6.the Pectoral Region and The Axilla
6.the Pectoral Region and The Axilla
6.the Pectoral Region and The Axilla
supraclavicular fossa
Anterior axillary fold
pectoralis major
pectoralis major
is the angle formed by
the junction of the
manubrium and the
body of the sternum.
The sternal angle is an
important landmark
because it indictes the
level at which the
second rib joins the
is a line
down the
surface of
the body
from the
apex of the
axilla to
the costal
is a large triangle
consisting of a
large sternal
portion and
smaller clavicular
The proximal attachment
of the pectoralis major
muscle arises from two
heads. The
from the sternum and
upper six costal cartilages
and the CLAVICULAR head
from the anterior aspect of
the clavicle. Notice the
orientation of the fibers of
each head.
The fibers of the two heads
converge and insert into the
lateral lip of the
pectoralis medial clavicle, lateral stenum lateral lip of intertubercular medial and lateral pectoral Flexes, adducts and
major and 1st seven costal cartilages sulcus nerves medially rotates arm
Trace the
deep into the deltopectoral
triangle to identify the
passes posterior to the
insertion of the
pectoralis minor to enter
the arm and can be
observed in the
deltopectoral traingle.
emerge from the
deltopectoral triangle to
inneravte the pectoralis
major muscle.
From 2 nd to 6 th ribs.
Serratus anterior.
Rectus abdominis
Separated from this fascia by submammary space (retro
mammary space) with loose connective tissue. This is the
basis for free mobility of the breast over chest wall.
Blood supply
The breast receives its blood supply from the following arteries:
1. Lateral thoracic
Cephalic vein
Lateral pectoral nerve
Thoracoacromial artery
Muscles in the Pectoral Region
Pectoralis Major
(1) Origin Medial half of the clavicle
Anterior surface of the sternum
First six costal cartilages
Insertion External oblique.
Lip of bicipital (intertubacular) groove of humerus
Actions Adduction of the extended limb
Medial rotator of the arm
Flexion of the upper limb (Clavicular portion)
Depression of the arm and shoulder (sternocostal
Elavation of the ribs (used in artificial respiration)
Medial pectoral nerve
Lateral pectoral nerve
Identify muscles 2 and 3
Pectoralis minor (2)
3 rd -5 th ribs
fascia covering the intercostal muscles
Coracoid process of the scapula
Rarely the tendon of insertion passes upwards to
blend with the coracohumeral ligament
Medial pectoral nerve(from the medial cord of
the brachial plexus)
Depresses the point of the shoulder
With the serratus anterior, it draws the scapula
forwards round the thoracic wal
Serratus anterior (3)
Upper 8 sibs anterolaterally
First slip: inferior angle of scapula
Next three: medial border of the scapula
Last four: inferior angle of scapula
Long thoracic nerve (C5,C6 C7)
Protraction of the scapula
Lateral rotation of the scapula
Junction of the first rib and its costal
Inferior aspect of clavicle (Area marked [C])
Upper trunk of brachial plexus (C5, C6)
Depresses lateral part of clavicle
Note: The subclavius acts as a buffer
between a fractured clavicle and subclavian
The Axilla
Location and importance
Pyramid-shaped space between the
upper part of the arm, and the side
of the upper chest.
Provides passage for nerves, blood
and lymph vessels from the root of
the neck to the upper limb.
Note the boundaries:
Anterior axillary fold [D]
Posterior axillary fold [B]
Base formed by skin [C]
Lateral border [A] formed by
Anterior: the lateral part of the clavicle.
Posterior: upper part of the scapula.
Medially: outer border of the first rib.
Anterior: pectoralis major, minor and subclavius
Posterior: subscapularis, latissimus dorsi and teres
Medial: upper 5 ribs and intercostal muscles covered
by serratus anterior.
Lateral: biceps brachii and coracobrachialis.
Anterior: lower border of pectoralis major.
Posterior: tendons of latissimus dorsi and teres major
Medial: chest wall
Floor: axillary fascia and skin stretching between the
anterior and posterior walls.
Axillary artery and its branches
Axillary veins and its proximal tributaries
Brachial plexus - cords
Axillary lymph nodes
The Axillary Artery
Extents: Lateral border of first rib as a continuation of
subclavian artery to the lower border of teres major where
it continues as brachial artery
Parts: Divided into three by pectoralis minor muscle.
Part 1 is proximal to the muscle.
Part 2 is posterior to the muscle.
Part 3 is distal to the muscle.
