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Arabian literature The Middle Ages

Saudi Arabia • In political terms Arabia soon became a peripheral region
The flag of Saudi Arabia has a green field with large white of the Islamic world, in which the most important medieval
Arabic writing above a white horizontal sword (the tip of Islamic states were based at various times in such far away
the sword points to the hoist side of the flag). cities as Damascus, Baghdad, and Cairo.
The Arabic writing is the Islamic statement of faith, "There • However, from the 10th century (and, in fact, until the
is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet." Green 20th century) the Hashemite Sharifs of Mecca maintained a
is the traditional color of Islam. state in the most developed part of the region, the Hejaz.
Saudi Arabia is a desert country encompassing most of the Their domain originally comprised only the holy cities of
Arabian Peninsula, with Red Sea and Persian (Arabian) Gulf Mecca and Medina but in the 13th century it was extended
coastlines. to include the rest of the Hejaz. Although, the Sharifs
Known as the birthplace of Islam. exercised at most times independent authority in the Hejaz,
It’s home to the religion’s 2 most sacred mosques: Masjid they were usually subject to the suzerainty of one of the
al-Haram, in Mecca, destination of the annual Hajj major Islamic empires of the time. In the Middle Ages,
pilgrimage, and Medina’s Masjid an-Nabawi, burial site of these included the Abbasids of Baghdad, and the Fatimids,
the prophet Muhammad. Ayyubids and Mamluks of Egypt.
Riyadh, the capital, is a skyscraper-filled metropolis.
Currency: riyal Modern history
King: Salman of Saudi Arabia • The provincial Ottoman Army for Arabia (Arabistan
Language: Arabic Ordusu) was headquartered in Syria, which included
Palestine, the Transjordan region in addition to Lebanon
Political boundaries (Mount Lebanon was however a semiautonomous
The peninsula's constituent countries are mutasarrifate).
(clockwise north to south) Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the • The Ottomans never had any control over central Arabia,
United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the also known as the Najd region.
east, Oman on the southeast, Yemen on the south and • In the modern era, the term bilad al-Yaman came to refer
Saudi Arabia at specifically to the southwestern parts of the peninsula. Arab
the center. The island nation of Bahrain lies off the east geographers started to refer to the whole peninsula as
coast of the peninsula. Six countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, 'jazirat al-Arab', or the peninsula of the Arabs.
Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman) form the
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Late Ottoman rule and the Hejaz Railway
Population In the beginning of the 20th century, the Ottomans
Though historically lightly populated, political embarked on an ambitious project: the construction of a
Arabia is noted for a railway connecting Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman
high population growth rate - as the result of both very Empire and the seat of the Islamic Caliphate, and Hejaz with
strong inflows of migrant labor as well as sustained high its holiest shrines of Islam which are the yearly pilgrimage
birth rates. destination of the Hajj. The goal was to improve the
economic and political integration of the distant Arabian
History Pre-Islamic Arabia provinces into the Ottoman state, and to facilitate the
There is evidence that human habitation in the Arabian transportation of military troops in case of need. The
Peninsula dates back to about 106,000 to 130,000 years railway was started in 1900 at the behest of the Ottoman
ago. However, the harsh climate historically prevented Sultan Abdul Hamid II and was built largely by the Turks,
much settlement in pre-Islamic Saudi Arabia, apart from a with German advice.
small number of urban trading settlements, such as Mecca
and Medina, located in the Hejaz in the west of the Culture of Saudi Arabia
peninsula. • The cultural setting of Saudi Arabia is Arab and Islam, and
society itself is in general deeply religious, conservative,
The Rise of Islam traditional, and family oriented.
The seventh century saw the introduction of Islam to the • The Wahhabi Islamic movement, which arose in the 18th
Arabian Peninsula. century and is sometimes described as austerely puritanical,
The Islamic prophet Muhammad, was born in Mecca in now predominates in the country. Following the principle of
about 570 and first began preaching in the city in 610, but "enjoining good and forbidding wrong", there are many
migrated to Medina in 622. limitations on behavior and dress are strictly enforced both
• Muhammad began preaching Islam at Mecca before legally and socially, often more so than in other Muslim
migrating to Medina, from where he united the tribes of countries. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited, for example,
Arabia into a singular Arab Muslim religious polity. and there is no theatre or public exhibition of films.
• Muhammad's death in 632 AD, disagreement broke out Religious holidays: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha
over who would succeed him as leader of the Muslim
community. The Qur'an
Abu Bakr- became leader of the Muslims as the first Caliph The word Qur'an means 'recitation', and in early times the
text was transmitted orally. The Qur'an had a significant
influence on the Arab language. The language used in it is
called classical Arabic, and while modern Arabic is very
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similar, the classical has social prestige. With its 114 suras similar to a robe. It is commonly worn in the Arabian
(chapters) which contain 6,236 ayat (verses). It contains Peninsula, Iraq and neighboring Arab countries.
injunctions, narratives, homilies, parables, direct addresses
from God, instructions and even comments on itself on how Arabic literature
it will be received and understood. It is Arabic literature is the writing, both prose and
also, paradoxically, admired for its layers of metaphor as poetry, produced by writers in the Arabic language. The
well as its clarity, a feature it mentions itself in sura 16:103. Arabic word used for literature is "Adab", which is derived
The Qur'an- widely regarded by people as the finest piece from a meaning of etiquette, and which implies politeness,
of literature in the Arabic language, would have the culture and enrichment. Arabic literature emerged in the
greatest lasting effect on Arabic culture and its literature. 5th century with only fragments of the written language
Arabic literature flourished during the Islamic Golden Age, appearing before then.
but has remained vibrant to the present day, with poets
and prose-writers across the Arab world achieving Maqama
increasing success. Maqama not only straddles the divide between
prose and poetry, being instead a form of rhymed prose, it
Two Categories of Muslims is also part way between fiction and nonfiction. Over a
1. Secularist - do not have knowledge of the contents of the series of short narratives, which are fictionalized versions of
Quran and only know a verse or two to justify enjoying their real life situations, different ideas are contemplated.
life such as: “Wealth and children are the adornment of the Maqama also makes use of the doctrine of badi or
life of this world” (Surat Al-Kahf 18:46) deliberately adding complexity to display the writer's
2. Fundamentalist - who wants to apply the more extreme dexterity with language. Al-Hamadhani is regarded as the
verses of the Quran to the letter. These verses came to originator of the maqama and his work was taken up by
Muhammad after he was a strong military and after he Abu Muhammad al-Qasim al-Hariri with one of al-Hariri's
realize that the Christian and Jews were not becoming maqama a study of al-Hamadhani own work. Maqama was
followers of his new religion. an incredibly popular form of Arabic literature, being one of
the few forms which continued to be written during the
Eight Fundamental Beliefs of Muslims decline of Arabic in the 17th and 18th centuries.
1. The Prophet Muhammad urges Muslims to fight in the Non-fiction literature
cause of Allah.  Biography, history, and geography
