Items 1-10
Items 1-10
Items 1-10
8. Marie immersed in a large village and a city in the Mt. Province. The
study explored the role of nurses and the degree to which they collaborate
with ethnomedical practitioners and the tensions that arise among nurses.
What type of research design is this?
9. Kay studied the effectiveness of expansion exercise in the management of
capsular contractures, a frequently observed complication in surgical
enlargement of the breast. Subjects were randomly assigned to an
experimental group, which was given expansion exercise instruction or a
control group, which was not. What type of research design is this?
10. The purposes of the study was to examine the effects of selected
feeding tube properties on the incidence of tube clogging and the efficacy
of three irrigants in preventing tube clogging. What type of research design
is this?
ITEMS 11-20
11. Kurt studied and made an analysis of the different articles written about the images of
nurses. What type of research design is this?
A. Historical
B. Survey
C. Explanatory
D. Evaluative
ANSWER: (A) Historical
RATIONALE: Historical research are usually in the form of written records: diaries, letters,
newspapers, medical documents, and so forth. Nonwritten materials, such photographs
and films, can be forms of historical data. Surveys obtain information about people’s
actions, knowledge, intentions, and opinions by self-report. Explanatory research seeks to
understand the underlying causes or full nature of a phenomenon. Evaluation research
focuses on developing useful information about a program or policy-information that
decision makers need on whether to adopt, modify, or abandon the program.
REFERENCE/S: Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research:
Appraising evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. pp.279
12. A clinical instructor conducted research to determine the effectiveness of the COPAR program of the
college of nursing where she works. What type of research design is this?
A. Evaluative
B. Survey
C. Explanatory
D. Historical
ANSWER: (A) Evaluative
RATIONALE: Evaluation research assesses the effectiveness of a program, policy, or procedure to assist
decision makers in choosing a course of action. Evaluations can answer a variety of questions. Survey
research examines people’s characteristics, behaviors, intentions, and opinions by asking them to
answer questions. Surveys can be administered through personal (face-to-face) interviews, telephone
interviews, or self-administered questionnaires. Explanatory research seeks to understand the
underlying causes or full nature of a phenomenon. Historical research is usually in the form of written
records: diaries, letters, newspapers, medical documents, and so forth. Nonwritten materials, such
photographs and films, can be forms of historical data.
REFERENCE/S: Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence
for nursing practice (9th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. pp.324
13. A researcher designed an observation tool that she will utilize in her study entitled
the effects of structured preoperative teachings on the recovery of post-surgical
patients. What type of research design is this?
A. True experimental
B. False experimental
C. Quasi-experimental
D. Non experimental
ANSWER: (C) Quasi-experimental
RATIONALE: Like a true experiment, a quasi-experimental design aims to establish a
cause-and-effect relationship between an independent and dependent variable.
Nonexperimental designs include research designs in which an experimenter simply
either describes a group or examines relationships between preexisting groups. There is
no false experimental research design.
14. Nurse Susan conducted a study regarding the beliefs and practices of the Pangasinense
regarding birthing. She then politely requested from the traditional birth attendant that she be
present to observe during the labor and delivery of a mother. What type of research design is this?
A. Phenomenology
B. Grounded Theory
C. Ethnography
D. Case Study
ANSWER: (C) Ethnography
RATIONALE: Ethnography involves the description and interpretation of a culture and cultural
behavior. Culture refers to the way a group of people live-the patterns of human activity and the
values and norms that give activity significance. Phenomenology is an approach to understanding
people’s everyday life experiences. Its main data source is in-depth conversations. Grounded theory
uses constant comparison. Case studies are in-depth investigations of a single entity or small
number of entities.
REFERENCE/S: Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising
evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. pp.273-274
15. The method of developing and expanding base of knowledge that can be used as a guide
to nursing practice is which of the following?
A. Nursing Care C. Nursing Jurisprudence
B. Nursing Process D. Nursing Research
ANSWER: (D) Nursing Research
RATIONALE: Nursing research is systematic inquiry designed to develop trustworthy
evidence about issues of importance to nurses and their clients. Nursing care is the
provision of care that can under the supervision of other health care members. Nursing
Process is a problem-solving method used to develop evidence-based plans for patient care
as they respond to actual or potential health problems. Nursing Jurisprudence is the
application of the principles of law as they relate to the practice of nursing, to the
obligations of nurses to their patients, and to the relations of nurses with each other and
with other health care professionals.
