Data Structures and Algorithms Bushra Bashir Chaoudhry
Data Structures and Algorithms Bushra Bashir Chaoudhry
Data Structures and Algorithms Bushra Bashir Chaoudhry
Lecture 07
E= {(a,b),(a,c),(a,d),
c (b,e),(c,d),(c,e),
d e
Some Problems that can be
Represented by a Graph
computer networks
airline flights
road map
course prerequisite structure
tasks for completing a job
flow of control through a program
many more
Adjacent and Incident
2 in: 1, out: 0
Graph Variations
Undirected graph (graph)
Directed graph (digraph)
V = [A, B, C, D, E]
E = [<A,B>, <B,C>, <A,C>, <A,E>, <C,D>]
Path: Sequence
a b
of vertices
v1,v2,. . .vk such
that consecutive
vertices vi and vi+1 d e
are adjacent.
a b a b
c c
d e d e
abedc bedc
More Terminology
Simple Path: no repeated vertices
a b
d e
Cycle: simple path, except that the last vertex
is the same as the
a first vertex b
d e
Directed Graphs
In a directed graph, or digraph, each edge is
an ordered pair of vertices – it has a direction
defined. The direction is indicated by an
A path in a directed graph must follow the
direction of the arrows.
A directed graph is connected if, for any pair
of vertices, there is a path between them.
◦ edges have a direction
<V1, V2> and <V2, V1> are different edges
A Digraph
V = [A, B, C, D, E]
E = [<A,B>, <B,C>, <C,B>, <A,C>, <A,E>, <C,D>]
A Graph ADT: Operations
Need to define
◦ Operations for modifying and inspecting graph.
◦ Data structure for graph itself.
For simple undirected, unlabelled graph, a
small set of operations is enough, to:
◦ Create a graph.
◦ Add and remove edges to the graph.
◦ Check if an edge exists.
Implementing a Graph
Storing the vertices
◦ each vertex has a unique identifier and, maybe,
other information
◦ for efficiency, associate each vertex with a number
that can be used as an index
Storing the edges
◦ adjacency matrix – represent all possible edges
◦ adjacency lists – represent only the existing edges
Storing the Vertices
When a vertex is added to the graph, assign
it a number
◦ vertices are numbered between 0 and n-1
Graph operations start by looking up the
number associated with a vertex
Many data structures to use
◦ any of the associative data structures
◦ for small graphs a vector can be used
search will be O(n)
Graph Traversal
How to visit all vertices in a graph in some systematic order?
Graph traversal may start at an arbitrary vertex. (Tree
traversal generally starts at root vertex.)
Two difficulties in graph traversal, but not in tree traversal:
The graph may contain cycles;
The graph may not be connected.
There are two important traversal methods:
Breadth-first traversal, based on breadth-first search
Depth-first traversal, based on depth-first search (DFS).
Breadth-First Search Traversal
Breadth-first traversal of a graph:
Is roughly analogous to level-by-level traversal
of an ordered tree
Start the traversal from an arbitrary vertex;
Visit all of its adjacent vertices;
Then, visit all unvisited adjacent vertices of
those visited vertices in last level;
Continue this process, until all vertices have
been visited.
0 8 0 8
2 9 source
2 9
1 7 1 7
4 4
3 3
5 6 5 6
Breadth-First Traversal
The pseudocode of breadth-first traversal algorithm:
for each vertex u in V
do visited[u] = false
visited[s] = true
initialize an empty Q
Breadth-First Traversal
While Q is not empty
do u = Dequeue(Q)
for each v in Adj[u]
do if visited[v] = false
then Report(v)
visited[v] = true
An Example
1 2 6 5
7 4 3
Breadth-First Search Traversal
Example of breadth-first traversal
Visit the first vertex (in this example 0)
Visit its adjacent nodes in Adj[0] :7 5 2 1 6
Visit adjacent unvisited nodes of the those visited in
last level
- Visit adjacent nodes of 7 in Adj[7] : 4
- Visit adjacent nodes of 5 in Adj[5] : 3
- Visit adjacent nodes of 2 in Adj[2] : none
- Visit adjacent nodes of 1 in Adj[1] : none
- Visit adjacent nodes of 6 in Adj[6] : none
Visit adjacent unvisited nodes of the those visited in
last level 0
- Visit adjacent nodes of 4 in Adj[4] : none
- Visit adjacent nodes of 3 in Adj[3] : none 1
1 2
2 6
6 5
7 4
4 3
Breadth-First Traversal
Breadth-first traversal of a graph:
Implemented with queue;
Visit an adjacent unvisited vertex to the current
Boolean visited[V.size];
void DepthFirst(Graph G) {
Vertex u;
for each vertex u in V
do visited[u] = false;
for each vertex u in V
do if visited[u] = false
then RDFS(u);
Depth-First Traversal
void RDFS(Vertex u)
{ visited[u] = true;
for each vertex w in Adj[u]
do if visited[w] = false
then RDFS(w);
Example: Depth-First Traversal
An adjacent list of a graph:
1 2 6 5
7 4 3
Example: Depth-First Traversal
Function calls of depth-first traversal of the graph
visit 0
visit 7 (first on 0’s list)
visit 1 (first on 7’s list)
check 7 on 1’s list
check 0 on 1’s list
visit 2 (second on 7’s list)
check 7 on 2’s list 0
check 0 on 2’s list
check 0 on 7’s list
visit 4 (fourth on 7’s list)
1 2 6 5
visit 6 (first on 4’s list)
check 4 on 6’s list
check 0 on 6’s list
7 4 3
Example: Depth-First Traversal
visit 5 (second on 4’s list)
check 0 on 5’s list
check 4 on 5’s list
visit 3 (third on 5’s list)
check 5 on 3’s list
check 4 on 3’s list
check 7 on 4’s list
check 3 on 4’s list
check 5 on 0’s list 0
check 2 on 0’s list
check 1 on 0’s list
check 6 on 0’s list 1 2 6 5
849 PSH
1843 ISB 2
LHR 14
MUL 2555 138 10
Shortest Path Problem
Given a weighted graph and two vertices u and v, we want
to find a path of minimum total weight between u and v.
◦ Length of a path is the sum of the weights of its edges.
◦ Shortest path between Peshawar and Multan
◦ Internet packet routing
◦ Flight reservations
◦ Driving directions
3 849 PSH
18 4 ISB
7 43 KOH
1 87 10
2555 13
MUL 1233 99
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
The distance of a vertex v from a vertex s is
the length of a shortest path between s and v
Dijkstra’s algorithm computes the distances