2. The Quran commands Muslims not to be friend Jews  Diaries
and Christian.  Literary theory and criticism
3. The Quran commands Muslims to fight Jews and  Maqama
Christian. Fiction Literature
4. The Quran commands Muslim to fight non-Muslims o Epic literature -
until they exterminate all other religions and Islam would o Romantic literature
be the only religion in the world. o Murder mystery
5. The Quran command Muslim to terrorize and torture o Satire and comedy
and kill anyone who disobey Allah and the prophet o Theatre
Muhammad. o Philosophical novels
6. The Quran declares that Allah loves those who fight in o Science fiction
his cause.
7. The Quran commands Muslims to convert non- Muslims Poetry
to Islam by force. A large proportion of Arabic literature before the
8. The Quran declares that Muslims who fight and die in 20th century is in the form of poetry, and even prose from
the battle are promised forgiveness and a sexual luxurious this period is either filled with snippets of poetry or is in the
life in Paradise. form of saj or rhymed prose. The themes of the poetry
range from high-flown hymns of praise to bitter personal
Men and Women Dress attacks and from religious and mystical ideas to poems on
•Women- Saudi Arabia's human rights record, especially women and wine. The poetry and much of the prose was
with regards to protecting women, has often been called written with the design that it would be spoken aloud and
into question. Although women's rights have been great care was taken to make all writing as mellifluous as
incrementally extended in recent years – they were allowed possible.
to vote in municipal elections for the first time last year -
their actions are still severely restricted. Sep 27, 2016. They Modern Poetry
wear abaya. While all versions of Islam suggest a woman During the 19th century, a revival took place in
should dress modestly, often covering her hair and body, Arabic literature, along with much of Arabic culture, and is
Saudi Arabia is one of the only Muslim-majority countries referred to in Arabic as "al-Nahda", which means "the
that legally imposes a dress code (Iran is another). Women, Renaissance". This resurgence of writing in Arabic was
foreign and local, must wear an abaya (a few get away with confined mainly to Syria, Egypt and Lebanon until the 20th
long coats) in public places. century when it spread to other countries in the region.
•Men - a thawb or thobe, or jalabiyyah in Libya, is an Throughout the 20th century, Arabic writers in both poetry
ankle-length Arab garment, usually with long sleeves, and prose have reflected the changing political and social
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climate of the Arab world in their work. Anti-colonial because of a quarrel he had. The woman clads herself in the
themes were prominent early in the 20th century, with most beautiful CLOTHES and goes to magistrate. She brings
writers continuing to explore the region's relationship with a paper to testify against the imprisonment of her ‘brother’.
the West until the present day. Poetry retains a very The magistrate immediately falls in love with her. He will let
important status in the Arab world. Mahmoud Darwish was him go if she comes to his house, but she invites the Wali to
regarded as the Palestinian national poet, and his funeral hers. He accepts. Then she goes to the Kazi telling of a Wali
was attended by thousands of mourners. Syrian poet Nizar who has imprisoned her brother. The Kazi falls in love with
Qabbani addressed less political themes, but was regarded her and promises her to let him go. She also invites him to
as a cultural icon, and his poems provide the lyrics for many her house. Then she goes to the Wazir asking for the
popular songs. release of her brother. The Wazir want to have his will on
her and he is also invited to her home. Finally, she goes to
Modern Novels the King of the city. After telling her story he is pierced with
Neo-classical movement - which sought to rediscover the the arrows of love. He invites her to his palace, but she says
literary traditions of the past, and was influenced by he would do much more honor entering her home. The lady
traditional literary genres—such as the maqama—and goes to a carpenter to ask him to
works like One Thousand and One Nights. In contrast, a make a cabinet with five compartments, each with a DOOR
modernist movement began by translating Western for locking up. Next she lets four gowns be dyed and
modernist works—primarily novels—into Arabic. prepares food and drink. The Kazi comes first to her home
Modern Arabic novel - the study of family life with obvious and he is put on one of the gowns. After a while there is a
resonances of the wider family of the Arabic world. tapping on the DOOR and the lady says it is her husband
According to whom? Many of the novels have been unable and takes the Kazi to the lowest compartment to hide him.
to avoid the politics and conflicts of the region with war When she opens the doors there is the Wali. She asks him
often acting as background to intimate family dramas. to write a letter to free her ‘brother’ from the gaol which he
does. He is asked to put on the second gown. Then there is
The Arabian Knights another tapping on the door and again she says it is her
The Arabian Nights is a collection of tales from husband. The Wali is put into the second compartment.
the Islamic Golden Age, compiled by various authors over When she opens the door it is the Wazir, they play a bit
many hundreds of years. Each collection features different with each other and he is given the third gown. Then there
stories. One Thousand and One Nights is a collection of is another knock on the door. She puts the Wazir in the
Middle Eastern and South Asian stories and folk tales third compartment and opens the door. The King has
compiled in Arabic during the Islamic Golden Age. In "The arrived and after some talk desires her. His rich robes are
Frame Story," he rules over the kingdom of India and begins exchanged for the fourth gown. But another knocking is at
the practice of marrying wives and killing them the next the door. She again says it is her husband and locks the King
morning until Scheherazade begins to tell him stories every up in the fourth compartment. The carpenter enters her
night. house. She tells him the top compartment is too strait. The
Characters: Shahzaman, Scheherazade, Dinarzad, Aladdin, carpenter disagrees and to prove himself goes into the fifth
the sultan, the beautiful princess, the magician. compartment, upon which she closes it. Then the lady goes
to the treasurer with the letter the Wali wrote to release
The Prophet her lover. They both leave the city. Meanwhile the five in
The Prophet is a book of 26 prose poetry fables the cabinet stayed within for three days without food or
written in English by the Lebanese- American artist, drink. They cannot hold their water and urinate over each
philosopher and writer Kahlil Gibran. It was originally other. When they complain they know who the others are
published in 1923 by Alfred A. Knopf. It is Gibran's best in the cabinet, except for the King, because he remains
known work. The Prophet has been translated into over 40 silent. Then the neighbours break into the house to see
different languages and has never been out of print. what is going on in the house. When they see the cabinet
with the voices coming out they fear there is are Jinni inside
The Lady and Her Five Suitors it and want to set the thing on fire. But the Kazi screams not
A lady’s lover is put into jail. To get him out she to. They are
invites all the important people of state to her house. The released and shown in the attires the lady prepared for
Kazi, Wali, Wazir and King are tricked into her home as them.
they all desire her. She gets the Wali write a The Lady and Her Five Suitors characters:
release note for her lover. They are put into a cabinet  Lady’s husband
because they each time fear the next one to be the lady’s  The lady
husband. The carpenter is locked up because he has a  Kazi
dispute with the lady over the size of the cabinet. The lady  Wali
leaves the city with her lover. The five suitors are released  Wazir
by the neighbours after urinating on each other. The story  King
of a young woman who fell in love with her brother.  Carpenter

