FIN5000 Group 10 Assignment
FIN5000 Group 10 Assignment
FIN5000 Group 10 Assignment
The Skewness and Kurtosis result from the descriptive analysis are used to determine the normality of the dataset; If the data set is normal
distrbution The Skewness values should be less than three (3) and Kurtosis values should be less than 10.
The result from Table 1 shows that all of the data are within the targeted values , It stands for such data of variables are
distributed normally
Multicollinearity test:VIF Test
VIF determines the strength of the correlation between the independent variables. It is predicted by t
aking a variable and regressing it against every other variable. or VIF score of an independent variab
Table 2: It shows no multicollinearity appeared in this dataset where the tolerance values are more than
0.20 and the VIF are less than 10.
Regression Analysis:POLS Method (Total panel observations: 50=10x5)to determine the coefficient
of determination for each variable involved.
Table 3: The Pooled Ordinary Least Squares (POLS) Regression
Variable Coefficient StrL Error t -Statistic Prob.
CAPR H0:There is no significant relationsip between The coefficient estimation for CAPR is 0.2312 with t-value of 3.2820 (p<0.05) , it indicated that the increase AzizUr Rehman,Ejaz Aslam
CAPR and ROA. in CAPR 1 percent, the ROA will increase at 0.2312 percent. Therefore : reject null hypothesis H0 and Anam lqbal(2021)
There is a positive significant relationship between CAPR and ROA.
LIQ H0:There is no significant relationsip between LIQ The coefficient estimation for LIQ is -0.0673 with t-value of -6.0813(p<0.05), it indicated that the increase Molyneux and Thorton (1992)
and ROA. in LIQ 1 percent, the ROA will decrease at 0.0673 percent. Therefore : reject null hypothesis H0 and fadzlan (2009).
There is a negative significant relationship between LIQ and ROA.
FINR H0:There is no significant relationsip between The coefficient estimation for FINR is -0.0441 with t-value of -4.9462(p<0.05), it indicated that the increase Wani, A. A., & Dar, S. A. (2015)
FINR and ROA. in FINR 1 percent, the ROA will decrease at 0.0441 percent. Therefore: reject null hypothesis H0
There is a negative significant relationship between FINR and ROA.
OPE H0:There is no significant relationsip between OPE The coefficient estimation for OPE is -0.3836 with t-value of -3.1038 (p<0.05), it indicated that the increase Ndolo (2015)
and ROA. in OPE 1 percent, the ROA will decrease at 0.3836 percent.Therefore: reject null hypothesis H0
There is a negative significant relationship between OPE and ROA
BS H0:There is no significant relationsip between BS The coefficient estimation for BS is 0.4566 with t-value of 4.6585(p<0.05), it indicated that the increase in Athanasoglou et al.(2008 )
and ROA. BS 1 percent, the ROA will increase at 0.4566 percent.
Therefore: reject null hypothesis H0
There is a positive significant relationship between BS and ROA
GDP H0:There is no significant relationsip between The coefficient estimation for GDP is 0.0125 with t-vaule of 3.5898(p<0.05), it indicated that the increase in
GDP and ROA. GDP 1 percent, the ROA will increase at 0.0125 percent. Therefore:reject null hypothesis H0 Bikker and Hu, 2002
There is a positive significant relationship between GDP and ROA
INF H0:There is no significant relationsip between INF The coefficient estimation for INF is0.0208 with t-value of 2.1751(p>0.05) , it indicated that the increase in Wasiuzzaman and Ahmed
and ROA. INF 1 percent, the ROA will increase at 0.0208 percent.Therefore:Fail to reject null hypothesis H0 Tarmizi (2010)
There is a positive but insignificant relationship between INF and ROA.