REFERENCE/S: Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research:
Appraising evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. pp. 33
16. Kennedy systematically observed that the participation of the PCC nursing students tends to
increase during the last week before an exam. He formulated a theory relating the remaining days
of the exam to the level of anxiety of the students? He is using which type of reasoning?
A. Inductive
B. Intuitive
C. Deductive
D. Generalizing
ANSWER: (A) Inductive
RATIONALE: Inductive reasoning is the process of reasoning from specific observations to more
general rules. Deductive reasoning is the process of developing specific predictions from general
principles. Intuitive means having the ability to understand or know something without any direct
evidence or reasoning process. Generalizing the findings from the researcher’s sample to the
accessible population and
a broader target population.
REFERENCE/S: Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising
evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. pp.552aA
17. The importance of nursing research is which of the following?
A. Provide a basis for care from traditions
B. Generate evidence to guide nursing practice and to improve the care and quality of life
of clients
C. Use of instincts to provide care for patients
D. Develop new skills and to keep up-to-date on relevant findings for own self
ANSWER: (B) Generate evidence to guide nursing practice and to improve the care and
quality of life of clients
RATIONALE: Nursing research generate evidence to guide nursing practice and to
improve the care and quality of life of clients which is a systematic inquiry designed to
develop trustworthy evidence about issues of importance to nurses
and their clients. It not providing a basis of care from tradition, using of instincts and up to
date relevant findings to self.
REFERENCE/S: Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research:
Appraising evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. pp.33
18. Which of the following refers to the use of findings from research in a practice
A. Nursing Research C. Journal Club
B. Research Utilization D. Nursing Administration
ANSWER: (B) Research Utilization
RATIONALE: Research utilization is the use of findings from studies in a practical
application that is unrelated to the original research. The emphasis is on translating
new knowledge into real-world applications. Journal club is a group that meets in
clinical settings to discuss and critique research articles appearing in journals.
Nursing research is systematic inquiry designed to develop trustworthy evidence
about issues of importance to nurses and their clients. Nursing administration
encompasses a wide variety of executive-level nursing tasks.
REFERENCE/S: Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research:
Appraising evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. pp.58
19. There are many purposes of nursing research. Which of the following is the
general purpose of nursing research?
A. Eliminate nursing actions that do not achieve desired outcomes
B. Answer questions and solve problems relevant to nursing
C. Identify the practices that improve health care
D. Understand a particular nursing situation
ANSWER: (B) Answer questions and solve problems relevant to nursing
RATIONALE: Research is systematic inquiry that uses disciplined methods
to answer questions and solve problems. A,C, and D are goals but not the main
purpose of nursing research.
REFERENCE/S: Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing
research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. pp.
20. Situation: Group Pines conducted research for their requirement in their third-year
level. The group formulated the question: “Does the type of health care provider affect
hypertension care in adult women?
RATIONALE: The behavior that is potentially affected by the treatment and that we measure. the dependent
variable is always a measure of behavior that we record after first manipulating the independent variable. it is
referred to as dependent because changes in it depend on the effects of the independent variable. ( c ) while
independent variable, or treatment, is under the control of and administered by the experimenter (a) subjects are the
one being studied (d) construct refers to an abstraction or mental representation inferred from situations or
22. Adult women are which of the following?
A. Variables C. Construct
B. Subjects D. Phenomena
Rationale: because in a quantitative study, the people being studied are called subjects or study
participants, while; (A)Variables, as the name implies, is something that varies.(Weight, anxiety, and
body temperature) which are all variables—each varies from one person to another, ( C) Construct
refers to an abstraction or mental representation inferred from situations or behaviors, (D)
Phenomena are called abstractions. For example, the terms pain, spirituality, and resilience are all
abstractions of particular aspects of human behavior and characteristics.
23. Evelyn scrutinize the writings of nurse theorists to determine how caring was defined, and
identified five different types of definitions – as a human trait; a moral imperative; an affect; an
interpersonal relationship; and a therapeutic information. Caring described in five ways is an
example of which the following?
RATIONALE: because it says here that it is effective and a Evidence-based practice is a conscientious,
problem-solving approach to clinical practice that incorporates the best evidence from well-designed studies,
patient values and preferences, and a clinician's expertise in making decisions about a patient's care.
26. A client reports that her psychotic symptoms always resolve when she wears a bracelet given to
her by her grandmother. This is which of the following?
Rationale: because it is not based on systematic research and also there is no scientific evidence that
her psychotic symptoms always resolve when she wears a bracelet.
