Microbial Pathogenesis: Amin - Bakir@hmu - Edu.krd
Microbial Pathogenesis: Amin - Bakir@hmu - Edu.krd
Microbial Pathogenesis: Amin - Bakir@hmu - Edu.krd
Dr. Amin Aziz Bakir
College of Medicine – HMU
Microbial Pathogenesis
- Microbial pathogenesis is the ability of microbes, or their
components, to cause infection in a host
- It is a complex mode of interactions between hosts and pathogens
Microbes are deposited directly into the tissues beneath the skin
or mucous membranes
- Injections
- Bites
- Cuts & injuries
- Wounds
- Punctures and splitting due to swelling or drying
Preferred Portal of Entry
Many microbes have a preferred
portal of entry which is a prerequisite
to cause disease
- Necrotic factors