The Lady and Her Five Suitors Who are the characters in the story of Alibaba and the
by: Arabian Night Forty Thieves?
The wife of a merchant loves a man when her In the classic short story, ''Ali Baba and the Forty
husband is away. One day this man is cast into prison Thieves,'' Ali Baba is the main character. He is a poor
Chinese Literature 4

woodcutter who lives with his wife and son on the outskirts secret, sends one of his men to the town to inquire. The
of town. His brother, Cassim, is rich and greedy and lives in thief talks to different people in the village and comes
the town. The tale tells how Ali Baba outwits the forty across Baba Mustafa, who boasts that he is the best tailor
thieves to claim their treasure. in the area as he just came back from sewing a man’s body
Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves Story Summary together. On further inquiry and coaxing, the tailor agrees
Once upon a time, there lived two brothers to lead the thief to Alibaba’s house. He gets blindfolded
named Cassim (or Kasim) and Alibaba, who were sons of a again and retraces his steps to the house. The thief marks
merchant and had an equal amount of inheritance. While the door with a symbol and goes back to get the rest of his
Cassim married a rich lady and became a wealthy merchant, gang. Morgiana sees this and marks all the other houses
Alibaba married a poor, humble woman and lived the life of with the same symbol. The next day, the leader and the
a woodcutter. thieves return to the town only to find all the houses
The discovery of the cave marked the same. The leader kills the thief and assigns the
One day, Alibaba goes deep into the forest for some good job to another. The second thief manages to find Alibaba’s
quality wood. There, he chances upon a cave owned by a house and chips the wall of the house, as a mark. Morgiana
gang of 40 thieves. He watches from behind a tree and foils the thief’s plan again, by cracking the walls of all the
learns that the cave is magically protected. He hears the other houses in the neighborhood. Unable to find the house
leader of the thieves say a magical word to open and close yet again, the leader kills the second thief as well and
the cave. decides to complete the task himself.
Alibaba waits until the thieves leave the cave and then goes A New Oil Merchant
to it. He says, “Open Sesame”, the magic words that the The leader of the gang memorizes the exteriors of Alibaba’s
leader says and the cave opens. Inside, Alibaba finds house and returns next day, posing as an oil merchant. The
mounds of gold jewels, coins, and other precious artifacts. leader comes to town with 38 donkeys carrying a barrel
He is awed by the wealth but is careful enough not to leave each, with one barrel containing oil and the remaining
a trace of his visit. He picks up a small bag of coins and hiding the 37 thieves. He requests Alibaba’s hospitality and
leaves the cave. Once outside, he utters the magical words tells him that he has 38 barrels of oil for trade. Morgiana
“Close Sesame” to close the cave. once again learns about the plan of the thieves and kills the
Greedy Brother 37 thieves by pouring hot oil into the 37 barrels. At
Alibaba tells his wife about the cave and the thieves. They midnight, the leader comes to wake the others and finds
borrow weighing scales from Cassim to measure the wealth them all dead. Afraid, he escapes. On learning about how
they have. Being sneaky, Cassim’s wife applies some wax Morgiana killed the thieves, Alibaba sets the slave-girl free
under one of the scales to know what grain her brother-in- as a reward. Alibaba and Morgiana bury the dead bodies,
law has acquired. When the weighing scales are returned, and Morgiana continues living with Alibaba and his family.
she is shocked to see a gold coin stuck to the bottom. After A Happy Ending
a lot of prodding by his wife, Cassim asks Alibaba about the A few months later, the leader of the forty thieves comes
money. He forces his brother into revealing the mystery back to town as a merchant and befriends Alibaba’s son to
behind the gold coins. Alibaba tells him everything, but get his revenge. Alibaba’s son invites the merchant home
after convincing Cassim not to reveal the secret to anyone, for dinner, where the leader plans to kill Alibaba and his
including his wife. Cassim agrees to it and goes to the cave, family. Morgiana, who is the only one to realize that the
taking a donkey along, hoping to bring back as much wealth leader of the thieves is among them, performs a dagger
as possible. He opens the door and gets excited at the sight dance at the dinner. While dancing, she plunges the knife
of all the gold. He quickly fills his bags with as many gold into the chief’s heart and kills him. Alibaba is furious at
coins and jewelry as possible. But in his excitement, he Morgiana for killing the guest. But on learning why
forgets the magical words to open and close the cave door. Morgiana killed him, he is impressed by her intelligence and
The thieves return and find Cassim in the cave. They kill him quick thinking. Grateful that she saved his son’s life, Alibaba
and hang him outside the cave door, as a warning to makes her a part of his family, but getting her married to his
anyone who might try to steal from them again. son.
Keeping A Secret One year later, Alibaba decides to visit the cave again as
When Cassim does not return from the cave, his worried there were no robbers left from the gang of forty. As he
wife approaches Alibaba who goes to the cave and finds his reaches the cave, he spells the magic word “Open Sesame”
brother’s body – cut into four pieces and hung outside the to open the cave door. He feels relieved that the cave had
cave. Heartbroken, Alibaba takes his brother’s body down remained untouched since the captain of the thieves left
and returns home. He seeks the help of Morgiana, a clever the place.
slave girl from Cassim’s house, to make Cassim’s death look Alibaba gathers as much gold as he can and leaves for his
natural. First, Morgiana goes to the pharmacist in the town town. Later, he shares the story of the secret cave with his
and gets medicine, claiming that Cassim is gravely ill. She son and its inheritance is handed down to his children and
then finds an old tailor, blindfolds him, and takes him to grandchildren. In the end, everyone is happy except the
Alibaba’s house where he works on Cassim’s body. He thieves and the greedy brother.
skillfully stitches the four pieces of the body overnight. A Story For All
Alibaba and his family give Cassim a proper burial, without The story of Alibaba and the Forty Thieves was originally
arousing suspicion. written in Arabic. The book has been translated into several
The Thieves Come To Town languages such as Hindi, English, Urdu, and more, and the
On returning, the thieves find that Cassim’s body is gone. story was adapted to make plays, movies, and even
The leader, worried that someone else knows the cave’s musicals in different languages. A musical based on the
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story was made in the Soviet Union, while movies based on