27. The results of a systematic review of the research literature supports changing practices to include more intense
lifestyle interventions for clients taking atypical antipsychotics. Making these changes in practice would be an
example of which of the following?
A. Practice that is not evidence-based because one research report is not an adequate evidence base.
B. Evidence-based practice because lifestyle interventions have always been important for psychiatric clients
C. Practice that is not evidence-based because lifestyle interventions are not a part of psychiatric nursing
D. Evidence-based practice because a systematic review is the highest form of research evidence
RATIONALE: Systematic reviews are a cornerstone of EBP, and undoubtedly will increase in importance in all
health disciplines. Sys-tematic reviews amass and integrate comprehensive research information on a topic to draw
conclusions about the state of evidence.
28. A nurse should accept an assessment method as research-based practice if which of the
A. It was recommended by the clinical instructor
B. It is the most time-efficient method of assessment
C. Research evidence shows it accurately and reliably assesses the quality of question
D. It has been used as an assessment method in several studies
Answer: C
RATIONALE: Because research evidence is a systematic observation in order to establish facts and
reach conclusions.
and-how-to-find-it/#:~:text=In a broad sense%2C research,establish facts and reach
conclusions.&text=In other words%2C research evidence,to make good health decisions
29. Using evidence-based practice involves balancing which of the following?
A. Support system availability, client preference and clinical expertise
B. Clinical expertise, client preference and research evidence
C. Cultural consideration, cost and human rights
D. Legality, client preference and clinical expertise
RATIONALE: because evidence-based practice is the “integration of best research evidence with
clinical expertise and patient values.” It means that when health professionals make a treatment
decision with their patient, they base it on their clinical expertise, the preferences of the patient, and
the best available evidence.
REFERENCE: Caroline De Brún" The Information Standard Guide Finding the Evidence".
Retrieved on October 25, 2021 from ( on behalf of The
Information Standard.
30. To develop evidence-base practice, the nurse must first do which of the following?
A. Find meaningful research evidence
B. Evaluate the credentials of the researchers
C. Design a system for changing practice
D . Ask your senior colleagues their opinions
RATIONALE: because asking for feedback is important, it demonstrates to others that you are
committed to improving your skills and contributing to your team. Taking the initiative to get better
at essential aspects of your work shows that you have the dedication and drive to succeed and A,C
and B are the next to perform.
ITEMS 31-40
31. A good source of meaningful research evidence is
which of the following?
A. A national research conference
B. A textbook
C. A professional organization
D. Evidence-based websites
RATIONALE: Credible Sources: information published within last 10 years; texts
written by respected authors, websites belonging to educational and governmental
institutions; articles from Google Scholar; academic databases. These are not good
resources because a national research conference which is not written or even recorded,
a textbook that should have an author, and a professional organization.
32. A research study provides the strongest evidence if the subject
are assigned to research according to which of the following?
A. Waterbed flotation
B. Sleep versus awake states
C. Percentage of time spent in sleep
D. Percentage of time spend awake
RATIONALE: Waterbed flotation is independent variable, it is a variable that stands alone and isn't
changed by the other variables you are trying to measure. Choices B, C, and D are dependent
variables that is being measured or tested in an experiment
37. The characteristics or attributes of the subject that are collected
to describe the sample is which of the following?
A. Extraneous variable
B. Confounding variable
C. Demographic variable
D. Environmental variable
RATIONALE: Demographic variables are attributes of the research participants that are measured
in a study to describe the sample, therefore the answer is C. While, extraneous variable influence
other variables directly or indirectly. Confounding are variables not recognized until the study is in
process. And, environmental variable which can manipulated or can be found in the environment.
REFERENCE: Grove, S. K. et al. (2012). Objectives, Questions, Hypotheses, and Study Variables.
The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (7thed). (p.157).
United States of America. Elsevier
38. Which of the following refers to the systematic,
imperical controlled critical investigation of hypothetical
a. Research
b. science
c. history
d. phenomenon
RATIONALE: Choices A is a systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigation of
hypothetical proposition about the presumed relations among natural phenomenon.
39. Which of the following is the ultimate goal of any
A. Improve the quality of life
B. Improve nursing activities
C. Refine a theory
D. Generate new knowledge
RATIONALE: The ultimate aims of research are to generate measurable and testable data,
gradually adding to the accumulation of human knowledge. Improving quality of life and nursing
activities only focuses in the healthcare practice. Refening a theory. Theory refinement is the task
of updating a domain theory in the light of new cases, to be done automatically or with some expert
assistance , this is not an ultimate goal of research.
