Week 6 Sustainable Tourism

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What is Sustainable Tourism?

Sustainable tourism= is the tourism that takes full account
of its current and future economic, social and environmental
impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the
environment and host communities
What is sustainable tourism, and related forms
of tourism?

Sustainable tourism is

‘Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social
and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the
industry, the environment and host communities.’ WTO

Tourism that is based on the principles of sustainable development

Tourism that minimizes the costs and maximizes the benefits of tourism
for natural environments and local communities, and can be carried
out indefinitely without harming the resources on which it depends.

The term should be used to refer to a condition of tourism, not a type of

tourism. Well-managed high-volume tourism can, and ought to be, just as
sustainable as small-scale, dispersed special interest tourism.
Sustainable Tourism


1. Has one goal: profit 1. Planned with three goals: profit,
2. Often not planned in advance; environment, and community (triple
“it just happens” bottom line)
3. Tourist oriented 2. Usually planned in advance with
4. Controlled by outside parties involvement of all stakeholders
5. Focus on entertainment for 3. Locally oriented
tourists 4. Locally controlled, at least in part
6. Conservation not a priority 5. Focus on educational experiences
7. Communities not a priority 6. Conservation of natural resources
8. Much revenue goes to outside a priority
operators & investors 7. Appreciation for local culture a
8. More revenue stays with local
community and MPA
Triple bottom line of sustainable tourism
(International Ecotourism Society, 2004)

1. Environmentally, sustainable tourism has a low impact on natural

resources, particularly in protected areas. It minimizes damage to the
environment (flora, fauna, habitats, water, living marine resources,
energy use, contamination, etc.) and ideally tries to benefit the

2. Socially and culturally, it does not harm the social structure or culture
of the community where it is located. Instead it respects local cultures
and traditions. It involves stakeholders (individuals, communities, tour
operators, government institutions) in all phases of planning,
development, and monitoring, and educates stakeholders about their

3. Economically, it contributes to the economic well being of the

community, generating sustainable and equitable income for local
communities and as many other stakeholders as possible. It benefits
owners, employees and neighbours. It does not simply begin and then
rapidly die because of poor business practices.
Sustainable Tourism

1) Make optimal use of environmental resources that constitute a key

element in tourism development, maintaining essential ecological
processes and helping to conserve natural resources and biodiversity.

2) Respect the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities, conserve

their built and living cultural heritage and traditional values, and
contribute to inter-cultural understanding and tolerance.

3) Ensure viable, long-term economic operations, providing socio-

economic benefits to all stakeholders that are fairly distributed,
including stable employment and income-earning opportunities and
social services to host communities, and contributing to poverty
UNWTO Principles of Sustainable Tourism
EU 12 Principles of Sustainable Tourism
1) Economic Viability
To ensure the viability and competitiveness of tourism destinations and
enterprises, so that they are able to continue to prosper and deliver benefits in
the long term.
2) Local Prosperity
To maximize the contribution of tourism to the economic prosperity of the host
destination, including the proportion of visitor spending that is retained locally.
3) Employment Quality
To strengthen the number and quality of local jobs created and supported by
tourism, including the level of pay, conditions of service and availability to all
without discrimination by gender, race, disability or in other ways.
4) Social Equity
To seek a widespread and fair distribution of economic and social benefits from
tourism throughout the recipient community, including improving opportunities,
income and services available to the poor.
5) Visitor Fulfillment
To provide a safe, satisfying and fulfilling experience for visitors, available to all
without discrimination by gender, race, disability or in other ways.
6) Local Control
To engage and empower local communities in planning and decision making
about the management and future development of tourism in their area, in
consultation with other stakeholders.
7) Community Wellbeing
To maintain and strengthen the quality of life in local communities, including
social structures and access to resources, amenities and life support
systems, avoiding any form of social degradation or exploitation.

8) Cultural Richness
To respect and enhance the historic heritage, authentic culture, traditions and
distinctiveness of host communities.