this Arabian Night story have been made in English, French,
Turkish, Hindi, and other Indian languages. The plot of the
story is interesting and encourages the readers to develop
positive traits such as quick and smart thinking. The story
also tells us what happens when one becomes too greedy.

Chinese Literature
Chinese Literature 6

Chinese civilization – one of the few ancient civilization to They also have the Lantern Festival and they are
have its individual writing concept. celebrating it on the 15th day of the 1st Lunar Calendar
 The Chinese language has over 20,000 and in the 5th of 5th Lunar Month they are celebrating the
characters the average Chinese only learns Dragon Boat Festival.
about 5,000 of these in his lifetime.
Flag of China was originally adopted on October 1, 1949 The education in China has always been a highly valued and
 The red of the Chinese flag symbolizes the the great master Confucius thought that it is a pleasure to
Communist Revolution, and also the tradition learn something and try it out at intervals. Similarly,
color of the people. numerous students have been convinced that reading
 The large gold star represents Communism books excels all others careers.
Communism means a way of organizing a society in which a
government own The Chinese has 7 dialects and these are:
 The four smaller stars represent the social 1.Mandarin
classes of the people. 2.Cantonese
The Republic of China has an area of 9, 597 million sq. km. 3.Hakka
and the capital city of China is Beijing. 4.Wu
The famous landmark in China is the Great Wall of China 5.Min
(also known as the “Ten Thousand Li Wall”). 6.Xiang
 One Li is equals to 500 meters, the walls is over 7.Gan
1,500 miles in length.
The administration of China has 23 provinces, 5 Chinese Literature is one of the most major literacy with an
autonomous regions, 4 municipalities and 2 special interrupted history and more that 30,000 years, dating back
administrative regions. at least to the 14th century.
The religions and beliefs of Chinese people are: 4 Classes of Literature
1. Islam over 22 million, 1.Classical Literature
2. Catholicism is 4 million 2.Modern Literature
3. Protestant over 10 million. 3.Contemporary Literature
4. There are also Atheist who doesn’t believe in 4.Present Age Literature
God. 1. The Chinese Classical Literature (1644-1911)- refers to
Confucianism – an ethical teaching founded by Confucius. the earliest period and covers works from 3,000 years ago
Confucius is a Chinese Teacher, editor, politician and to the late Qing dynasty and is virtually unbroken strands
philosopher of the spring and autumn period of Chinese enduring dynastic changes. Written in ancient form of
history. language that is very different from present day Chinese, it
 The opposite of Confucianism is Taoism and the needs to be carefully studied to be understand.
most important religion that encompasses a
variety of tradition and beliefs and spiritual 2. Chinese Modern Literature - refers to the period from
practices largely based on teaching attributed to the Opium War in 1840 to the may fourth movement in
the Buddha. 1919.
 Opium War- this is the war between two wars in
Confucius- born 28 of September 551 BC, KONG QUI the 1st the mid 19th century involving Anglo Chinese
name and died 479 BC. He is the founder of Confucianism dispute over the British.
Influences – 1 Ching, Book of Rites. His philosophy  People observed the impact of Western thought
emphasized personal and governmental morality, as foreigners poured China and established their
correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. His colonies, novels, poetry and other works begun
followers completed successfully with many other school to appear with the theme of patriotism and
during the hundred school of thoughts era only to be revelation of social literature.
suppressed in favor of the legalists during the Qin dynasty.
He also recommends family as a basis for local government. 3. Contemporary Literature (1919-1949)- spanned period
He embraces the well-known principle “Do not do unto from 1919 to the foundation of modern in 1949 and
others what you don’t want others to do unto you” – the took on a new vigor despite the fact that Chinese was in the
Golden Rule. checkered and complicated times.