40. Which of the following refers to the process of gathering
data about what is already known and unknown about the
A. Theoretical Framework
B. Review of Related Literature
C. Background of the Study
D. Research Design
Answer: B
RATIONALE: The answer is B because broad searches using keywords to understand the extent of
what is known and what is not known; what concepts are related to the topic. While, theoretical
framework is analogous to the frame of the house. Background of the study is simply an overview of
the research question or thesis topic, and research design is the blueprint for the study.
REFERENCE: Grove, S. K. et al. (2012). Review of Relevant Literature. The practice of nursing
research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (7thed). (p.99). United States of America.
41. Which of the following refers to the blueprint for the study?
A. Framework C. Design
B. Hypothesis D. Sampling Method
• Answer: C
• Rationale: A research design is the blueprint for conducting a study.
• Reference: Grove, S. K. et al. (2012).Understanding Quantitative
Research Design. The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, Synthesis,
and Generation of Evidence (7thed). (p.195). United States of America.
42. Which of the following refers to the intentional representation of the work or ideas of others
as one’s own, or rewording one’s work to produce a new paper?
A. Fabrication C. Plagiarism
B. Forging D. Obfuscation
• Answer: C
• Rationale: Duplicate publication is a form of plagiarism (self-plagiarism) is the practice of
publishing the same article or major portions of the article in two or more print or electronic media
without notifying the editors or referencing the other publication in the reference list (Baggs,
• Reference: Grove, S. K. et al. (2012). Analyzing Data, Determining Outcomes, and
Disseminating Research. The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of
Evidence (7thed). (p.632). United States of America. Elsevier
43. A group formulated a hypothesis, “Knowledge of body builders regarding
anabolic steroids.” This is what type of hypothesis?
A. Complex C. Null
B. Simple D. Statistical
• Answer: B
• Rationale: The answer is B because, a simple hypothesis predicts the relationship between
two variable.
• Reference: Grove, S. K. et al. (2012). Objectives, Questions, Hypotheses, and Study
Variables. The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of
Evidence (7thed). (p.147). United States of America. Elsevier
44. A group formulated a hypothesis, “As age increase, activity decrease.”
What is the independent variable?
A. Activity C. Age
B. Increase D. Decrease
• Answer: C
• Rationale: The answer is C because age can cause an effect to the dependent variable
which is the “activity”, letter A.
• Reference: Grove, S. K. et al. (2012). Objectives, Questions, Hypotheses, and Study
Variables. The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of
Evidence (7thed). (p.145). United States of America. Elsevier
45. Which of the following refers to the kind of variable that can interfere or
influence the measurement of study variables and the relationship among variables?
A. Independent C. Extraneous
B. Dependent D. Demographic
• Answer: C
• Rationale: Moderating or extraneous variable can influence other variables
directly or indirectly, can affect the selection of study participants, implementation
of the study intervention, measurement of study variables, and implementation of
study procedures.
• Reference/s: Grove, S. K. et al. (2012). The Research Process. The practice of
nursing research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (7 thed).
(p.152). United States of America. Elsevier
• *And additional source from Mary Rose Simon’s files.
46. Which of the following refers to the combined use of two or more theories, methods, data sources, investigators or analysis
methods in the study of the same phenomena?
A. Research Design C. Data Triangulation
B. Triangulation D. Sampling methods
• Answer: B
• Rationale: Triangulation is the use of multiple sources or referents to draw conclusions
about what constitutes the truth.
• Reference: Polit, D. F. & Beck, C. H. (2017). Designing and conducting qualitative
studies to generate evidence for nursing. Nursing research: generating and assessing
evidence for nursing practice (10thed). (p. 806). Philadelphia. Wolters Kluwer.
47. Which of the following refers to the abstract, logical structure of meaning that guides the development of the
study and enables the researcher to link the findings to nursing body of knowledge?
A. Research problem C. Hypothesis
B. Review of related literature D. Framework
• Answer: D
• Rationale: A framework is an abstract, logical structure of meaning that guides the
development of the study and enables you to link the findings to the body of knowledge
in nursing.