The Axillary Artery parts and Branches
Part Branch Branches and distribution
First Part •Supreme thoracic Upper chest wall
Second part •Lateral thoracic Runs with long thoracic
nerve to supply serratus
anterior and lateral breast
joins with the anterior contributes to the posterior cord along with the psoterior
division of the upper trunk.
medial cord.
is formed by
contributions from the
posterior divisions of the
upper, middle and lower
Formation of trunks
Roots C5 and C6 unite to form the superior trunk [s.t]
Medial cord Medial pectoral (C8, T1) •Pectoralis major and minor
Axillary nerve •Deltoid, teres minor, shoulder joint, skin over deltoid
3. The back
4. Upper limb
5. Lower neck
They are arranged in 6 groups:
Group Location Drainage
1) Anterior (pectoral group) Along lower border of pectoralis minor •Lateral quadrants of breast
•Anterolateral abdominal wall
2) Posterior scapular) group In front of subscapularis The back down to the iliac crest
3) Lateral group Medial side of axillary vein Upper limb except superficial vessels
from lateral side
4) Central group Axillary fat in the center From the above three groups
5) Infraclavicular (deltopectoral) Between pectoralis major and deltoid Superficial lateral hand, forearm and
group arm
6) Apical group Apex, at lateral border of the first rib All the other axillary nodes
The apical nodes drain into the subclavian trunk. On the left side, this trunk drains into
the thoracic duct; on the right side, it drains into the right lymphatic trunk. The lymph
trunks may drain directly into one of the large veins at the root of the neck
Applied Anatomy
1.0 Fracture of the clavicle
The clavicle is most commonly fractured bone in the body.
It is more commonly fractured than dislocated because:
Runs a sigmoid course
Held in place by strong ligaments
Presents areas of relative weakness
The fractures usually occur as a result of a fall on the shoulder or
outstretched hand.
The commonest site of fractures is between the distal and middle thirds.
The lateral fragment is depressed the weight of the arm and the deltoid,
and is also pulled medially and forward by pectoralis major.
This may be the cause of persistent pain over the side of the neck.
The clavicle's subcutaneous position impairs its blood supply, thus delaying
union following fracture.
Compression of the subclavian
Dislocation of the
vessels and brachial plexus
The interval between the clavicle and acromioclavicular joint
the first rib in some patients may
become narrowed, causing
Falls on the shoulder
compression of neurovascular may dislocate the
structures there.
Most of the symptoms are caused by
acromioclavicular joint,
pressure on the lower trunk of the forcing the acromion
plexus producing pain down the medial
side of the forearm and hand, and under the clavicle and
wasting of the small muscles of the
tearing the
Pressure on the vessels may compromise
the circulation of the upper limb.
Breast Cancer
Cancer of the breast can spread via lymphatics, or venous channels. During
haematogenous spread, the communication with the vertebral venous plexus
provides a route for spread to the central nervous system.
Because of the axillary tail , and early involvement of the axillary lymph nodes
in breast cancer, always examine the axilla whenever you do breast examination
This is radiographic
examinaion of the breast.
Extensively used for
screening breasts for
benign annd malignant
tumors and cysts. It can
detect very small lesions
unnoticed by clinical
examination. Because the
process is usually repeated
often, only very small doses
are used.
Suspensory ligaments and skin dimpling
The breast tissue is divided into 15- 20 compartments
that radiate from the nipple by fibrous septa that
extend from the skin to the underlying fascia.
If the fibrous tissue gets involved in malignant disease,
or inflammation or abcess,they may contract and pull
on the skin, causing its dimpling to give an orange peel
appearance(peau de orange)
Radical mastectomy
Operation done on patients with localized cancer of the breast with early spread to
lymph nodes
It comprises of removal of the breast together with lymph vessels and nodes that drain
the area. The excised mass consists of the following;
A large area of the skin overlying the tumor and including the nipple
All the breast tissue
Pectoralis major and associated fascia
Pectoralis minor and associated fascia
All the fat, fascia and lymph nodes in the axilla
The following must be spared
Axillary vessels
Brachial plexus
Nerves to serratus anterior and latismus dorsi
Postoperative edema of the upper limb is due to removal of lymph vessels/nodes draining the
upper limb
Modified radical mastectomy
Done to patients with clinically localized cancer
The primary tumor is removed together with axillary
lymph nodes, fat and fascia
The pectoral muscles are left intact
This is acute infection of the breast common during
lactation. Bacteria gain entrance into breast tissue
through a crack in the nipple. Initially, the fibrous
septa contain the infection in one lobe Abcess
drainage Radially arranged ducts usually drain these.
Simple mastectomy
This is removal of the beast, done usually in localized cancer of the
Usually combined with radiotherapy and/or hormonal therapy of
axillary lymph nodes
Abnormal development of the clavicle may result in the absence of
most of each clavicle. The shoulders will be very narrow and the
individual may be able to bring the shoulders together in the midline.
The clavicle results from fusion of two ossification centers. Sometimes
fusion fails, resulting in a defect that separates the outer third and the
inner two thirds. Following upper limb trauma, this defect may be
confused for a fracture
Injuries of brachial plexus
Can be caused by
Violent separation of the head and shoulder as may occur in a fall from a motorcycle or during delivery
Violent stretching of the arm above the head as in breech delivery, fall from a tree, skidding, e.t.c.
Lower type, which involve C8,T1 and result in claw hand. This is also called Lampe's or Klumpke-Dejerine paralysis.
Summary of nerve injuries in the upper limb
Nerve Common site and Effects
Radial 1.Fracture humeral 1.Wrist drop
shaft 2.Sensory loss over 1st dorsal interosseous
2.Axilla by poorly
fitting crutches
(Crutch palsy)
3.Saturday night palsy
– draping arm over
chair while drunk
humeral fracture
Describe the position, relations, blood supply, lymphatic drainage and applied
anatomy of mammary gland