Culture and traditions of Chinese in wedding. 4. Present Age Literature (1949- present) - evolved since
Red is the color of wedding in China because they believe it the establishments of the People’s Republic in 1949 during
signifies love, joy, and prosperity to seclusion. this time. There was a Logjam as a consequence of the
Seclusion means away from other people. cultural resolution that lasted for near 10 years that era is
The wedding day is carefully chosen to astrological signs. now long past and we now have a favorable turn events
and a great number of responsible written works.
The most important event in China is the Chinese New Year
and they are celebrating it on the 1st day of the year in
lunar calendar, usually between late in January or early
Chinese Literature 7

Dynasty in China 8. Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644) – Novels

1.Shang Dynasty (1700-1050 BC) – Development of Chinese  Journey to the West by Wu Cheng’en – based
Writing on the historical journey of a Buddhist to India.
- 1st dynasty
- hieroglyphics writing on bronze wares and oracle bones 9. Qing Dynasty (1644- 1911) – Novels and Pre –modern
- it evolved into ideographic and partlyphonetic Chinese Literature
characters.  Manchus – established the last dynasty.
 The Dream of the Red Chamber – last of China’s
2. Zhou Dynasty (1045-225 BC)– Basic Philosophical and four great classic novels.
religious Literature
- oldest dynasty The Analects of Confucius by Confucius
- major literary achievements originated in the late Spring Summary:
and Autumn period and Warring State period. The Analects of Confucius is an anthology of brief passages
that present the words of Confucius and his disciples,
3. Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC)– Literary Disaster and Legalism describe Confucius as a man, and recount some of the
 Mohism – big philosophical and religious school events of his life. The Analects includes twenty books, each
 Li Si – Qin emperor who introduced a writing generally featuring a series of chapters that encompass
system and developed into Modern Chinese quotes from Confucius, which were compiled by his
writing. disciples after his death.
 Legalism – philosophical school. Book I serves as a general introduction to the various
disciples in the work. Book II deals largely with issues of
4. Han Dynasty (206 – 220 BC)– Scientific & Historical Texts governance. Books III and IV are seen as the core texts,
- Era’s major contributions were historical texts and outlining Confucius's ideology. Much of the work concerns
scientific works. itself with the concept of the Tao or the Way, the chun-
 Sima Qian – wrote Historical Records tzu or the gentleman, Li or ritual, Te or virtue, and Jen or
 Historical records – major history concerning the goodness. There are additional terms in the work, but these
overall history of China from Shang Dynasty to comprise the core concepts. Taken together they form the
Han Dynasty. backbone of Confucian ideals.
 Cai Lun – 1st person in the world to create The Tao, or the Way, refers to a literal path or road. In the
writing paper. context of the work it refers to the manner in which
anything is done; a method or doctrine. Confucius speaks
5. Tang Dynasty (618-907) – Early Woodblock Printing and often about the Tao under Heaven, meaning a good way or
Poetry path to achieving morally superior ends. This could include
 Dufu and Li Bai – China’s greatest poets. self-conduct or how a kingdom is ruled.
 Li Bai – one of the greatest Romantic poets. Jen is most often translated as "goodness" or "humanity".
 Dufu – one of the greatest Realists poets. The gentleman, or chunt-tzu, possesses this quality. Its
translation is a bit difficult to represent exactly in English,
6. Song Dynasty (960-1279) – Early Woodblock Printing. but the text provides a good deal of context when
Travel Literature, Poetry, Scientific texts and the Neo- discussing the gentleman and goodness. It is helpful not to
Confucian Classics simply think of the term as meaning "goodness" but also to
 5 Classics and 4 Books – written in the classical see how its juxtaposition with the other terms forms a
language. greater picture of how Confucius defined goodness and
 Shen Kuo and Su Song – both work scientific other positive human qualities. For example, words like
treatises "altruistic" or "humane" are useful in understanding this
 Shen – discovered the concepts of true north term.
and magnetic declination. Te corresponds most closely to the word "virtue", although
 Su Song – famous for his hydraulic-powered you may encounter some disagreement among scholars
astronomical clock tower. regarding this translation. A better definition, some scholars
say, is to think of it as "character" or "prestige", an attribute
7. Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) – Drama and Great Fictional that would have been desirable in a human being.
novels The gentleman or chun-tzu is the central term in The
 Guan Hanquing– one of the best playwrights of Analects and the other terms are generally used in
the times. reference to this persona. For this reason, it is difficult to
 Mid Summer Snow – one of the most popular summarize the gentleman easily, but considering the term
drama pieces. in the light of the other ideas in the text is helpful. The
 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Water gentleman is one who follows the Way and acts according
Margin – two of the four greatest novels in to a system of morals and beliefs that are not common
Chinese Literature. amongst other individuals. The use of the term "gentleman"
to describe the chun-tzu is itself problematic, as it can
 The Romance of the Western Chamber by Wang
conjure images related to an aristocratic existence. Some
Shifu – one of the best romantic dramas ever
scholars see a similarity between the term and Nietzsche's
written in China.
concept of the Ubermensch, although there is dispute over
this idea as well. A "superior man" is another suggested
Chinese Literature 8