• Reference: Grove, S. K. et al. (2012). Framework. The practice of nursing research:
Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (7thed). (p.116). United States of
America. Elsevier
48. What is the dependent variable in the study entitled: The lived experience of recovering from addiction?
A. Lived experience C. Experience
B. Recovering from addiction D. None of the above
• Answer: A
• Rationale: The answer is letter A, because it is being measured, and dependent variables
are said to be measured or tested in an experiment.
• Reference: Cherry, K. (2021). What Is a Dependent Variable? Retrieved from
49. Which of the following refers to the concepts of various levels of abstraction that are
measured, manipulated, or controlled in a study?
A. Framework C. Theory
B. Hypothesis D. Variables
• Answer: D
• Rationale: Study variables are concepts at various levels of abstraction that are
measured, manipulated, or controlled in a study.
• Reference: Grove, S. K. et al. (2012). Introduction to Nursing Research. The practice of
nursing research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (7 thed). (p. 42-43).
United States of America. Elsevier
50. When conducting a review of literature, it is important to select a variety of both primary and
secondary literature. Which of the following does not fall under primary literature?
A. History and biographies
B. Firsthand accounts of events
C. Original manuscripts
D. Documents by the person who conducted the study or experience
• Answer: A
• Rationale: A primary source is written by the person who originated, or is
responsible for generating, the ideas published. A research publication published
by the person or people who conducted the research is a primary source.
• Reference: Grove, S. K. et al. (2012). Review of Relevant Literature. The
practice of nursing research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence
(7thed). (p.101). United States of America. Elsevier
ITEMS 51-60
Situation: You are not new in your department and you had been there for almost three years. Miss A, your previous nurse manager was considered strict and authoritative in implementing the protocols in your area. She would make your schedule fixed unless you will inform her two weeks before for any change of shift. On the contrary, your new nurse manager, Miss B, schedules a
monthly staff meeting for any significant matters in your department. She is not so lax but makes it up to collect suggestions from all of you before making decisions.
51. If you are to choose which one of your nurse managers described above reflects a democratic type of leadership, who is she?
a. Miss A
b. Miss B
c. Both of them
d. None of the above
Answer: B
Rationale: Democratic type of leadership encourages group discussion and decision making. Allows more self-motivation and more creativity among group members. It also calls for a great deal of cooperation and coordination among group members. Miss B demonstrated these type of leadership since she entertains suggestions from the members before making decisions.
Reference: Berman, A., Snyder, S., & Frandsen, G. (2016). Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing (10 th ed., pp. 489-490).
52. What leadership style did Miss A utilized to maintain a strong control in the department?
a. Laissez-faire
b. Democratic
c. Collegial
d. Autocratic
Answer: D
Rationale: Autocratic (authoritarian) leader control and makes decision for the group. The leader believes
individual are incapable of independent decision making. Determines policies, giving orders, and
directions to the group. Miss A utilized this type of leadership since she does the decision alone like
implementing the protocols.
A-Laissez-faire (permissive) leader recognizes the group’s need for autonomy and self-regulation.
Effective for groups whose members have both personal and professional maturity or within their area of
expertise while the leader acts as resource person(Berman et al., 2016, p. 490).
B- (see item 51)
C- Collegial leadership is a type of collaborative leadership which shares leadership, involving others in
all major decisions, spreading ownership of the organization through collaborative processes and forces.
Characterized by an atmosphere where you and your personnel all work together as a team to solve
Reference: Berman, A., Snyder, S., & Frandsen, G. (2016). Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing
(10th ed., p. 489).
53. There are nursing students who are conducting their study on leadership styles in your unit. One of the questions included is: What do you think is the most effective leadership style that can be used during emergency situations?
a. Democratic
b. Laissez-faire
c. Autocratic
d. Supportive
Answer: C
Rationale: Authoritative style is the most effective when urgent decisions is necessary (e.g., cardiac arrest, unit fire or terrorist attack), one person must assume the responsibility for making decisions which directs the role of the member.
Reference: Berman, A., Snyder, S., & Frandsen, G. (2016). Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing (10th ed., p. 489).
54. What are the qualities that define a leader who uses laissez-faire?
a. She involves the group in planning and in decision making
b. She oversees everything to come up with a good quantity and quality of output but provides little autonomy and self-motivation to her members.
c. She tends to be passive and puts the responsibility of decision-making on others.
d. She would foster independence in your team by promoting motivation and creativity.
Answer: C
Rationale: Laissez-faire leadership style provides no control in the team. The leader assumes a “hands off” approach. She tends to be passive and let the group act independently.
Option A-pertains to democratic leadership style.
