Colombia: Social Media

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Information and communication te- Here are seven ways the impact content is still relevant and the need
chnology has changed rapidly over the of social media is felt by individuals for information still exists, it’s always
past 20 years with a key development and social groups. worthwhile for any organization using
being the emergence of social media. It’s been said that information is social media to keep publishing.
The pace of change is accelera- power. Without a means of distribu- In comparison to other media, so-
ting. For example, the development ting information, people cannot har- cial media’s influence in political cam-
of mobile technology has played ness the power. One positive impact paigns has increased tremendously.
an important role in shaping the of social media is in the distribution Social networks play an increasingly
impact of social media. Across the of information in today’s world. important role in electoral politics
globe, mobile devices dominate in Platforms such as Facebook, Linke- — first in the ultimately unsuccessful
terms of total minutes spent online. dIn, Twitter and others have made it candidacy of Howard Dean in 2003,
This puts the means to connect an- possible to access information at the and then in the election of the first
ywhere, at any time on any device click of a button. African-American president in 2008.
in everyone’s hands. Research conducted by The New York Times reports that
A fascinating study by New York shows that the life expectancy of a “The election of Donald J. Trump is
Times Consumer Insight Group revea- story posted on the web is 2.6 days, perhaps the starkest illustration yet
led the motivations that participants compared to 3.2 days when a story that across the planet, social networ-
cited for sharing information on so- is shared on social media. That’s a ks are helping to fundamentally rewi-
cial media. These include a desire to difference of 23%, which is significant re human society.” Because social
reveal valuable and entertaining con- when you consider that billions of media allows people to communicate
tent to others; to define themselves; people use the internet daily. with one another more freely, they
to grow and nourish relationships This means that the longer the are helping to create surprisingly in-
and to get the word out about brands information is in circulation, the fluential social organizations among
and causes they like or support. more discussion it generates and the once-marginalized groups.
These factors have caused social greater the impact of social media. Almost a quarter of the world’s
networks to evolve from being a handy While the world would be a much population is now on Facebook. In
means for keeping in touch with friends slower place without social media, the USA nearly 80% of all internet
and family to being used in ways that it’s caused harm as well as good. users are on this platform. Because
have a real impact on society. However, the positive impact of social social networks feed off interac-
Social media is being used in media is astronomical and far surpas- tions among people, they become
ways that shape politics, business, ses the ills associated with sharing. more powerful as they grow.
world culture, education, careers, At the end of the day, sharing is Thanks to the internet, each per-
innovation, and more. about getting people to see and son with marginal views can see that
respond to content. As long as the he’s not alone. And when these peo-

ple find one another via social media, se, they use this to opt out of actually the workplace removes boundaries,
they can do things — create memes, committing time and money to a eliminates silos, and can raise inte-
publications and entire online worlds charitable cause. On the other hand, raction and help create more highly
that bolster their worldview, and when people are allowed to show skilled and knowledgeable workers.
then break into the mainstream. support in private, they are more likely
Without social media, social, ethi- to show meaningful support in terms
cal, environmental and political ills of making a financial contribution.
would have minimal visibility. Increa- The researchers found that a public
sed visibility of issues has shifted the endorsement is an action meant to
balance of power from the hands of a satisfy others’ opinions, whereas peo-
few to the masses. ple who give in private do so because
The flipside: Social media is the cause is aligned to their values.
slowly killing real activism and The rise of social media means
replacing it with ‘slacktivism’ it’s unusual to find an organization
While social media activism that does not reach its customers
brings an increased awareness and prospects through one social
about societal issues, questions re- media platform or another. Com-
main as to whether this awareness panies see the importance of using
is translating into real change. social media to connect with custo-
Some argue that social sharing has mers and build revenue.
encouraged people to use computers Businesses have realized they can
and mobile phones to express their use social media to generate insi-
concerns on social issues without ac- ghts, stimulate demand, and create
tually having to engage actively with targeted product offerings. This is
campaigns in real life. Their support important in traditional brick-and-
is limited to pressing the ‘Like’ button motor businesses, and, obviously,
or sharing content. in the world of e-commerce. Many
This is a very human reaction when studies suggest implementing social
people are given options that absol- networks within the workplace can
ve them from responsibility to act. A strengthen knowledge sharing. The
2013 study by the University of British result is to improve project manage-
Columbia’s Sauder School of Business ment activities and enable the spread
found that when people are presented of specialized knowledge. Fully
with the option of ‘liking’ a social cau- implementing social technologies in