9) Physical Integrity
To maintain and enhance the quality of landscapes, both urban and rural, and
avoid the physical and visual degradation of the environment.

10) Biological Diversity

To support the conservation of natural areas, habitats and wildlife, and minimize
damage to them.

11) Resource Efficiency

To minimize the use of scarce and non-renewable resources in the development
and operation of tourism facilities and services.

12)Environmental Purity
To minimize the pollution of air, water and land and the generation of waste by
tourism enterprises and visitors.
Thomas Cook website

Sustainable Tourism (also called Responsible Tourism) is simply about

making a positive difference to the people and environment of
destinations we travel to by:

- Respecting local cultures and the natural environment

- Buying local, giving fair economic returns to local families

- Recognising that water and energy are precious resources that we

need to use carefully

- Helping to protect endangered wildlife

- Protecting and enhancing favourite destinations for the future

enjoyment of visitors and the people who live there

- Taking responsibility for our actions while enjoying ourselves

The 10 R’s of Sustainability
1. Recycle
2. Re-engineer
3. Re-train
4. Reward
5. Re-educate
6. Recognize
7. Refuse
8. Replace
9. Reduce
10. Re-use
Responsible tourism

Tourism that can be consumed

in a more responsible way

– Is the term used by the tourism industry

– Is not the same as sustainable tourism which has a more
future focus
Responsible Tourism
The 2002 Cape Town declaration agreed that responsible tourism:

* minimises negative economic, environmental and social impacts

* generates greater economic benefits for local people and enhances
the well being of host communities; improves working conditions and
access to the industry
* involves local people in decisions that affect their lives and life
* makes positive contributions to the conservation of natural and
cultural heritage embracing diversity
* provides more enjoyable experiences for tourists through more
meaningful connections with local people, and a greater
understanding of local cultural, social and environmental issues
* provides access for physically challenged people
* is culturally sensitive, encourages respect between tourists and
hosts, and builds local pride and confidence

Ecotourism embraces the principles of sustainability,

but it refers explicitly to a product niche.

It is about tourism in natural areas, normally involving some form of

interpretative experience of natural and cultural heritage, positively
supporting conservation and indigenous communities, and usually
organized for small groups.

Climate change

World poverty

Biodiversity loss

Support for conservation

Health, safety and security


Tourism may contribute up to 5.3 per cent of

global anthropogenic greenhouse gas
emissions, with transport accounting for about
90 per cent of this.

Estimates suggest that aviation accounts for 2−3

per cent of the world’s total use of fossil fuels
and up to 3.5 per cent of the anthropogenic
greenhouse effect. More than 80 per cent of this
is due to civil aviation.
Pros of tourism

On the positive side, tourism can:

• Provide a growing source of opportunities for enterprise development
and employment creation as well as stimulating investment and
support for local services, even in quite remote communities.

• Bring tangible economic value to natural and cultural resources. This

can result in direct income from visitor spending for their conservation,
and an increase in support for conservation from local communities.

• Be a force for inter-cultural understanding and peace.

Cons of Tourism

Conversely, tourism can:

• Place direct pressure on fragile ecosystems causing degradation of the
physical environment and disruption to wildlife.

• Exert considerable pressure on host communities and lead to

dislocation of traditional societies.

• Compete for the use of scarce resources, notably land and water.

• Be a significant contributor to local and global pollution.

• Be a vulnerable and unstable source of income, as it is often very

sensitive to actual or perceived changes to the environmental and
social conditions of destinations.

Global Development Research Centre, Japan


European Charter for Sustainable Tourism


World Tourism Organisation:


United Nations Environment Programme


Making tourism more sustainable, UNEP

Guide for sustainable tourism best practices,
Rainforest Alliance
Practical, profitable, protected: A starter guide to
developing sustainable tourism in protected
areas, Europarc Federation, ECEAT
………….THE END............



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