Project: Thema: The Impact of Social Media
Project: Thema: The Impact of Social Media
Project: Thema: The Impact of Social Media
• Entry
• Social media can add creativity to our thinking as people can share their views and work with others.
• It allows people to explore and become actively involved without the fear of rejection.
• While no one advocates spending hours after hours gaming, social media games can build social
connections, improve a person’s self-efficacy, boost their cognitive flexibility and self-control. They
can teach students how to deal with successes and failures in real life.
• Social media connectivity with families, friends and some government safety organizations, has
resulted in people feeling safe while moving out.
• LinkedIn is one of the greatest example of how networking over social media has helped people in
finding the jobs in domain of their interests.
The bad impact of social media:
• Face-to-face interactions which are necessary for development of personalities, learning social skills
and communication skills, have been removed from the lives of people, especially younger generations.
Children are having a difficult time interacting with others, which might lead to unsociable behaviour.
• Comparison with other lives has been made easy by social media. People become unhappy with their
current circumstances, leading to problems with self-esteem and depression.
• Social media use has also been associated with cyber bullying and cyber abuse by anonymous users
online, which leads to problems of self-esteem, privacy ,etc.
• Most studies have shown that, social media’s violent games result in increase in violent tendencies and
behaviours in children.
• Social media has also been used as tool to spread negativity and rumors online which has lead to
increase in the instances of violence in the society. For instance - Recently, the rumours of kidnappers
over WhatsApp have led to deaths of innocent people in various parts of India.
• With social media it has become nearly impossible to avoid bad news and the negative influences on
our lives. This can lead to long-lasting psychological repercussions and ultimately lead to thoughts of
our world falling apart, stress and anxiety.
Key Facts and Figures:
• In 2019, it is estimated that there will be around 2.77 billion social network users around the globe.
• According to a report by we are social, a leading marketing and communications services to organizations in the United
Kingdom, the number of people using the top social media platform in each country has increased by almost 1 million new
users every day during the past 12 months.
• The global number of people using social media has grown by 13 percent in the past 12 months, with Central and Southern
Asia recording the fastest gains.
• Facebook is the most preferred social media platform. With more than 2000 million Facebook user world over, if a country
is constituted with them, it would be the world’s third largest, behind China and India.
• The other popular social media platforms are You Tube, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Whatsapp etc.
• According to the 2017 official report published by Facebook, on average there were 1.40 billion Daily active users of
Facebook for December 2017, an increase of 14% year-over-year.
• According to the same source, on average there were 2.13 billion Monthly active users of Facebook as of 31 December 2017,
an increase of 14% year-over-year.
• According to forecasts from media analyst firm BIA/Kelsey, U.S. social media advertisement revenues are expected to grow
to USD 24.2 billion in 2021.
• A researcher linked to Cambridge Analytica (CA), a political consulting firm had accessed details of 50 million Facebook
users. The data was shared with Cambridge Analytica, which used online data to reach voters on social media with
personalized messages and swayed 2016 US elections.
What effect will socia have on society’s future? How will it change how humans perceive the world?
• Social media will have a huge effect on the future of society and
human perception, and in many ways. It has become more and
more prevalent and will only continue to grow and expand. I
remember when I was younger and Myspace was still the place
to be. When Facebook came into the limelight, people weren’t
really sure what to do; I remember seeing Facebook and
thinking I needed to add everybody who lived in my town.
Human Interaction
• I think one of the main effects that social media will have on the
future of society is changing the way that people interact with one
another. On one hand, this can be negative; social media gives
people an option to post or engage in rude or inflammatory
behavior under the guise of being hidden behind a computer
screen. Others may feel that social media has made them less
likely to be able to engage with friends, family, or others in a face-
to-face environment. How many times have you been out and
seen people just staring at their phones? We so often interact with
others online and via social media that it can be argued that
people are losing out on the development of valuable social skills.