Zach KIng
How Important is Facebook Mar- The total Facebook count (num- Therefore, this suggests that
keting for SEO? ber of shares, comments, and likes) Facebook marketing can have a huge
There is a huge misunderstanding showed the most significant impact.  impact on your ranking. 
when it comes to Facebook and its That was followed by Google+ Another important factor to look at
effect on search ranking.  shares, Facebook share count, Face- is keyword usage. 
Some say Facebook shares and book like count, and then Facebook
performance make no difference to comment count.
SEO, but others beg to differ.  All of this data may seem a bit
For their most recent report too technical... But to put it simply,
on Search Engine Ranking Fac- the number of shares, likes, and
tors, Moz surveyed more than 150 repu- comments you get on Facebook can
table search marketers and asked their INDIRECTLY impact your ranking. 
opinions on the top ranking factors. Let’s take a look at how this could
The survey found that social signals happen with Facebook shares:
were considered to be one of the top Step 1:  People share your con-
10 factors affecting search ranking. tent (building links)
Social media does not have a Step 2: Their friends notice the
DIRECT impact on Google’s search content (boosting visibility)
algorithm. There are, however, a lot Step 3: Those friends click on
of correlations between social signals the link (translating to higher
and search ranking.  click-through rates)
For instance, if a lot of people Step 4: They visit your website (this
share your content on Facebook, it means higher traffic)
means your content will be exposed Step 5: They engage with your
to a much larger audience.  content (lower bounce rate)
More exposure means more people In the above example, you can see
will be clicking on those links. A hi- how social sharing helps you build
gher click-through rate translates into links and boost visibility. 
increased traffic, which is an impor- This impacts click-through
tant ranking factor. rates, website traffic, and bounce
The Moz report also included a list rates.  All of these are important
of social signals that had a positi- search ranking factors. 
ve correlation with search ranking. 

There is proof that optimizing ...And more relevant users are
your website content and meta data more likely to click on, and engage
with relevant keywords can impro- with your content.
ve your ranking.  The content is relevant to them
But what, if any, impact because they were specifically sear-
does using keywords on social media ching for it using relevant keywords. A few of the keyword placements
have on your search ranking? Since the content is relevant to aren't optimal...
Again, there may be no DIRECT them, they are likely to take some But it’s still clear that a
impact of keyword-optimized social time to read it. keyword-optimized Facebook page is
media content.  This also means they will spend important for high visibility.
When you search for a certain more time on your website, helping You may be wondering how this
keyword on Google, you may not get to decrease your bounce rate. affects SEO. 
results from social media, unless you Using Keywords to Optimize Fa- In truth, there is no DIRECT con-
enter the name of the social network.  cebook Accounts nection between the two but there
For instance, if I search for, “orga- The same goes for keyword-opti- is a correlation. 
nic and wildcrafted herbs,” I get re- mized Facebook pages.  The goal is to attract relevant users
sults of websites selling these herbs.  When you create an official page who will interact with your content,
However, optimizing your social for your business, you have the op- click on your links, visit your site, and
media content with keywords CAN tion to add a description.  even share your content.
improve its visibility within each Using relevant keywords in your When you optimize your Facebook
social network.  description is essential if you want a account with relevant keywords, you
In other words, it will be easier relevant audience to find you.  improve your visibility. You also and
for social media users to discover The more effectively your Face- make it easier for potential followers
your content.  book page is optimized, the more to find you using those keywords. 
Let's say someone searches Fa- visible it will be.
cebook for “organic and wildcrafted Let’s try searching for “digital
herbs.” The search results they will marketing” on Facebook. The top
get will include links and public posts accounts have the keyword in their
on Facebook that use that keyword. page name as well, which also
 An increase in the visibility of increases visibility.
your social media content may not If we take a closer look at the
DIRECTLY impact your search ranking. “About” section of the top-ranking
It will, however help you attract account, we can see that the keyword
more relevant users... “digital marketing” appears 7 times. 


Camilo 1728105

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