting
for the gain of power, some 6000 thousand people were killed in one day in the capital
kabul. Many Afghans took refuge in the neighbouring countries and some went
towards western countries. This internal war last for 4 years.
Some pictures of internal war between Mujahedin groups, only for the gain of power
by the support of their bosses.
1992 the russians have left but Afghanistan still has to see the worse
They did not know where to go, whom to ask but what they wanted is a shelter to live in peace
When others compromise among you so what will happen ?
After 4 years of Warlordism, and brutality the Talibans movment had began. The
Taliban were consumed of the Maderasa students who had a sacred and moral
principels and wanted to fight for the Islam and the way of peace and hummanity , but
they were misused and among the some were maryterd. At the early stages people were
very optimistic about talibans, they brought peace in to the country. Overall talibans
regeime was extremist one, they disrespected the humman rights. Their Regieme last
for 6 years .The United States and allied military action in support of the opposition
following the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks forced the Taliban's downfall. In
late 2001, major leaders from the Afghan opposition groups and diaspora met in Bonn,
and agreed on a plan for the formulation of a new government structure that resulted in
the inauguration of Hamid Karzai as Chairman of the Afghan Interim Authority (AIA)
on December 2001. After a nationwide Loya Jirga in 2002, Karzai was elected
President. After loya jirga there were elections and karzai won with 55% votes. In late
2005 the parlimentary elections took place.
Something to be noted. In Bonn Germany elections for the chairman of Afghan Interim
Authority were held. Karzai got only two votes but eventhough got elected as chairman
of AIA. The elections were held and Karzai got elected as prisdent althoug conitions
were not ready for election due to warlordism and political curuption. The parlimentary
elections also took place and unfortunately 80% of the elected members are smugglers,
warlords, criminals and some backed by foreign countries. The cirumstance for
parlimentary elections were also not ready but eventhogh they were held Why?
Today Afghanistan suffers from political corruption, political warfar, bureacracy,
And foreighn involvment and terrorist movments. People were very
optimistic about Karzai Govt, but unfortunetly they have lost their hope
and their trust in Karzai because he is himself backing the warlordism
and not doing significant efforts for development of democracy and
peace in Afghanistan. Some positive changes can also be seen but
nothing from Afghanistan Govt. The positive changes are due to
humanitarian help of foreign countries mainly Germany and Japan.
Following some positive changes can be see.
Dear Afghans
After looking at your country’s past and present, it is also worth to tell
you that Afghanistan is number 5th poorest country out of 167 in the
world. Having such proud history also encourages us to have such proud
future and that we can achieve when you, I and we work together be
united and know only one identity only and only that is Afghans.
Not worth to say that I have done something for my country but what I
could I did. Hopefully I will do more what I can..
Now it is time for all of us to do something … we should be
Man of actions not man of speech. ZWANDHAI DHAY WE AFGHANISTAN

Your Afghan

Javed Ahmed Nasery

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