translation of the term. Taken in consideration with the find comfort in life and pursue an existence that is both
other terms presented, a more complete concept of pleasurable and meaningful in society. Translators such as
the chun-tzu emerges. Ezra Pound have found it difficult to capture the true
Li, or ritual, is another core concept in the text. Although meaning behind Li Po’s poetry, as some of the inner
the work does not go into great detail on what ritual meaning that it author tries to convey in their work cannot
traditions actually entailed, their importance is presented be transcribed through translation into another language,
as paramount in the cultivation of te and an understanding but have often found that “he seeks companionable forms
of the Tao. The general principles of conduct comprise in nature but only to validate his own echoing spirit” (Bush).
much of what this term encompasses. Here, moral An excellent example of Po’s passionate connections with
initiatives outweigh pure historical knowledge. In other nature is when he writes about having a terrible nightmare,
words, practicing what we might call good manners and and staring at “the brightness/ of the moon/ and when/ the
conducting oneself in a moral and fair affectation were song/ is done/ the feeling/ already/ is forgotten” (Po). Po
considered characteristic of a gentleman. An appropriate undeniably believes that he is one with nature, conveying
attitude was also necessary: one of reverence and respect that the answer to all of life’s woes lies in the secrets that
for one's elders and for rites and cultural norms that had nature can provide. Nature is essential to life, Po portrays,
been handed down by past generations. just as essential breathing and eating and aids in
Also important to consider in reading The Analects is the maintaining our healthy state of being.
historical context in which Confucius lived and the events Another theme present in Po’s works is the
that surrounded his struggle to spread his doctrine. During theme of freedom and autonomy, as he writes that “I
the Sixth century, powerful warlords and families gained climb/ the eastern slope/ of Great Tower Mountain/ staring
control of the state of Lu, gradually undermining and west/ ...glance down/ at the flowing/ stream/ giving my
marginalizing the ducal house. Consequently, the normal message/ to the river” (Po). Po’s prevalence of aspects of
structure and function of government and social rituals freedom in his writing convey the change in society during
were altered, much to the dismay of Confucius. Confucius the time period, and how it was becoming a society more
sought a revival of the Chou traditions that once had been so based off of one’s ability and determination versus one’s
the norm in Lu. He saw these ways as legitimately bettering birthright or class division.
society. The term li fits best in understanding the Chou His writings also reflect his inner conflict of
traditions that Confucius so eagerly wished to reinstate. loneliness versus serenity as he writes, “wanting to go/
Eventually, Confucius and his disciples sought an audience unable to/ careless wandering/ become eternal/ what year/
with various leaders in Lu to help bring these traditions shall I/ go home/ tears/ in the rain/ fall/ in my lonely boat”
back. Confucius's plan failed, however, and he left Lu after (Po). Po struggles internally with feelings of isolation and
becoming convinced that the sort of rulers he needed to feelings of immense liberty throughout his life due to his
enlist to his side were not present there. So began a long nomadic lifestyle and no true friends or family. He desires
period of traveling around to neighboring states seeking out to be independent, yet simultaneously desires to have
such a ruler. Some of this period is captured in the text. companionship: a common yearning felt throughout
Confucius eventually returned to Lu upon the invitation of humanity. This is why Li Po’s poetry resonates through all
Jan Ch'iu and lived out his days teaching young men about cultures and withstands the repercussions that time can
the Chou traditions. However, he was not able to set up a ensure on literature and its admiration, for human nature
state based on the teachings he held so dear. remains unchanged.
The structure of The Analects can make it a difficult work to
comprehend. On first reading, the passages can appear to Lao-Tzu (l. c. 500 BCE, also known as Laozi or Lao-Tze) was a
be quite haphazard in their arrangement. From an academic Chinese philosopher credited with founding the
standpoint there is more disagreement than agreement philosophical system of Taoism. He is best known as the
over how best to translate and represent the text for a author of the Laozi (later retitled the Tao-Te-Ching
modern reading audience. translated as “The Way of Virtue” or “The Classic of the
Way and Virtue”) the work which exemplifies his thought.
Li Po: The Golden Age Poet The name by which he is known is not a personal name but
 Influences on Li Po's Poetry an honorific title meaning 'Old Man' or 'Old Master' and
 Analysis of the Poetry of Li Po the debate continues as to whether an individual by that
 Notable Quotes from Li Po name ever existed or whether Lao-Tzu is an amalgam of
According to critic Kathleen Liscomb, Li Po was revered as many different philosophers. The historian Will Durant
a hero and cultivator of bravery due to the struggles his life comments: Lao-Tze, greatest of the pre-Confucian
possessed, and through his poetry he inspired many others philosophers, was wiser than Teng Shih; he knew the
to speak their minds and to desire and strive for prosperity wisdom of silence, and lived, we may be sure, to a ripe old
despite setbacks and seemingly unchangeable situations, as age – though we are not sure that he lived at all. (652)
“stories about Li (Po)’s courage were familiar to broader Durant expresses the scholarly consensus on the historicity
audiences” (Liscomb). Li Po’s portraits convey him as of Lao-Tzu in that he may be a fictitious character created
someone to be revered rather than a person of legend, and to embody the concept of the sage. At the same time,
convey that his courage rather than his stories were what according to Chinese tradition, he was an actual historical
resonated with the Chinese and are what inspire and figure and, in religious Taoism, he is understood as a deity.
influence others who indulge in his poetry. The reason that If he did exist, he is thought to have lived in the 6th century
Li Po’s poetry has withstood the test of time is not because BCE. According to legend, Lao-Tzu tried his best to instruct
it is legend, but because it inspires and motivates others to people in the way of the Tao, the creative and binding force
Chinese Literature 9

