Space Science in China
Space Science in China
Space Science in China
Education and public outreach: future space scientist, public understanding of science
Key Problems:
Solar activities’ mechanisms and their predictions;
Propagation and evolution of interplanetary disturbances;
Multi-scale physical processes of the geo-storms ;
Basic plasma physical processes of the solar terrestrial chain;
Physics-based numerical space weather forecast modeling;
Affects of solar storms on human activities;
Affects of adverse space environment on satellites.
Roadmap for Space Physics Exploration
Microgravity Combustion
Science Space Materials Science
Space Space Fundamental Physics
Utilization Radiobiological Effect
Space Life
Gravitybiological Effect
2006-2010 Space Science Plan
• Space science missions
• Capacity building
• Research and development for enabling key technologies
required by future space missions
• Scientific research for future space missions
2006-2010 Space Science Missions: HXMT
• Launch the Hard X-ray Modulation Telesc
ope satellite in 2010, the first Chinese spa
ce astronomy mission: sensitive hard X-ra
y all-sky survey for discovering highly obs
cured supermassive black holes
– 20-250 keV energy range, 5000 cm2
– Angular resolution <5 arcmin
– Location accuracy <1 arcmin
2006-2010 Space Science Missions: SST
• Continue the support to the development
of the key technologies required for the S
pace Solar Telescope (SST) mission, de
monstrate the required 0.1 acrsec angular
resolution on the ground, and eventually l
aunch the satellite when it is ready.
– 0.1 arcsec angular resolution
– sub-gauss magnetic field sensitivity
2006-2010 Space Science Missions
Solar Observations
In-situ Solar Wind Monitoring