M/s.IIC Technologies Pvt. LTD., Hyderabad

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(M/s.IIC Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad)
Work done as on % of work
SL.No Description of work Total Quantity 23.03.2021 Balance done
Detailed investigation survey to identify ayacut in
1 Conducting detailed topographical survey 1,43,000 respective district & supply of gross command area 1,43,000 Acres 0 100
to indentify contemplated new ayacut in Acres maps, superimposing the same on respective Revenue
Visakhapatnam District on PIPLMC and map
supply of block command maps. on supply of Block command area maps for the
Respective district & supply of reports in the required 0 1,43,000 Acres 0
format and Nos.
Conducting detailed topographical survey to indentify
2 Conducting detailed topographical survey 10,000 Acres additional ayacut in Visakhapatnam District on PIPLMC 10,000 Acres 0 100
to indentify additional ayacut in and supply of block command maps.
Visakhapatnam District on PIPLMC and supply of Block command area maps for the Respective
supply of block command maps. district & supply of reports in the required format and 0 10,000 Acres 0
Detailed investigation survey to identify ayacut in
3 Conducting detailed topographical survey 1,18,000 respective district & supply of gross command area 1,18,000 Acres 0 100
for existing ayacut in East Godavari Acres maps, superimposing the same on respective Revenue
District on PIPLMC and supply of block map
command maps. supply of Block command area maps for the Respective
district & supply of reports in the required format and 0 1,18,000 Acres 0
Transferring the approved alignment on ground &
4 Submission of alignment proposal with 2,71,000 Submission of land plan schedules, Fixing of bench mark 0 2,71,000Acres 0
plans, L-section, Cross sections, at every Acres at every 500m by conducting data such as MFL,
25m interval, HPs, L.P schedules and Discharge of drains, vagus and river crossings
approval of above and fixing of bench submission of Designs& Drawings of CM/CD Works & 2,71,000Acres
marks at 500m Reports in required format and Nos. 0 0
5 Soil exploration including drilling of 5,000 conducting soil exploration works in the field 0 5000 Nos. 0
100(Nx)mm bore holes Nos. test results duly inspected by Geologist 5000 Nos.
0 0
Submission of Draft Detailed Project Report in required 6 sets
6 Preparation of DPR for ayacut under 6 formats & Nos 0 0
divisions attached to PIPLMC Circle 6 sets submission of final Detailed Project Report in required
Nos 0 6 sets 0
7 Expenditure 0 40%(1.62
4.31 Cr. 4.31Crs.
Component wise Schedule of Distributory system of Polavaram irrigation project
of Left main canal
Total Financial year 2020-21 Financial year 2021-22 Financial year 2022-23
Major Components of Work
Qunatity  Q1 Q2  Q3  Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
(A) S&L Operation                
Conductiing survey in the area command
area preparating contour maps and 27100 Acres - 27100 - - -
overlaying the same on village maps
Drawing alijgnment on command area
maps getting approval and preparing 27100 Acres - 17500 9600 - -
hydraulic particulers of distributory
network up to sub minor level.

Preparation of DPR based on approved 27100 Acres - 75000 196000 - -

hydraulic particulers

(B) Land Acquistion

Preparation of LP schedules in the 3574 Acres - - 1800 1774

prescribed format in the Las

Fixing boundaries and joint inspection by

revenue and iririgation officials and issue 3574 ACres - 1762 1812
of draft notification

Acquisition of land 3574 Acres - 934 1280 1360

(C) Execution of Works    

Calling for tenders and entrustment of 412 - 412
Execution of distributory network 412 155 127 130

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