which runs through the universe, but no one would listen. behind. Lao-Tzu took the materials from Yin Hsi, wrote until
His explanation that people could live happier, more he had nothing left to say, handed the manuscript to him,
fulfilling, lives by aligning themselves with the natural flow and walked through the pass, never to be seen again. Yin
of the Tao, instead of placing themselves in opposition to it, Hsi, presumably, then had the manuscript published.
went unheeded and, finally, he decided to leave humanity It is unlikely that any of this ever happened, however,
behind and retire into seclusion after writing the Tao-Te- because Taoism – in more or less the same way it is
Ching. expressed in the Tao-Te-Ching – developed during the
Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BCE) from the same folk belief
MODERN-DAY SCHOLARSHIP DISMISSES LAO-TZU AS THE and understanding which produced the I-Ching, a book of
AUTHOR OF THE TAO-TE-CHING, MAINTAINING THE WORK divination, which was informed by the concept of the
WAS CREATED BY MULTIPLE AUTHORS UNDER THE NAME principles of yin and yang. Scholar John M. Koller
LAOZI. comments: Yin-yang thought began as an attempt to
Legends concerning Lao-Tzu also claim he was the answer the question of the origin of the universe. According
contemporary and teacher of Confucius (l. 551-479 BCE), to yin-yang thought, the universe came to be as a result of
founder of Confucianism which, in its original form, was the interactions between the two primordial opposing
closer to Taoism. Modern-day scholarship dismisses this forces of yin and yang. Because things are experienced as
claim, as well as Lao-Tzu as the author of the Tao-Te-Ching, changing, as processes coming into being and passing out of
maintaining the work was most likely created by multiple being, they must have both yang, or being, and yin, or lack
authors under the name Laozi. of being. The world of changing things that constitutes
Whenever it was written, or by whom, its value was nature can exist only when there are both yang and yin.
recognized during the Han Dynasty (202 BCE - 220 CE) and Without yang nothing can come into existence. Without yin
its reputation grew afterwards to inform the culture of the nothing can pass out of existence. (207) This concept was
great Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE). Today it is regarded as a later adapted by the polymath Zou Yan (l. 305-240 BCE)
classic of Chinese philosophical-religious literature and has who founded the Yin-Yang School, one of the many –
influenced millions of people around the world. including Taoism – which are recognized from the period
known as the Hundred Schools of Thought from the Spring
Lao-Tzu & Taoism and Autumn Period (c. 772-476 BCE) and Warring States
All that is known of Lao-Tzu comes from the classic work Period. It could be argued that Zou Yan took the principles
Records of the Grand Historian by the Han Dynasty writer of the yin-yang from Lao-Tzu, but this is unlikely as it seems
Sima Qian (l. 145/135-86 BCE). Sima, working from older clear it existed centuries prior to his supposed existence.
historical and literary documents, claims that Lao-Tzu was Further, the same basic concept of dualistic forces in
one of the curators at the Royal Library in the state of Chu constant motion informed the concept of Tian (Heaven) as
and was known as a philosopher. He advocated a deep, recognized by the philosophies of Confucianism and
connective empathy between people as the means to peace Mohism, among others. Even so, tradition still maintains
and harmony and claimed that such empathy was possible that Lao-Tzu is the author of the Tao-Te-Ching and that the
through recognition of the cosmic force of the Tao which work represents his last words to humanity.
had created all things, bound all things, moved all things, The Tao-Te-Ching
and finally loosed all things back into their original state. The Tao-Te-Ching is an anti-authoritarian treatise which
Aligning one’s self with the Tao, according to Lao-Tzu, posits that the way of virtue lies in non-action (Wu Wei)
brought one into harmony with the universe and enriched through a recognition of the natural, universal force known
one’s life; opposition to the Tao only brought frustration, as the Tao. The Tao flows without effort and, like water,
unhappiness, and anger which resulted in bad behavior. goes where it will without striving and effects change and
He was especially interested in converting the ruling class to growth. To be virtuous, one should emulate the Tao and
his belief because the country was, at this time, in the midst engage in non-action (not forcing an effect or outcome).
of the era known as the Warring States Period (c. 481-221 Human-made laws, it claims, cannot make one virtuous and
BCE) during which seven states fought each other nearly cannot contribute to good behavior, inner peace, or
constantly for supremacy and control of the Chinese empathy with others because they are not in tune with
government. The Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BCE) was in nature. It is only by recognizing the Tao, and one’s
decline and could do nothing to maintain order because the connection to it and all things, that one may achieve these
separate states were all more powerful than the goals.
government but evenly matched against each other. To recognize the Tao, one must know what it is, and so it is
The wars continued and various schools of Chinese defined in the first chapter:
philosophy were established which tried to suggest the The Tao that can be told of is not the eternal Tao;
best way to end the violence and establish a moral The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
government that would care for its citizens. Lao-Tzu, The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and earth;
according to Sima Qian, persisted in his efforts to convince The Named is the mother of all things.
people to accept the Tao and live a life in harmony with Therefore, let there always be non-being, so we may see
each other and the universe, and when he finally their subtlety, And let there always be being, so we may see
understood they never would listen to him, he abandoned their outcome.
human society for self-exile. The two are the same, But after they are produced, they
On his way out of China, by way of the Western Pass, the have different names. (Verse I; Baird, 371)
gatekeeper, Yin Hsi, recognized him and asked him to
please write down his philosophy before leaving humanity
Chinese Literature 10