Option B&D- Is an autocratic type of leadership.
Reference: Berman, A., Snyder, S., & Frandsen, G. (2016). Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing (10th ed., pp. 489,490).
55. This is a common trait of a leader which is defined as his ability to possess honesty, responsibility, and maturity in the working area.
Answer: A
Rationale: Integrity is the ethical competency of honesty. Personality pertains to the unique organization of traits, characteristics, and modes of behaviour of an individual apart from others. Intelligence pertains to the ability to think, to solve problems and to adjust to a new
situations while flexibility is the ability to adapt to changes.
Reference: Davis, F. (1989). Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary (16th ed., pp. 1372,926, 679).
Butts, J & Rich, K. (2020). Nursing ethics (5th ed., p. 69).
56. You are the head nurse in the pediatric department. Your roles in the planning process in the hospital include the
following, except one:
a. Act as a link between higher-level managers and non-managers
b. Directly responsible for the actual production of nursing services
c. Represent the organization
d. Answers C & B
Answer: C
Rationale: Representing the organization is the role of top managerial or organizational executives including chief
nurse, administrators.
A& B- are the role of nurses in planning process. Head nurse are responsible for the day-to-day activities of a specific
work group or groups. They communicate staff issues to upper or higher level of administration and reports
administrative messages to staff.
Reference: Berman, A., Snyder, S., & Frandsen, G. (2016). Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing (10th ed., p.
57. What is true about the patient classification system or PCS?
a. It is a method of grouping patients according to length or duration of nursing care
b. It is a measuring tool used to describe the progress of a patient’s status
c. It depends on the complexity of nursing care requirements of the patient
d. All of the above
Answer: C
Rationale: The patient classification system (PCS) groups patients as per the complexity and
amount of their nursing care necessities. The intention of PCS is to evaluate patients, group
them with other patients having similar needs and attribute patients in different group.
Option A & B It is both a method of grouping patients and a measuring tool but defines the
workload of a nurse to a specific patient.
Reference: Clement, I. (2020). Management of nursing services and education, E-Book (3 rd
ed., p.65).
58. You are asked by your instructor to discuss about Contingency Theory. What should you include in your
a. It is a theory in leadership that views the pattern of leader behavior as dependent on the interaction
of the personality and the needs of the situation.
b. It considers that leaders must provide followers a sense of security and approval and discipline to be
successful in an output.
c. It emphasizes that both leaders and followers should act on one another to raise their motivation.
d. It states that leadership qualities inspire followers to be motivated in what they do.
Answer: A
Rationale: Contingency theory supposes that a leader's effectiveness is contingent on whether or not their
leadership style suits a particular situation. Can effective leader in one circumstance and an ineffective leader
in another one.
B- refers to McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
C-pertains to Transformational theory-collaboration by empowering the group to share in the organization’s
vision (Berman et al., 2016, p.490).
D- Charismatic theory -when speak to a group, they feel inspired and motivated to do whatever they can to
meet the leader’s expectations(Berman et al., 2016, p.490).
Berman, A., Snyder, S., & Frandsen, G. (2016). Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing (10th
ed., p. 490).
59. In planning, conceptualizing the purpose and the aspirations of the organization is essential. What statement gives a false description of a vision?
a. It reflects what the organization wants to be
b.It is written to magnify the various activities and it is projected with a broad time frame
c. It reflects why the organization exist
d. It uses action words in the present tense
Answer: C
Rationale: Mission is the reason the organization exist.
Option A,B,& D-are the description of vision.
Reference: Taylor, J., & Leger J. M. (2018). Financial management for nurse managers (4th ed., p. 209).
60. Isabelle, your co-worker, is a newly hired nurse. She asked you about a centralized staffing system.
a. The head nurse or the supervisor does the scheduling of personnel.
b. Schedule is based on the needs of the patients and the knowledge of the personnel.
c. You can readily rearrange your schedule as needed.
d. The scheduling is planned and made by the nursing director.
Answer: D
Rationale: A centralized system manages through central office which is done by the nursing director. Offers management a broader overview and closer control of the entire scheduling and staffing system.
Nursing director (top manager) responsible for establishing goals and developing strategic plans including scheduling. Option A, B & C- pertains to decentralized staffing.
References: Huber, D. & Joseph, M. (2021).Leadership and nursing care management - E-Book (7th ed. p. 436).
Jones, R. (2007). Nursing leadership and management: theories, processes and practice (p.288).