The verse here is relating the intangible concept of being- teacher which suggests an early association between the
and-non-being, of yin-and-yang, of the constant dynamic two philosophies. While the Lao-Tzu/Confucius claim has
motion of the universe which keeps creation in balance. been challenged (and largely dismissed), the two systems
That which actually is cannot be comprehended by the share a number of similarities which are often ignored in
human mind and so that which can be known is what is favor of highlighting their differences. The Hundred Schools
named, and this is the Tao; it is not the actual Tao but it of Thought produced many different philosophies which
points the way toward the Tao. contended for adherents and, among them, three became
One cannot grasp the actual Tao through intellectual most prominent – Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism – all
pursuits but, rather, by submitting to and expressing its three of which would be influenced by the other schools of
essence in one’s life, through self-reflection and thought and each other and would go on to significantly
harmonious interaction with others. Rulers, especially, are inform Chinese culture.
encouraged to embrace the Tao since, by their example, Of them all, Legalism was the most unchanged and would
their subjects will do likewise. According to the Tao-Te- always remain a social philosophy based on the
Ching, the best ruler is one who governs so effortlessly that understanding that human beings were innately selfish and
it seems he has done nothing, and yet everything has been self-centered and required strict laws and guidelines to
done (Verse 17). The best individual is the one who can restrain their negative impulses. Confucianism and Taoism,
recognize the current of existence and move with it, as on the other hand, both developed and began with the
effortlessly as water flowing, without upset or resistance, as recognition of some higher power. They are regarded as
in the famous passage: philosophies as well as religions as they both include
Yield and overcome metaphysical speculation and rely upon a higher, unseen,
Bend and become straight force to validate their claims. In Confucianism, this power is
Empty and become full. (Verse 22) Tian, in Taoism, it is the Tao, but both of these concepts are
This verse has become one of the most iconic in that it informed by the yin-yang principle of the constant flux of
distills the message of Taoism regarding inner peace, accord the universe.
with others, and personal success, in three lines: Taoism, which advocated adherence to the universal Tao
 Yield and Overcome: one cannot fully listen to long before the Tao-Te-Ching, was practiced through
another person’s views if one is full of one’s ancestor worship and an acknowledgment of the natural
own; yielding to another encourages personal law of the Tao in all things, which enabled personal and
growth. community balance. Confucianism, which also
acknowledged the importance of ancestor worship as part
 Bend and become Straight: one cannot reach an
of filial piety, recognized Tian as the stabilizing force of the
accord with someone else if one is unwilling to
universe, which encouraged the same. The difference
compromise and one cannot correct bad
between the two had to do with the emphasis on ritual and
behavior if one is unable to accept criticism.
social custom. Taoism, officially at least, repudiated these
 Empty and become Full: one has little hope of practices; Confucianism embraced them.
success, in any enterprise or relationship, if one
clings to what one thinks one knows instead of According to Taoism, all human beings are
opening one’s self to new ideas and other views. naturally good but are corrupted by unjust law and an
Verse 22 expresses the heart of the Taoist message that, incorrect belief in how they are supposed to behave in
when one is in alignment with the natural flow of energies society. By trying to regulate people’s behavior through the
of the universe, one is able to live more easily with one’s law, the government only worsens their behavior because it
self and others through non-resistance or non-action. One creates an artificial environment which human beings rebel
does not resist other people’s views or new concepts but against in an effort to maintain their natural state of
flows with them, again like water, picking up and carrying harmony. If rulers recognized the Tao and aligned
what is useful and discarding what is not, what is too heavy themselves with the flow of the energy of the universe,
to be carried. they would enact laws in accord with natural rhythms and
their subjects would respond with respect and proper
NON-ACTION, NON-RESISTANCE, “GOING WITH THE Confucianism says the same thing but within a
FLOW” TO LIVE AN ELEVATED & TRANSFORMATIVE LIFE. different paradigm. Tian is the regulating force of the
Lao-Tzu’s Taoism – or, at least, the Taoism of the 6th universe, which people, who are essentially good, respond
century BCE – emphasized the importance of non-action, to but, because they lack proper education and guidance,
non-resistance, “going with the flow” to live an elevated fall short of becoming their best selves. Through education
and transformative life. In so doing, it refuted Confucius’ and observance of ritual and social custom, one aligned
philosophy and its insistence on education, knowledge-as- one’s self with the order of the universe and recognized the
power, and strict adherence to social custom and ritual in value of respect for one’s self, others, and authority. In this
improving one’s character and quality of life. Lao-Tzu’s way, Confucius said, people would naturally behave well,
claim (paraphrased) that “the more rules one makes, the respecting both themselves and others.
more criminals one creates” is the antithesis of Confucius’s Lao-Tzu maintained, as did the sophist Teng Shih (l. c. 500
assertion that adherence to ritual improves one’s moral BCE) that people behaved badly because they were forced
character and produces better citizens. to through poor government and unjust laws. Confucianism
Taoism & Confucianism said the same thing and, in fact, both Confucius and the
Even so, the two systems have much in common. As noted, later Confucian sage Mencius (l. 372-289 BCE), traveled to
legends claim that Lao-Tzu was Confucius’ mentor and
Chinese Literature 11

the different warring states to try to convince them to

adopt policies of morality, virtue, and peace.
The two systems, whose differences are often
overly contrasted, shared much in common but diverged
(again, officially at least) when it came to formal education
and knowledge. Knowledge was among the central values
of Confucianism expressed, to cite only one example, in
Analects VII.2: “To gain knowledge quietly, to learn without
losing interest, to instruct others relentlessly,” while Taoism
rejected formal education and 'book knowledge' in favor of
natural intelligence: “Abandon learning and there will be
no sorrow” (Verse 20.1). By this, Taoism was not dismissing
knowledge per se, only formal education and the value
placed on the social standing associated with it.

Confucianism and Taoism, as well as the other systems
articulated by the Hundred Schools of Thought, were
banned when the Warring States Period ended in the
victory of the state of Qin and the establishment of the Qin
Dynasty (221-206 BCE). Between 213-210 BCE, all books,
except those on Qin history, Legalism, and practical
measures, were burned and scholars were executed. The
only reason some texts survived was because they were
hidden by people who understood their value.
After the Qin Dynasty fell, the Han Dynasty revived these
works and they were again disseminated. Confucianism
became the state philosophy under the reign of the Han
emperor Wu the Great (141-87 CE) but, by that time, the
systems of Confucianism and Taoism had absorbed
concepts from other schools so their formulation by the
time of the Han was almost certainly different from their
early visions. Confucianism, by this time, had been
reformed by Mencius and Xunzi (l. c. 310 - c. 235 BCE) and
was far more developed than the form conceived by
By the time Taoism was adopted as the state philosophy by
the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE), it had also developed and
was a far more rigid system than expressed by the Tao-Te-
Ching, observing rituals the work itself would have
dismissed as superfluous. At this same time, Taoism was
also considered a religion with Lao-Tzu as one of its deities
among many others.
In the present day, Taoism is recognized as a philosophy, a
religion, and, in one aspect, a pop-culture phenomenon. Its
concept of a cosmic current flowing through and binding all
things served as the inspiration for the Force in the Star
Wars franchise and the image of the Taoist sage Lao-Tzu,
and those who followed him, informed the paradigm of the
Jedi Knights.
Whether there ever was a Lao-Tzu who wrote the Tao-Te-
Ching before cutting ties with humanity hardly matters
anymore. The philosophy he may or may not have founded
has long ago taken on a life of its own and continues to
develop as it attracts more adherents intrigued by the
vision it presents of a life lived in accord with the natural
world as opposed to one which struggles against it.

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